
Don't make eye contact

Is it crazy that when I am the only one sitting in front of the tv on my late night shifts, I prefer to watch cartoons.  Right now, my cartoon-of-choice is these guys.  I never get tired of it.  Magic and surprises around every corner.   I don't even feel bad that a child is not around NOR does a child live in my house.  Well...not counting my husband.  Sometimes I watch this guy.  I love him and can relate to him a lot.  I mean.....who can't?  He's a sponge and he's lives at the bottom of the sea!

Anyway, today's cartoon makes me chuckle because it reminds me of my status of being a fairy godmother.  My friend, partner-in-crime, and cohort, Beth and myself took it upon ourselves to kind of "adopt" a couple of girls in the local community and be their fairy godmother's.  They have never met us and I don't have plans for them to meet us anytime soon either.  One of their parents is a friend of ours that we think the world of and it really kind of started when one of the girls got very sick and spent a lot of time in the hospital.  

All better now and both girls are healthy and doing great!  Anyway, we like to make things for them when they are sick or for holidays and now their birthdays are going to start rolling around.  I am so excited!!!  I can't tell you what I am having made for them because I want to keep it a secret.  At least for now.  -_-

Yesterday, Beth and I spent the morning together in Des Moines.  And did we have a blast!!!  I"m telling you, this girl cracks me up in ways I can't even imagine.  From her upfront bluntness to complete strangers, to her freaking out in public places, to her aggressive parking garage driving, and all the way to her dropping food in her own bra.  Oh man, I crack up just thinking about it. Not sure how I didn't choke when she did that but I made it. 

We went to the Farmer's Market for the very first time.  Parking was a nightmare and you had to bring your own can opener to get in and out.  Someone should have told us that.  What a place that was!  100% outside and we got about the same amount of air you would get inside a wrestling room after a big practice.  Stifling.  But the experience was neat.  I got me some tomato plants and ghost pepper plants (along with a lecture from the lady selling them, about safety) and a cupcake that was so good but so hard to eat, I ended up throwing half of it away.  Lesson learned.

Samples of granola, beef sticks, cheeses, you name it.  It was cool but it was insane.  There was one lady in particular that I educated about how cool it was for her to be rude.  Balloon people making life-sized characters from Frozen (a movie I haven't even seen yet and I knew what it was) completely out of balloons.  It was spectacular.  

Belly dancers.  Okay, again I can't lie to you.  That was nothing short of a train wreck.  The women just were not appealing in any sense of the word!!  At one point, I started pushing Beth down the street screaming, "Don't make eye contact!!  Just keep going!!"  I"m not sure how we made it out alive.  Or un-arrested.   The laughing we did was worth millions and I know I was doubled over for more reasons than my stomach hurting!

And about that.  You all know I hate going to the doctor.  But I did.  And it was very much against my own wishes because my doctor was not going to be available to see for at least five days.  I had been dealing with this stomach pain for a week and a half and I just wanted it to go away. So, I had to see the new doctor.  Great.  A new doctor.  And to make things worse, Kathy tells me that she's pretty sure I'm not going to like her.  

Talk about setting the stage for me!!! 

Well.........it's still here.  The pain, that is.  I'm on antibiotics and it's still here.  It's constant.  Sometimes it's double-me-over in pain hurtful and sometimes it's just lurking-in-the-back-of-my-mind hurtful.  What I didn't realize was that the pain is really all coming from my left side of my stomach.  She had me lay down on the bed thingy and she started pushing around on different areas of my stomach.

Have you ever seen those baby dolls that you put water in and when you squeeze it, water comes out?  Well, let me tell you!!!  She pushed on a couple areas of my stomach and tears just fell out of my eyes.  Okay, okay, I cried.  It was intense and it hurt.  I'm not going to lie about it.  I had blood tests done and an x-ray.  On Tuesday I go for a CT Scan to hopefully put an end to this stuff.  Cross your fingers for me. 

So, for now they are treating me for diverticulitis but I will tell you right now, I don't have that.  I'm pretty sure.  Almost ninetyyyyyyyyyyyy ni......five percent sure.  Yeah, I'm sure I don't have it.  And if I do, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets a lot better.  Have you seen how well I do at eating a low-carb diet???

So, I am on this medicine that.....guess what???  Makes your stomach hurt!!!  Seriously, that was what I wanted them to make go away!!!  And now I have it constantly no matter what, WITH medicine.    And because I forgot to mention it above.....my sister was wrong.  I really did like that new doctor.  Not enough to switch from mine but hey, she will do when I can't see my own.

I was sitting there and this doctor says to me, "I am going to need x-rays, blood work and a CT scan."  I wonder if my head did a complete 360 when she said CT scan.  First things out of my mouth, without a single breath in between, "I have to work at 4:00, (looking for a clock on every wall) if I'm going to be late, I need to call, oh I don't really want to miss any work, I guess I can, Friday is actually really good for me to do this next week."  

Thinking back at that, all that comes to mind is Beetlejuice.  I'm sure I looked...or at least acted, like the guy with the shrunken head and it just starts spinning on it's axis.  Makes me giggle.  

She did say we would do the CT scan on Tuesday instead because she could see that I have a good "work ethic."  That was kinda nice to hear.  I do like to work.  I just don't like to work at it.  Hehehe

So I get to be there at 09:00 on Tuesday to spend 2 hours drinking some crap that is probably going to taste like ass-tar.  I would rather have another colonoscopy.  *sigh*  Oh well.  At least that was recent enough that they can go by that reading.  Which says there was no diverticuli.  Go figure.  

Oh well.  Live and let live, right?  We do what we have to do.  Like it or not.  I think I will cut this off here.  I am putting myself to sleep.  I feel sorry for you.  Until next time....thanks for reading and keep cool and dry!

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