Immediately my mind thought of several different things. All of which consisted of me cleaning up after him. Taking a chance, I asked him, "Is this a surprise I'm really going to love or is this a surprise that is going to require work on my part?" He hesitates. Hit the pause button again because when HE hesitates, it can't be good in my eyes.
"I really think you're going to be very happy about it." Another code for, "Just come home and get to work." I continue the 5 mile drive and start biting my fingernails. I don't know why, I just did. I don't know why, after 4 years, I even bother getting upset about anything or worry, because he's going to do what he thinks is best. And it's just as well; it's his home.
So I get home and he's standing there, in the diningroom, with a big smile on his face. I am pretty sure he was expecting me to notice something different.....but I didn't. So I walk past him and go right upstairs since that is the current project; the master bathroom/bedroom. I see there is sheetrock on the ceiling at this point. Just a couple of walls to go. Looking very nice. I still don't see what this big surprise is all about.
I guess the big surprise was that he carried up about 23 sheets of rock (hence the name sheetrock, huh), leaving only 8 in our dining room. Now this WAS a surprise because #1: that stuff is heavy and #2: our stairway turns and it's a real booger moving large things up and down the stairs.
So in return, I moved 5 sheets of rock from the dining room to the laundry room. No stairs but this weakling got 'er done! Heavy may not be the correct word for that stuff. Unbelievable is more like it. He was pretty amazed that I took it upon myself...and wouldn't let him help me move it...and got it all moved. The 3 remaining sheets still have to go upstairs but heck, he's got until Sunday morning to get them out of my way. And I'm not telling him but even if they don't get moved before Easter dinner, we will still be okay.
Now...don't think I wasn't right about MY PART of that surprise because I was right on! I got the honor or cleaning the dining room floor, the living room floor and the kitchen floor. Somehow Q doesn't SEE the actual messes he makes and it drives me completely insane.
After getting the floors cleaned up, I decided it was time to do my "not-my-pinterest-project." This is something that I suspect came from that website BUT it was not me who picked it out. It was my girl Beth from work. She thought it would be a great side project for me. See, she only allows me certain projects because I get so "into" them. She says she's afraid I will have too many irons in the fire but I know she feels sorry for my husband because, finish or no, he will have to be the one to hear about it. She may be right, I don't know. -_-
So anyway, I started in on that. Here's a picture of the dresser...given to me by my good friend Stacy, who also donated a deep freeze to the cause of "The Gift"...
And that's all the pictures of that, you get for now. I have gotten pretty far on it. Just takes some time is all. And I don't know why this picture loaded sideways but it did. That's one reason I'm not posting anymore. You just can't trust anyone's computers these days, to do the right thing!!
Quintin was so intrigued with MY project that he literally stopped his to watch me...and let me use his new impact drill...and then I let him paint one side of it. Wasn't that nice of me? I didn't want the poor guy feeling left out on a project that only takes a little bit of time. -_-
So, got my mess cleaned up for the night. Just wish I could get my husband to clean up after himself. *sigh* On Monday, he went to work at noon and I got off work at 4pm. When I got home, I walked past the stairway to go into the kitchen and out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge chunk of wall missing...well not missing...because it was all piled on top of my stairway. I just said out loud, for nobody in particular, "I did not just see that." And then I stayed in the kitchen the rest of the night until Q got home to clean it up!
Got the livingroom floor done. Maybe I will try to post those pictures. I will start out with a picture of what our naughty little doggies did when we left them home and bored for a whole shows the original carpet. Then I will move on to the destruction of my dining/bath room and then to the construction part. *sigh*

The pictures still aren't loading but it doesn't matter. For 3 days, I couldn't have told you which was was up anyway. The mess nearly drove me to insanity. I was thankful to go to work just to get away from it. And now...the wonderful bathroom:

At this point in time, I was pretty sure the floor was going to take months. I was wrong. Three days from start to finish. It could have taken a day I suppose but what was the hurry, right? It's not like we couldn't get to the fridge or any emergency like that!!!
And I will close with pictures of my new living room floor. I love it. (I have, at this point, tried to add caption to the pictures three times, thus losing the pictures all together) I will close with pictures and leave it at that. Have a great night!

And this is how it turned out. Except when you walk into my isn't sideways. I guess you have to see it to believe it. And now...our current project is finishing up the master bedroom/bathroom before (shortly) going to tear off our laundry room and my life becomes the most chaotic it has ever been.