
The fog just won't lift

Excuse me, I feel like I am in a fog.  I've had three days off and it feels like I've had sixteen days off.  Normally people would think that was great, huh?  Not me.  I don't like to be out of routine.  I tend to falter, to say the least.

My eating is off schedule, my exercise is off schedule, and if this rain doesn't let up soon, my whole world is going to be off schedule.  Shellie is a happy girl when she can be outside...and busy.  The other day I was mowing the yard and it started to rain on me.  I literally stopped in mid-path and looked at the sky and yelled, "Seriously, you can't just wait until I get done???"  I'm pretty sure the neighbors think I have flipped my lid...I mean, I do dance around and sing when I mow...I try to be entertaining for myself, for my dogs, and even for anyone that happens to be watching.  Anyway, it worked.  It wasn't two minutes after I stopped mowing that the sky fell and it poured buckets.  So I couldn't be too mad at mother nature that day. 

It's all the days that followed that ticked me off.  And are still following. 

When I got off work Sunday, the only thing I wanted to do was clean my house.  We have had construction going on for so long now...and we are in a "dry spell," so to speak...that I figured it would be an ideal time to live in a clean house for a change.  And I was excited.  There aren't many people out there that get as excited as I do about cleaning. 

By Sunday evening, I got every room downstairs done with the exception of cleaning out and re-organizing my kitchen cupboards and dusting the livingroom.  No biggie.  I can do that on Monday morning before starting on the upstairs.  Here's where my great plan went to crap.  We woke up on Monday morning and started working on the upstairs.  Quintin even helped me.  We had the bedroom all cleaned up and dusted (scary how dusty our bedroom gets), and just when we were about done with the main room...the room that he has all his dirty tools in...and many many sheets of sheetrock...he decides that he needs to get the rest of the sheetrock put in the "new" closet. 

His theory is that if he gets it all hung and done, he won't be making THAT mess anymore.  I suppose he's right.  Now we have to lug the stuff out of the closet...which means I need to go through my totes (each one of them) and make sure I can or cannot condense...because I have a bigger walk-in closet in the next room filled to the gills with more crap...that may or may not be able to go in some of those totes.  AND THEN...I seperated anything I may need for the Staycation into one area of the little hallway and put all my things I will need for The Gift, in another area. 

It's almost deadly trying to get in and out of bed now.  I have rolled up carpet and padding at the foot of the bed that we took out of what's going to be the new master bedroom, bathroom & closet and is going to be used on the steps...because my husband is tired of sliding down them.  I don't get it.  I haven't slid down them once.  Yet.  And now that I've put THAT in print, I am sure to be telling you about my fall in my next blog.  And I give you permission to laugh.  Because I'm sure, at some point, I will be laughing about it as well.

So hanging sheetrock did nothing for the upstairs.  Well, except for make the closet match the rest of the area Q had been working on.  Yada yada yada, by the end of Tuesday, I had the downstairs clean again and the upstairs sheeted and mudded.  And the mudding should all be finished by today's end and texturing is coming right up behind it.  I am finally seeing a dim light at the end of the tunnel.  It's kind of exciting...once again...but kind of frustrating.  I am just going to focus on the light and try to walk around the frustration until it's painted. 

My last day off (from the 3) I spent at the dentist...in the morning.  He took about 20 minutes to scrape the tarter off my front teeth.  Amazing what a good cleaning can do for you.  He told me though, that I have nearly perfect teeth...as in condition.  I could probably do with some braces but can't afford that so it won't be happening. The rest of the day was spent doing very little as my head hurt so bad that I didn't even want to think.  I couldn't get any room in the house dark enough and I ate like crap.  *sigh*

The headache has left me in somewhat of a fog, from the neck down.  It's the oddest feeling in the world.  I'm working today and work half a day tomorrow so I can go to my doctor's appointment and listen to her tell me about all the bad foods I eat (I have to take my food diary to her) and it's no wonder I am a diabetic...yada yada yada.  Then I have another 2 days off.  Yes...one and a half work days this week.  Yikes.  My routine is going to be screwed up big time!

Until next time...thanks for reading.  I will try to be more interesting next time. 


In case you've never done this...

As most of you know, my mother had cancer a few times.  Colon cancer first, Uteran cancer second, and bone (in her sacrum) the last time.  And as most of you know...by either just knowing me or from my blogs...the last thing I have ever ever EVER wanted to do, is have a colonoscopy. 

I think all of my brothers and sisters have had them.  Kenny is the only one I don't know for sure about.  He probably has though.  As you know, I have referred to him in previous blogs as "Hercules."  So I'm sure he's not scared to do a darn thing!  Trust me when I say I am doing my best to be more that way.  I'm trying to "unscare" myself, if you will.  And if you won't.....well, I don't know what I'm going to do. 

I had to go to the doctor a while back for what I thought to be a sinus infection.  What the good doctor told me was that I didn't have a sinus infection, so to speak, but an infection anyway.  NO!  NOT THERE!!  Apparently it was in my chest though.  She gives me an antibiotic and as she has her back to me, she says, "So when are you going to have that colonoscopy?"  I know she was expecting my usual answer of, "Never" but instead I blurted out, "Well, I brought my work schedule with me today so we can figure that out." 

I thought she was going to fall down.  She turned around and her eyes got big and she says, "Really???"  I felt it was time and if I didn't do it now and see if it really is as bad as everyone says, I will never do it.  Time to face one of my biggest fears.  Basically a cancer test for me. 

I believe this was the end of February, when I went to the doctor, so I just happened to have my schedules up through May, with me.  We scheduled it for Monday, May 13th.  I had Saturday, Sunday, & Monday off and jail school the following day so I figured this was a great time to have it.  Now.....

I don't know what I was thinking, scheduling it so far out.  It gave my co-workers, family, and friends about 7 weeks to keep reminding me.  The doctor scheduled me an appointment for a week before so I could have my physical and get my instructions.  By the 5th week, I didn't care what the stuff tasted like or how much it made me run to the bathroom.....I just wanted it OVER!!! 

May 6th finally got here and I went for my physical.  After my arm about fell off from the pressure of the cuff, and they nearly sucked me dry of any and all blood, and I peed them a river, I had my chance to ask the one question I had been worried about the whole time.  "What happens if I throw up this Go-Lightly crap?" 

The little nurse that looked about twelve.....but she was great, don't get me wrong...says to me with a big smile, "Do you like Gatorade?"  Well of course I like Gatorade.  I mean, I don't go out of my way to drink it but it's not the worst thing in the world. 

Here's the kicker though.  Two hours before I had to drink the Gatorade/Miralax solution, I had to take 4 Ducolax pills.  This had me freaked out because I was thinking THIS is what is going to start the poop fest!  Trust me, this ISN'T what starts the poop fest.  What THIS does, is make your poop soft so if, and when, you have to get rid of a bunch of crap...using that term literally...it won't hurt the pooper. 

I wish someone had told me ALL of this stuff before, instead of telling me the Go-Lightly is a MUST and it's awful...yada yada yada.

Now...let me rewind a bit here.  Not only did I rule out eating very much the day before and sticking around the house on Sunday, leaving for NO possible reason...I also took a Facebook hiatus.  I wasn't sure that was the greatest time to not have Facebook to distract me but I had typed it so I wasn't going back on my word.  On Saturday, I drank lots and lots of water and ate two servings of potato salad.  That was it.  I even went and visited Kathy on Saturday.  I had to deliver a king sized potato salad for a graduation reception the next day.  I asked Q if he wanted to go with me and he said yes, which I thought was weird.  He never wants to go with me.  I said he was welcome to go but we aren't doing anything but sitting around her house and talking, and that we weren't planning on going anywhere.  He says, "Oh, I don't want to go then.  You and her usually do fun things when you're together.  That's why I wanted to go."  Sorry :(  No fun this weekend.

Sunday came and I slept in as much as possible.  I knew I was going to have to be checking my blood sugars like a mad man from the instant I got out of bed, until I got to the hospital for the procedure...where they again, were planning on taking it.  Got my work clothes on finally and headed outside.  I misread the directions for the day.  I thought it said I couldn't eat anything.  So I didn't.  And I rarely even went into the kitchen because I didn't want any temptations.  Turns out...I read on Monday morning (right before leaving for the hospital), that I could have had clear jello, broth...anything clear.  Seriously.  I completely starved myself for nothing.  *sigh*

So on Sunday, the yard got mowed, the fence got painted and rocks got put up against the fence and dog kennel.  The 3:00 doze of stool softener got taken and I kept right on working.  The box is right (as I said above).  I didn't poopy in my pants. 

At 4:30, I went in and got my first half of the drink out of the fridge.  Mmmmm Gatorade and Miralax.  Who wouldn't want some of that???  Actually it tasted just like Gatorade.  No taste from the Miralax and no change in texture.  It took me 20 minutes to drink a whole bottle.  I was leary but had Q bring one of my ficus trees from the house, outside, so I could re-pot it.  I was about halfway through that project when it hit me.  That feeling. 

Not the feeling of, "If I move, I am going to have to poop in that plant," but that feeling of "Oh, I think this stuff is starting to work."  So I won't go into any details about that.  You can thank me in cash.  Let's just leave it at this:  I never had to run to the bathroom.  We even had a bonfire in the corner of the backyard and I only had to go to the house once.  There was never any urgency and that was FANTASTIC in my book!!!

Maybe I found my monthly cleanse!!!  Hahahahaha NO!

Q thinks it very funny whenever I had to go to potty.  He would laugh and say, "You have fun with that."  Then he makes the mistake of betting me fifty dollars CASH, that I would crap the bed that night.  I took that bet immediately because I knew I had this one beat.  Now...had I eaten a whole bunch the day before, it might have been an issue...but I didn't.  This was a no-brainer.

On Monday morning, the rules were that I had to wake up at 4:30am and drink the second half of the stuff, which was another big Gatorade with the second half of the bottle of Miralax.  Now...remember when I said that it took me only 20 minutes to drink that first mixture?  Well, let me tell you this! When you are woke up from a deep sleep just to drink something, you don't really feel like drinking anything.  But I did.  I walked my happy ass down the stairs, weighed myself...and saw that I had GAINED a pound...what the...I thought this was supposed to help me LOSE weight???...and then I grabbed my jug and drank...and drank...and drank.  It took me 30 minutes this time.  And that is because I FORCED myself to drink fast.  At this point, I couldn't believe there would be anything left in me but then again, that's what they want. 

By 5:30am I am ready to go to the hospital.  The only problem was, I didn't have to be checked in until 9:30am.  *sigh*  There is nothing good on tv at 4:30am, 5:30am, 6:30am.  I have never channel surfed so much in my life.  And I was really really really wanting to get to my Facebook at this point.  Yes...I am a junkie...well I was.  The weekend was over but I didn't want to get all involved in that and then be stuck to my phone the whole time I was waiting to go in for the procedure.  So, I waited. 

I guess I DO have some willpower in me.

Before leaving for the hospital, I weighed again.  Same weight.  Lies.  Lies.  That's all I was told!!!  We got there, got checked in and they got me in the room.  They asked me a whole bunch of questions that they asked me on the phone three days previous.  She got the IV started...in my hand without asking me...I was in Heaven (yes, I like that)!  Then she says that they have a video showing the procedure and asked if I would like to watch it. 

Quintin:  NO
Me:  Oh yes!

Of course I win because I'm having the procedure.  So we watch the video and it wasn't so bad.  There was a couple of parts that my jaw dropped...and it was a good thing I was laying down already...because the thought of it.....ughhhh.  Moving on...the video is done and I start flipping through channels on the tv.

Oh look!  Marley and Me is on!!!  One of my faves!!! It's right at the end where Marley isn't doing so well and within minutes, I am crying...I am sobbing...I am so sad...and the doctor walks in.  I can only imagine what he was thinking because he never once looked up at that tv.  "Wow, it's a scope, not a heart transplant.  What is she crying about??  Big baby!"

He was nice, quick and to-the-point.  His sense of humor was rough though.  I could never be locked in a room with him.  I wouldn't have anywhere to hide the body. 

Here comes the anesthesiologist, who is an awesome man, loading up my IV full of the good stuff and wheels me out of the room.  The last thing I hear is, "This is the waiting room sir," to my husband.  Then I hear, "Shellie wake up.  You're all done."  And I was WIDE awake.  Felt like I had slept 8 solid hours but also felt like I had just fell asleep.  Does that make any sense??

I told him we can't be done, I just got to sleep and he says that I was out 25 minutes and they are finished with me and to feel free to let the air out as needed.  Ha, like I have a problem with that.  SBD's (silent but deadly) for the next 10 minutes and I could finally have some toast and coffee.  Jamaican Me Crazy coffee.  That was dreamy stuff!!!

So that was my first colonoscopy.  Aren't you glad you got to hear all about it?  If you haven't had one and need to have it done, just tell them you may throw that go-lightly stuff up and they may give you that Gatorade stuff.  I don't know.  I do know that I would throw it up.  I have seen it, felt it and smelled it and know I would barf it.

Got my results and they came back cancer free so I don't have to go back for 5 years.  A big pile of relief off my shoulders.   

And before I close this...here's something that's completely unrelated that I am going to do at the end of June and I would love it if others would do it as well.  Let me know if you are interested.  I think people are very important.  All people.  For several reasons.  Here's what I want you to do:

Make a list of ALL the people that you would like to have a one-on-one conversation with in a year's time.  It can be your spouse, your kids, your parents, siblings...whoever, BUT really put your mind into this.  Add people that you see nearly everyday and MEAN to stop and chat with but never have the time to; add people that you don't get to see very often and make it a point to do it.  When you visit with each person, check them off, highlight their name, or even cross them off the list.  It doesn't have to be an hour long visit...but it could be.  It doesn't have to be over a meal...but it could be.  And it doesn't have to happen at any certain time. 
The point is:  Make time for others. 

The guy that I heard this story from, said the man he knew, that did this, had over 300 people on that list and he intended to talk to every single one of them in a years time.  AND that he did this every year!  Can you imagine???

I'm in.  How about you?  Thanks for reading!!!


Is this day over YET?

I am sooooo grouchy today.  My morning has been crappy.  Very crappy.  My eyes feel like they have six pounds of gravel dust in them and they don't want to have the contacts in them.  They keep trying to reject but I will overcome them.  When I walked out of the house to go to work this morning, two steps into the grass...and dew on my feet...told me that I forgot to put my shoes and socks on.  Back to the house I go. 

We will try again.  Back to the car I go.  Between the front door and the driveway, I tipped my cup and 52 ounces of iced tea went all over my lawn.  "Just keep walking!"  Get to the car, put my lunch bag and work bag in the back seat, grab my wallet out of my bag and get in the front seat.  And while I'm at it, I may as well dump the entire contents of my wallet, in the driveway!  Yeah...I've had it!

I got to work with no problems.  I mean, nobody got killed along the way and any day THAT happens, is a good day, right???  Don't worry.  That was a rhetorical question.  This is me trying to convince myself.  Grabbed my bags and got into work before anything else could happen.  Ha!  Little did I know..........

I fixed a wonderful chicken dinner last night.  I got the idea from a diabetic cookbook.  I used spices together that I have never used together before.  To the plate, I added low-fat cottage cheese and corn for Q, beets for me.  And yes....I did that on purpose.  I love beets and can't have corn.  Had enough of everything to make my lunch for today so there was chicken in one container, cottage cheese in another, and beets in the other.  With a banana on top of it all. 

Apparently, at some point, the beets leaked out.  Completely out.  And to make matters worse, I didn't even know it until I got INSIDE work and set my bag down...on the rack...in the fridge, and saw juice squish out the bottom of it.  UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!  I had to clean all the containers.  My only saving grace for lunch is that all my food was seperated.  And that the banana came out unscathed.  Phew!

BUT I had to clean out a little bit of the fridge, the counter, every container, and then hand wash my lunch bag.  UGHHHHHHHHHH!!  But wait...it gets better. 

When the guy before me left, he says, "What is that pink stuff all over the floor?"  It was at this point, I was asking God to do whatever it took, to get me back to my bed; and to not have to get out of it the rest of the day; for any one thing.

So I go and clean up the floor...from the office, to the door.  UGHHHHH!!!!!  And now I find out, that my husband got a good screwing on his paycheck...and his boss didn't give him a kiss afterward...and that is apparently my fault because I'm the one that got yelled at.  I am also the one that shut her phone off so NOBODY can call. 

So yeah.....if you're trying to call me...good luck.  I'm out of service for the day.  I was hoping that the blog would make me feel better.  So far it hasn't.  But I AM getting used to that punched-in-the-gut feeling. 

In other news, Q's sis...who is really his cousin...but is more like a sister to us both...had a baby girl last night.  She's either 4 or 5 weeks early, not sure on that.  She's gorgeous and I can't wait to meet her.  She already looks taller than her mom ;-)  Love you Lisa!!!

Last Tuesday we had a make-up day for jail school down in Creston in the building where the YMCA is.  That was a treat.  It was 90+ degrees out and we come back from lunch to a room that the air was not working in. That wasn't very fun.  They got it to working though...after we sat and sweated for an hour and a half.  And other than 1 speaker not showing up and the "finale" speakers that were built up to be such amazing guys that would really be fun...can we just say L-E-T D-O-W-N??? 

And then there are the bathroom stalls there!  I kid you not...I was literally squished while I peed.  I guess that's one way to get it all out!!  Note to self...next time, wait for a break and go somewhere else to pee! 

I guess I am going to just leave it at that.  Depending on how things go, I may write again later.  And I may not.  You never know with me.  Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


Jumping in blind

Here I am!  Were you just looking for me?  I thought I saw you over there looking all confused at the empty walls and faded carpet!  Excuse the bareness.  It's all I have right now.

We are doing this wellness incentive thing at work for our insurance.  This time we have to "walk" for 6 weeks.  We have to "walk" to each town in our county.  We can accomplish these goals by actually walking, running or biking or we can count 20 minutes of physical activity as a mile.  We then mark if off of our map, block by block.  The map is drawn on graph paper.  

And before any of you ask, going to the fridge and back to the chair/couch is NOT physical activity.  I asked before starting this program.  And if it feels like it's too physical for you to actually walk from the couch/chair to the fridge, you either need a much smaller home or you need to get outside and move.  Sorry.  Sometimes the truth hurts.

So yesterday I mowed the yard, trimmed, ran from the back yard to the front yard pushing a wheelbarrow full of field rocks (for a reason other than the benefit of exercise), and painted a ladder.  Then I came inside, cleaned up a little bit, and did my exercises.  I tell you I'm a glutton for punishment.  I am currently at 22 miles walked and worked.  The total miles is 87 around the county.  Only 65 to go!  I have a whole six weeks so I am hoping to not only walk around the grid once BUT TWICE.  I mean, if I can get around the county, I can surely make it back.  Right???

I will keep you posted.  I'm sure you just can't wait to hear about that!

I have started adding push-ups to my workout.  They aren't fun.  I have muscles the size of dandelion stems in my arms.  So just imagine a dandelion trying to push something the size of a boat, up and not letting it fall all the way down.  Yeah...it's a challenge.  And the most I have done at a single time is 7 but hey, it's a start.  Tomorrow I will try to get to 10.  

Then there's the planking.  For those of you that have never done it...don't believe those pictures because it really isn't as fun and easy as it looks.  The bonus of doing planks over push-ups though, is that with planking, you can hold your weight with your forearms.  The first few days I hated planking but it's not as bad as I thought it was.  It's not my favorite thing in the world to do but it's not the worst, by far. 

I think I am back to running being my least favorite thing in the world to do.  Only because it makes me vomit.  

I still do my ab lounger faithfully.  I took a hiatus from it while we were re-doing the livingroom floor.  Probably had something to do with the fact it was folded up and behind a whole room (or two) of other stuff.  I love doing that though.  I think it is the part of the reason my boobs got a bit smaller.  Yay, go me!  I should just keep going on that thing until my boobs are gone.  That would be a dream come true for me.  Not so much for my husband...but for me.  

Then there's that whole elasticity thing.  With my luck, I would end up with deflated boobs that just sag to my knees because the elastic has stretched beyond it's limits.  And come to think of it, while working out in the yard tonight, I found some old tent stakes that I cut the elastic out of the middle of them.  I wonder.....

The first Tuesday in April was the end of our weight loss challenge and since then, I feel like I have no motivation to keep doing the exercises and being accountable.  I don't even like to weigh myself anymore and I always used to look forward to that!  *sigh*  I will keep searching for that motivation.  

The weather here is finally wonderful.  I am loving mowing the yard again.  Last year I didn't do it very often.  Quintin always did it for me.  This year though, I told him I want to do the mowing.  He's welcome to do the trimming but please please please, save the mowing for me.  

He wants to get a riding mower...or he already has one that was given to him.  He just has to get it going first.  I hope that takes all year so I don't have to worry about him taking my exercise program from me.  Rude!

Don't know where you are from but we had snow on May 2nd of this year.  And not just flurries.  Snow.  Accumulating snow.  When I looked out the window that morning, all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.  I think this is only the second time in my life that I have ever seen snow this late in the year.  Amazing.  It will probably be 50 degrees on Christmas day.  Who knows!?!  

I am going to call it a night.  I hear a shower calling my name.  Oh oh oh!!!  Let me tell you about this new shower of mine!  Quintin and I can get in there and shower together and don't have to bother each other.  It. Is. Huge!!!  Of course, neither of us want to get out of it either; which could be a problem in itself someday.  I'm sure the boss isn't going to accept any excuse I may come up with for not showing up to work.  "Sorry boss, my shower ate my clothes....."  But I must say that "rain head" shower head we picked out is the most amazing feeling.  No more bending down to get my hair under the nozzle.  I just let it rain down on me and smile the whole time.  

I'm easily amused and easily pleased.  If only it would last longer.  My poor poor husband!!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I know I am going to.  I may blog again on Sunday.  I can't eat that whole day and can only drink clear liquids.  I will probably get pretty bored so I may have to move the computer into the bathroom for the night.  I am starting prep for a colonoscopy on Monday morning.  The one thing I have been putting off for years and years and years.  I gave in.  I'm so weak!!!  ha.

Maybe on Monday, when I get home.....if I can stay awake.....I will try to blog.  I hear right after the procedure, some people don't always remember the things they do and/or say.   That could get fun, huh?!?

Until next time.  Thanks for reading and peace out!


We made it home

Okay so I lied.  I didn't get to my last trifecta-plus-one of this series when I thought I would.  I rarely even sat down over the last weekend...but it's all good.  Work...well they expect me to accomplish stuff there and I am going over my job description with a fine tooth comb to make sure that accomplishments aren't even in there.  I mean, if they want stuff to get DONE, they should have said that in the interview.  *sigh*  Too late now.

So I left off going to sleep in Cincinnasty with dreams of a quick ride home and nothing but sunshine, smiles and laughter.  I actually wasn't that far off. 

Up, at 6:00am Sunday morning and got ready to go and all packed up again.  Said our goodbye's to Joan and headed out the door.  With 15 bags and walking tippy toed so as not to wake any of the sleeping parents and/or children in the building.  I had big bulky bags.  It wasn't an easy task.  Thank you baby Jesus for elevators. 

We both agreed we were not stopping for anything until we were out of this god forsaken city.  At least out of the city limits.  And we didn't.  I was still half asleep in the car though, at first.  I made Kathy drive about 8 blocks out of our way to find Vine St....to get on the interstate...when we were already on Vine St.  See.....the laughter has already started and it's just 7:00am THEIR time.  That's 6:00 OUR time, for those that don't remember things (like me).  And thank you AGAIN, baby Jesus, for keeping traffic in that part of town, to a bare bare bare minimum because even in the daylight, it is scary. 

Safely on the "I" and out of the city limits we go.  We stop at the first convenience store and go in to get coffee, juice, something breakfasty to eat, a newspaper and we were on our way.  As we come out of the convenience store, I notice Kathy's car looks funny.  Not funny ha ha but funny hmmmmm.  "Did you get side-swiped?"  We both go to the driver's side and start wiping the car off.  It looked like it was side-swiped but then again, it looked like that salty residue crap that you get after driving in the snowy, salty roads.  And we did remember.  It was snowing in the Peoria area on the way to the "gates of hell."

We both were able to wipe off what we thought was "swipe" and get in and head down the road.  I started making notes on my phone about our trip.  We just couldn't keep all the fun to ourselves!!!  I asked Kathy if there was anything she wanted me to especially remember about our trip that she thought I might forget.  Her response was, "My eyes hurt so bad, I can't tell you."  What, in the name of the Incredible Hulk, did that mean???

She remembered that we went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and saw $22 tweezers.  For $22, those things should walk to me when and wherever I need them!  And pluck me!  And put themselves away!  TWEEZERS??!!??  The world has completely went insane when someone will pay that kind of cash for something like that.  And someone obviously has way too much money in their wallet.  Feel free to give me $22 anytime you want to buy tweezers.  I will give you some tweezers and still have money to take you to dinner.

She also wanted me to remember the little "toy" that Joan got in that store.  She says it is for Tyler but I am not sure, myself.  It had two metal dots on each end.  If you put your fingers/hands on the metal dots, it would light up and make this "whirly" sound.  It was quite cute, I must say; and I had several laughs playing with it.  If I held one end, though, and someone else held the other end, it did nothing.  I guess you can't share that kind of energy with anyone.  *sigh*  Energy stick, yes that's what that was called.

Kathy remembered much more for me to post in here but I have already told you that stuff.  And I may even share some more that happened AFTER we made our list.  Okay okay, you talked me into it!!! 

We drove and talked and drove and talked.  Laughed about the things we talked about.  Laughed about the things we did.  Laughed about how I almost got us killed in Cincinnasty.  We are driving along and all of a sudden...we do an almost complete circle.  The road CIRCLED!!!  I looked at signs to make SURE we weren't going back to where we had just came from and we weren't.  "I feel like we just drove in a circle," I say.  Kathy looked around and says, "We didn't go by that a little bit ago."  No...she's right.  We didn't.  We certainly would have noticed that huge electrical plant thingy a second time. 

"I feel like we just went around in an almost complete circle.  Where ARE we at?  What city?  It doesn't look like anything we went through on the way down.  Are we lost?"  And this time I wasn't panicking because I knew, no matter WHAT road we were on, we were going west and that's the way we needed to go.  I'm pretty sure, at this point in the game, Kathy just had red lights and sirens going off in her head as she looks quizically at me and says, "We are in Indianapolis!"  WHAT THE???

No wonder it felt like we went in a circle!  We had to to stay on our "I."  Phew and thank you Dear God, Baby Jesus, Noah and anyone else that had anything to do with that.  Indianapolis is pretty awesome if you can get there when traffic is at a bare bare bare minimum like we did.  I could visit that city ANYDAY...as long as it's a Sunday and there are no races going on.  I was so stoked about it, I said we should go by the speedway.  And we would have; but we didn't see one sign coming from the East.  I don't get it.  Oh well.

Drive, drive, drive.  Talk, talk, talk.  Laugh, laugh, laugh.  The INSTANT we crossed over from Indiana to Illinois, I almost asked if we could stop and kiss the ground.  (I doubt I ever say that again)  But it was flood ridden and I was afraid of getting a bacterial infection...so I didn't ask.  Anyway, I was too busy watching my cell phone turn BACK an hour, I about couldn't hold in the excitement and wanted to pee right there!  In the car!  I can't tell you how great it is getting that hour of life back finally!  And that means it will be an hour earlier getting home!!  Okay, not really but yes, really.  I do feel sorry for the Cross family though because when they come home, their time schedules are going to be all sorts of messed up crazy!  They have been out there since Valentines Day!!!  I bet it took me 2 days to trust the clock. 

Getting hungry for some lunch on our drive.  After all we have been driving for a little over 3 hours so it's about right for lunch.  We pull into this little village of Mahomet, Illinois and run everyone over in line at McDonald's for the bathroom.  We are in our seperate stalls, talking about what we are going to order and I JUST CAN'T WAIT to get an angus burger and french fries.  My mouth was watering and I could almost taste it. 

We get in line to order and look up at the menu...and good thing we did...to see all breakfast items.  WHAT THE???  "It's 11:00 and they aren't serving dinner yet???"  As we both look at our phones.....10:16.  See, I was already "into" that time change.  Depressing.  Well by now, we wanted McDonalds and couldn't have it so we left.  And we couldn't believe the line at the drive-through and the line inside. Not a bus in sight so that must be the only place in town to eat breakfast.  Sad.  THEN, we went across the street to yet another convenience store/Subway, where the clerk said if we wanted real food, we should go on up the road.  Wow, really??.  Nothing really looked good in there...except for the knicky knacky things...so we got a snack and continued on. 

You probably don't care but Mahomet, IL is in Champaign County.  Champ-ane.  Not Cham-plain and not Sham-plain.  Champ-ane.  I'm sure between Kathy and I, we have called it all of the above.  We do our best to confuse ourselves. 

We finally made it to the east side (and I still want to call it the south side) of Peoria, IL.  We see a sign for McDonalds and say, "Hey we just finished our snack, wanna go to Mickey D's?"  And of course we do because I have my heart set on french fries.  Until, that is, Kathy spots a Burger King and suddenly I need some onion rings.  Burger King it is.  And it was closer so there's our bonus.  Not only was the building itself set up weird, the service was slow and the employees were not friendly at all.  And to make it all worse, the onion rings were awful.  Well...maybe not awful...but they were kinda yucky. 

I wrapped the rings in about 8 napkins and took them with me for later.  I figured some of the grease could fall out of them and they would taste better.  Note to self:  NEVER do that again.  It appears the grease was the only thing holding them together and when the grease is old...it just goes bad!  I unwrapped them halfway through Iowa and they literally fell apart.  AND, the grease soaked through 6 napkins.  How gross is that???

Instead of coming home on I-80 through Davenport (like we started our journey), we cut across and came through Burlington, IA and got to see all the flooding they were dealing with.  And there was a lot.  It was sad really.  But I sure was happy to see my state.  I love you Iowa!

I still don't have pictures with me that I took on this trip.  I will get them on, I promise. It might be the only thing on the next blog.  Five pictures.  Ha!  There is probably more than five (because I took at least five of the flooded areas) but not a whole lot more.   I hope you have enjoyed taking a road trip with Kathy and I.  The next one is a couple of states away, as well (which is breaking our Golden Rule we made on the way home from this one) but it is one of those trips that is a "must."  More about that later though.  We have a lot to talk about this summer. 

How's the weather where you are?  It snowed here May 2nd.  Snowed.  Accumulative snow.  I don't know WHO pissed Mother Nature off but they need to apologize and do it NOW.  She's bi-polar enough without someone stepping on her d!ck.  Hehehe

Until next time!  As always, thanks for reading!