
I found a few cobwebs

I was looking at the notes I keep in my phone and came across some funny stuff. 

Like this one: 

I'm watching an old "Keeping up with the Kardashians," (yes I'm one of THOSE people) and Kim and Kris go to the doctor for Kim's ultrasound and also to find out the sex of the baby.  When they walk in, Kourtney and Khloe are already there, sitting in the waiting room.  Kim asks them what they were doing there and why and Kris says, "If one of you girls is pregnant, we are all pregnant."

This is how I feel with my sisters.  Well, not the pregnant thing.  Yuck.  But the closeness...the "feeling" part of it.  Life in general.  I truly love the fact that when I need my sisters the most, they are here.  They give me everything.  They don't hold back.  Even if it's something I don't want to hear or face. 

When Cindy lost Ashley, I know it deeply affected both Kathy and I.  We both felt like a part of our soul was shattered and the pieces were too sharp too pick back up.  But we did.  Eventually.  All of us did.  And most recently, when we were told that Jackie had Lymphoma cancer, it was almost as if the world just stopped spinning on it's axis.  Like everything that was right with the world had suddenly turned wrong.  The night before her surgery...June 26th, 2013...I had something I had never had.  Me and my sisters together.  Laughing.  Having fun.  Enjoying each other's company and just plain "being."

That is one of my favorite pasttimes so far this summer.  Being.  I don't do it near enough.  But that is changing. 

Anyway...after that episode, another came on where Kris and Khloe went out for a night on the town and got drunk and went to Kim's house and TP'd it.  I mean they did a bang up job!!  I was even impressed that they knew HOW to do anything like that.  But they did it.  And left.  Of course Khloe wrote her mom's name (in shaving cream) on the wall.  That is the only reason she didn't call the cops.  But she made a big hissy fit the next day about how they vandalized her home.  Please sister, you didn't even have to clean it up.  Your friend...you know the one I'm talking about...that caused your divorce in the first place...he's the one that cleaned it up.  Well...he and the camera crew. 


I saw this picture on Facebook. 

I realize that we, as a society, are supposed to teach our children
that it isn't right to hit a girl. 
I have to say that I STRONGLY disagree with this picture.  Guys...what if you were being assaulted by a woman that you knew was packing a gun?  What if you didn't have a weapon; just your two hands?  What are you thinking?  Because I would be thinking, "$h!t's about to get real and this chic is going down.  Whatever it takes."  Now...you may say sure it's okay for a woman to take her out but in what world are we not responsible for our own actions?  If some female is beating the crap out of ANYONE, I believe...I know...that female has to own up to throwing the first punch, or whatever it may be. 
All my life I have heard about equality and how women want to be equal to men.  But if you give 'em a right hook, they want your ass in the slinger.  Please.  Get over yourselves ladies.  If you can't have the same respect for another human being by keeping your hands to yourselves...well then you need the $h!t knocked out of you. 
If a woman can raise her hand to someone that is bigger and/or stronger than herself, well then she can suffer the consequences.  End of story.  But then that's just MY opinion.  Don't hang me for it.
You may recall that I have a list of people that I keep on my phone because at some point, they have driven like a crazy person around me, creeped on me at some point, or just made me so angry I could spit turquoise.  That list grew over the past week.  Amazing how that happens.  I have names and info but wouldn't know a darned soul if they walked up to me and popped me in the nose.  (I will pop back, I hope they are ready)
Some of you also know that recently I indulged in a little bit of adult beverage.  Whilst supervising my husband on his own recipe of homemade noodles (that I have no idea how he makes because it's his recipe, not mine) the other night, I partook in some leftover tequila-soaked-watermelon.  I was so tired.  I was so stressed out.  It was so cold and oooooh so refreshing.  I ate it all.  And it was half of one of those round watermelons but tequila had soaked through it for days.  DAYS. 
It was amazing.  When that was all finished up, I needed a dacquiry.  Then a margarita.  This was such a rare occasion for me because I rarely drink alcoholic beverages.  I usually have to have a reason to drink and stress is no reason to drink.  I have never drank alcohol to drown my sorrows.  I tried one time but I think drinking alone is a miserable thing to do to yourself.  Anyway...since I drink so rarely, you can imagine how quickly that tequila got me started. 
Quintin was so nice as to hand me the pizza cutter and let me go to town on cutting a batch of noodles.  They were the cutest noodles you'd ever see.  At least that's what the notes say, here in my phone.  "My noodles that I cut out took the form of people.  Long, stretchy, deformed people.  Fat heads, fat bellies, large...very large feet.  All comical looking though." 
It's funny sometimes, the things I choose to make notes about.  It's even funnier that I want people to know what was going through my head at these times!  Apparently as it neared bedtime, I spent 10 minutes looking for Quintin's medicine so I could remind him to take it.  When he finally asked me what I was doing and I told him, he assured me that he had moved his medicine to his nightstand.  A month ago.  A MONTH AGO he had moved his meds to the bedroom and I couldn't remember that???  Oh Jose!!!
He asked me about my meds...maybe a little worried at this point about me taking them...and I assured him "I took my amphibians hours ago."  Antibiotics Shellie.  Antibiotics!
I think he was glad to finally get me to bed because the last things I asked him was to turn the internet up and shut the AC off.....right before I told him to bring my Ipod charger to bed with him and leave the Ipod on the desk.  I don't remember much after that. 
Are we going backwards because the car feels funny.  I'm out.  Hope you enjoyed the show!!!  Until next time...thanks for reading!

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