For those of you that think my tattoos are ridiculous, maybe you should first take the time to understand them. If, after reading what I have to say about them, you still think I'm ridiculous, well then you can go on your merry way. I do not care. If, after reading this, you still can't understand why I proudly display my love and my commitment to the blue line and "my guys," at least I know I tried. I have done my part. Ignorance is yours to keep.
On my right arm I have the phrase "Lord, protect my heroes"

On my left arm I have three badges

Every one of these officers...from day one until the day I die, will be "my guys."
The third badge represents Adair County. The county where I got my official "start" in the business. I tried and tried to rebel against the idea of getting into this business but I couldn't stay away. I have to be honest with you when I say that I have made the best friends of my life in this career and in this county. Some I couldn't imagine not having in my life. I wouldn't want to change where I am right now for anything in the world. Adair County is where my dad grew up so living here is another blessing for me. I will always have a part of my dad with me so it's nice to think that I brought a part of him back to his home area.
Again I will add...every officer that I get the honor of working with are, and always will be, "my guys."
I did not skip number two. This one is in the middle of the two county badges, I held back on this one for a particular reason. Number two is a memorial shield. As you can see in the picture, it has a memorial band across it and it is to show my love and gratitude for all fallen officers. Not just in my area but in the world. When Kerrie Orozco was killed in the line of duty in Omaha, Nebraska, I was devastated. Although I did not know Kerrie, her death was very hard on me.
Her death made me want to protect "my guys" even more than ever. Her death forced me to be a better dispatcher. Her death opened my eyes to so many areas of the job that she did and the job that "my guys" do every day.
My shield also represents my friend, Tyler. The young man that had the bravery of a thousand cops. The wise soul that held the hearts of thousands of people. The one that hurts my heart so much to think about him not being on this earth anymore. My shield honors him because even from a bed inside a great big hospital, he did all he could to protect and serve. He lived to do it. He always wanted to protect those that he loved; doing whatever he had to in order to get it done. And he served. He served God. He brought so much love and kindness to this others. He brought people together. He had a way of making people know that God was always there whenever they needed him. There is no greater service than the service of God and this kid really knew what he was doing.
So I will just mention again how Tyler...and even Kerrie...will always be "my guys." Notches etched in my heart...lumps in my throat so big that sometimes I feel it is easier to throw up than try to swallow them down...EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT THEM AND THEIR BRAVERY.
If by chance, you are one of "my guys" and you are reading this.....Thank You. Through my tears and from my heart, please know that you are held in the highest esteem and, well.....
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