

It's no surprise that I do not like anything about going to the grocery store.  I don't know why but I do not enjoy it.  I would rather be home, baking up a mess or doing the laundry or mowing the yard.  I have already been to Target and picked up a lot of my groceries.  They didn't have everything I need of course and I knew I was going to have to go again but the thought of it takes every ounce of energy I can muster. 

I can wake up in the morning and WANT to exercise better than I can wake up and WANT to go to the grocery store.  It's ridiculous.  Today I woke up at 08:46 and knew that I needed to get my happy ass to Creston Hy-Vee and get my shopping done.  But I just laid there.  I mean...it was warm and I was comfortable.  WHY do I need to get up?  And the internal struggle begins.  My body always has a way of winning though because just as I could see the victory flags in the conversation of "should we or shouldn't we?," my bladder jumped in to make the point that not only SHOULD I get up, but I AM getting up.  Now. 

Once I'm up, I'm up.  That's why I hate it when I get the urge to piddle in the night.  It takes me FOREVER to get back to sleep!  Anyway, I'm up.  I'm going.  I'm not too thrilled about it but whatever.  With eyes closed, I make it to the bathroom.  It was THEN I remembered that I have picked up three dead mice.  And they were all three just "laying around." 

They didn't pick some nice out-of-the-way place to lay down and die.  They died in their tracks.  One on my kitchen rug.  One on the top of my steps.  One in the basement.  At least the basement was out of the way though.  They are getting my memo, they just aren't realizing that they need to die somewhere where it won't affect me.  No more walking to the bathroom asleep.  The last thing I want to do is step on one of the little buggers.

I eat a little bit of Cheerios and check my blood sugars.  I am doing so well that I scare myself sometimes.  Out the door we go.  Quintin to the farm, to tend to some business at hand and me to the grocery store.  I think I would rather have went to the farm and done his filthy chore. 

I go to Hy-Vee and fight the mob.  I couldn't believe the baking aisle!  It was so full that I went down it three times to get everything I needed!  Seriously, three times.  People!  Get. Your. Stuff. And. Get. OUT.  No wonder this place exhausts me and gets on my last nerve!  Next year, I'm getting all my baking stuff purchased in October and freezing it.  All of it. 

I got almost all the stuff I needed there.  Unfortunately, my Hy-Vee doesn't carry the big 40 lb. bag of sugar and flour that I so desperately need this time of year.  So to Wally World I go.  And I wasn't a bit happy about it.  Remember my last trip there?  The stupid bird?  I'm pretty sure I prayed the whole time I was in there.

I got my flour and sugar and just a couple other things and checked out and got the heck out of there.  It wasn't near as bad as Hy-Vee was though!  As I was pushing my cart to the door, I heard it.  "The chirp."  I'm sure my eyes shot in about twelve different directions in a matter of seconds.  I told my favorite greeter to "have a great day and have a happy Thanksgiving" as I headed for the door.  At a greater speed than usual. 

This man...whose name escapes me right now, is a little bald man and a greeter at my Wal-Mart.  When I first started seeing him, he would rarely speak.  Just smile.  So I made it my goal to get this man to speak to me.  Whatever it was going to take, I was going to do it.  Each time I would come in and he was there greeting, I would go out of my way to say hello to him.  He would smile and nod. 

Not good enough dude!  Not even close.  I wanted to just say to him, "Look, can't you just say hello and ask how I am?"  Bingo.  That is what I am going to do.  I am going to direct that question to him and he won't have any choice but to speak to me.  Aha!  Gotcha dude!  The next trip when I saw him, he said "Hello."  And I pushed my cart right over by him and said, "Hello!!  How are you doing today?"  And it has been "chatty" ever since.  Okay maybe not chatty but compared to how he USED TO BE, he is chatty!  Love that guy!  I just wish I could remember his name!

Like I said before, out the door I went.  I stopped by my friend Linda's house and visited with her for a little bit.  Can't even remember the last time I sat and talked with her.  It wasn't long enough for either of us but at least we got a visit in.  Time to get some gasoline for the car and head home.  After all, I have a backseat and a trunk, both completely full of groceries.  And they all have to be put away so I can get ready to go to work.

I took a different way home today.  The "back road."  I don't usually like to go this way because it adds an extra stop sign between there and my home but I was at Casey's on the north side and figured "what the heck."  What the heck.  I mumbled that a few times along the way.  Of course, I said it with a question mark at the end every time but "what the heck" it was.

Right before getting to the first stop sign, I sneezed.  Then I sneezed again.  Upon stopping at the stop sign, I sneezed a couple more times.  What the heck??  I NEVER do this.  Two is always my limit.  And I don't have a cold.  I feel great actually.  Proceed north from the stop sign and as I am accelerating, I start sneezing again.  I'm pretty sure I sneezed fourteen more times and apparently, each time I sneezed, I accelerated.  Hahaha oh yes I did!

And then it happened.  I came over a hill, sneezed, looked at the speedometer to see that I was going XX mph.  No, I'm not telling you how fast I was going because it embarrasses me.  What the heck was I doing going THAT fast???  Boom.  Lookie there.  A state trooper.  I wave.  Of course I know I'm as guilty as my husband is of not doing anything to help out with Thanksgiving preparations. 

Sneeze.  Take my foot off the accelerator.  Sneeze.  Yep, he's slowing down.  Yep, he's turning around.  Sneeze.  What. The. Heck?  He couldn't have had his lights on a milisecond when I just pulled over.  I knew this could go good or this could go bad.  Either way, I was a bad bad girl. 

As the trooper is walking up to my car, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  I had taken my sunglasses off and tears are just streaming down my face.  Obviously from the sneezing.  The first thought that entered my mind was "Oh great, he's going to think I'm going to pull that whining cry-baby act on him."  So now I'm furiously wiping my eyes. 

I gave him my license and told him I had a concealed weapon in the car.  He then asked me some questions; the last being did I know why he pulled me over.  "*big laugh* oh yes!  I was having the worst sneeze attack of my life and apparently accelerated everytime I sneezed!"  He kinda laughed at me.  "It's a good thing you stopped me because I couldn't get rid of those things by myself!"  I was ready and willing to sign that ticket.  I deserved it.  What the heck was I thinking not setting my cruise control??? Oh yeah, I know what I was thinking!  "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH THIS SNEEZING STUFF???"

And I made it home in one piece.  Not another sneeze.  He must have scared the snot out of me!  I made 4 batches of cookie dough and have it ready to make cookies next week.  Still got a lot to do though.  Tomorrow.  There's always tomorrow.  I hope so anyway!  And it's off to work I go!!

I hope you enjoyed my day with me.  It's always better when you have company riding along.  Feel free to come along tomorrow too!  Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


I'm too tired to be this exhausted

It's been a long day.  I got off work last night at midnight just to get home and not be able to go to sleep.  It could have something to do with the coffee I drink at work.  Or it could be that I have a new phone so I spend waaaaaay too much time playing with it.  Right beside my husband...who has a new phone...and wants to play with his as well.  I think we have something a little bit backward there.  I will have to think this through.  Later though.  When I have more energy.

It was after 01:15 when I looked at the clock last night.  Errrr this morning.  I didn't sleep very well for some reason.  My two flat pillows that I use are giving me fits all of a sudden.  Both of them together makes my neck hurt.  And this is new.  This hasn't ever bothered me before a couple of weeks ago.  So at some point in the night, I take the top one off and put it in front of me.  On the very edge of the bed.  And I hug it (Yes, I see how this looks as though we have some things not quite right in this area). 

So now I have my head laying on one pillow and my arms around the other pillow.....with my cheek resting on it.  *sigh*  I am very vigilant about this front pillow falling off the bed because well...I saw a mouse in our bedroom the other day and well...although I'm not a bit afraid of mice...I don't want one to get inside my pillow case and then get up in my bed and snuggle up with me because...well I just don't want that.  Yuck. 

If the mouse would let me catch it and bathe it, maybe.  But they aren't letting me do that.  The little rat bastards run.  And they run fast.  I have seen at least three upstairs.  I am not a hundred percent sure if they are all different mice.  I know there are at least two different ones because two were darker and one was slower and lighter.  And one lives...or used to live...in my new bathroom wall.  He has a little front door right under the step up into my shower. 

We put new bait out around our house...where the dogs cant get to them...and waited.  I have picked up one that just dropped dead on my kitchen rug and one that literally died at the top of my steps while I was taking a shower.  By that I mean that he was not at the top of the steps when I went UP to take my shower...but he was dead as a doornail when I started to go DOWN the stairs.  It probably saw me naked and keeled over dead.  I know I would.

So anyway, I don't want my pillow on the floor.  So anytime it feels like it is going to slip out of my grasp, I wake up just enough to pull it back close to me.  So it's not a very GOOD sleep usually.  And now I have this new phone with a new phone number.  And apparently the previous owner of this phone number lived in or around Mt. Ayr because at 05:27 am, I started getting text messages telling me that Mt. Ayr school had a two hour delay today.  Thanks for that.

From 06:00 until 06:30...when I had my alarm set for...I tossed and turned.  Afraid the alarm wouldn't go off and I would be late getting around to go with Kathy to her doctor's appointment.  I would be lying if I said that I wasn't 100% excited to see what her boobs looked like today!

About 08:30, she and Joan arrived and picked me up.  We headed for Des Moines and chatted all the way up about all sorts of different things.  From relationships with different people, to work schedules, to Christmas presents, to the weather.  And with our little bit of ice and snow that we got last night, that was quite a conversation.  We saw the remains of three vehicles being turned over and towed away from the interstate.  I'm glad I wasn't working WHEN that happened.  The aftermath of an accident is sometimes worse than the accident itself.  Last night though, proved to be just "okay."

We get to the doctor's office and I have a sudden urge to get to the bathroom quick...if ya know what I mean.  Yeah...I drank coffee all the way up there.  I tell Kathy that they can't do anything with her boobs until I get back.  I get in the bathroom...a public bathroom, mind you...and there is a lady in the first stall...of two stalls.  Well I will assume it was a lady.  I will correct myself and say that someone else was in stall #1 and he/she/it left their purse just sitting out on the bench for anybody to pick up and walk off with.  Duh. 

Have you ever heard of someone with a shy bladder?  They can't pee if they know someone could hear them?  Well I don't necessarily have one of those.  I do however, have a colon that doesn't like an audience.  And sometimes it gets mighty painful trying to appease the colon.  But there I sat.  Waiting it out.  Feeling like a fool.  While I waited, I searched my purse for my trusty B&B room spray that my momma taught me to keep with me at all times because you never know when you're going to make a stinky!  It wasn't there.  I just kept playing around in my purse.

Oh look!  Dew Kiss chapstick by Avon.  One of my most favorite things in the world.  I have them everywhere.  I always get them for gifts and I cherish every one of them.  I keep one in the laundry room, beside my bed (to share with the mice), in each bathroom, in each purse, in my car, at work, in my work bag.  And if you think tha'ts bad...you should see all my bottles of antacids that I keep around.  And I rarely even have heartburn anymore!  I bet I haven't taken one for six months or more.  But I won't go without it!

Finally the lady, or whoever, flushes...and stands up.  Yes, I'm watching her feet.  I want her to GET OUT!  I see her turn toward the toilet and I hear her spit.  WHAT?  Am I in the women's bathroom?  Oh my God I really am holding it in now!  The person leaves the stall and goes to wash their hands.  I will say they didn't wash very long but at least they washed, right?  I think the next thing they did was sit on that little couch thingy...bench!  That's what I called it before, a bench!  Anyway, I'm not positive they didn't have a seat for a moment.  Oh the pain!

Push of the handicapped door button and they are gone.  But I listen intently...just to make sure they are playing a joke on me and are ready to bust a gut laughing as soon as I bust a gut...if you know what I mean.  That does it.  I was polite enough not to stink this poor person out long enough.  I gotta go!  Phew!  And my sister was still waiting for me when I got through.  I was afraid...after all that waiting...her appointment would be completely over.  It felt like I was in there six hours!

I bet you're thinking to yourself right now how happy you are that you clicked on my link. Hey, you're happy, I'm happy, we're all happy people!!  No, I don't gain anything from you reading this.  I just smile when you do.  -_-

Time for the appointment with the doctor.  We get in the room and sister strips her shirt and the tube bra off.  Her incisions look awesome.  I wouldn't ever have this done myself but her incisions look awesome.  If someone would have told me a year ago that I was going to look forward to seeing my sister's breasts, I probably would have signed a committal.  On them.  But here I am!  Happy to see her boobies! 

Doc put some stuff on the leaky hole she has at the end of one incision.  It was black stuff and it looked awful painful.  But she did good.  Said it didn't hurt at all.  I expect it didn't after having to watch him cut that crap out of you first!  That was fun to watch but I think it hurt me more than it hurt Kathy!  The nurse told her to go get a sports bra and they would see her back after Thanksgiving. 

I was SO excited about this sports bra.  I have said from the beginning of this ordeal that I wanted to buy her first sports bra for her.  Oh my goodness, I was finally going to get to do that!  To Target we go!  Where I got all kinds of grocery items but no sports bras.  At least not any that she could wear at this time. 

To the Dollar Tree we go!  Yes, I realize they don't sell bras there.  But they do sell some fantastic things and I love to give them my money!  And I did.  And loved it.  We scoot right out of there and head right to Gordman's.  By this time, I had forgotten all about the sports bra and as we were walking around the store, out of the corner of my eye, I see this beautiful yellowish sports bra.  I was almost in a dead run to get to it and guess what!?!  They had her size!  Almost screaming across the store, "KATHY WHERE ARE YOU?  I FOUND YOUR BRA!!"  Hahaha I'm sure she appreciates that even now.

We grabbed a couple different sizes and headed for the fitting room.  "She has to go in with me because I just had surgery."  The lady just said okay like she didn't really give a crap nor did she seem to believe us.  "Nothing like having your sister re-teach you how to get dressed."  She looked at me like I had just spoken a foreign language.  Maybe I did.  I don't think I did though. 

We get ourselves locked in the fitting room and I am helping her get undressed.  Knowing...but not caring...how this would really look to the rest of the world.  I just can't wait to get this thing ON her! 

And so we did.  It was beautiful.  Her boobies were normal.  Regular.  Everything we've ever wanted them to be but really...so much more.  I'm surprised we didn't bust out crying but we didn't.  Her eyes lit up and my heart was filled with happiness.  WHO KNEW boobs could make me so happy?  And someone else's boobies at that!!!

So today I got to buy Kathy her first two sports bras and I couldn't be happier about it!  Next time you see her, be sure to compliment the girls ;-)

Want to add that we finally got to have a little time with Sheila today.  Haven't seen her in a coon's age.  Don't know what a coon's age is?  Just ask Sheila!  She will know all about it!!!  Come on, just ask her!  The answer is bound to be funny! Anyway, it was very nice to be able to sit down and catch up...even if it was only for a short lunch.  Love my time with the girls!!

That's all I got for now.  I am just too worn out today.  I got home from Des Moines JUST in time to get my stuff put away, change my shirt and get out the door.  Dang, it's going to be a long night! 

Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


It's a trap

For my husband's sake, I will make this short and sweet.  Although, it is going to take me forever to get it done because just thinking about it sends me into fits of laughter.

We have been trying to train our coon hound to do what she is supposed to do.  The problem is that she wants to be a house dog and then when we finally take her out to the farm to run and stuff, she can go for miles...and hours...and stay close enough by...but won't let us catch her.  At least until she's worn completely out.  She's such a brat. 

I don't usually go with the man when he takes her with because well...she's a window hog; and a seat hog; and she's too darned big to sit on my lap.  And I'm just sure she would jump out the window while we were rolling down the road, because I like to have my window down to listen for the coon. 

I'm like the coon whisperer.

So we are out checking our pond sets last night.  Annie is cramping my style big time.  I didn't take my phone with me.  Forgot it and left it sitting on the charger at home.  Q forgot his as well.  Sitting next to his chair.  Fully charged.  Great.  I have a dog that wants to sit on top of me.  A bag of bones dog that...no matter what she does...makes me feel like she's jabbing me with her leg bones. 

So anyway, here we are out in this field and we are driving around this pond.  On the far side, to get out, we have to either drive "sideways" or stay exactly on the top of the ridge.  When I'm with him, he stays on the ridge.  I take no pleasure in riding on my husband's lap as he is driving.  And I may as well add that there isn't room to do that.  At least not in the way that sideways driving would entail.  Okay............. moving on now!!

Driving, driving, driving...rough terrain...and all of a sudden, I feel us start to go down the hill...sideways.  *insert loud voice here*  "Oh my God!  Oh my God!  We are going to roll down this hill!  And I have my window down and am hanging on to the outside to save my life.  We are going to roll down the hill and I am going to either get ejected or my arm and head will be snapped off!  And neither of us brought a phone to call someone and tell them we died in a roll over!  We will lay down there for weeks.  Maybe months!"

Wouldn't one think to get herself IN the damned vehicle and roll the window up???  Nope!

As I am screaming for my life, Q gets it straightened up again.  And it's a wonder he could.  What, with all the laughing he was doing.  And the not-breathing thing...because he was laughing so hard.  Really dude?  YOU scare the crap out of ME and then LAUGH about it??  Unbelievable.  I will get you back mister!!

So I have told him that unless he pulls out of that field (because he hasn't caught anything in there anyway), I will wait at the road from now on.  With my gun.  And flashlight.  And my phone.  I don't care.  I can at least call someone if I see the truck tumble.  IF I see the truck tumble.  I guess if it doesn't come back in an hour, there may be a problem.

We get down the road to one of Grandpa's field and we are back away from all the roads and Q is driving across this rough terrain like it's a cake walk.  "What is that noise?  Is that your pickup?"  To which he replies that it is.  All I could think at this point was, "He has done it.  I always knew there would come a time when he would snap this sucker in two!" 

Deep down though, I knew what I was hearing.  "Listen!  Stop the damn truck!  Guess what that is!"  SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!!!  Yep, 2 coons down in the creek, fighting.  And they were MAD!!! 

Q and his trusty dog...who is afraid of hard-wood floors...jump out of the truck and go running.  You should have heard her barking.  It was like something out of a horror flick.  Almost a dark sound.  It made me want to giggle.  Loudly.  But I held it in.  I wanted to see just what would happen.  Q is hot on her trail and the next thing I know, he has basically walked right over an old brush pile that in my opinion, probably houses enough coon for me to retire this trapping year. 

And they didn't get one of them.  Once I started laughing, I couldn't stop.  I had tears running down my cheeks and my poor husband had no clue what was even going on.  He is for sure, the man for me.  He can make me laugh at something so stupid.  Something so minute. 

Now he's yelling for me to bring him some traps.  Down in the creek.  Where I can barely see him.  Oh and did I mention that first I had to crawl...in the dark...through all the crap that he hoards in the back of his pickup...to get to the traps he wanted???  Just being his wife should earn me a new gun a year, right?  Good thing because I'm getting one for my birthday!!!

So we trapped the place up.  Good.  I hope we catch all those little jerks.  I have learned the first step to skinning so I like when we bring them home and I can get to work on them.  Until they release their last gas.  That's the most unpleasant part.  But on my list of things to get done by the end of 2013 is to learn to skin a coon and by golly, I'm almost completely there.  The only thing I have left to learn is how to get it on the puller and how to gain enough muscles to do it.  I will get there, I promise.

Knowing I had to get up to go to work in the morning, I knew it was going to take forever to get the dog back in the truck.  After all, she loves grandma's and grandpa's farm and she knows where she's at.  And she rarely wants to leave.  *sigh*  Why can't I remember to bring a bunny with us so I can get her back to the truck?  Something!  That dog drives me nuts sometimes!!! 

We ended up getting her back in the truck eventually and I couldn't wait to get her back home.  Dumb dog.  And Buddy hates it when he doesn't get to go with her.  But he hates to ride.  And can you imagine me holding one crying dog while the other wants to sit on top of us?  Yeah...it's not happening!!

Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


Gonna be all booked up

For the past year or so I have entertained the idea of writing a book.  Well, I did it.  Kinda.  Sorta.  Well...okay maybe I didn't so much as write a book but rather put a book together.  Yeah.  We are going to roll with that.  It is a collection from myself and some of my favorite people.  And I think I'm going to do another one within the next year.

Several years ago, I had a Facebook conversation with a friend and she told me that she had had a house fire a few years previous and lost a lot, if not all, of her recipes.  And I told her that I would put something together for her to try to recoup some of those recipes.  Well I procrastinated long enough.  It kept eating away at me.  I kept thinking how I would feel if I lost ALL my recipes.  Even if I lost all the ones from my mom, my grandmas, and my good friend Delma, I would be heart-broken...lost. 

So I started going through my recipes and...you know how you look at things and think..."wow, I need some new things, new ideas, new input"...well that was me.  I have read, re-read, baked, re-baked, cooked, re-cooked, vamped, and re-vamp so many recipes, so many times...they make me feel like I don't have enough.  I do have enough...or do I?  Can one really have enough recipes??

Anyway, so I sent an email out to several people and asked them to send me anywhere from one recipe, to one recipe from each catagory, or anything in-between.  I figured, the more the merrier, right?  And the response I got was amazing.  I don't remember how many people I asked to participate but I got about a 95% positive response. 

And we all get busy.  I am the first to admit that.  Hell, I'm the secretary of the local procrastinators annonymous group.  Well, I will be......someday.  When I get around to it.  Anyway, I told everybody when I would need the recipes in by and a few got right on it.  Here come some recipes.  Then they just stopped.  So I sent a second email out...when I was ready to finally get started...back sometime in July...and people had forgotten of course.  I can sympathize and understand and hold no ill feelings so please don't twist my words on this.

Here come several different recipes.  I was in Heaven!  I even got some sent to me by snail mail and that was fun too!  Who woulda thunk about snail mail???  So, I didn't get as many recipes as I had hoped but I didn't care.  I knew it would be a special surprise for my friend and hoped she loved it as much as I knew I was going to. 

Now comes the not-so-fun part.  Or so I thought.  Typing all of those recipes out.  Whoa.  That is slow tedious work.  I don't feel sorry for anybody who has to do that all day long!  Once I got my catagories put away, I tried to do a catagory a day...depending on size...at least.  Some of them were small enough...or I had more time that day...to do 2-3.  Anyway, the whole way through, I kept thinking, "I'm not going to have enough recipes and this is going to be so weak!" 

I just kept plodding through though.  Q would tell me how "into reading the recipes" I would get.  Lost in a haze of measurements and equal margins.  And they didn't have equal margins.  And they weren't 100% right each time I printed them out.  Made me crazy!  Once I got them all typed in the computer and saved...it was time for a week off.  But it just kept haunting me to get started on it.  Something in the back of my head was kicking me...pushing me...screaming at me to print it finally.  And so I did.

And so I did.  Page after page after page came out of the printer in different "happy" colors.  I didn't want to put them in black because I didn't want to go buy a hundred black cartridges when I should be using ALL my colors. 

I got the first one printed out and was utterly AMAZED at how thick it was.  Of course they are all one-sided pages.  I figured if someone wanted to make notes, they could write on the back of the recipe.  Too bad I forgot to mention that in my preface!  HA!  I figured I wouldn't have much ink left so what the heck, let's print another one.  And I did.  I was amazed I had enough ink because I had those cartridges in for months. 

Then I got to thinking....I have one here for Marilyn.  Why not use this other one for Connie's benefit auction?  I was already taking 2 candy bouquets for it.  This would be a cute idea!  So, 2 bouquets means another book.  I was really pushing my luck with this ink thing now.  Nope!  I had plenty of ink.  Each time I would print one out though...because I looked at each page each time I printed...I would find something that wasn't like I wanted it to be and so each book has it's own corrections/edits/mistakes in it.  Character, that's what I say!

So...I pushed it a little bit further and printed out a 4th book.  I mean, I need one, right?  There were a couple of pages that I had to change the color on because certain colors were running out but that wasn't a big deal. 

After Connie's benefit auction, I was asked to make 2 more copies of the cookbook.  So I did.  And yes, I do have to charge for these.  I have to replenish my paper, my ink and my travel/shipping expense.  No biggie.  $20 to be picked up.  $25 if I have to deliver or ship it. 

Before I go any further, I want to add that on each recipe, I put, "Submitted by....." because a lot of mine came from the internet (bettycrocker, philadelphia creamcheese, rachel ray, paulda deen, etc.).  I tried to put on those, where I got them so nobody thinks I am trying to take credit for their recipe.  I give kudos where kudos is earned.  Especially in a recipe. 

So like I said before, I want to do another one before Christmas 2014.  I have a good idea started in my head and as soon as I get this blog done, I am going to make my outline.  I am so excited.  If you would like to participate in the next one, let me know via Facebook or email (in_boos_world@hotmail.com).  Like I said before, the more the merrier, right?

And before I forget...so you don't think I have forgotten my own projects:  Instead of breaking my pocketbook, my husband's pocketbook, and trying to find a day when I could get 5 people to come help me, I decided to make this year's "The Gift" smaller and a little more personable.  I am not going to do 200 (this year anyway) and I don't have a certain number in mind either.  I have a small, humble list that I want to share with this year.

Until next time...thanks for reading!


My fear of Walmart

Think about something you are terrified of.  I mean something that really paralyzes you with fear.  Now imagine how I felt when I had to face one of my biggest fears in Wal-Mart today.

Death used to be my biggest fear.  And then after learning about God and Jesus, death was not so scary anymore.  Then my biggest fear was losing somebody that I really really loved.  And of course we have all lost somebody that we really really love.  And it hurts.  Like hell.  But that's not my biggest fear anymore either.  And I think the reason is because I know that the people I really really love are going to really really cool place.

Now let's go back a little bit and think about that thing you're terrified of. I would match my fear of spiders, birds, clowns, and maybe not so much midgets anymore...but for sure birds, clowns, and spiders.  We cannot forget the spiders.  Okay, think about how you would feel if you were faced with one of your biggest fears.  Really look deep inside yourself and try to get that feeling of panic.  That feeling of paralyzation.

This morning I was in Walmart and I was getting a few things.  My goal was to run in and get what I needed and then back out the door.  Well, I had gotten almost everything I needed and turned to go down the dog food aisle because my husband pointed out the other night how mommy was disappointing the dogs by not getting any new treats lately.  So yes he put the guilt trip on me, and yes it worked.  I turned the corner, gabbing away on the phone to my loving husband, and no sooner than I get three steps down the aisle, a bird lights down RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF ME. Yes, a bird.  A live, stinking, fluffy, ugly, nasty, dirty, bird.  And the way I felt inside is exactly how I would think a stroke feels.

I almost screamed.  Of course my husband thought it was hilarious.  He starts laughing and I am almost in tears.  That stupid, stinking, fluffy, ugly, dirty, nasty, bird looked at me like "What you going to do now ladeeeeeee?"  And all I could say was "Oh my God there's a bird here.  There's a real bird in Walmart." I think I'm mad at my husband for laughing at me.  I wanted to reach through the phone and choke him at that very minute but I was too paralyzed so to speak. It was awful.

I immediately started sweating.  My hands were shaking.  My legs were shaking.  My heart was going six thousand beats per minute.  I bet if anyone had been anywhere around that aisle, they would have HEARD my heart!!  It probably sounds really funny to you but it wasn't too damned funny to me.  Isn't it funny how the silliest things can put the fear of God in us?   No!  I think the fear of God is an easier fear than my fear of birds.

A lot of people give me a hard time because I'm scared of spiders.  And a few people give me a hard time because I'm scared of birds.  But I'm serious when I say these things terrify me.  Clowns terrify me.  Midgets... I'm working on that.  I can only do one thing at a time people.  So anyway I walked on toward the bird and it flies away.  Thank you God.  I hang up the phone and I grab some treats.  I was so flustered but I didn't care what treats I got.  I just grabbed a bag.  I headed up to the front and I see these totes on clearance. So I go grab a couple & I will be damned if that bird did not land right above me at the top of the end rack.  I was sure I was going to piss myself.

I just grabbed my totes and lids and I headed for the cash register.  I was so flustered I could barely speak to the guy that was checking me out and he's somebody I have known for years.  I hope he didn't think I was rude.  As I was walking out, the exit door would not open and I almost bashed my face into the glass. You know those commercials for the coffee company where the people are carrying their coffee and run right into the glass door?  Yeah, that was me today.   Without the coffee thankfully.  Of course there were two men behind me and they were nice enough to say "I think that door doesn't work."  No shit?  No, I didn't.  But I wanted to. 

So I'm already flustered enough about the live, stinking, fluffy, ugly, nasty, dirty, bird that I had to encounter not once BUT TWICE, but then I have the added embarrassment of almost banging my head into a glass door. So as I exit through the entrance (yes Sheila I was forced to do it), some gal walks in and she says to me "Well hi!"  She was all happy and stuff.  That much I can remember.  I'm pretty sure she knew me but I could not even make eye contact with her.  If you are that woman that spoke to me in Walmart today, I apologize.  Profusely.  There just are no words.  I'm telling you I haven't felt this bad in so long.  I just wanted to be home.  I was almost scared to drive home because I was afraid something awful would happen and I would "crash n burn" and die.

But I didn't.  I made it home safely.  I actually got a lot accomplished when I got home.  But I hate Walmart. & I hate birds.  And yes, I hate spiders.  I hate clowns.  And I don't really like midgets. They make me uncomfortable but I don't hate them anymore.  You can thank the little people show for that.  Well maybe not the little people.  Maybe pit boss.  Anyway that was my day.  And how was your day??? 

For the record...I saw you laughing at me.  It's fine.  I'm used to it.  Usually it's ME laughing at ME but this time, I'll let it slide.  -_-

Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


If it weren't for the weather

I don't know what's going on with me these days.  I'm so emotional it makes me want to scream.  Pregnancy hormones, ya think?  Bahahaha NO.  It's not that.  Trust me.  I am uterus-less and love it.  I don't know...commercials make me tear up; pictures make me cry; if someone sang the National Anthem RIGHT NOW I would surely burst into sixteen thousand pieces. 

I dusted my livingroom a couple of days ago.  Took me hours and about 4 dust rags but I got it done.  I came to a picture of my parents.  *sob*  I came to a picture of me and all my brothers and sisters.  *sob*  I came to a picture of Kathy and her kids.  *sob*  I came across my wedding album...and after digging through the dust...took a quick peek.  *major sob* 

I miss my dad and I miss Grandpa Henry.  I think it's the weather.  Or the fact that Christmas is coming up.  Or the weather.  I blame the weather for everything.  Oil crisis going on in Libya?  Yep, blame that damned hurricane that just hit the Phillipines.  The first time I turn on one of the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel, I will blame any negative weather in this country there is!

I used to go to the cemetary and talk to my dad a lot.  Of course, I lived a lot closer then and the cemetary was readily "available."  It's not so available anymore.  Since August, I have went out several times to the cemetary here and talked to Grandpa Henry.  It's getting harder though. 

We used to decorate dad's grave so big and grand after he died.  We went to the cemetary as a family and did it and then the kids played "Red Rover" and no matter how many times we tried...God would never send dad "right over."  *sigh*  *sob*

When I do make it south to Bedford, I always scold myself about going to the cemetary on my way through.  I don't do it everytime because it hurts.  It hurt less when mom was here with us.  Now they are both there and I hate it.  I think I hate having to emotionally deal with the fact that they are there and we are here.  I'm such a selfish baby sometimes.  *sob*

This didn't bother me back in April.  It didn't bother me in September.  But it sure bothers me now.  I hate being bothered.  Sometimes I can't shut my brain off and I think too much.  I always find myself thinking the "what if's" and then mentally kick myself for it.  "What if we would have forced dad to the doctor that day?"  Haha who am I kidding.  The only one that could force my dad to do ANYTHING was God and boy did he do it and do it big.  *sigh*

Whenever I go to the cemetary here to talk to Grandpa Henry, I think of how Grandma is alone every night at home; doing the things she needs to do; dealing with her own grief; about how I am so bad about getting out to see her like everyone else does.  That's going to change though.  I'm going to catch up with her soon and keep at it.  I hate feeling guilt over something I can easily change.  *sigh*

So before I turn into a blubbering piece of mad-hot-mess, I am going to change the subject. 

I have finally got in the mood to do some baking.  Not a whole lot but each day I have been doing some and it's starting to add up.  Time to plug in the second deep freeze.  *happy face*  Today when I was cleaning up, out of the corner of my eye I saw the fastest mouse alive go through my kitchen.  The little bugger ran from behind my fridge to the laundry room.  I went in looking for him but I think the little b-tard made it into that hole in the wall.  Can't get that room tore off and rebuilt soon enough.  That thing was so fast my dog didn't see it.  Yeah...he just looked at me like "What the hell are you doing mom?  Is this what it means when you always tell me you have finally went nuts?" 

Time to put bait out in the basement again.  I knew it was weird that we had had three mice this year.  They usually tend to die in the basement.  About 3 feet from the bait.  I vaguely remember my husband saying he was going to pick some more bait up...about 3 weeks ago.  Duh man, get to it already!  I have baking and stuff to do!  The last thing I have time for is running after a stupid mouse.  But I will if I have to!  Have I ever told the story of the RAT that was in our house?  I can take mice all day long but rats I have no use for. 

I went to Bedford the other night to a benefit for my dear friend/sis, Connie Fleetwood.  They had a wonderful spaghetti and salad meal with desserts like you wouldn't believe.  AND, the great news is that I had a chocolate rice krispie bar and it was amazing...AND I had some spaghetti...though not a whole lot.  And my blood sugar barely raised.  I was impressed with myself that night.  Now, I will tell you that when I went to get my spaghetti, I told Sharon that I only wanted a "little bit" because I wasn't supposed to have much starch and she was good enough to find me one long piece and put it on my plate.  Yes, she gave me one piece.  Hmph!  "Ok ok I can have a LITTLE more than that!"  Good one Sharon!  Way to keep me in line!  My doctor would have been very happy with her!

I bought some Christmas presents at the auction.  They had some very neat things donated and the auctioneers were awesome.  If all auctions were that funny, hundreds of people would attend all of them!  Or at least they should.  I don't know who they were...except for Ray...I know him... but hat's off to you guys.  You did an amazing job.

Some of you may know about this but I am going to tell it anyway.  On the way home, we just got out of the city limits of Bedford when I spot a raccoon laying in the middle of the other lane.  Dead. As. A. Doornail.  I took about 4 1/2 seconds to think about turning around to get it and take it home.  Of course I did!  I already had a trunk full of groceries so I knew there was no way I could put it in anything back there.  I had a tote in my backseat that I had transported 2 candy bouquets and cookbooks in, to the benefit and when we got in the car, Kathy had carried some things out and just set them in the tote. 

So anyway, I whipped the car around and my sister's eyes about bugged out of her head.  I'm pretty sure she was considering having me committed about then.  When I pulled up to the raccoon, I pulled up too far so when I got OUT of the car, it was very dark and I didn't even really know if this thing was completely dead yet.  I grabbed her tail and it was still pretty warm but I didn't feel any fight or movement.  Up and at 'em girlfriend, we are going to Fontanelle!  I open the back door...on the passenger side, mind you... and with one hand grab what was in the tote and throw it in a heap on the seat.  On top of the stuff I already had heaped in there.  There were 2 m&m's in the tote so I told the ole girl that if she got hungry, she could eat those. 

Of course, me talking to her freaked Kathy out a lot.  That made it that much more fun.  We head back up the road and about 2 miles up, things start making noises in the back seat.  Things are shifting.  Of course Kathy starts freaking out and I guess me saying, "Maybe it was still alive" didn't help the cause any.  After all, this woman is supposed to be recovering from breast reduction surgery and she can't do anything to jeapordize her recovery.  Like jumping out of a moving vehicle, for instance. 

"Okay, we will stop in Gravity and move stuff around.  I will put the groceries in the back seat and the coon can go in the trunk...if the tote will fit."  That seemed to appease her for the time being.  I figured if I stopped up on main street, in front of the bar, and that thing was still alive...well they wouldn't mind me shooting it dead.  Heck, it would give them something to talk about and "toast."  Well when we got to the turn-off to Gravity, Kathy says "Aren't you going to stop in Gravity?"  I keep going.  "Nope, I changed my mind.  We will be fine." 

That's when the scenario plays in my mind.  "I just want you to know that if that thing crawls out and comes up front, you should just pet it and find something to feed it."  Okay, that went over like a lead balloon.  "What???  Are you kidding me?"  I think I need to go back on my dashcam and see if that night is still on that card.  Could be entertaining to hear, huh?  "Oh and by the way, if it crawls up onto your head, I won't be able to stop the car because I'm going to be laughing so hard."  Immediately Kathy covers her head.  "What?  Are you serious?"  Hehehe "Well yes I'm serious!  I will turn the key off though so at least the car will eventually come to a stop.  That's all I can promise." 

I rarely get to see Kathy so nervous but man, was she ever ready to be home!  I called the husband on my way out of Corning and told him that since I wasn't home tonight to help him check traps, I got him a little present.  Of course he thought I got him something at the auction.  He didn't want me to tell him what it was on the phone though.  I had to hold it in all the way home. 

He came out to help me lug all my groceries and treasures into the house and I told him that he could start with his gift.  Which was in the backseat.  He opens up the door, grabs the tote and got the biggest smile ever!  See!  It WAS worth it!!  The last thing he was ever expecting was his wife to transport a dead animal in her car.  The car she loves more than any car in the world.  The car she calls her baby.  Then he says to me, "Were you feeding it m&m's?"  *sigh*

And I am going to back up a little bit to add that I got to spend a few minutes with Ann, my sister-in-law, and girls Kennedy and Kelly.  Whom I haven't been able to see for over a year.  I don't know how I held back my tears but I did it because I didn't want to freak the girls out.  I have missed them so much that I literally felt my heart heal a little bit just by being that close to them.  And the fact that they WANTED to give me a hug when I left, told me what a real fool I am.  There is nothing in the world that is more important to me than family.  Especially the little family.  (No...not the "little" dwarfies that freak me out)  The young ones.  *sob sob sob*

Damned weather anyway!!!

Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


My sister is the breast!

On Halloween 2013, my sister Kathy did the neatest trick and got the best treat E.V.E.R.  She went in for a breast reduction.  I don't even know if I can stress to you how much breastage she lost.  And as I look around me, I silently...and not so secretly hope...that I never ever find what she lost.  Unless it appears in my butt.  Then it's okay.  Breastage in my buttage. 

I don't think I was a bit prepared for that day at all.  I worked until midnight the night before.  Had to get gas in my car before heading home or well...I would have been camping on the side of the road that night.  So, I got the gasoline and headed home. 

Home.  To where I had to clean up two large bowel movement turds that my dear Buddy left for me.  So weird.  My husband is upstairs in bed.  All the lights are off in the house.  The dogs about pummelled me as I came in the door.  And there is poop on my diningroom floor.  I turned the light on and looked around.  Just waiting for someone to jump out at me and tell me that the world was coming to an end.  It. Never. Happened.

And the world hasn't come to an end.  I'll take it!

It is a R.A.R.E. occasion when my husband can take his weary arse to bed at night.  Well...without the aide of me telling him I will throw his pillow and blanket down the stairs and he can just keep them on the couch.  With the dogs.  Yeah...that usually gets him to bed.  Unless I don't WANT to share the bed.  THEN...I not only get the whole King sized bed to myself...where I can lay corner to corner...BUT...I get to keep the remote on the bed...AND...my mp3 player...AND...my iPod shuffle.  Yep...and I don't have to worry about anybody rolling over on my stuff and ruining it.  Or turning the tv on accidentally.  Or smacking me in the head with something.

So anyway...where was I?  Dang it, did you see how fast that car was going?  Knocked me right off course, the dirty pig. 

Poop picked up.  Hands washed.  Contacts out.  Insulin shot taken.  Dirty dishes in the dishwasher (another rareity but I knew I wouldn't have time to do them).  Dog's water dish filled.  Laundry put in wash machine.  Change of clothes set out for morning.  Bedtime for me.  Finally.

Get into bed only to find myself just laying there; wishing I had ceiling tiles to count; oh and a nightlight; so I could see said ceiling tiles.  Next thing I know, I hear this awful sound in my right ear.  "What the hell is that???"  Pretty sure the neighbors heard me ask that.  Sorry Terri and Vanessa.  Guess what?  It was my alarm.

Yep, it was already 4:15am and it went by just that fast.  Ugh!  I wake my dear sleeping husband up to tell him I was getting ready to leave for Kathy's surgery and would be back in time to go to work so the dogs would be his chore for the day.  He grunted and turned his back to me.  As usual.  As I am getting ready to get in the shower, I get a text message from Zach...stating that they just left their house and are on their way.  Time to put 'er into high gear Shellie.

If there is such a thing as a power shower, I did it.  Forgot to shave my legs but at the time, I didn't really give a crap.  Later in the day...yeah I was giving a crap about my hairy legs.  Oh well.  I hurried around and got my stuff together and headed to the car.  As I am getting IN my car, I realize "Ummmm...they are coming here to meet up with you Shellie."  A quick text back to Zach and I am headed for Greenfield Caseys to fill my coffee cup.

"Didn't I just see you here at midnight?"  I thought they were supposed to greet their customers with "Hello" or "Good Morning" or something nice like that??  I grumbled and went to the coffee pots and stuck my mouth under three of them.  AT ONE TIME.  As I get in the car, Kathy and kids pull up.  Jackie got in my car so fast, I barely spotted her getting out of their car.  She likes to ride with me because I'm the cool aunt.  And I am fun.  And well...she knows she doesn't have to say a damn word if she doesn't want to.  And she pretty much didn't.

"Want me to pass your mom?"  The USUAL answer would be "Yes!!"  Today, the answer was "I don't care."  After all, it's 4:45am.  I will cut her some slack.  I did strike up a conversation with her though.  We talked just long enough to tell me she was scared that her mom was having surgery and then she was done.  So I sang to her.  Yep.  Country music.  The good stuff that 107.9 plays.  You know...songs like "Take this job and shove it," and "The devil went down to Georgia."  Back in the day's music.  Now that's some country I can really sink my teeth into.

We got to DeSoto and pulled into the Caseys there.  Got the kids a donut and drink (because the cool aunt delivers to his nephew at the hospital) and headed back to the interstate.  "Do you like this music Jackie?"  And I got a fast and flat "NO."  I'm surprised I didn't wreck the car.  Glad I didn't but I'm shocked.  This was some damn good music playing.  She just doesn't understand. 

Fine.  Change stations and it's playing Aerosmith's Dude Looks Like A Lady.  I turn it up and belt it out.  Jackie never even glanced up at me.  I guess it was just too early for this girl this time.  I have had 3 hours of sleep and she is the one that is tired.  Pshhhh!!!  I knew my time was coming though.  This was going to catch up to me.  After all, I still had to go to work at 4pm. 

Get to the hospital and Kathy gets checked in.  I get to be "Primary Contact" so I got the honor of wearing an adhesive badge stating such.  Big deal.  It wasn't long and we were going back to pre-op to get her ready.  I could tell Jackie was a nervous wreck because she didn't want to talk to ANYONE.  Not even her mom.  AND she forgot a pen so she couldn't write on her notecards.  Pretty sure she was miserable. 

Got the funny socks, gown and hat on the patient and she was in very good spirits before finally heading off, at 8:00am...only half an hour late...to surgery.  We were told it would take 3 hours and then about 2 hours recovery.  Then, IF they had a room for her, they would come get us when it was time to take her there.  IF they had a room.  Because sometimes they don't have enough rooms.  Seriously folks.  Sometimes they don't have enough rooms.  I keep saying it just so I can make myself get it.  I don't get it.

The three of us left and went to QT for something to eat.  I settled for cheese sticks of various flavors and sizes and a granola bar.  I stayed away from my most favoritest QT food in the world.  Taquitos.  I live for them.  Not this time though.  Got a coffee refill and we headed back to the hospital.  They had an area downstairs that had these comfy looking couches so we decided to go down there and sit and eat.  Guess what.  It's right NEXT to the Cafe and you CAN NOT eat or drink on the couches.  You guessed it.  I pulled the BS card immediately.

So we sat in the Cafe and ate our food that we did not purchase there.  Then I realized that my phone was about half battery and if they were gonna need to get ahold of me...they, meaning the hospital staff...I would need some charge on my phone.  And it probably wouldn't hurt if I got a little shut-eye in the process.  A short nap maybe.  To the cars we go.  Zach to their car and Jackie and I to mine. 

I had a blanket that I offered to share with Jackie.  Whom refused said blanket.  And when I told her she could lay the seat back and take a nap with me, I got "I know."  So I did what any red-blooded American woman would do.  I covered up with the blanket and laid on my side and closed my eyes.  "What time is it?"  We came outside at 9am so I knew it was just a little after.  I answered her and kept my eyes shut.  Oh...there comes that peaceful feeling of drifting off into never..."How is mom doing?"  Seriously??  "Jackie, what is Zach doing?"  She is just staring into the next car at her brother.  "Playing on his phone." 

Not sure how I'm going to get to sleep at this point.  "He is listening to music so he can take a short nap.  Like you need to do.  We all got up too early this morning."  I hear a deep heavy sigh and she lays the seat back while saying "I know."  Then I was out.  It wasn't for long but it was perfect for what I needed.  "I think we better check on mom."  Up and at 'em folks.  We have a girl who is NOT taking a breather today.  I had to peel my "Primary Contact" badge off the blanketBack into the hospital we go.  As the nurse sees us come in, she says, "Oh the doctor was just looking for you.  Hang on and I will go get him."  Really you jack asses.  I had my phone with me the entire time. 

Which, by the way, did not charge.  It held the current charge but it did not charge it back up.  Stupid charger anyway.  It was now 11:04 and we get to go in this closet so the doctor with no sense of humor can tell us that everything went fine.  They took 3 lbs. off each side and I swear he said thirty hundred million killobo-something-or-other grams.  Yeah...okay so I didn't get enough sleep.  He leaves and we go back to the waiting room.  Or lobby.  Whichever you want to call it. 

We split up into teams to find potties and then sit and watch tv.  For 2 hours.  "Can I go see my sister yet?  They said it would be 2 hours.  It's been 2 hours."  She is still in recovery and they are just waiting for a room to open up.  Fine.  Back to the tv.  About 45 minutes later, I finally told them that I had to leave for work soon and I would like to see my sister and her kids need to see her.  That sped it up a little bit.

We were not only escorted back to the recovery room but given $4.00 lunch vouchers for the Cafe since we waited so long.  Should have told them we missed breakfast too.  Oh well.  When we got back there, she was pretty out of it.  She did say that she started to get nausea.  Not nauseated.  She said she got nausea when they moved her.  Like it is a disease or something.  Contagious.  Funny.  She kept her puke bag close to her and I appreciated that like no other.

I asked if I could take some pictures to which she told me no.  She mumbled some stuff about the laundry...again, I had no clue what she was talking about...so she yelled at me.  In her best exhausted voice...about washing Jackie's sweatshirt.  As her favorite son says, "She's fine.  She's growling at us while she's out of it."  Yep.

She did agree to let me look down her gown though.  Couldn't see a damn thing except for a tube top looking thingy that I may have to borrow one of these days.  Sure is a cute thing.  She looked flat chested too.  That was a strange sight seeing her flat-chested.

So it was time to leave and go to work.  Boo!  I was pretty sure I would be tired on the drive home but I wasn't.  That was a pleasant surprise.  Now I think that the zombies on  The Walking Dead could drive if they really wanted to.  I mean, what's with all that walking everywhere stuff???  Yeah, I was feeling pretty numb to most everything.  Except bad drivers.  I wasn't numb to those idiots.  Can't they just get out of my way?

So again, I got off work at midnight and Zach and Jackie came up at 9:30 and we headed back to Des Moines.  Stopped at Wal-Mart but even Jackie didn't want to be there.  She just wanted to be with her mom.  So we headed to the hospital.  When we got there, she was eating lunch.  We were gonna eat lunch but decided against it because we didn't want her to not get to eat with us if she was ready to be discharged.  Duh.  Off to Ryan's we go.  Where I was a good girl and ate only the stuff I am supposed to.  And 2 bites of carrot cake.  Just because I had to.  The woman shoved it in front of me.  I think if I hadn't of taken it, she would have chased me down and forced it down my throat.

Oh yeah...did I mention I had a piece of meat loaf?  I am still trying to decide if it was made with Old Roy, Alpo, or just dog/cat meat.  That was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten.  And I have eaten some pretty nasty stuff in my day.

Back to the hospital and I didn't hurt anyone on the road.  It's funny though because we witnessed a couple of people screaming at the drivers in front of them and waving their hands like they were fanatics.  Geesh get over yourself asshole.  Maybe you should leave a little earlier next time and you won't have to hurry.  Dick.

We were told she would be dismissed mid-day.  I don't know where my head was at, thinking mid-day would be noon or close to.  Nope.  Mid-day for Dr. Spencer or whatever the hell that man's name is...is 2:00-ish.  I am going to start wearing my BS card on my sleeve. 

I got to watch the nurse clean the wounds and boy was I shocked at how THAT looked.  At one point, Kathy asked me what that face was all about that I was making.  "You look like you have been sliced and diced, literally.  Like Jason Vorhies (Friday the 13th bad guy) got ahold of you and then gave you to Freddy (Nightmare on Elm St.)."  It looked so bad, so painful...but it was so interesting all at the same time.  I wish I would have taken a picture because she wouldn't have believed it until she saw it, like me. 

I'm sure she has seen it by now.  Whoa.  But let me say this.  Compared to what she looked like before, she seemed to be almost flat chested now.  It's weird seeing her without her boobies.  Her big boobies.  I can't wait to go bra shopping with her!!  She had so much taken off of her breasts that somebody wrote "Mastectomy" on her chart.  And that's exactly what it looks like!  Like she had her breasts removed!  Hahaha

So anyway, groggy Kathy got to go home finally.  And she is recovering nicely.  And even when she was 90% asleep in the backseat of my car, she was trying to tell me how to get out of Des Moines.  Don't worry, I already know how!  If you know my sister, you just won't believe your eyes when you actually see her.  Pictures do no justice.  I can't wait until she is done wearing that tube top thingy.  Not only because I am going to take it either.  I just want to see her boobs now!  HA!!!

Until next time...thanks for reading!