
The start of sorting it out #1

Hello again!  I have been doing a whole lot of soul-searching and trying to figure out not only what I want from life going forward but sorting out exactly where I've been.  I'm having a good time cleaning out my heart and my soul.  There will be a whole "series" of blogs coming up and some of them may be short and some of them may be shorter.  Ha!  I hope these blogs help you understand where I'm coming from and where I'm going but in the end, I am trying to self-preserve.  

I will do my best not to send messages out through this blog that make it sound like I have all the answers or that I can help you with your problems because I probably can't!  This is just self awareness for me and to clear my heart and soul.

Keeping balance in your life is important and not always easy but you have to prioritize yourself in the mix of life and all those things that you think are more important than yourself.  Until recently, I have never put myself first or even close to first.  

I think I have always felt like I have had to look out for myself.  I have a hard time trusting the majority of people.  That goes for family, friends and even someone I have maybe never met.  I'm not going to explain that last sentence because I can only work it out in my head.  

There have been people in my life that have "had my back" and have told me I can fully trust them but those people either let their true colors shine through or they have left his earth.   That's ok though.  I got this.  I have a very intimate group of people that I know, when the chips are down, they won't step back in fear and they won't leave my side.  It's a tiny group but it's there.  And that's what matters. 

Number 1 of my "series" done!  Simple as that!

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