I tell ya what, it's a good thing we have a King sized bed. The other night...only God knows what time it was...I was in a deep sleep, on my right side, with my back to my husband (and you are about to see how this is a good thing) and his hand comes slamming down on the bed between us. I actually FELT the wind from the force of his hand. When something like this happens, it's amazing how fast a fat woman can move but I flipped over in one maneuver, ready to spring into action to defend my husband...to see him laying there fast asleep. Oh great, he's dreaming again.
"Quintin, what are you dreaming about?"
Come on, you can't tell me that someone that put THAT MUCH force into ANYTHING, can sleep through it! Can they??? Wait, I forget we're talking about my husband. Silly me.
I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze.
"What were you dreaming about?"
He sends my hand flailing with the force equal to Chuck Norris kicking someone's ass. Now he has ME completely woken up and I'm not happy about what just happened.
"What the hell are you doing over there? Why did you do that?"
"Budha (nickname for our little Buddy) won't leave me alone."
"Budha is downstairs."
"No he's right here and he's driving me crazy."
"You are driving me crazy and it's the middle of the night and Budha is in his kennel."
"That's not true."
I'm still not sure what part he thought was untrue. It took me a long, long, long, long, time but I got back to sleep. The next morning when he came downstairs, the first thing I said to him was, "If you ever hit me in my sleep, or throw my arm like that again, I will bust you up before you even know what hit you."
OF COURSE he didn't know what I was talking about but he did admit to dreaming about the dog trying to bite his hand when he was trying to sleep. Duh!
The other morning, my big, strong husband was a little perturbed at me because I made him get out of bed before he had planned to get out of bed. It was, afterall, close to 11:30am and I wanted to get the bedding all washed.
"I need you to get up so I can change the sheets and wash these." I got some kind of groaning and moaning so I proceeded to strip my side of the bed and start taking my pillow cases & sheets off. As soon as they were off my side and had flung across the bed toward him, guess what he did? Wrapped up in the sheet and turned over.
"It's after 11:15 and you need to get up. I can't help it you stay up all night." He finally gets up and shuffles off to the bathroom. My bathroom, mind you. Seems he likes this new lavender one that was created just for me........... I should have known.
I throw the bedding down the stairs and start tidying up around our room. Well, as I pulled a tote away from the wall, there lay a dead mouse. I picked it up by the tail and went to the bathroom. "Look what I found in the bedroom?" He sticks his head out and says "Ewwww!" Seriously dude? Eww? You're a grown man and I'm dealing with a dead rodent. Psh! There will be no more mice crapping on MY blankets in the middle of the night!
I finally got all the Christmas "stuff" put away around the house. No, not the decorations. I didn't do any of those this year. I didn't have time. What I mean is that I got all the wrapping papers, bows, ribbons, tape, scissors, paints, glues, sparkles, boxes, bags, tissue paper and anything else that accompanies the present making process.....away! All put away! What a relief!
And just in time for our last family Christmas at Grandma's house! I never even thought about what I would be bringing home to add to that stash! Ugh, I should have waited!
Let's see, there were 12 adults and 9 kids there and we had 6 different kinds of soup. SIX!!! That's what I love about family dinners though! Always too much food and you come walking out 35 pounds heavier and your cholesterol has jumped 14 points.
I made up a game for everyone to participate in. I put each person's name on a slip of paper and gave everyone an envelope with the slips of paper in it. Nobody got their own name, of course! On that slip of paper, you had to write ONE thing you love about that person. No signing of names, nothing. And some of them (boys) complained about having to do homework but in the end, it was worth it.
We all took our envelopes home and read, at our leisure, what others love about us. Some of mine really made me laugh. And I will keep these forever, even though I don't know who wrote what. Except for a couple of them. My husband, who kinda gave his away..."I love how you have made me a better man," unless that was one of his cousins -_- and Grandma simply because she has unmistakable hand writing.
We do family gifts and Grandma got Q and me. And she made my Christmas! She got me some new baking sheets...which I need so so so badly. She also handmade a doily for me. Not just any doily either. A great big huge orange doily! Oh dear, I am so in love with it. I look at it everyday and run my hand over it. She says to me, "Just set it on one of your tables." Excuse me Grandma??? I think not! THAT is going in a picture frame and will be hung in my orange kitchen. I am so in love with it and knowing it was made by her loving hands, makes it that much more special. I sure do love that woman.
Quintin got a cool magnet thingy that I can't wait to use! He got some camo lounge pants and a couple new camo caps also. He scored too. I wonder if he'd recognize me wearing those pants.............
We had a white elephant gift and I will be the first to admit that I hate this. My side of the family used to do it and after a while things get traded back and forth and to make things worse, when I'm done with something, I get rid of it. I don't keep it around. Good? Bad? Doesn't matter because that's what I do. So I had to enlist the help of my trusty elf to get me something from her "garage sale" stash for my white elephant. Turns out Grandma got it and she thought they were adorable. Of course, I did too and almost kept it for myself and wrapped up some masking tape.....but I didn't. They went to the perfect person.
And I was like a kid in a candy store upon opening my white elephant gift! Backing up a bit, we had the chance to trade out our gifts before opening and I didn't want to part with mine. I couldn't explain it but I just stood there thinking, "Please don't want my gift. Please don't want mine." Phew! Oh the stress! Next year I will have stress relievers in my pocket! So anyway, I got a little snowman figurine which is very fitting because I truly love snowmen. I also got a couple of coffee cups.....me and coffee are a huge team together. And then there was a pot holder with an "olden day" Santa Claus on it. Score. Who needs pot holders as much as I do?
As I am telling everyone what I got, Angie says, "There's a cookbook too!" I pert near dove into that little Christmas bag. If there's anything I need more than pot holders and cookie sheets, it is another cookbook! Matter of fact, I think tomorrow it will come to work with me so I can go through it. There was a joke made about a possibility of monkey being an ingredient on some. I mean, who knows what people will share, right? I'll let you know if I find one. The recipe, not the monkey! Oh hell, I'll even let you know if I find a monkey!
Quintin got a quilt that was made by his great grandmother and he was over-the-top ecstatic about that because he doesn't have much from her in his collection of "physical memories." He also got this little journal that his great grandpa had started back in 1912. It was pretty cool. He noted the day the Titanic sunk and I was exhuberant about that. I mean, I realize that the Titanic sunk. But to see it in someone's writing as it sits in your hands. That means MOUNTAINS to me. Simple things in the journal like them getting a new horse, or how they went and helped a neighbor or a relative and got a few bucks for doing it. The day the dog died. How they got to plant a whole row of potatoes just for helping out. They may have been "simpler" times but they sure weren't simpler people. This was a generation that worked hard for EVERY single thing they had. And they were so proud of their stuff.
Quintin has decided that he will make a shadow box to keep all of his memories in. That is something we try to be really good about. Keeping the old memories in good shape and prideful. Our front porch was open when we bought the house. Thanks to Quintin's aunt, we were able to tear the delapidated old garage down out at great grandpa and grandma's house and use that to enclose the porch. It's an amazing porch. When you can see it. I mean, when he doesn't have his "crap" strung all over it. He put a bench/storage area in it and the walls are covered with stuff from his grandparents and great grandparents. One thing that my man is proud of and that is his family. I just wish sometimes, that some parts of his family worked out better, in his favor, than they did. I try hard to make up for that but I can only do so much.
I had mentioned somewhere...I know I did on Facebook but can't remember if I did here...that I applied to go back and finish my Business Administration degree. Well last night I was finishing up some paperwork that I had filled out incorrectly...and with classes starting on the 21st, felt like I should get done. It appears it isn't my time to go back to school yet. It isn't what I'm supposed to be doing. Well, I don't know that for sure but the chances of me getting any financial assistance to help pay for my classes are slim. I think. I haven't gotten the official word yet. These "facts" are based on numbers crunched in my own head and well.....we all know math isn't my strong suit! And it's okay. One of the girls at work today asked me if I was disappointed or sad about it and after thinking on that for a little bit, I have decided that I am neither disappointed OR sad about it because that just means I am not meant to do that.......at this time. Maybe someday and maybe not. Maybe I will just go a whole new way and change majors someday. Who knows. But if I do not get the assistance I need for school, in my heart, that means I am meant to spend that time helping others.
Because that my friends, is what life is really all about! And before I close, I want to add that January 17th - 25th is the National Pay It Forward event. "Beginning Friday Jan. 17 through Sunday Jan. 19, 2014 we are encouraging everyone to "Pay It Forward". We are asking everyone to do at least one random act of kindness (more than one is even better). All you have to do is do something for someone or some organization without expecting anything in return. Pay for a stranger’s meal, send someone a card, volunteer some time. The ideas are endless. All it takes is a spark to get a fire going. By clicking join, you can make a difference and who knows, maybe chan...ge someone's life."
This is an actual "group" on Facebook and if you want to join us, please please do! You don't have to do a lot. Just SOMETHING. And you don't have to do it everyday if you can't or don't feel it. Just ONCE is enough to make someone else's day! If you can't find it and want to join, let me know and I will send you an invite (if I know you).
For those that are wanting to get in on my "Mission" project, let me know. I have had some wonderful donations come in so far. We have outgrown the car and will definitely be taking the pickup. My goal is to have the back of the pickup filled to the top AND the trailer too! Please give to this cause...or one like it. These missions really do help a lot of people. Something as simple as a package of toilet paper is appreciated beyond measure. Kids need clothing. Everybody needs a blanket. Tooth brushes, toothpaste, deoderant. Just think of the things you NEED to get through a whole day. Each and every one of us really can make a difference.
That's it. That's all I got at the moment. I know I had more but I have misplaced it. Along with my mind and my sanity. Until next time friends.....thanks for reading!
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