
Jumping in blind

Here I am!  Were you just looking for me?  I thought I saw you over there looking all confused at the empty walls and faded carpet!  Excuse the bareness.  It's all I have right now.

We are doing this wellness incentive thing at work for our insurance.  This time we have to "walk" for 6 weeks.  We have to "walk" to each town in our county.  We can accomplish these goals by actually walking, running or biking or we can count 20 minutes of physical activity as a mile.  We then mark if off of our map, block by block.  The map is drawn on graph paper.  

And before any of you ask, going to the fridge and back to the chair/couch is NOT physical activity.  I asked before starting this program.  And if it feels like it's too physical for you to actually walk from the couch/chair to the fridge, you either need a much smaller home or you need to get outside and move.  Sorry.  Sometimes the truth hurts.

So yesterday I mowed the yard, trimmed, ran from the back yard to the front yard pushing a wheelbarrow full of field rocks (for a reason other than the benefit of exercise), and painted a ladder.  Then I came inside, cleaned up a little bit, and did my exercises.  I tell you I'm a glutton for punishment.  I am currently at 22 miles walked and worked.  The total miles is 87 around the county.  Only 65 to go!  I have a whole six weeks so I am hoping to not only walk around the grid once BUT TWICE.  I mean, if I can get around the county, I can surely make it back.  Right???

I will keep you posted.  I'm sure you just can't wait to hear about that!

I have started adding push-ups to my workout.  They aren't fun.  I have muscles the size of dandelion stems in my arms.  So just imagine a dandelion trying to push something the size of a boat, up and not letting it fall all the way down.  Yeah...it's a challenge.  And the most I have done at a single time is 7 but hey, it's a start.  Tomorrow I will try to get to 10.  

Then there's the planking.  For those of you that have never done it...don't believe those pictures because it really isn't as fun and easy as it looks.  The bonus of doing planks over push-ups though, is that with planking, you can hold your weight with your forearms.  The first few days I hated planking but it's not as bad as I thought it was.  It's not my favorite thing in the world to do but it's not the worst, by far. 

I think I am back to running being my least favorite thing in the world to do.  Only because it makes me vomit.  

I still do my ab lounger faithfully.  I took a hiatus from it while we were re-doing the livingroom floor.  Probably had something to do with the fact it was folded up and behind a whole room (or two) of other stuff.  I love doing that though.  I think it is the part of the reason my boobs got a bit smaller.  Yay, go me!  I should just keep going on that thing until my boobs are gone.  That would be a dream come true for me.  Not so much for my husband...but for me.  

Then there's that whole elasticity thing.  With my luck, I would end up with deflated boobs that just sag to my knees because the elastic has stretched beyond it's limits.  And come to think of it, while working out in the yard tonight, I found some old tent stakes that I cut the elastic out of the middle of them.  I wonder.....

The first Tuesday in April was the end of our weight loss challenge and since then, I feel like I have no motivation to keep doing the exercises and being accountable.  I don't even like to weigh myself anymore and I always used to look forward to that!  *sigh*  I will keep searching for that motivation.  

The weather here is finally wonderful.  I am loving mowing the yard again.  Last year I didn't do it very often.  Quintin always did it for me.  This year though, I told him I want to do the mowing.  He's welcome to do the trimming but please please please, save the mowing for me.  

He wants to get a riding mower...or he already has one that was given to him.  He just has to get it going first.  I hope that takes all year so I don't have to worry about him taking my exercise program from me.  Rude!

Don't know where you are from but we had snow on May 2nd of this year.  And not just flurries.  Snow.  Accumulating snow.  When I looked out the window that morning, all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.  I think this is only the second time in my life that I have ever seen snow this late in the year.  Amazing.  It will probably be 50 degrees on Christmas day.  Who knows!?!  

I am going to call it a night.  I hear a shower calling my name.  Oh oh oh!!!  Let me tell you about this new shower of mine!  Quintin and I can get in there and shower together and don't have to bother each other.  It. Is. Huge!!!  Of course, neither of us want to get out of it either; which could be a problem in itself someday.  I'm sure the boss isn't going to accept any excuse I may come up with for not showing up to work.  "Sorry boss, my shower ate my clothes....."  But I must say that "rain head" shower head we picked out is the most amazing feeling.  No more bending down to get my hair under the nozzle.  I just let it rain down on me and smile the whole time.  

I'm easily amused and easily pleased.  If only it would last longer.  My poor poor husband!!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I know I am going to.  I may blog again on Sunday.  I can't eat that whole day and can only drink clear liquids.  I will probably get pretty bored so I may have to move the computer into the bathroom for the night.  I am starting prep for a colonoscopy on Monday morning.  The one thing I have been putting off for years and years and years.  I gave in.  I'm so weak!!!  ha.

Maybe on Monday, when I get home.....if I can stay awake.....I will try to blog.  I hear right after the procedure, some people don't always remember the things they do and/or say.   That could get fun, huh?!?

Until next time.  Thanks for reading and peace out!

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