
The COVID experience

Yesterday morning, my husband went in for a scope on his stomach. He hasnt been feeling good for quite a while so after ruling everything else out, they believe he has an ulcer. Welcome to my world dear husband. 

We got up and going before the butt-crack of dawn after I got off at midnight the night before and had to "sleep" on the couch because my youngest pup had babies a few days ago and I wont make her spend a whole night alone. Since I had to get up at 5am, it just made sense. And it didnt help that a small snowstorm had blown through so the roads sucked a little bit. Both going home from work and a few hours later going to the hospital.

Hubby gets checked in, gets labs taken, rapid COVID swab and we are escorted to a room where he gets changed out and ready to find some answers. We chat about the nice socks, sexy gown and cool cap he gets to wear. Of course Im jealous! I havent had my share of those things in the past year and a half! Yeah, right!!

*Knock knock* the nurse opens the door a crack and looks at my husband, "Guess what?" He looks at her and kinda laughs and says "You're fucking with me." At this point I was oblivious to just what was going on. I felt like I was watching a tennis match. Back and forth until SOMEONE makes the point. 

He is COVID positive. 
No, no, no, no, no. 
He feels fine. 
He didnt even have a fever when we came in. 
No cough; not one symptom. 
He is pissed about having to miss work.
Oh God, he has to tell his boss.
This is going to go over like a lead balloon.

While he is getting dressed and testing out every cuss word he has ever heard, my mind was going a million miles a minute. 

I cant have this.
I dont want to find out I took this to work.
I cant miss work.
Oh Lord. I. Can. NOT. Miss. Work. 
My boss is going to have a breakdown.

I bet my eyes were as wide as they could be. "I need a test. I work at the Sheriffs Office. Lets not get me in trouble with the Sheriff." She tells us where to go so I can get a test done and off we go.

I get the test and we head home to wait for the news. I started cleaning the kitchen to keep my mind busy while barking orders at my husband that just because he has COVID, he isnt sick so this isnt going to be a vacation. He kept saying that he felt fine. I kept saying I felt terrible. He had results. I didnt. I was mentally preparing for the worst.

After a while, I hadnt heard anything so I called the hospital who transferred me to public health. "You are negative but you need to wear a mask everywhere outside your house for 2 weeks. You can not go into any public buildings for 2 weeks so find someone to grocery shop for you." Not one mention of work. Hello??? "Follow your employers protocol." Here's the funny part. Our freaking protocol is to go by public health advice. I felt like I had just got sucked into a vacuum. 

The boss would figure it out. Told me to plan on having the day off (yep, I was scheduled to work that day) and he would get back to me. When he did, he told me to plan for 2 weeks off. My heart sank. 

I'm that girl that struggles with more than 2 days off in a row unless I am out of town. I love my job and I do not like to miss. I hate using sick time. I know; that's what it's for BUT the way my life changed at year 49, I need all that sick time. 
Just. In. Case. 
Be prepared for anything.

Oh, did I mention that hubby's supervisor tested positive as well??  I told the hubs that it is pretty sad he is more intimate with his supervisor than he is with me. He didnt like that but I sure got a good laugh out of it. 

Working opposite shifts has probably helped me but I have thought from the beginning of this stupid mess that I already had it. Me and a few others at the office. 

So now, we have had two days together, stuck in this house. TWO. He has eight to go. I have twelve. Remember when this pandemic first started and people were forced to stay home? I was envious for about a minute but thought there would be no way we would make it through.

Well, here we are!!! One of hubs co-workers told me not to kill him in the next 2 weeks. I said fine but after that, all bets are off.

Please dont send cards or messages hoping he (or we) get to feeling better. We both feel great but our sleep schedules are really going to suck when life goes back to normal. We are good on everyday groceries and toilet paper and yeast and peanut butter. Thanks to my bestie for getting us some drinks from the c-store today. God Bless You. That is probably tge only thing we will ever need someone to get for us, luckily.

If we get to feeling bad, I will update everyone. I know lots of people are entrigued about how people feel as they gothrough this. I feel trapped. Does that help? Our report should be pretty boring as long as we dont develop any symptoms.

We were able to go into town today and vote from our car. I felt like a lepper but those gals in the Guthrie County Courthouse are and always have been amazing to work with. So that's done.

For those of you that say "At least you have puppies to play with while you are stuck at home," their eyes arent even open yet so they arent that much fun. And momma is pretty proud of them and very much all about them NOT being around the sperm donor or that old bitch that growls at night. Not me, but Eva. So if we want to hold them now, we have to go sit in her 4x4 welping box and that is not comfortable!! 

Well, it took a quarantine, but I finally got hubs to sit down and work on this crazy ass puzzle. We are making pretty good progress on it. Who knows, we may finish it tomorrow. We better pace ourselves. I dont want to run out of stuff to do. Sure cant bake anything because I couldnt share it with anyone in good conscious. 

Stay tuned. We will see how this goes.

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