
My Inner Struggles

For all that is rough and rocky, here I am. Can't get to sleep tonight and on those nights when I can get to sleep at a decent time, I can't stay asleep. This is actually the second time I have started a blog tonight. The first attempt let me get several paragraphs into it before it shut me out and didn't save anything I had typed. That's what I get for trying to blog on my phone I guess. Back to the living room.

For many months I have had so many health issues that I'm just tired of them now. I have done my best not to harp on them because what good does that do me? None. Just deal with it and move on. Since Thanksgiving, I have had the weirdest stuff go on. I'm not going to go into detail on most of those things but 2 rounds of hives that made me want to tear my skin off, a bladder infection that made me fear my whole inside was about to explode and slide right out of my body, body aches in places that shouldn't be achy, and it has all led up to those lousy kidney stones! And the stomach aches! Ugh, let's talk about those stupid things. Is that normal to have with kidney stones??? The sudden urge to regurgitate all you've eaten the past 24 hours? I have yet to actually vomit but it's been close.

No need to announce it I guess but these little stones are painful. And I consider this one very little. 1.75 cm. I have had stones in the past but they have always been so small that I would never know when they pass but this one they said wasn't coming out without some assistance. My sister had one a year or two ago and it was 10 cm. So she is probably going to tell me to shut up a lot when we go to the city for my procedure. Hahaha yeah, she's going to say that! I also expect to hear “Glad it's you,” because she has already told me this at least twice. Thanks for the support sister! I will suffer in silence as much as possible just for her sake. When she went in for her procedure, she asked if she could have the rocks when they were done so she could re-gravel her driveway. Funny but terrifying all the same.

These past couple of months, I have tried to just drink, drink, drink but nothing helps. I have tried medicine after medicine with no relief whatsoever. I'm done paying for meds that don't do anything to help me. Soon this little issue will be taken care of and it will be on to the next thing. Bring. It. On.

I am a side sleeper and I sleep on my right side which is funny to me, since I'm left handed. Maybe I do that so my dominant hand is ready to reach out and slap someone. I don't know. For a little bit each night that I am lucky enough to sleep in my bed, I fear my husband may just get it for doing nothing at all. It could happen. You never know. Anyway, this damned kidney stone is on my right side so sleeping on the right has been pure evil. The flank pain is on my left side though which again, makes no sense to me but whatever. It makes it almost impossible to sleep on that side too. It is just recently that I can't lay on my right side for very long without waking up in pain so life is a little challenging these days. And if that isn't bad enough, needing to pee multiple times a night and not being very successful in that, doesn't help. So, I feel like I'm always tired.

Apparently not tired enough to go to sleep, stay asleep, or even sleep through the pain. I can't wait for this crap to be over and done with.

So for hours and hours a day, I get to think about things. Things that make me sad; things that made me mad; things that I need to get done; things that we have already gotten done/ trying to find solutions to my current problems. And just like that, pain creeps forth and almost doubles me over. Seriously, no rhyme or reason to this! I keep trying to find a position or a way to help get some relief but nothing works.

My favorite part of this is when I go out in public and it hits me. The other day, while shopping with my sister, right smack in the middle of Gordman's I just stopped and doubled over. It doesn't relieve my pain to double over but when your body says you are going to bend at a ninety degree angle, you do it! My sister...she's so funny. She just kept walking, thinking I was right behind her, just chatting away; and she finally realizes I'm not there and turns around and says “Oh, what you doing?” Don't mind me sis, I'm just trying to pass a kidney stone in one of these purses hanging here.

The other day, in the restroom at Menards, me thinking I was the only one in there, I let out a loud gasp and followed up with a terrible moan. (It hurts, okay??) And if that's not bad enough, I have picked up this weird breathing pattern when I go potty. It has to sound something like a woman going through contractions! “she she phew...she she phew.” That's what it sounds like. Anyway, that's when I found out this particular day that I wasn't alone. Who says you can't make yourself blush??? I can only imagine what that poor woman thought was going on in the stall 2 doors down from her. I didn't stick around to find out either. I got the hell out of there. Seriously dumb! I check all stalls now when I'm in a public restroom just to save myself the embarrassment.

I keep telling myself that almost everyone goes through this at some point. Just deal with it and move on. You aren't going to die, Shellie. STOP BEING A BABY! I tell myself that there are so many other things that could be going on; worse things, so don't make a big deal out of this. And this little furbaby of ours, she wants to be with me all the time. Like now for instance. She could be upstairs in bed, taking over my little area she allows me to sleep on but no, she is asleep right beside me in the chair, dreaming away. She's funny. Her ears are going crazy and she must be running in her sleep because her little paws are tapping away at my leg. Probably chasing a squirrel again. She does help keep me calm though because when she's on my lap, I am extra careful not to disturb her even if that means I have to ignore myself as long as I possibly can. I mean, it isn't 100% effective with pain control but it helps. So I guess she is my medicine! Cute little turd anyway.

We are getting ready to start moving some big stuff to the country house. It won't be long and we will be living there full-time. I'm ready. I just wonder how long it is going to take me to get more of this stuff packed up and moved before the actual moving day! Yes, I'm one of those people. Move all the small stuff that I can live without now so it's out of the way for the big day. I'm ready to get that kitchen finished up and unpack everything that I can. I just need some warmer days, some less painful days, and patience. Anybody got any of those things laying around? Yeah, me neither!

So that's how things are going for me. Getting older is proving to be a lot of fun. November will be the big 50 for me. Most days I feel like I'm fresh out of high school still and then there are days like today where I feel like that big 5-0 hit long ago and knocked the life out of me and left me for dead.

This too shall pass. I'm just really anxious for it to pass. Quite literally.


The Will To Go On

So, the blog below (printed in red)  was originally written 11/9/2014 and now that I go back and read it, it makes me laugh.  It deserves an update so here goes (obviously in green, right?).

I have been planning this blog in my head for a couple of days now so I hope the transition from my head to my fingertips to this computer goes smoothly.  You never know!

In my most recent blog, I told you that we have been going through some changes at work and that our Sheriff stepped down and one of the Deputies is now the Sheriff.  So.....in all that mess, we had to replace one.  So the hiring process began and that made a lot of us nervous.  Who knew what asshole we could possibly get stuck with!!  As a dispatcher, it makes a world of difference because these are the people you are going to spend a lot of time with.  *As with everything else great in life, I wish I could have some more time.

So they go and hire this guy from the police department in a neighboring town...partly still in our county...but works for another county.  I know...it's confusing.  And kinda dumb.  Whatever.  When I heard we had hired him, my heart literally sank.  We had just hired the biggest traffic Nazi in the whole western state of Iowa.  That was MY opinion, at least.  I couldn't believe it.  I just knew that once he was working nights: 

I would never be able to leave my work chair again.  *I left my chair.  Many times.
I would never again eat a hot meal at work. *Our night crew has shared so many foodie nights at work, it's not funny!  Whether it be for someone's birthday or just because we wanted to share a meal together.  Those are never going to be the same.
I would never get to see The Big Bang Theory all the way through while on duty. * Just ended up putting on DVR and now they are taking it off the air anyway! Boo!
I would forever and ever be in traffic hell! *With the latest in technology, I have not been in traffic hell.  Go figure!

I was going to hate this guy.  Oh hell, let's be honest, I already hated him!  I heard him on the radio all the time running this car and that car and asking for all kinds of information from passerby's on the interstate.  Ugh!  "That's it!  At least I am going to tell the Sheriff how I feel about this!"  

And I did.  I walked right up to him as he was doing paperwork and said "I cannot believe you hired "HIM."  Of all the people on this earth, you hired the biggest traffic Nazi out there!  Not to mention a 20-something "I know all, I am all" little puke! *For the record, he is and has never been one of those guys.  He is one of the most kind hearted men I will ever have the honor of knowing and working with.   I just want you to know that I am going to HATE working with him and when he sits on the interstate and runs traffic for a full 8 hours, I will be calling YOU when he goes home because I will want to inconvenience you like I will be inconvenienced."  *Nope, never had to do this.  Oh this makes me laugh!

Oh that Sheriff!  He laughed at me.  He told me to relax and breathe.  He said it will be alright and that he takes full responsibility for the actions of "HIM."  He assured me that once I got to know him, I would see how he really is.  Oh I know how he really is dude.  I listen to him on the radio almost every night now and fantasize about tying his tongue in a knot.  Let the stress begin!  *While I can't fully admit there haven't been times I still want to tie his tongue in a knot, I can honestly say that hiring this man...this was one of the best things our Sheriff has ever done.

I made it clear to every person I talked to that I did not like this guy and had no plans to ever like him or like working with him.  That was my story and I was sticking to it.  The first night that we worked together, he was riding with another Deputy and I couldn't find a sense of humor on this guy to save my life. *Which is hilarious to me now because he has the BEST sense of humor ever!   At this point, I figured my days here were numbered.  The thought of working with someone that I absolutely couldn't stand was more than I was willing to go through.....again.  *And now that he has moved on, I wonder how things will be without him.  Funny how that happens.  

If any of you remember, I had a rough start with the previous "FNG" and I didn't want a repeat of that.  Definitely not worth it.  

So the first night that this guy is on duty solo, guess what he does?  He stops my husband.  Oh yes, he did.  And I just knew it was going to go downhill from there.  If my co-workers thought I was a stubborn bitch now...well, they hadn't seen anything yet.  Needless to say it was a couple of days before he and I had any face-to-face contact.

Well now...for the sake of my fingertips and your sanity, I will fast forward a few months.  As of today, this guy has hurt my feelings and been a real dick cheese to me; but I have to say that he did not hurt my feelings intentionally and that whole dick cheese thing...well I was probably just as bad to him so I'll let it slide.  It does come with the job sometimes.  But I make sure he knows when he's being a dick cheese.  *While I don't remember what exactly this whole thing was about, I will say that we have had our moments.  I have pissed him off.  He has pissed me off.  But no matter what, we always talk it out.  Every time.  

I have sent this guy a Facebook friend request and within 24 hours, rescinded it.  Luckily he hadn't accepted at that point or it might have just turned ugly.  He actually sent me a request after that and I didn't accept it.  (I'll show him who's stubborn!)  We have "bonded" over coffee and think we finally have each other figured out.  He's a dick cheese and I'm the Queen.  Yep!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it! *He is not a dick cheese.  I repeat:  NOT A DICK CHEESE! Sometimes a dick, just not to me.  

We are now friends.  *We are more than that.  We are BFF's just like he said.  Damn him!  I mean who couldn't be friends with a guy that:

*is an animal lover *Meg, if you're reading this, the girls need a puppy!
*is a coffee drinker...and loves hazelnut creamer!  BONUS!
*is a Walking Dead fan *Even though neither of us have watched this past season at all.
*is left-handed (like me!)  *In our right minds!
*is quick witted and has a fantastic sense of humor (Yes it took a while but it came out)  
*is a quick thinker
*is ready to help when it is asked of him and ready to do his job to the best of his ability
*pretty health-conscious overall  *Pretty?  Psssssh, he is just a tad too health conscious for me!
*****holds his wife up on a pedestal and tells the world how hot she is and how in love he is with her.  (There is a reason this gets 5 stars you know!) I told him it is rare to hear men talk about their wives like that and it is very refreshing.  *I have met his wife...........she's just as amazing; a lovely gal that I am honored to be friends with.  And their kids......don't even get me started because I am just in love with those little turds!!!

This guy is adorable on so many levels and I absolutely look forward to working with him.  Even if he does make me do more work than the others!!!  We get along great and eventually I foresee a brother/sister kind of relationship. Ummm, that happened!  I already find myself asking him all kinds of advice about work.  He and his wife...whom I will probably never get to meet because he's a big chicken shit...*or not... are expecting their first baby in the near future.  I am SO freaking excited for them!!!  He is going to be such a wonderful daddy and it is fun to watch these tough guys turn soft when it comes to a little baby. *Two beautiful daughters later and yeah, he is a wonderful daddy.  Watching him go from tough guy to gentle lion has been amazing.  Those girls are lucky to have him.    
For the record, I have told every person in my office how I misjudged this man AND I have even told him.  More than once.  We honestly could not have asked for a better man to represent our county and keep our roads safe.  *And now he has moved on and as sad as it has been to get through this emotional roller coaster, I couldn't be prouder of the cop he has become.  He is truly one of the best and reminds me so much of my dad.  

I know it's rare to see but I was so completely wrong about this guy...even though he has made me doubt it once or twice.  Yep, I won't judge another until I know the full story and have lived the misery.  

Oh hell, who am I kidding??? We will have another new Deputy the first of the year and I'm sure my world will turn crazy again.  Oh well, at least I'll have my new friend to talk me off that ledge!!  -_-  *How lucky am I that the "new guy" back then has turned into just as good a friend as this one.  I truly couldn't be any luckier than I am in the co-worker friend department.  There are just some people...no matter where life takes you...you just can't ever give up.

Well there you have it.  I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit.  Now on to bigger and better things.  Who knows where the next blog is going to end up!  Until next time...thanks for reading!!!

I am hoping this emotional roller coaster is about to come to an end.  Sarcasm, sadness, bitterness, sadness, anger, sadness, contentedness.  But I know that sadness isn't done with me yet.  Many days and nights have been spent shedding tears and as much as I know my heart is sad, I also know my heart is full and proud.  Just wait until the next shift where I'm supposed to be scheduled with him.  It's not going to be easy and it's not going to be pretty.  Best of luck to you my dear friend, Will.  You will be hearing from me soon!  
"Always Stay Safe!"