Wow! Can you believe I haven't written a blog since September 22??? Why didn't somebody TELL me??? That was 11 days ago, if you didn't know it!! I have about thirteen different things running around in my head and if I don't tell SOMEBODY SOMETHING.....I might explode!!!! *deep breath* Nothing major and nothing near earth-shattering. Just "things" to talk about, ya know. Things like.....
My dog is still sick. He's not actually vomiting anymore but I think that's coming up. Again. Last night he pawed at my face...while I was trying to get to sleep...facing away from him...and I cuddled with him. For hours. I rubbed his neck and I stroked his throat and that seemed to make him go to sleep. It kept me up most of the night however. Because every time he took a breath, I could feel his stomach fall. Almost like someone was inside there trying to kick their way out! It was very unnerving and I did a lot of praying that God would help me keep my Buddy healthy and ALIVE. No matter what!! I'm pretty convinced he has kennel cough. And no, he wasn't born in a kennel. Bitches just get that stuff. Hey, that's what the website says, not me. Don't worry, he goes to the vet tomorrow after work. I sure wasn't looking forward to going to work today either. But I did. Thought I was feeling better.............
And I have been feeling crappy myself. I've had it come out of both ends and then some. Worked a middle shift today I said...thought I was feeling better but I guess I'm not a whole lot better. I could be worse though, right? I shouldn't complain. Too many people have it way worse than I ever will. Shut the hell up Shellie. Yes, I said Shellie. I'm coming out..........
To hell with all these alias's and fake identities. I am going to start being up front and personal. Look out though. I see your greedy little eyes thirsting to know some of the people that I have talked about in past blogs. That could be YOU some day, ya know! God only knows who and what I will talk about! How do you think ole Charlie feels now..........
Being a dick to me just because I told him his apartment stinks and that he needs to take a shower. I also told him...for the seventeenth hundred time, yes, I counted...that he needs to be taught to take a shower properly. And no, I didn't tell him in THOSE words. I was nice. I just said, "You know you are always asking about the smell in here and it smelled when I came in. I am not trying to make you upset, I just want you to know because you always ask me. And if you need someone to come in and show you how to properly clean your body, Quintin (yes, that's my husband) or I would be glad to show you. We are like family and it's important. It's not just me that can smell you Charlie. It's everybody around you every place you go." *deep breath* He told me he understood and that he would get a shower taken. He insisted he wasn't upset (he lied) and away he went. To the nursing home to visit his dear mother..........
His mom is very near and dear to me and I promised her, when she went to the nursing home, that I would help take care of him. Let me show you what ole Charlie lives on. What I fill a black trash bag with EVERY two weeks!

How would you like to live on Orange Juice, Whoppers, cereal and mixed Hershey's candy? He has a freezer full of microwave sandwiches to eat and can't eat them. You wanna know why? Because he doesn't understand how to use a microwave. He is so afraid of the microwave that he won't let it stay plugged in unless someone else wants to use it. Yeah, like someone else wants to eat with that body odor lingering around...laying on their freshly nuked food...and in their mouth. Yeah, and the thing that sickens me the most is that his FAMILY...his brother and sister in law...want him put in a facility where he would have 24/7 staff BUT they won't do anything because they don't want to be the bad guys. They don't want Charlie mad at them. Really people? It's time to GROW. THE. HELL. UP!! They sure didn't bat an eye asking ME to have him put away though. Let's just say I don't do housework or laundry for ole Charlie anymore. Makes me wonder how people's brains work. Like this one guy..........
I don't happen to know HIS name...and isn't he lucky... but he lives by a very near and dear family that I know and love. He is trying to add-on to his house. I'm not real sure of the process of thought with this guy. He built a "deck" on the front. You just have to see this.....
If you look real closely, you can see the "deck." See what I mean about people and their thought processes? THIS GUY was even told BY THE CITY that he couldn't do what he is doing!!! Unbelievable!! Maybe I should put him on my list for goodie treats. Maybe he needs someone to care. Maybe somebody does..........
And now I am done blogging. I just got three dozen sugar cookies out of the oven and have a huge pumpkin cooking on the stove for some other goodies to be made soon! I need to find something to eat for dinner too! Thanks for listening to me complain...and giggle at myself...and others. Until next time! Keep on keepin' on!
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