
Days 3 & 4 - So confused

Maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this thing.
This vacation thing.
And maybe I'm starting to really, really like it.
Maybe I want to keep on vacationing.
Maybe I should do this more often.
Maybe it's too early to tell.

If you read my last blog, you already know that the first two days of my vacation were not FULL of things I want to do again but I'm glad there were a few fine moments in there.

Let's just start up with Day Three: After a long night of restless sleep, I got up and going earlier than normal, after going to sleep after 01:30. With eyes halfway open, I threw a few things in a bag and headed down the road. I got a whole two miles before I realized I forgot some of the food I wanted to take with me so turn around and start over. At this point, all I could think was “vacations hate me. I'm never going to get it right.” Luckily, with the help of my husband, I got the rest of the stuff I needed (or so I thought) and got to Corning.

I hadn't even gotten my few things out of the car when Kathy and Jackie were outside ready to go on a walk and waiting on me. “Well, hello to you too! Don't mind me. I only have some groceries to put away first!” I will tell you that they started walking while I was still in the house and just figured I would catch up. I mean, I did but dang it, don't be a jerk!!! So we had a great little walk and before we knew it, we were back at the house and Kathy was ready to go to work for the day. As soon as she left, Jackie and I headed to the grocery store where I put Jackie in charge of helping me find everything on my list...as well as a few things that weren't! She did a good job.

One of my favorite things that I love about going out in public with Jackie is when we run into someone that I don't know but that knows her. After they chat, I always say “Who was that, Jackie?” and about 90% of the time I am met with “I don't know.” This time however, she knew it was Betty . She didn't care that I didn't know Betty!! Actually, she reacted as if she was a little surprised I didn't know who Betty was!

I also want to give a shout out to Kathy K! We saw her at the store as well. Hadn't seen her in so long!! That crazy lady needs to come on a road trip with the sister and I. She could probably teach us a trick or two! Kathy, it was nice to see you again (finally)!

I got to spend the rest of Day Three with Jackie and Zach. Jackie and I made cauliflower cheese sticks for lunch and homemade pizza (with cauliflower crust) for dinner. She did a superb job of mixing up the crusts and spreading the cheeses and toppings. It was a great day for us AND we got to throw in another walk between the two meals. She wasn't too happy with me for making her walk a little further but she was a real trooper and performed her famous “Special Olympic Walk” several times. We talked about why we walk on the left hand side of the road when there are no sidewalks and about proper breathing while we walk. She was probably muttering “shut up” under her breath but hey, it's important to know these things, right???

Now, spending time with Zach.....he cleaned his room and did his laundry. If that isn't making Aunt Shellie extremely happy, I don't know what is! I mean, I'm pretty sure he didn't do it because I was there but dang it, if he would have just asked me, I would have been upstairs helping him in no time! I'm not going to tell him that though!!

Back to the food. I'm not sure if they really liked the cauliflower ideas or not but they ate it and said it was good. Maybe they were being nice. I don't know. I think we are close enough that they would tell me if they didn't like it but I could be wrong. Maybe it's just a Me thing. Maybe it's just a Kathy and Me thing. Oh well, it's done and over with. Nobody went to the hospital and nobody died. It's all good.

When Kathy got home from work and dinner was over with, we went for another walk with Jackie. I don't think she was too thrilled about it but we did it anyway. She has lost 6 lbs. lately so her mom and I took this opportunity to tell her why it is important to keep on track. We even slowed down and verbally pushed her while we all struggled with the last hill! She was done and Kathy and I continued on for more. Because we are gluttons for punishment or because we wanted to work off the cheese we ate? Ha who knows! Good walk, great talk. So great we turned around and did it again at 05:00 the following morning.

And now we have entered Day Four of this exciting vacation!! Yep, this girl got her butt off the couch at 05:00 just to go for a walk. Ugh, I am totally not one of those people that get out of bed just to exercise. I like to be completely awake when I work out. You know...like 8 hours awake!

Now...here's where it gets exciting. Hold on to your shorts people. After Zach and Kathy had gone to work and Jackie left for dayhab, I went home and did laundry and cleaned my kitchen!!!

And for those of you concerned...I also went and got my debit card back from the sports bar. I had left a message for them to call me but apparently they were way too busy to do that because they never tried to contact me or the bank (which was local for them). When I called to ask if they had it, the gal says “Ummm I did find a debit card. Was it blue?” Is it just me or is that a weird thing to ask? I'm pretty sure my questions would have been “What's the name on the card? What bank is it from?” So after I told her my name and that the card was in fact blue, AND that it was from a local bank, I told her I would be down to pick it up. When I got there, she didn't ask for any ID to prove I was the owner of the card or anything. I told her “I'm Shellie” and she walked away, got the card, handed it over and started to walk away. I did my best to engage her in conversation but I must have stunk or something because she didn't want much to do with me. Screw you. I won't come back to this establishment. Poor, poor service all the way around!

My night consisted of one of the most boring city council meetings on earth and then coming home and relaxing. Popcorn and milk for dinner and spent an hour dealing with the internet company in which it took forever and a day to get a solution! Again, this animalistic life is exhausting! I don't know how you are standing all this excitement...I mean staying awake!

Two days. That's what you get. I know that Dana is sitting back in the corner just waiting for me to talk about Day Five but I'm not going to. At least not today! Two days at a time, don't push!!! So... while it looks like I'm getting the hang of this thing, finally...I wonder just how much more I can take. I have had a very emotional day today, thanks to a few good friends, and my heart seems to be in limbo while my head seems to be drowning in mud. My future is so unclear and I have a lot to figure out.

We will have coffee and talk about this another day.


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