
My gift

Well well well.....guess what?  This is my one hundredth blog post!  It has taken me just a few days over six months to get to a hundred.  I wonder if I will have two hundred by March of next year?  Can't wait to find out.

I hope you have been enjoying everything I have been blabbing...I mean blogging about.  I have loved doing this.  I hope I never stop.  Anyhow...let's get on with this.  I have something very important to tell you and I need your help.  Yes you.  

Gee and I talked for a long time about what this blog should be about.  I wanted it to be memorable and he wanted it to be fun.  I don't know if I can get both of those in on the same project or not.  Let me think about it.  I will get back to you.  Okay I am back.  I thought about it.  I can do it.  Yes...it took me THAT LONG to think about it!!!

I am going to start a project and I am going to ask for my readers to help me do it.    Project "My Gift" will begin on September 28th, 2012 and end on December 28th, 2012.  You all know that I love to bake and make goodies in my spare time so this should be a no-brainer for me.  It will take me until September 28th to determine exactly how many goodies and which goodies I am going to make, what ingredients I am going to have to purchase, etc.  That is the day that the baking (and freezing) will begin.

For Project "My Gift," I will take the name of a person/family/business/organization and make a goodie tray for them, deliver it to them with a hand written note explaining what I am doing and why.  All deliveries will be made after Thanksgiving.  

Now...here's where YOU come in.  I want you to send me an email...a private message...a text or phone call if you have my info...and tell me WHO you want me to take a goodie tray to, WHY you want them to have a goodie tray and any delivery info you may have.  Your name will not be included on the note unless you specify different.  And it will cost you nothing.

Most of you know where I live and those of you that don't, you can simply email me and ask me. I am willing to drive up to one hundred miles and all deliveries will be made on the dates of my choosing since the gas money comes out of my pocket as well. 

I want this to be big.  I want this to be fun.  I want this to be memorable.  For me, if not for everybody else involved.  I want to give to those that have a hard time during the holidays.  I want to put a smile on other people's faces.  Please help me!!!

You can leave a comment on this blog with your email info if you want me to contact you or you can contact me at in_boos_world@hotmail.com or on facebook, if you know me.  

I am very excited to do this.  Please help me!  All it takes is a little compassion in your heart and a quick note to me with the details!  I will be anxiously awaiting your responses!!


  1. you can take some to my dad and grandma, I think he's staying with her in New Market now.

    1. You got it Mick! Shoot me an addy by text or PM please! Thanks!!! :)
