
This post gives me goosebumps

The other day I overheard a conversation that made me giggle.  I wasn't eavesdropping as I could have been a part of the conversation if I had known anything about what was being discussed.  I didn't so I just sat there and listened.  

This particular part of the conversation was about one person's family and where their "rank" is, in the order of siblings.  One of the sisters in this family had passed away at some point and this other person was trying to establish her "place," so to speak.  

MS:  So what about the sister that passed away?
HC:  She died

And that folks, was the END of that conversation.  

I held in my laughter.  I seriously did.  I just thank God that my back was to her.  I mean, I held it in physically...for so long...I thought snot would force it's way out my eyes somehow.  It was painful to say the least.  When someone is sitting behind you and you feel the need to giggle without them knowing, it's hard to do it without your shoulders moving.  Again...I did it.  Without explosion.  

The person that asked that question was hoping I wouldn't make eye contact with her but I did.  I couldn't help it.  But it was only for a split second and then I looked away and closed my eyes.  I'm not sure how she didn't laugh.

I love the quirky things that people say and do.  I also love the responses I get when I comment about those people and those quirky things.  

Yesterday Kathy was driving up Interstate 35 and Jackie and I were with her.  We were about a hundred feet from the exit we wanted to take when this silver SUV comes around us and cuts us off.  I automatically say, "Really?  Was that necessary you impatient prick?"  As if they were right inside the front seat with me.  And did Jackie laugh!!!  I love it when I can really make her giggle without trying.  

The SUV races up the off ramp to the stop sign, so they can turn left, as we come up the ramp, taking the right hand lane to turn right.  As I said, they had a stop sign.  We only had a yield sign. Nobody coming so we go on our way.  There was a car coming over the bridge that got in behind us and then guess who?  Yep, that impatient prick that had went the wrong way and had to wait for traffic!  Ha, serves you right you goober!!!

Here's a good one.  It's about my husband and his driving.  I could probably write a book just about my experiences with him driving but I'm scared to ride with him that much!!

We were in Creston the other night.  He took me out for a nice dinner and we were bored and didn't want to go home.  We took a ride out to 12 mile lake and looked around.  Sad how that it has been so torn up over the years.  It's one of my favorite places to be, actually.  After that nice little drive, we come back into town and this little black car, I referred it to a rice burner,  with blue headlights and some kind of green light underneath..that I don't see how it could be legal...but anyway,  they get behind us and ride our ass for about 4 blocks.  I wasn't really paying a whole lot of attention at this time.  I think I was checking my Facebook ;-) but I noticed that they would get right on our ass and then rev the engine.  As if to say "Speed up or get the hell out of my way."  

The next thing I know, Q has stomped on the brake and I nearly got my head cut off from the seat belt.  I'm sure there's a collar bone injury lurking just beneath the surface.  My first reaction is to see who had just walked out in front of us, because I knew there were no vehicles.  So I guess I was paying more attention than I thought.  At the same time I am worried about running over a small child or animal, I hear SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!  And then we were back on our merry way.  

At the stop light, the car pulls up beside us.  On my side.  And of course my window was down and I really wanted to tell whoever was driving, what I thought.  So as they pull up, the passenger...a snotty little male looks at me and says, "Ain't nobody that cares."  Out of reflex, my finger shot up.  I wanted him to see my pretty purple fingernail polish.  He says to the driver, "She's flipping us off."  The driver then turns and looks at me because I guess he had never seen a pretty purple fingernail either.  And just as I am getting ready to say, "How come you had to slam on your brakes back there?" my husband does his usual idiot thing.

Around the corner we go.  I'm not sure how fast he took that turn but I do remember having to grab his headlamp off the dash before it flew out my window.  Oh.....WHILE I was holding onto the oh-shit handle...trying not to fly out of the vehicle myself.  The black car is also squeeling his tires as he goes on his merry way.  I don't know who I was more impressed with (I am dripping in sarcasm right now.....DRIPPING), my husband or those children behind the wheel of a car that they apparently don't have to pay for the tires on.

After I gained my composure...you know, fixed my hair, got set back up in the seat properly, and oh yeah....checking my drawers for any wetness or stank.....I proceeded to tell my husband...loudly so that he got every word...what a childish thing that was to do.  Not that my giving the finger was any more mature BUT, at least I wouldn't have gotten a ticket for what I did. It was Creston.  Sure I could have gotten a ticket there.  They have a city cop that hates my husband.  Whom I was with.  I regress.

By the time we had gotten across town to Walmart, I was laughing and poking fun at my husband for taking his hat off and letting people see that he bears a resemblance to Sonic the Hedgehog.  He is in bad need of a haircut.  -_-  Which he now has had.

And speaking of my husband, he came home Friday and told me he traded off his pickup.  For another pickup.  Another pickup that is 19 years older than the one he traded.  Seriously.  And I like this truck.  It kinda has an old man thing about it.  It's good on gas though.  Better than the one he traded off  And the thing that Q loves about it, is that he can work on it.  It has parts he is familiar with.  Sounds like a huge plus to me.

Now.....I have to be honest with you here folks.  This particular blog was started well over a week ago.  I had every intention to hit publish and boom.....FAIL.  Sorry about that.  While we're already here.....

Sometimes I wonder if I was meant to be a preacher's wife.  Yes.....you read that right.  I said preacher's wife.  I grew up knowing that as a preacher's wife, you had to be ready at an instant, to entertain.  They never knew who or when someone would just show up at the door and in need of a talk.  So, as a good hostess.....and preacher's wife.....you always have something on hand for them to snack on or a meal ready to put together so they can join you.  

I love to entertain.  The first 3 years that Q and I lived together, I was always inviting someone over for a meal and/or game night.  My sisters and their friends have both been up; my friend Linda and her family used to come up almost like clock work; our friends Galen & Alisha and family used to come over; we had a stay-cation at our house with many visitors (one of my funnest times), and Q's little brother was a regular visitor as well.  

But sadly, that has come to a stop.  For more reasons than one and more reasons that I am going to put on display here.  I'm probably lucky if you are still reading THIS far.  What I will tell you is the one BIG reason that I haven't had anybody over, for even a visit, in the past year and a half.  My house.  It is nothing but filth.  Everywhere I look, we have a pile of crap.  Not literal crap people.  Just crap/stuff.  

One of my biggest mistakes is that I agreed to let Q put a big metal desk back in the corner of our livingroom.  It's use was primarily for re-loading shells for our guns.  It's a huge room so I knew the space wasn't an issue.  What I wasn't agreeing to was the 9 sheets of rock (sheet rock) that he is "storing" up against the wall, next to the desk, until we get the laundry room torn off and replaced.  That could easily be another year.  I am not happy about this.  I was going to share a photo of the desk but I am thoroughly embarrassed by it. 

I haven't even invited my sisters to my house because I am so embarrassed by what has become of our home.  I used to be the "pillar" of home cleanliness; and now I am comparable to a hoarder; simply because I allowed it.  Several times I have thought to myself "Just ask about 5 people to come help you for a complete day; have them help you organize it all so you can get started again and back on the right track."  But the thought of ANYONE outside of me and Q seeing the house, literally puts me into a panic attack.  It took me a while to figure out what was going on with me but that's it.  They are panic attacks.  And I hate them.  Even talking to you about it here has me feeling panicky and "hurty," so I think I will close.  

I hope I can get my home back.  I think I am going to forgo anymore girls' weekend for the rest of this year, and possibly next year, so I can get my house back and get me back.  I hate feeling like this.  I'm sure my mom has rolled in her grave more than once at how my home looks.  I am so ashamed.

I am open to any suggestions you might have.  Unless it medicine.  I refuse to take medicine for something I have complete control over.  Otherwise, let 'er rip tater chip!!!  Until next time.....thanks for reading!!!

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