
Cold outside but warm in my heart

Good morning (very early morning) and Happy New Year to you all.  I hope you all rang in the New Year with good intentions, great outcomes and positive thoughts.  I hope I did too.  By that, I mean that I woke up on New Year's day with all the intention of doing my new, full workout and nothing was going to stop me.  Got my 8 hours of sleep in...and have since learned that I really don't need that much sleep, 6 is quite sufficient...and woke up with a renewed energy and a renewed spirit.  Yep, 2014 was the start of something big.  I can just feel it.

40 minutes into a hard pushed workout, I was running for the bathroom to vomit my guts out.  My poor little dog Buddy was beside me the whole time...probably wondering why "I" can put my face to the toilet but I won't let "him."  I think we all know the answer to that!  So, I am sad to say that here it is January 6th and I have barely exercised since the first. 

I have had this weird pain in my stomach that literally rarely leaves me.  It's high in my stomach and it feels almost as though a belt is being squeezed around me.  Don't get to thinking that I am looking for excuses to not workout because I love walking on my new treadmill and doing cardio.  Yes, I love it...even when it hurts.  But this pain makes it hard for me to enjoy much at all. 

It is the first thing I feel when I wake up...all 42 times in the night...because sometimes "it" is what's waking me up!  It is the last thing I feel before I drift off to sleep.  It's there when I am hungry, telling me we need to get something in my stomach.  It's there immediately after I eat, to tell me that we shouldn't have done that.  It's there right after I belch...which is requiring me to drink some carbonated water these days...and it actually feels almost normal for a few minutes before coming back at me strong and steady.  And I'm sure you will wish you had never read this part but after passing gas...yes, girls do it...or relieving myself, I feel better.  But it's never for more than a few minutes. 

Once in a while, I can get it to calm down a little bit...or so I think...by taking an antacid...which makes me think acid reflux or ulcer...but that is rare that it is settled that way so I don't know what to think.

I know what you're thinking.  Go to the doctor already.  That's why I never asked what you think about it.  Funny how that works, huh???  I'll go to the doctor when I'm good and ready and I'm not good and I'm not ready.

So anyway, this has kept me from really enjoying the workout I have planned for myself for the new year.  But I will be back.  You can't keep a rock on the ground for long.  They always pop up somewhere.  Like your windshield.  Your shoe.  You know!

I would talk about the weather but we all know it's cold, Cold, COLD.  But it is winter.  I think I have made a couple of people pissy with me when I tell them it's only cold because they think about the numbers.  I used to be that way too.  I saw something on the news the other day though, that really changed the way I think about us and how we deal with weather.

They talked about how people used to get through these cold, Cold, COLD winters back in the days before furnaces, and space heaters, and electric blankets.  Heck, before electricity even.  They said that back then, they didn't know about wind chill so that wasn't an issue.  They didn't have news people or social media sites where it was basically shoved down their throats, that bad weather was coming, or that it was about to get deathly cold. 

They didn't know how long a snow storm was going to last and they didn't know if they had enough food to get through it.  But they did.  Usually.  I'm pretty sure at some point, some people died of something.  Getting sick and the doctor couldn't get to them, things like that. 

My point is that everywhere we go, we have the weather...the numbers...right there in our faces.  For example, I spent the day in Des Moines today.  For the week ahead, all I have heard is "It's going to be -20 degrees," or "Frost bite only takes 5 minutes," stuff like that.  I'm not complaining here, don't get me wrong, but ok I get it, it's cold!  I also get that it's January and we live in Iowa.  Cold happens people!  ^_^

Back in "the day," people lived in small homes that were easier to heat.  They had fireplaces and their home was protected by piles and piles of logs to feed the fireplace.  They used things called warming stones.  Big, heavy stones that literally sit in the fire and they brought them out on the floor, let them sit, and wrapped it in a blanket and put their feet on it.  Then they used that blanket to wrap up in.  Sounds awful, doesn't it? 

So when your furnace doesn't stop running on a negative degree wind chill day, be thankful you have the furnace.  And lots of clothing.  And blankets.  Because we are so spoiled in this day and age, compared to how our ancestors and forefathers had it.  Don't complain.  Use it to your advantage.  Bake something you've never baked before.  Snuggle up with a blanket and read a good book.  Play a game with your family.  Catch a movie in your pj's.  There are so many options for you to do on a day that you have nothing good to say.  Embrace!

And yes...I am taking my own advice.  I actually bought a book while in Des Moines and can't wait to get started on it.  But thought I would stop in here first.  And to finish my story about being in Des Moines...I didn't wear a coat the whole time we were there.  I had it with me in the back seat, but it never left my car.  By the time we left the house, the car was warm so I knew I wouldn't need it on the drive.  I was just warm and toasty enough when we got there, that going from car to store wasn't bad.  The stores were warm so going from store to car wasn't bad (again). 

On a typical day, we would have thought the car was cold when we got in it.  Not today.  Today it was just cold enough...in my opinion...that ANYTHING was warm compared to being out in the elements so no complaints there either.  We were in and out of the car many many times today and I didn't need a coat once.  And the only time I used my gloves was when I stopped for gas.  I was kind enough to let my husband...who is a pud when it comes to cold weather...stay in the car while I fueled up.  Yes, I'm the best wife in the world, I know. 

Quintin says that the cold doesn't bother me as much because I don't have to be out in it, with the exception of going to the car/house/work.  I say in that case, the cold should bother me more.  We are currently at a standstill.  The case is still open for debate.  Of course, I am going to win. 

Seven paragraphs earlier, I said "I would talk about the weather but..." and here I am, talking about the weather.  *sigh* Go figure!

I will stop my ranting now.  Before going though, I would like to share my February plans with you.  I am going to the Open Door Mission sometime near the end of February and take some donated items to them.  I will post the list of needed items below and I would love it if anyone else wanted to donate some items.  I will be coming to Bedford, Creston, Lenox and Corning areas if someone wants to make arrangements to meet up with me to donate some stuff. 

Toothbrush and Toothpaste
•Facial tissues and Toilet paper
•Shampoo and Conditioner
•Underwear and Socks
•Combs and Brushes
•Feminine Products
•Pain relievers (ibuprofen and acetaminophen)
•Non-alcoholic cough medicines
•Hand Sanitizer or Lotion
•Disposable razors & Shaving cream

Formula and Bottles
•Receiving Blankets
•Car Seats
•High Chairs
•Onesies and Sleepers
•Baby Food

•Gloves or Mittens
•Fleece Blankets
•Blankets & Linens
•Space Heaters

Open up your closets and your hearts folks.  Maybe next time I will tell you a little story about my experience staying in this mission.  But until then...until next time, my friends...thanks for reading!

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