Today we had our last Thanksgiving for the year. It's always nice when it's over but I have to tell you.....if there are even words.....what today meant to me.
We went to Quintin's cousin's home where Grandma and all of the cousins and spouses and kids got together for the noon meal. The cousins have all been so accepting of me into their family and it's been a long time since Quintin has really been a part of it. I will give that credit to his stupid dead mother.
The short time that I have known this group of people has been amazing. It almost feels like (to me) Quintin has brothers and sisters. And Grandma and Grandpa...rather than being their Grandparents...are like the parents.
The love between them all is amazing too. They all have their stories. Their skeletons, so to speak. Who doesn't? Through all the bad "shat" that they have all had to endure...they are so loving; so giving; so generous; so beautiful; inside and out. When I'm with them, I feel the urge to call my family and have them come meet them because they are really just that awesome. But then again...maybe I just want to keep them my little secret. -_- This is MY family...stay away!
Anyway, we all brought kick-ass food. There was turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, calico beans, homemade rolls, corn & macaroni (I'm sure I've forgotten something). And desserts. Yes...we can't forget the desserts. Grandma supplied the homemade cinnamon rolls (that I didn't get ANY of!) and I supplied cookies, pineapple cake & strawberries (because I don't know what to call it), banana delight and a homemade squash pie. Yummo!
For the first time in my pea-pickin life, I tried green bean casserole. You know the one. With the French's Onion Rings on top. I think I could have just ate the onion rings and been in love but then there's that whole green bean thing. If they could just make it without that green bean taste, it would be perfect. was pretty good. I prefer it without the green beans though. Sorry Lisa. It has nothing to do with you. Your casserole was great. It's the beans I had a problem with!
The sweet potatoes were really good. And there wasn't enough. I couldn't have eaten any more than I did anyway. I felt like a stuffed turkey myself after just a plate. Note to Angie...make a double batch next year please! -_- Sweet potatoes are something that my family would never eat now. My parents liked them but my brothers and sisters have no use for them. I took them one year to Thanksgiving. I used a recipe from my Diabetic Cookbook but nobody would eat them except for me and Quintin. Fine by me. You people don't know what you're missing. Sweet potatoes CAN be kick ass!
And before I forget!!! Just want to mention that Lisa is expecting; and no this isn't her first rodeo. She's been in a least! HA! She is 8 weeks pregnant and holy guacamole is she showing BIG time. Yes...I pun intended. I'm pretty sure she's having twins. She can thank me later. And her sister. And her sisters-in-law. And her grandma. She can name them teeter and totter. Whaddya think?
Let's give her some good name suggestions people. Flood my boxes with names. Give me what you got. We'll have these twins...or triplets...named before she can say teeter totter!!
-_- Love you Lisa!!
We had kids running all over the place. Beautiful, gorgeous kids. All so well-behaved. Even when they're tired and cranky. It's pretty amazing really. These girls are great mothers to their children. I'm lucky to know them. Watching them do what they do though, makes me glad I'm just an aunt and not a momma. Duct tape. Mommy staple for Shellie. Bad Shellie. Uterus-less here. And happy as hell about it. HA!
So I will end this by saying that I totally love this family that I have recently been introduced to. I can't imagine my life now, without them, and hope that I never have to. Big love being sent your way kids! -_-
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