
Give me a break...please

Here it is.....11:31pm and I am wide awake.  Wanna know why?  Because I was peacefully sleeping and someone decided to send me a text at 10:24.  Now, normally I am just going to sleep at this hour...or even later...but tonight, I was so happy because it was a "9:00" night.  As in, that's when I went to bed.  Yep, 9:00pm.  Serves me right though.  Why would I use my cell phone as an alarm clock?  I mean...WHO. DOES. THAT???  

As of tomorrow, my phone volume will be completely turned down at 8:00pm.  I will have the regular ole alarm clock back by my bed.  If there's an emergency, call Quintin's phone.  If it can wait...let it.  Seriously. 

This is the second time in about as many weeks that someone has text me at night...during sleeping hours.  One morning I had a text at 6:15am saying "SMILE."  My alarm was to go off at 6:30am.  I was not pleased.  

It's as simple as etiquette, isn't it?  If it's not important and you don't know if that person would be awake, wait until daylight.  Unless you know for a fact that person works night shifts.  Then, be my guest.  The next time I get put on a graveyard shift, I am going to text all those rude people that text me.  And it's going to be something stupid and rude.

On another note, I am down 20+ lbs. now.  I'm pretty happy with myself.  My current "fave" pair of jeans can only be worn with a belt.  Sad face.  Most people would say happy face because that means they need a smaller pair of jeans.  And while that is fine and good, I have been searching for the same jeans and can't find them.  The brand I can find.  The sizes I need, I can find.  BUT the "same" jeans that I have found up to this point, have more "rubs" in them...or holes.  Mine have 2 small rubs.  I'm good with that.  I don't need a rub that is 8 inches long.  Nor could I wear those to work.  

I will keep looking though.  Before long, I will have to replace the jeans that I just bought for smaller.  This time I'm going back to my old stand-bye though.  Their jeans are the best.  My 90 day challenge ends on April 2nd and I am getting a little nervous about it.  Don't know why though.  Just putting pressure on myself because that's the easiest way for me to accomplish things.  I work well under pressure.

At the beginning of the year, I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish.  I think I have mentioned this before.  One of them was to lose 35 lbs.  I was allowing myself 365 days to meet that goal.  After the first 30 days, I was down 15 lbs. and was ecstatic about it.  My reasoning is if I can lose 15 in 30, I can lose 35 in 90.  Doesn't it sound right???  Well, it didn't work out exactly how I had anticipated because I didn't even think about the "muscle weighs more" factor.  I had 2 weeks in January where I plateaued and that made me mad.  I thought it was waaaaaaay early for a plateau but so be it.  

For the month of February, I had a total loss of 7 and a gain of 2.  SHAT!!!  Now I have 4 more weigh-ins before my 90 day challenge is up.     I am doing the 3-day diet right now and it seems to be working well.  I'm not hungry between meals and am really looking forward to Friday morning when I can weigh and see how it went.  Planning on doing it again next week as well.  

When I got woke up by the text tonight, I knew after about 10 minutes, I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon and I had to give myself a lecture before getting out of bed and coming downstairs.  "There will be no snacking Shellie.  You can go downstairs and play on the computer, clean the floors, play with the dogs, whatever...BUT. YOU. WILL. NOT. EAT. ANYTHING.  Should you feel the need to eat, drink a glass of water.  And repeat."  I pinkie swore with myself and here I am.  Not a bit hungry.  I'm loving this.

So, I think I will go see what's happening on Facebook and then watch some tv.  I have to work at 8am.  I wonder how that will end up.  I hope I'm not too tired.  Hopefully someone either on Facebook or TV, will bore me so much I will just drop and snooze.  

Until next time!  I bid you adieu.  

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