
Simple and silly

In less than three hours, my work day will end and I will not have to be back to work for a solid week.  Ahhhh so many plans and so much fun to look forward to!

But before I leave, I want to tell you all a little story.  And it will be little.  I hope.

Once upon a time, there was a simple-minded boy and he became friends with this big-hearted girl.  They were great friends.  Grocery shopping together; movies with the kids; dinners out; they even worked together.  

The simple-minded boy kept asking the big-hearted girl to do things that she wasn't comfortable doing and he wanted her to do them in places that were very public.  The big-hearted girl kept telling the simple-minded boy that she only wanted a friendship and she would never do those things that the simple-minded boy wanted her to do.  The simple-minded boy persisted.  And persisted.  But he was met with her stubbornness and pride in herself. The simple-minded boy said some naughty things to the big-hearted girl but they agreed to remain friends.

The big-hearted girl had a silly-ass friend that did not like this simple-minded boy very much.  This silly-ass friend also worked together with the big-hearted girl and the simple-minded boy.  The silly-ass friend said that she could never be interested in someone like that for reasons other than she was already married but the simple-minded boy just wasnt her type.  The simple-minded boy felt the same way about the silly-ass friend.  

Suddenly one day, the simple-minded boy's cheese slid right off his cracker and he started making bad choices.  He quit his job and walked away from those that cared a lot for him. Those people that thought they were his friends, were nothing more than a memory for him now.

One day the silly-ass friend went to visit the simple-minded boy and they asked the big-hearted girl to come over to talk and she did.   She was met with the news that the simple-minded boy likes the silly-ass friend, as more than friends, and vice versa. The big-hearted girl didn't understand why they were telling her this information and the silly-ass friend said she just needed her to know and asked her to please keep her secret until the silly-ass friend could tell her family.  The big-hearted girl agreed.

Time went by and the big-hearted girl was sad.  Sad because she had to keep a secret that she shouldn't know.  Sad because her silly-ass friend and the simple-minded boy were making big mistakes and bad choices.  Sad because when she was asked by the silly-ass friend, about some things the simple-minded boy said and did, she had to be honest and say some things that didn't make him look so good.  The silly-ass friend did not like that at all and turned her back on the big-hearted girl.

The big-hearted girl gets the news that the silly-ass friend told her family about her bad choice and when asked if she knew about it, she had to be honest and say yes.  It took a huge load off of her shoulders but she was still sad for the circumstances that her now-ex-silly-ass friend would be in.

The now-ex-silly-ass friend got very angry with the big-hearted girl and said some not so nice things to her.  The now-ex-silly-ass friend has blamed the big-hearted girl for the mistakes she herself, has made.  The now-ex-silly-ass friend is mad at the big-hearted girl for keeping her secret like she said she would.

The big-hearted girl is now in a much better place because she has gotten rid of two very bad and negative people in her life.  The big-hearted girl doesn't have to be sucked into the drama of the now-ex-friend or the simple minded boy.  

And the author of this story couldn't be happier because she thinks the now-ex-silly-ass friend lost one of the best people she could ever have in her life AND because she thinks the simple-minded boy has always been a jackass.

The End!