Came home from a most boring day at work today knowing that I had no excuse but to...not only exercise for today...but to exercise for one of the two others I didn't exercise on. I'm a bad, bad girl.
To get myself motivated, I went upstairs to see what Quintin had been doing. These two pictures are what he has been working on so hard the past couple of days. And to has only set for a year (or more).

It's getting there. This time I had to get mean though. I told him if it wasn't 90% done by October 15th, he would have to forego trapping season next year. Of course, I didn't say I would forego it. Just him. Hehehe
So that made me happy that I could finally walk across the new floor and actually see where everything was going to be hooked up. As soon as we purchase them.
Toilet. Shower. Flooring. Oh yeah, we have to sheetrock and mud. Orange peel. Yada yada yada. I just want to be able to pee upstairs for a change. I mean without squatting in a corner and hoping nobody sees me.
Downstairs I go. Close the blinds and all the curtains because I have decided to wear my "creation clothes." Today's "creation clothes" consisted of underwear, bra, and an apron. Now maybe you understand why I ask people to call before they just stop by??!!??
I don't know what to call these things. Stuffed biscuits? I don't know. Here's what I did.
Open your can of biscuits. Or as many as you possibly want to use. I hold my can tight because I hate it when it explodes in my hands. It scares me every time so I choose to peel the paper a little bit and twist it myself. I'm sure it's keeps about 7 minutes on the end of my life at some point.

I put 10 biscuits on a sprayed cookie sheet/jelly roll pan. Next, add your sauce. I used regular tomato sauce because I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. Like I
said...I don't know WHERE this recipe came from at all. I
think the next time I make them, I am going to try using
salsa on them instead of tomato sauce; just to see how it would taste.
Next, I added the seasonings. I used a little oregano, added some Italian seasonings because there were more of a mixture in it. Put a little garlic powder on there because my husband and I hate it when vampires try to get us at night. Trust me when I say there's enough garlic/garlic powder in us to keep vampires away for decades!!!
Next, I added the meat. I used deer meat because well.....that's the kind of hamburger we USUALLY eat when it's just me and the husband. I will allow you to use whatever meat you want to use though. There is absolutely no wrong way to make this!
Keep in mind, while putting the ingredients on top of these biscuits, that the biscuit has to fold over. If you put too much stuff on it, your biscuit won't stretch. It will just make a hole in the top and then it just looks funny... but still very edible. -_- I just try to keep mine all to one side of the biscuit.
Next comes the cheese. Yummy yummy cheese! I love love love cheese. I don't know why I didn't make some cheese ones for me and give Quintin the meat ones but I didn't and that's ok. Next time I'll know!
Now it was time to go in the oven. If I would have had some pepperoni, I would have added those as well; but I didn't. This time. And I did have jalapenos in the fridge and didn't even think about putting one of those on each of these little beauties. Oh I said, maybe next time!!!
Now you take one end of the biscuit and roll it over to the other side. At first, I tried to roll the edges around and tuck them but it got messy and those biscuits aren't as thick as they look, once you roll them out. No matter.
Before I put them in the oven, I thought I could either brush the tops of these little babies with melted butter or I could put a spoon full of tomato sauce on top with a little bit of seasoning and cheese. I chose the sauce/seasoning/cheese mixture simply because I didn't want to melt the butter. I was feeling lazy. Sue me.
These things went into the oven and I couldn't wait to get them out. Of course, I had NO idea how long to even cook them either. The biscuit package said 10-13 minutes so I checked them after 13 and they weren't quite cooked. I think I ended up leaving them in there for about 20 minutes total.
In the twenty minutes it took these to cook, I was able to get in 250 ab crunches on the AB Lounger. Worked out great!
And here they are:
From the pan...
To the plate.
I see about 200 more crunches in my immediate future. And that's just for tonight.
I think sometime I am going to make a variation of a white sauce with spinach and some spaghetti noodles. And maybe I will do one with sausage gravy in the middle. Who knows what I will come up with!
My work here is done. Time to hang up the apron, put on some clothes and take a power nap. Quintin wanted me to make more. So I did. Wife-of-the-year? Yes please! -_-
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