
The fog just won't lift

Excuse me, I feel like I am in a fog.  I've had three days off and it feels like I've had sixteen days off.  Normally people would think that was great, huh?  Not me.  I don't like to be out of routine.  I tend to falter, to say the least.

My eating is off schedule, my exercise is off schedule, and if this rain doesn't let up soon, my whole world is going to be off schedule.  Shellie is a happy girl when she can be outside...and busy.  The other day I was mowing the yard and it started to rain on me.  I literally stopped in mid-path and looked at the sky and yelled, "Seriously, you can't just wait until I get done???"  I'm pretty sure the neighbors think I have flipped my lid...I mean, I do dance around and sing when I mow...I try to be entertaining for myself, for my dogs, and even for anyone that happens to be watching.  Anyway, it worked.  It wasn't two minutes after I stopped mowing that the sky fell and it poured buckets.  So I couldn't be too mad at mother nature that day. 

It's all the days that followed that ticked me off.  And are still following. 

When I got off work Sunday, the only thing I wanted to do was clean my house.  We have had construction going on for so long now...and we are in a "dry spell," so to speak...that I figured it would be an ideal time to live in a clean house for a change.  And I was excited.  There aren't many people out there that get as excited as I do about cleaning. 

By Sunday evening, I got every room downstairs done with the exception of cleaning out and re-organizing my kitchen cupboards and dusting the livingroom.  No biggie.  I can do that on Monday morning before starting on the upstairs.  Here's where my great plan went to crap.  We woke up on Monday morning and started working on the upstairs.  Quintin even helped me.  We had the bedroom all cleaned up and dusted (scary how dusty our bedroom gets), and just when we were about done with the main room...the room that he has all his dirty tools in...and many many sheets of sheetrock...he decides that he needs to get the rest of the sheetrock put in the "new" closet. 

His theory is that if he gets it all hung and done, he won't be making THAT mess anymore.  I suppose he's right.  Now we have to lug the stuff out of the closet...which means I need to go through my totes (each one of them) and make sure I can or cannot condense...because I have a bigger walk-in closet in the next room filled to the gills with more crap...that may or may not be able to go in some of those totes.  AND THEN...I seperated anything I may need for the Staycation into one area of the little hallway and put all my things I will need for The Gift, in another area. 

It's almost deadly trying to get in and out of bed now.  I have rolled up carpet and padding at the foot of the bed that we took out of what's going to be the new master bedroom, bathroom & closet and is going to be used on the steps...because my husband is tired of sliding down them.  I don't get it.  I haven't slid down them once.  Yet.  And now that I've put THAT in print, I am sure to be telling you about my fall in my next blog.  And I give you permission to laugh.  Because I'm sure, at some point, I will be laughing about it as well.

So hanging sheetrock did nothing for the upstairs.  Well, except for make the closet match the rest of the area Q had been working on.  Yada yada yada, by the end of Tuesday, I had the downstairs clean again and the upstairs sheeted and mudded.  And the mudding should all be finished by today's end and texturing is coming right up behind it.  I am finally seeing a dim light at the end of the tunnel.  It's kind of exciting...once again...but kind of frustrating.  I am just going to focus on the light and try to walk around the frustration until it's painted. 

My last day off (from the 3) I spent at the dentist...in the morning.  He took about 20 minutes to scrape the tarter off my front teeth.  Amazing what a good cleaning can do for you.  He told me though, that I have nearly perfect teeth...as in condition.  I could probably do with some braces but can't afford that so it won't be happening. The rest of the day was spent doing very little as my head hurt so bad that I didn't even want to think.  I couldn't get any room in the house dark enough and I ate like crap.  *sigh*

The headache has left me in somewhat of a fog, from the neck down.  It's the oddest feeling in the world.  I'm working today and work half a day tomorrow so I can go to my doctor's appointment and listen to her tell me about all the bad foods I eat (I have to take my food diary to her) and it's no wonder I am a diabetic...yada yada yada.  Then I have another 2 days off.  Yes...one and a half work days this week.  Yikes.  My routine is going to be screwed up big time!

Until next time...thanks for reading.  I will try to be more interesting next time. 

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