5 hours ago, a status on one of my friends' Facebook read something to the effect of this couple's one and only car broke down. It needed a part but that part costs money and they don't have any. I will go on further to say that the one counterpart to this couple doesn't have a job. That person hasn't been able to fully hold a job very long since...well...ever. This person is a very nice person. Loves to help people out with whatever they can. The problem is that the person uses the partner's money...that they work for...to help others out.
I guess I would have a little sympathy for this couple if #1-the working counterpart would grow a set and enforce some financial rules for the household. Instead, they are lead around like a puppy on a leash. I would probably have a little sympathy for this couple if #2-the non-working counterpart did anything and everything to save money for themselves instead of giving the hard earned money to people and their children that they can't support. AND I would even have sympathy for this couple if #3-they didn't go around telling how they are going to go out of town and stay in a motel and do this and that and even get a tattoo.
Oh, did I tell you that this non-working counterpart is a smoker? They must know something that I didn't know when I was smoking because each and every cigarette I smoked...costed me money!
Anyway, this person now needs to see a doctor. AND they have a major appointment in the city that they just can't miss. And the status is followed up with something to the effect of, we are so broke and don't know what we are going to do.
Really????? Maybe you should grow the F*** up and get a job and stick with it. Even on those days you don't WANT to go to work. Even on those nights when all your friends and maybe even your partner, are partying it up. Maybe EVEN on the holidays that you might have to miss something that your family is hosting. It's called adulthood and I think it's high time a lot more of the younger generation learned to deal with it.
Don't get me wrong though. I have A LOT of young kids on my Facebook that are younger than this couple and have it figured out already. Hell, I have high schoolers on my friends list that have it together better than this!
I get so pissed off and so irate when someone boo-freaking-hoo's around because their life is so sad; so pitiful. And they are always blaming someone else for their life being in the pisser! Why don't you pull up your adult briefs, do what you need to do and shut the F*** up??? For once in your life, pay your damn bills and stop running away from responsibility.
There has to come a point in someone's life, I think, that they finally look at themselves in the mirror and say "I gotta get my sh!t together!" Don't they? I mean, don't they???
I was young once...albeit a long-ass time ago...and I did A LOT of really stupid stupid things. I defied my parents; lied to my siblings; flat out rebelled against anybody that thought they could help me. And then one day, I woke up and I was tired of being that child. That person that everybody looked down on and wondered just WHEN "she" was going to finally "get it."
I got it folks, I got it. And I'm never giving it back. I fought adulthood tooth and nail and I have a lot of scars to show for it. It got me nowhere. Don't get me wrong. I loved the experiences that got me where I am today. I wouldn't, and you shouldn't either, trade them for anything. Without the bad, I never would understand the good, ya know!
So if you're that stoopid little jerk (yes, I called you stoopid) that is on my Facebook and you're boo-freaking-hooing about how sad and pitiful your life is...shut the hell up. Get over yourself. Only YOU can change what you don't like about yourself and your life. It's obvious that what you're doing isn't working out for you...so do something about it. Something different.
I wish I had some friends like that. nah, actually I don't. :)