Getting ready for the big party. The stay-cation. I believe I mentioned it before. It's been a long week, getting ready but I can't wait to have some friends around us.
We currently have two air mattresses blown up and ready for sleepers to use. A third one will be coming tomorrow. At least I think Matilda is bringing one. I hope Matilda is bringing one! Either way, we'll make do!
We have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. The type of cleaning I have been wanting to do for a couple of months now but couldn't get myself motivated to do it. Well I'm motivated now. Why? Because we are having a bonfire. Yes. We really are. I smile just thinking about it. There may not be very many people that actually come to this thing and that's okay too. I think the bonfire is what I need. The people come after that........well, we will see.
Although the upstairs is far from being finished, and we still only have one bathroom, we have enough of the room done to shove all of us in there to sleep and have a hella fun time doing it. One old fashioned slumber party coming right up! Who knows, we may even have the pillow fight in our underwear! And we may not.....just clarifying.
Who knows WHAT is going to happen at this thing! I haven't been to a boy/girl sleepover in...........ever??? That could very well be correct!! Of course it's because I was such a good girl when I was growing up that I didn't go to things like that. Uh huh, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
So we are down to the nitty gritty on getting things done. We should probably be doing some things tonight but we aren't. Earlier we went out to the family farm to get some firewood and what an experience that was! We jumped in the pickup and got a few blocks from home when Gee thought we should take the pistol out and pop off a few rounds. So we go back home, get the bullets and take off. Again.
Get out to the farm and he drives down this driveway that I KNOW if I took my car down, it would have ripped the whole bottom out of. Of course that's why we drive the truck, huh!?! The whole time we drove down that lane, I kept pushing in on the floorboard and holding my ass up off the seat. You know....because I was afraid of "bottoming out." Wow. I. Am. An. Idiot. What can I say besides I'm used to driving a CAR...not a giraffe???
We get into the field and Gee drives carefully around the edges of a field that looks like it's nothing. Weeds. And he is so precise about where he drives. I didn't get that. Whatever. We drive through a patch of grass that had grown to about seven foot tall and I just KNEW we were going to either drop off into something we didn't know was there or we were going to drive over something that wasn't supposed to be there. Like a cow.
Not that there were any cows in this field. There weren't. So when we get past the twelve foot grass.....yes, I'm pretty sure it grew as we were driving through it.....there was a beautiful bean field. My very first time being close up to beans like that. Looked more like peas to me but hey, I'm not a farmer. For a very good reason.
So here's where it gets sticky because we can't go to the right because the beans are there. We can't go to the left....very far...because there is a long row of trees. Old trees. Some with yucky looking apple thingys on them. Some with just dry cracked branches sticking out. I would be lying if I said that Gee didn't get hit in the head with some apple thingy branches and branches. And I would also be lying if I said it wasn't funny.
I told Gee he was going to scratch up his pickup but then again...what the heck do I know, right??? He drives and tells me to watch and make sure he doesn't run over any beans. Now that's a job. "You're too close. I said you're too close. Shat get over NOW! Oh okay. You're okay. You'll be fine. Oh dammit, you're too close again." *sigh*
I believe that experience gave me one gray hair. That's okay though because the beans didn't die. We get almost to the end of the bean field and Gee yells out "Oh shat there's a big tree down" JUST as we go over it AND THEN he slams on the brakes. Guess what I did. NOTHING. Because my seatbelt locked up and choked the life out of me. I'm sure I was clinically dead for a few seconds and am surprised I don't have a permanent bruise going vertically across my body. UGHHHH!!!
He backs into this area in front of a bunch of trees that are down and we get out. He is still in his work clothes.....tee shirt, shorts, work boots. I, of course, had changed out of my work clothes into an old pair of shorts, tee shirt, and flip flops. Looking back, I think I chose poorly on my outfit.
So Gee would go out in the middle of all these branches and trees and find big ones, throw them out to me and I would lift them.....with all the puny strength I have in my weak little arms.....into the back of the truck. We had done about eight or ten of them when all of a sudden all I could hear were bees. It freaked me out!!
I started looking around and the whole wasp incident ran through my head. I tried to ignore it and told Gee we needed to hurry because I truly believed that we had irritated either a swarm of bees or a bee hive. I couldn't see it but I could darn well hear it. No matter how much I tried to put it out of my mind, I kept thinking of being stung by dozens and dozens of bees and swelling up and looking like that giant marshmallow man on Ghostbusters!
Okay okay enough is enough. I told Gee I couldn't do it anymore. I was scared. He told me to get in the pickup and roll the windows up. I followed orders and fast!!
Did you know it was like ninety degrees today??? I figured it was either die from bee stings or from heat. I don't like the thought of either. I can think of funner ways to die. But just when I started planning my services, Gee jumped in the truck and away we went. Back up the hill.
Well here's something I hadn't thought of. Now those trees are going to be on MY side. So even though we are away from the bees...or at least I hoped we were.....I still couldn't roll my window down because I would get knocked in the head. Oh no! That wasn't happening!! We take off and as we go under these trees, it gets dark on my side. An eerie dark. The kind of dark that makes you think "The Blob" is going to jump out and get you.
I thought about closing my eyes but I immediately thought about how I wouldn't the afterlife...what had killed me. I can't have that. I have to know what is killing me. I am waaaaay too nosey not to know that!
Finally we got away from that and I didn't get hit in the head. Nor did the window get broke out. The windshield wiper did almost get taken away though. A branch grabbed it and by golly was NOT letting go. It broke off eventually. Haha dumb branch. That's what you get when you mess with MY man's truck!
Back to the top of the hill. Carefully driving up the side of a field that obviously didn't have any crop growing in it. It got the better of me so I asked Gee.....just to make sure I wasn't completely farm-stupid.....if there was anything planted there. He assured me it was nothing and wasn't hardly tall enough to even do anything with. That told me that it was probably supposed to be hay.
We got back up to the driveway and did some shooting with the pistol. Before we got one whole round popped off, I had four mosquitos that were feasting on my legs. And those little peckerheads HURT! I was ready to take the gun and shoot the mosquitos!!! Three rounds was all I could take. I had to get in that truck.
I got home and put some bleach in the bath water and counted my bites. How many do you think I had? Let me tell you this.....I had less than twenty but more than ten. Had. That's the beauty of bleach.....and will power to not scratch them before you get in there. Trust me.....that's a mistake you will only make once.
So the firewood is ready for my friends to come over. I am almost completely content. It's going to be a great weekend. I hope you enjoy yours as well. I will keep you posted on how it goes. If we get arrested. If we get a statue made of our naked butts running the streets.
Like I said.....Who knows WHAT is going to happen at this thing!
Until next time.....keep warm; keep cool; keep happy.
Happy Friday!
Before I get started on this blog, I have two things to say. my last blog, I said that things could go in the crapper FAST. I was talking about work. But I was right. They went in the crapper. They've stayed in the crapper. And I'm not so sure the crapper didn't sneak home and eat up my morning. Second.....I have been asking you to do rain dances because it has been so dry here. For those of you that have been dancing the dance...THANK YOU!!! It rained yesterday and rained and rained and rained. A nice gentle rain...but it was consistent and solid. Ahhhh finally!!
Now...let me tell you about my day today. It's not even 1100 hrs yet! How cruddy is that!!!! My alarm clock went off at 0630 hrs and I hit snooze. I don't know why I hit snooze because I was in bed around 2145 hrs last night. (that's 9:45pm for you civilians) -_-
Anyway, I hit the snooze button and tossed and turned. I asked myself about twenty three...nope, twenty four times, WHY I pushed the snooze button. When the alarm goes off, I am awake. Unless I am exhausted. This morning I wasn't exhausted though. And it's a surprise I'm not. I dreamt the WHOLE night long. I can't tell you what I dreamt about but I remember just going from one dream to another to another to another.
Until 0200 hrs. That's when I woke up the first time. And wondered WHY it was still dark. And WHY my alarm hadn't went off. Because it HAD to be time to wake up. Nope. *sigh* Go back to sleep Amelia. And when I did finally get back to sleep, I still dreamt. Like I said, the whole night my REM sleep was crazy.
I finally got myself out of bed about 0645 hrs and went down to play with the pup before getting ready for work. Pup didn't want to play this morning. Pup had nothing but Cesar's on his mind. So I got myself around, got the pup fed and got out the door.
I opened up the back door of my car to put my bag in and there was a puddle of water on the floor board. I am going to assume my sunroof leaks. Fabulous. I get in the car and see that a little tiny bit of that water in back has made it's way up the side in the front. Fabulous. Good thing we didn't have a downpour. I would have had to swim to work.
I get to town and stop at my favorite coffee place (to get my morning coffee and lunch, as usual) and there are only two cars in the parking lot. One of them being mine. The rest of the parking lot is filled with fire trucks. My first thought was, "I wonder if I can run in and fill my coffee cup before this thing blows up." That was seriously my first thought. My second thought was, "Watch this place blow to smithereens. That is going to SUCK!" Put the car in park and went in to fill my coffee cup.
I figure if I'm going to be blown up, I want some coffee in me first. The clerk is happily wiping windows (like anyone can be happy doing that job) and I said, "Is the coffee in danger of burning up?" She informs me that every once in a while, the fire dept comes and cleans the top and sides of their canopy. Phew. Had me worried.
Before I got in the car, I laid my phone..... my brand new very expensive phone...on the dash. And that's something I NEVER do! For some reason I thought I shouldn't sit down with it in my back pocket, although I do it all the time. Anyway, as I pulled out of the parking lot, the phone slid down and landed right on the wet spot on my front floor board. I grabbed it as fast as I could and pulled the battery out.
When I got to the parking lot at work, I checked everything out and there were only a couple of drops that got on the front. Nothing on the back or inside got wet. PHEW!!! I won't do that ever again!! I put the phone back together, put it safely inside my bag, gether my things and head inside.
I bring my cereal with me to work so as I sat down to eat my morning cereal and I realize I don't have my coffee with me. Anywhere. UGH!!!! Seriously I remembered putting it on top of my car when I was leaving the coffee shop. Wouldn't I have heard a heavy metal coffee cup hit my sunroof when I pulled out? Maybe not because I was preoccupied with my phone! OMG are you kidding me???
When my co-worker went out to smoke, I asked her to check and see if it was on my car. The day is looking brighter.....the coffee was still safely inside my console. *big smile*
NOW...the day has been fine, from that point to this point. We have visiting hours coming up at work. It's going to be a mad house. Pray for me. I may not come out unscathed.
Now...let me tell you about my day today. It's not even 1100 hrs yet! How cruddy is that!!!! My alarm clock went off at 0630 hrs and I hit snooze. I don't know why I hit snooze because I was in bed around 2145 hrs last night. (that's 9:45pm for you civilians) -_-
Anyway, I hit the snooze button and tossed and turned. I asked myself about twenty three...nope, twenty four times, WHY I pushed the snooze button. When the alarm goes off, I am awake. Unless I am exhausted. This morning I wasn't exhausted though. And it's a surprise I'm not. I dreamt the WHOLE night long. I can't tell you what I dreamt about but I remember just going from one dream to another to another to another.
Until 0200 hrs. That's when I woke up the first time. And wondered WHY it was still dark. And WHY my alarm hadn't went off. Because it HAD to be time to wake up. Nope. *sigh* Go back to sleep Amelia. And when I did finally get back to sleep, I still dreamt. Like I said, the whole night my REM sleep was crazy.
I finally got myself out of bed about 0645 hrs and went down to play with the pup before getting ready for work. Pup didn't want to play this morning. Pup had nothing but Cesar's on his mind. So I got myself around, got the pup fed and got out the door.
I opened up the back door of my car to put my bag in and there was a puddle of water on the floor board. I am going to assume my sunroof leaks. Fabulous. I get in the car and see that a little tiny bit of that water in back has made it's way up the side in the front. Fabulous. Good thing we didn't have a downpour. I would have had to swim to work.
I get to town and stop at my favorite coffee place (to get my morning coffee and lunch, as usual) and there are only two cars in the parking lot. One of them being mine. The rest of the parking lot is filled with fire trucks. My first thought was, "I wonder if I can run in and fill my coffee cup before this thing blows up." That was seriously my first thought. My second thought was, "Watch this place blow to smithereens. That is going to SUCK!" Put the car in park and went in to fill my coffee cup.
I figure if I'm going to be blown up, I want some coffee in me first. The clerk is happily wiping windows (like anyone can be happy doing that job) and I said, "Is the coffee in danger of burning up?" She informs me that every once in a while, the fire dept comes and cleans the top and sides of their canopy. Phew. Had me worried.
Before I got in the car, I laid my phone..... my brand new very expensive phone...on the dash. And that's something I NEVER do! For some reason I thought I shouldn't sit down with it in my back pocket, although I do it all the time. Anyway, as I pulled out of the parking lot, the phone slid down and landed right on the wet spot on my front floor board. I grabbed it as fast as I could and pulled the battery out.
When I got to the parking lot at work, I checked everything out and there were only a couple of drops that got on the front. Nothing on the back or inside got wet. PHEW!!! I won't do that ever again!! I put the phone back together, put it safely inside my bag, gether my things and head inside.
I bring my cereal with me to work so as I sat down to eat my morning cereal and I realize I don't have my coffee with me. Anywhere. UGH!!!! Seriously I remembered putting it on top of my car when I was leaving the coffee shop. Wouldn't I have heard a heavy metal coffee cup hit my sunroof when I pulled out? Maybe not because I was preoccupied with my phone! OMG are you kidding me???
When my co-worker went out to smoke, I asked her to check and see if it was on my car. The day is looking brighter.....the coffee was still safely inside my console. *big smile*
NOW...the day has been fine, from that point to this point. We have visiting hours coming up at work. It's going to be a mad house. Pray for me. I may not come out unscathed.
Nine reasons to be me
I feel like it's been forever since I've written a blog. It hasn't been forever, I assure you. It has, however, been too long. The sad part is that I don't really have anything to talk about. Surprising, huh?
Well...I guess it isn't that I don't have anything to talk about, because I do. I just don't want to talk about it tonight. Why, you might ask? Because I am in a good good mood right now and I don't want to get too serious. Wanna know why I'm in such a good mood? You're in luck. I'm going to tell you! And these are in no certain order. They all make me smile.
First: Matilda and I are not going on vacation this year. I know, I most people that would be bad news. Instead of going on vacation, we have decided to bring our vacation to us! There will be people (we hope). There will be food (of course there will). There will be water (and games to go with it). There will be laughter (that might make you piss yourself). There will be games (other than the wet ones...some naughty...and fun, I might add).
Second: I have had (so far) the best week at I far. There are three more shifts before I have a day or two off so things could go in the crapper really fast. But I don't really care if they do. I will smile, do what I have to do, and move on.
Third: I got my downstairs almost all the way deep cleaned yesterday. And trust was disgusting! I will go on to add that today the upstairs got deep cleaned. The extra room.....that is partly lined with sheet rock and partly lined with insulation and ready for any and all air mattresses I can dig up, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and last but not least...people. Yes...we are having a slumber party and we are all going to sleep in the same room. Well maybe not all of us. Maybe Gee and I will sleep in our bed! Hahaha maybe we won't. We will see.
Fourth: Gee came home from work today with good news.....which meant that he was in a great mood. His good news, you ask? His job just got easier. That's all I'm going to say about that. I also had good news for him. It was money. Need I say more?
Fifth: We got the big closet cleaned out and cleaned up and we got about eight trash bags worth of "get it out of my way," out of the way.
Sixth: Yesterday, Gee got a shelf put up in my laundry room. I am safe in saying that it's mine since he gets hives when he has to go in there for anything besides food or ice out of the freezer. One simple shelf made me at least a weeks worth of happy. No joke.
Seventh: My aunt Grace gave me one of those "Space Bags" and I think we got about a dozen blankets in that thing and it fit right behind our clothes in the closet! Amazing!!
Eighth: Gee got most of the yard mowed. I didn't ask him to do it and I was shocked as shirley when I heard the mower start up. Usually he is too tired to help me but today he not only helped me but mowed most of the yard. Yes...he is an amazing man when I least expect it! He wants me to finish it tomorrow. I will probably be too busy deep cleaning the bathtub! I gotta make sure that jacuzzi thingy still works.
Ninth: My blood sugar was down to 135 tonight. To some that probably sounds high but to ME, it's good. So much better than 187 and 209. Yes, I am happy about that. KEEP it down!! That's my goal. I need to get better about checking it but I will do what I will do.
So there are nine good reasons to be Amelia T. Bedelia today. I love it. There are probably AT LEAST a dozen more reasons to be me today but that's all I can come up with at the moment. You see...the IPOD has taken over the brain and I have "Bang Your Head" running through me and I have visions of seeing Quiet Riot in concert. Yes...that was nice.
Anyway...I am going to wrap this up. I would like to send a shout out to my good friend Mick tonight. Every time I went to start a new project today, I kept thinking about what he would think if he showed up at my house and it wasn't done. He will be disappointed enough if he shows up for this party and I haven't made any cookies. By the way Mick...I'm not planning on making any. I have cinnamon rolls made and breakfast casseroles in the freezer. That could be the extent of my baking until it gets colder outside!
Don't know if I will have another blog out before this stay-cation or not. I am planning on it but if not...look out. That one could be X-rated! Who knows WHAT is going to happen at this party!!!
Until next time............keep your head in the wait, that's not what YOU'RE supposed to do.......I'm getting work and home confused! Until next time.......keep flippin your flops!! I'm outtie!!
Well...I guess it isn't that I don't have anything to talk about, because I do. I just don't want to talk about it tonight. Why, you might ask? Because I am in a good good mood right now and I don't want to get too serious. Wanna know why I'm in such a good mood? You're in luck. I'm going to tell you! And these are in no certain order. They all make me smile.
First: Matilda and I are not going on vacation this year. I know, I most people that would be bad news. Instead of going on vacation, we have decided to bring our vacation to us! There will be people (we hope). There will be food (of course there will). There will be water (and games to go with it). There will be laughter (that might make you piss yourself). There will be games (other than the wet ones...some naughty...and fun, I might add).
Second: I have had (so far) the best week at I far. There are three more shifts before I have a day or two off so things could go in the crapper really fast. But I don't really care if they do. I will smile, do what I have to do, and move on.
Third: I got my downstairs almost all the way deep cleaned yesterday. And trust was disgusting! I will go on to add that today the upstairs got deep cleaned. The extra room.....that is partly lined with sheet rock and partly lined with insulation and ready for any and all air mattresses I can dig up, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and last but not least...people. Yes...we are having a slumber party and we are all going to sleep in the same room. Well maybe not all of us. Maybe Gee and I will sleep in our bed! Hahaha maybe we won't. We will see.
Fourth: Gee came home from work today with good news.....which meant that he was in a great mood. His good news, you ask? His job just got easier. That's all I'm going to say about that. I also had good news for him. It was money. Need I say more?
Fifth: We got the big closet cleaned out and cleaned up and we got about eight trash bags worth of "get it out of my way," out of the way.
Sixth: Yesterday, Gee got a shelf put up in my laundry room. I am safe in saying that it's mine since he gets hives when he has to go in there for anything besides food or ice out of the freezer. One simple shelf made me at least a weeks worth of happy. No joke.
Seventh: My aunt Grace gave me one of those "Space Bags" and I think we got about a dozen blankets in that thing and it fit right behind our clothes in the closet! Amazing!!
Eighth: Gee got most of the yard mowed. I didn't ask him to do it and I was shocked as shirley when I heard the mower start up. Usually he is too tired to help me but today he not only helped me but mowed most of the yard. Yes...he is an amazing man when I least expect it! He wants me to finish it tomorrow. I will probably be too busy deep cleaning the bathtub! I gotta make sure that jacuzzi thingy still works.
Ninth: My blood sugar was down to 135 tonight. To some that probably sounds high but to ME, it's good. So much better than 187 and 209. Yes, I am happy about that. KEEP it down!! That's my goal. I need to get better about checking it but I will do what I will do.
So there are nine good reasons to be Amelia T. Bedelia today. I love it. There are probably AT LEAST a dozen more reasons to be me today but that's all I can come up with at the moment. You see...the IPOD has taken over the brain and I have "Bang Your Head" running through me and I have visions of seeing Quiet Riot in concert. Yes...that was nice.
Anyway...I am going to wrap this up. I would like to send a shout out to my good friend Mick tonight. Every time I went to start a new project today, I kept thinking about what he would think if he showed up at my house and it wasn't done. He will be disappointed enough if he shows up for this party and I haven't made any cookies. By the way Mick...I'm not planning on making any. I have cinnamon rolls made and breakfast casseroles in the freezer. That could be the extent of my baking until it gets colder outside!
Don't know if I will have another blog out before this stay-cation or not. I am planning on it but if not...look out. That one could be X-rated! Who knows WHAT is going to happen at this party!!!
Until next time............keep your head in the wait, that's not what YOU'RE supposed to do.......I'm getting work and home confused! Until next time.......keep flippin your flops!! I'm outtie!!
The riches of the world
The other night I was driving to Matilda's house for dinner and I drove by this house that I have driven by probably a thousand times or more. It's out in the country. It's nothing special. It has a garage that needs to be finished taking down. It has old cars in the field directly beside their house. There are usually dogs running around the house. Rarely though, do I see people around there.
Probably has to do with the fact that I am whizzing by at about 60+ mph but I always look at this particular house for some reason and don't recollect seeing anybody walking around, playing in the yard, mowing, or ANYTHING. And yes...I'm sure somebody lives there. You can tell when a property is abandoned. This one isn't.
As I drove by the other night though, I saw something I had never ever seen. There were a driveway full of vehicles.....not junked out ones either.....and a front yard just FULL of people sitting around in their lawn chairs around a fire in the front yard.
Immediately I felt a pang of jealousy. This is exactly what I said into my voice recorder:
"The true rich people of the world are the ones that have plentiful friends that can sit around the fire in their matter what their yard looks like...the friends that always go do things together, even if it's doing fishing. I don't have those friends. I don't have those kinds of friends. I have a lot of friends, per say, but I don't have a lot of friends to hang out with. So those that have a lot of those my opinion...are very very rich."
It made me think of all the people in my life and all my "friends." If you look on my facebook, you will see somewhere around 714 friends. Don't get me wrong. I love my facebook people. I love being able to share that tiny bit of their life with them and share mine as well. I can't tell you how many status messages I have read where someone is having a get-together at their place and they have a bonfire. I think that is very cool.
But when I actually SAW this fire in this yard with all these people sitting around.....looking like they were relaxed and having a wonderful time...I was immediately envious. Green with envy I guess you could say.
I have always been the type of person that loves to entertain those around me. I didn't always know it but I was. And still am. I love having people come to my home and have a meal with me and do something fun. I'm not one that likes to sit around watching movies, eating popcorn and not talking. I think I would pass out if I had to shut up for too long. That's why I don't go to many movies.
A bonfire is something I have never had though. Mainly because I have never lived anywhere that I could have one. When I lived in the "G-spot," we had a good sized back yard.....with a propane tank close by on each side as well as my own that kinda put a damper on lighting a fire. Besides, when I lived there, I was too busy trying to raise my husbands to do much entertaining. And not a whole lot of people wanted to come to "G-spot." Not a lot of them want to come to where I live now either so I guess that's why it's so hard for me to have those kinds of things.
Another reason that I have never hosted a bonfire is because I have always worried SO MUCH about what my house looks like; what my yard looks like; and I don't know why. I do believe people when they tell me that they are there to see me and not my house because when I go to their house.....I don't care what their house looks like. I would say a good portion of the people I visit.....I don't even remember what their house looks like! Unless it's extreme. Then I will tell you it's extreme.
Anyway, if you are one of those people that have lots of friends around you at all times...enjoying life and relaxing around fires and just "shooting the sh!t," consider yourself a rich man... or woman. However it works for you.
When I drove by that house that night.....I wanted nothing more than to have my real and true friends by my their lawn chairs...sitting around an open fire...telling stories of their day...of their life...of their hopes...and of their dreams.
Maybe one of these days I will get my wish. Until then.....keep keepin on friends. Maybe we'll meet soon...around a fire...solving the problems of the world.
Probably has to do with the fact that I am whizzing by at about 60+ mph but I always look at this particular house for some reason and don't recollect seeing anybody walking around, playing in the yard, mowing, or ANYTHING. And yes...I'm sure somebody lives there. You can tell when a property is abandoned. This one isn't.
As I drove by the other night though, I saw something I had never ever seen. There were a driveway full of vehicles.....not junked out ones either.....and a front yard just FULL of people sitting around in their lawn chairs around a fire in the front yard.
Immediately I felt a pang of jealousy. This is exactly what I said into my voice recorder:
"The true rich people of the world are the ones that have plentiful friends that can sit around the fire in their matter what their yard looks like...the friends that always go do things together, even if it's doing fishing. I don't have those friends. I don't have those kinds of friends. I have a lot of friends, per say, but I don't have a lot of friends to hang out with. So those that have a lot of those my opinion...are very very rich."
It made me think of all the people in my life and all my "friends." If you look on my facebook, you will see somewhere around 714 friends. Don't get me wrong. I love my facebook people. I love being able to share that tiny bit of their life with them and share mine as well. I can't tell you how many status messages I have read where someone is having a get-together at their place and they have a bonfire. I think that is very cool.
But when I actually SAW this fire in this yard with all these people sitting around.....looking like they were relaxed and having a wonderful time...I was immediately envious. Green with envy I guess you could say.
I have always been the type of person that loves to entertain those around me. I didn't always know it but I was. And still am. I love having people come to my home and have a meal with me and do something fun. I'm not one that likes to sit around watching movies, eating popcorn and not talking. I think I would pass out if I had to shut up for too long. That's why I don't go to many movies.
A bonfire is something I have never had though. Mainly because I have never lived anywhere that I could have one. When I lived in the "G-spot," we had a good sized back yard.....with a propane tank close by on each side as well as my own that kinda put a damper on lighting a fire. Besides, when I lived there, I was too busy trying to raise my husbands to do much entertaining. And not a whole lot of people wanted to come to "G-spot." Not a lot of them want to come to where I live now either so I guess that's why it's so hard for me to have those kinds of things.
Another reason that I have never hosted a bonfire is because I have always worried SO MUCH about what my house looks like; what my yard looks like; and I don't know why. I do believe people when they tell me that they are there to see me and not my house because when I go to their house.....I don't care what their house looks like. I would say a good portion of the people I visit.....I don't even remember what their house looks like! Unless it's extreme. Then I will tell you it's extreme.
Anyway, if you are one of those people that have lots of friends around you at all times...enjoying life and relaxing around fires and just "shooting the sh!t," consider yourself a rich man... or woman. However it works for you.
When I drove by that house that night.....I wanted nothing more than to have my real and true friends by my their lawn chairs...sitting around an open fire...telling stories of their day...of their life...of their hopes...and of their dreams.
Maybe one of these days I will get my wish. Until then.....keep keepin on friends. Maybe we'll meet soon...around a fire...solving the problems of the world.
I woke up late today
I had my alarm set for 0600 hrs this morning. Gee had his alarm set for 0530 hrs. I heard his alarm go off. It was very loud and obnoxious this morning. More than usual. I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that Buddy woke up around 0200 hrs and needed to come lick our faces. It's nice that he loves us but REALLY??? Is that necessary when it's complete darkness? The smooth sound of the fan blowing next to us. I was sleeping so good until then.
I don't like my face licked anyway so he knows better. Maybe he had a bad dream and wanted his mommy and daddy, I don't know. But for snot's sake, he could have JUST laid down between us!!
So I'm laying there asleep. *lick* Gross. I take my arm and scoot him away from me. Scoot him over by Gee. I hear the familiar *lick* and Gee pushes the little turd back toward me and then turns his back to the both of us. And now Buddy thinks we are playing a game. Lovely.
After I finally have to tell a louder voice than was probably necessary at that hour of the morning.....we are not playing and it's bedtime, walked around the both of us, trying to snuggle. And we weren't having it. 0200 hrs is no time for snuggling when you have to get up in the morning. That stuff is saved for the days off!
He decided that he wasn't going to get anyone to wake up so he nestled up beside my head, started chewing on my hair and went right to sleep. And that's all well and good. Whatever it takes to get him to realize this is sleepy time. BUT when he sleeps next to my head, it limits me to where I can move. Not just my head; my whole body. If I move at all, he will wake up and think it's play time; or worse, breakfast time. Ugh!
I think the reason the little guy woke up in the first place is because of Gee. I distinctly remember hearing him YELL out in his sleep. He didn't yell anything of any importance. Just a yell. Maybe he saw what I look like in the middle of the night and it scared him. I don't know. I remember him yelling though.
And it didn't help that it was HOT in our house. Gee thinks that when it's hot, he is the ONLY one that is he lays spread eagle in the middle of the bed...which is currently a futon mattress with a memory foam topper over it...on the floor. He doesn't seem to notice that his wife may need a little over the six inches of space that he leaves. And before you start sticking up for my dear husband.....NO, he doesn't think I'm that skinny!!!
When I'm hot, I have a terrible time going to sleep. I toss. I turn. Then I toss and turn some more. I finally turned on the mp3 player and let the music put me in dreamland. Until the torential tongue woke me up. UGH!
So..........where was I going with this story? Ghinko Biloba to the rescue!!
Gee's alarm went off and I heard he was trying not to wake know...after what sounded like an obnoxious air horn went off...and him turning lights on and stomping around the house like the Jolly Green Giant. Yeah, quiet like that. When he left the house, I knew I had fifteen minutes to rest before my alarm went off. The pup back in his pen and I drift back to sleep for the best power nap of the day.
It was nice waking up, feeling kinda refreshed....okay, a little refreshed....and the alarm hadn't even went off yet. That WAS an awesome power nap. I roll over and stretch out...catching the clock in my peripheral see that it is ten till seven!!! SHAT!!!
I jump straight up off of that bed...just like a stealth mode! I didn't make the bed. I didn't pick the mattresses up and put them away. I ran straight for the bathroom, got in that shower and got ready for work. Oh I just hate it when I wake up late! And why didn't my alarm go off?
I'll tell you why! Because I got a new phone. You know...the kind that is so damned smart and so damned "nice" that when it's plugged in to be goes into power save mode or something. All my notifications go to vibrate setting...which I love. But I have to get this alarm thing figured out.
It worked yesterday. I don't get it. *sigh*
So as I was getting dressed and getting my forty pounds of snacks for the day packed....that I might add I have NOT eaten any of yet!...I was apologizing to Buddy about not letting him out to play with mommy. He would have to wait until I got home from work. He whimpered at me but I counteracted with breakfast of "wet food." I can't remember the brand. But he loves it.
So he will have to play in the pen all day. It's all good.
When I get home, I will get the mattresses picked up and do some cleaning. This whole eating "right" thing is doing me wonders in the energy department. And I haven't had any pop for three days now. I had the world's worst headache last night though. Gee told me to have a drink of pop. I told Gee to stop encouraging bad habits. I once went over two years without pop so I know this one is going to be easy to give up, once again.
Last time though...I had energy drinks for backup. This time I do not. There's an addiction I don't want any part of again. I may as well be smoking cigarettes as to have an energy drink.
Waking up late always makes me feel like I am rushing. I feel like I have to rush to get this blog out. I feel like I have to rush to answer the phones. I feel like I am never going to get caught up. Maybe I will get my whole house cleaned! Yeah...a girl can dream!
Talked to my girl Lucky last night. She was sobbing when she called. Her dog got ran over in front of their house. Whoever ran her over didn't even stop to let them know. It's a possibility that they didn't even know because Baby was a tiny dog. Teacup poodle. My heart goes out to all of them because I do know how much that hurts. It's almost been a year since my Bear has died and I still have trouble with it.
Baby was a beautiful little girl too. She stayed with us for several days last month while they went on vacation. She was always by my side and never licked my face. I loved that little girl. R.I.P. Baby. You are terribly missed by everyone who knew you and loved you. And I love you.
I don't like my face licked anyway so he knows better. Maybe he had a bad dream and wanted his mommy and daddy, I don't know. But for snot's sake, he could have JUST laid down between us!!
So I'm laying there asleep. *lick* Gross. I take my arm and scoot him away from me. Scoot him over by Gee. I hear the familiar *lick* and Gee pushes the little turd back toward me and then turns his back to the both of us. And now Buddy thinks we are playing a game. Lovely.
After I finally have to tell a louder voice than was probably necessary at that hour of the morning.....we are not playing and it's bedtime, walked around the both of us, trying to snuggle. And we weren't having it. 0200 hrs is no time for snuggling when you have to get up in the morning. That stuff is saved for the days off!
He decided that he wasn't going to get anyone to wake up so he nestled up beside my head, started chewing on my hair and went right to sleep. And that's all well and good. Whatever it takes to get him to realize this is sleepy time. BUT when he sleeps next to my head, it limits me to where I can move. Not just my head; my whole body. If I move at all, he will wake up and think it's play time; or worse, breakfast time. Ugh!
I think the reason the little guy woke up in the first place is because of Gee. I distinctly remember hearing him YELL out in his sleep. He didn't yell anything of any importance. Just a yell. Maybe he saw what I look like in the middle of the night and it scared him. I don't know. I remember him yelling though.
And it didn't help that it was HOT in our house. Gee thinks that when it's hot, he is the ONLY one that is he lays spread eagle in the middle of the bed...which is currently a futon mattress with a memory foam topper over it...on the floor. He doesn't seem to notice that his wife may need a little over the six inches of space that he leaves. And before you start sticking up for my dear husband.....NO, he doesn't think I'm that skinny!!!
When I'm hot, I have a terrible time going to sleep. I toss. I turn. Then I toss and turn some more. I finally turned on the mp3 player and let the music put me in dreamland. Until the torential tongue woke me up. UGH!
So..........where was I going with this story? Ghinko Biloba to the rescue!!
Gee's alarm went off and I heard he was trying not to wake know...after what sounded like an obnoxious air horn went off...and him turning lights on and stomping around the house like the Jolly Green Giant. Yeah, quiet like that. When he left the house, I knew I had fifteen minutes to rest before my alarm went off. The pup back in his pen and I drift back to sleep for the best power nap of the day.
It was nice waking up, feeling kinda refreshed....okay, a little refreshed....and the alarm hadn't even went off yet. That WAS an awesome power nap. I roll over and stretch out...catching the clock in my peripheral see that it is ten till seven!!! SHAT!!!
I jump straight up off of that bed...just like a stealth mode! I didn't make the bed. I didn't pick the mattresses up and put them away. I ran straight for the bathroom, got in that shower and got ready for work. Oh I just hate it when I wake up late! And why didn't my alarm go off?
I'll tell you why! Because I got a new phone. You know...the kind that is so damned smart and so damned "nice" that when it's plugged in to be goes into power save mode or something. All my notifications go to vibrate setting...which I love. But I have to get this alarm thing figured out.
It worked yesterday. I don't get it. *sigh*
So as I was getting dressed and getting my forty pounds of snacks for the day packed....that I might add I have NOT eaten any of yet!...I was apologizing to Buddy about not letting him out to play with mommy. He would have to wait until I got home from work. He whimpered at me but I counteracted with breakfast of "wet food." I can't remember the brand. But he loves it.
So he will have to play in the pen all day. It's all good.
When I get home, I will get the mattresses picked up and do some cleaning. This whole eating "right" thing is doing me wonders in the energy department. And I haven't had any pop for three days now. I had the world's worst headache last night though. Gee told me to have a drink of pop. I told Gee to stop encouraging bad habits. I once went over two years without pop so I know this one is going to be easy to give up, once again.
Last time though...I had energy drinks for backup. This time I do not. There's an addiction I don't want any part of again. I may as well be smoking cigarettes as to have an energy drink.
Waking up late always makes me feel like I am rushing. I feel like I have to rush to get this blog out. I feel like I have to rush to answer the phones. I feel like I am never going to get caught up. Maybe I will get my whole house cleaned! Yeah...a girl can dream!
Talked to my girl Lucky last night. She was sobbing when she called. Her dog got ran over in front of their house. Whoever ran her over didn't even stop to let them know. It's a possibility that they didn't even know because Baby was a tiny dog. Teacup poodle. My heart goes out to all of them because I do know how much that hurts. It's almost been a year since my Bear has died and I still have trouble with it.
Baby was a beautiful little girl too. She stayed with us for several days last month while they went on vacation. She was always by my side and never licked my face. I loved that little girl. R.I.P. Baby. You are terribly missed by everyone who knew you and loved you. And I love you.
Today's blog is dedicated to Willy and Bertha. I think they will either WANT to come visit now or they will want to stay AWAY now.
On Tuesday morning of this week, when I left the house for work, I locked the doors. Sometimes I will get to work and think "Did I lock the front door today?" And the easiest way I can remember is that every single time I lock the doors, the same thought comes to mind. "Can firefighters get to my Buddy?" I am in such fear that something is going to happen to my little guy.
Not to worry. Yes, I lock him in BUT he is close enough to a window that a firefighter would only have to break a window to get to him if need be. I know.....I worry too much. I need to get some of those fire stickers. I wonder where I get those..............
Anyway, back to Tuesday. I remembered locking the door. Or at least I thought I did. When I got off of work on Tuesday and came home, the front door was unlocked. I just assumed that I had overlooked locking it and didn't think too much of it. After all, the house hadn't caught fire! I looked around the house (me and my trusty sidekick handgun) and nothing else was out of the ordinary. No big deal.
On Wednesday morning, I made sure to lock the door and I even checked it two times to make sure it was locked. Locked up good and tight!! When I got home on Wednesday afternoon, the front door was unlocked again. Now THAT got my attention. Again, I searched the home, finding nothing out of the ordinary and my Buddy sleeping peacefully in his pen.
When Gee got home on Wednesday, we were laying on the floor, playing with Buddy and I told him about the door incident. He didn't seem the least bit worried not did he act like he cared a great deal about it. I asked him if he has been home during the day and he said "No, we are working too far away to come home during the day." Hmmmm curious.
Thursday was uneventful and I didn't really think too much about it. So that brings us to today. Friday. My only day off this week. Gee got up and went to work around 0545 hrs and I stayed on the mattress...on the livingroom floor...because it's WAY too hot upstairs to even consider sleeping up there. I fell back asleep and so did Buddy (in his pen, mind you). At one point I thought maybe he had gotten out of his pen because I felt him...or what I thought was him...walk past my head. I could feel my hair move like someone rubbed up against it.
My first response...reach out and grab him...because I thought it was Buddy. Nothing there. I look up to see which way he went and I see he is still in his pen. At the other side of the room. Asleep. How strange is that!?! I guess our ghost is back! I am so glad. It has been lonely without it's usual creepiness. Gee still doesn't care. Nor does he act interested. What a class act. -_-
So before I stop for the night (thought you were gonna get lucky and have a short read tonight, didn't you?), I will update you on my cell phone situation. My cell phone company sent me out a "replacement" phone because I am a premium customer. I don't have to have insurance because I am allowed three free replacement phones per year. Per person on my plan. Which is three now. bill is stupid per month. I don't care.
I got the "replacement" phone two days later and opened it up all excited, like it was Christmas morning...and it was a little ole flip phone. It was so generic. I was sure it was some kind of joke! I pay for media. Lots and lots of media. This phone had no access to media. What the hell was my cell phone company trying to tell me???
So I call them. "Oh my!" The lady on the other end says, "Those are nothing alike!" You think??? I started out with a touchscreen android and they sent my "replacement" as a do-nothing flip phone. I can't handle that. Not after having the grand jury of phones. So the lady tells me to send it back with the postage paid sticker in the same box and they would send mine our RIGHT AWAY. That was last week. It was supposed to arrive today. Tomorrow at the latest but today should have been the day.
So I call them again. I get this really cool gal named I-E-SHUH. I don't know how to spell it, okay??? She immediately started laughing when she looked at my account and seen the contrast in phones. She apologizes six thousand times over the course of our hour long phone call. She was very cool. Come to find out...there never was an order put in for my replacement "Hero." Nothing. I was getting pissed. I-E-Shuh made me laugh though and then she says "There are no more Hero's." Unless you want a refurbished/used one. I don't.
She finds a "Mesmerize" and I look it up on the computer. It'll do. It's close to what I had. Just no front camera on it. I can live. So she goes to get that squared away and guess what.........they sold out. I'm not kidding you. I can't make this crap up!! I told her I just went through this with a car and I am NOT looking forward to doing it with a phone. She could tell I was getting cranky and after the last time I get put on hold, she says "I have you set up to receive a "Galaxy" on Tuesday."
Now I am so frustrated at this point, I think it's just easier to stick with my Blackberry (my back up phone) and say screw it. I tell her I'm not interested and that I am going to stay with my BB and I could HEAR her face drop. I'm not kidding. She was like, "Are you kidding me?" I told her I didn't want to take a phone that I couldn't hold and check out for myself. Finally, I end up saying, "Just send me the Galaxy and if I don't like it, I will hook my BB back up for good." I-E-Shuh could breathe again.
We'll see if I have my phone by mid-week next or if I even like it. I will let you know. Until then.........peace out!!!
On Tuesday morning of this week, when I left the house for work, I locked the doors. Sometimes I will get to work and think "Did I lock the front door today?" And the easiest way I can remember is that every single time I lock the doors, the same thought comes to mind. "Can firefighters get to my Buddy?" I am in such fear that something is going to happen to my little guy.
Not to worry. Yes, I lock him in BUT he is close enough to a window that a firefighter would only have to break a window to get to him if need be. I know.....I worry too much. I need to get some of those fire stickers. I wonder where I get those..............
Anyway, back to Tuesday. I remembered locking the door. Or at least I thought I did. When I got off of work on Tuesday and came home, the front door was unlocked. I just assumed that I had overlooked locking it and didn't think too much of it. After all, the house hadn't caught fire! I looked around the house (me and my trusty sidekick handgun) and nothing else was out of the ordinary. No big deal.
On Wednesday morning, I made sure to lock the door and I even checked it two times to make sure it was locked. Locked up good and tight!! When I got home on Wednesday afternoon, the front door was unlocked again. Now THAT got my attention. Again, I searched the home, finding nothing out of the ordinary and my Buddy sleeping peacefully in his pen.
When Gee got home on Wednesday, we were laying on the floor, playing with Buddy and I told him about the door incident. He didn't seem the least bit worried not did he act like he cared a great deal about it. I asked him if he has been home during the day and he said "No, we are working too far away to come home during the day." Hmmmm curious.
Thursday was uneventful and I didn't really think too much about it. So that brings us to today. Friday. My only day off this week. Gee got up and went to work around 0545 hrs and I stayed on the mattress...on the livingroom floor...because it's WAY too hot upstairs to even consider sleeping up there. I fell back asleep and so did Buddy (in his pen, mind you). At one point I thought maybe he had gotten out of his pen because I felt him...or what I thought was him...walk past my head. I could feel my hair move like someone rubbed up against it.
My first response...reach out and grab him...because I thought it was Buddy. Nothing there. I look up to see which way he went and I see he is still in his pen. At the other side of the room. Asleep. How strange is that!?! I guess our ghost is back! I am so glad. It has been lonely without it's usual creepiness. Gee still doesn't care. Nor does he act interested. What a class act. -_-
So before I stop for the night (thought you were gonna get lucky and have a short read tonight, didn't you?), I will update you on my cell phone situation. My cell phone company sent me out a "replacement" phone because I am a premium customer. I don't have to have insurance because I am allowed three free replacement phones per year. Per person on my plan. Which is three now. bill is stupid per month. I don't care.
I got the "replacement" phone two days later and opened it up all excited, like it was Christmas morning...and it was a little ole flip phone. It was so generic. I was sure it was some kind of joke! I pay for media. Lots and lots of media. This phone had no access to media. What the hell was my cell phone company trying to tell me???
So I call them. "Oh my!" The lady on the other end says, "Those are nothing alike!" You think??? I started out with a touchscreen android and they sent my "replacement" as a do-nothing flip phone. I can't handle that. Not after having the grand jury of phones. So the lady tells me to send it back with the postage paid sticker in the same box and they would send mine our RIGHT AWAY. That was last week. It was supposed to arrive today. Tomorrow at the latest but today should have been the day.
So I call them again. I get this really cool gal named I-E-SHUH. I don't know how to spell it, okay??? She immediately started laughing when she looked at my account and seen the contrast in phones. She apologizes six thousand times over the course of our hour long phone call. She was very cool. Come to find out...there never was an order put in for my replacement "Hero." Nothing. I was getting pissed. I-E-Shuh made me laugh though and then she says "There are no more Hero's." Unless you want a refurbished/used one. I don't.
She finds a "Mesmerize" and I look it up on the computer. It'll do. It's close to what I had. Just no front camera on it. I can live. So she goes to get that squared away and guess what.........they sold out. I'm not kidding you. I can't make this crap up!! I told her I just went through this with a car and I am NOT looking forward to doing it with a phone. She could tell I was getting cranky and after the last time I get put on hold, she says "I have you set up to receive a "Galaxy" on Tuesday."
Now I am so frustrated at this point, I think it's just easier to stick with my Blackberry (my back up phone) and say screw it. I tell her I'm not interested and that I am going to stay with my BB and I could HEAR her face drop. I'm not kidding. She was like, "Are you kidding me?" I told her I didn't want to take a phone that I couldn't hold and check out for myself. Finally, I end up saying, "Just send me the Galaxy and if I don't like it, I will hook my BB back up for good." I-E-Shuh could breathe again.
We'll see if I have my phone by mid-week next or if I even like it. I will let you know. Until then.........peace out!!!
Ramblings of a tired woman
I should blog, huh? It's been a little while since my last post. I see a lot of traffic went through on that one. I got a lot of feedback too...that made my head spin a little bit. I think I should hold a class. One where I teach people to speak their minds and not worry so much about the consequences. No matter won't die from speaking your mind. Well could die..........if you spoke your mind to the wrong person I guess..........and they killed you.
On second thought, why don't you just let ME do the mind speaking, okay??? There's no sense in ALL of us getting the hell beat out of us!!!
So some of you know that I dropped my phone in the crapper last week. Happy Friday to me!! It was kinda fun not having a phone. Now I know how Bertha feels when she turns her off. Gee told me once that he put his in the refrigerator. What the hell??? He says it got too hot but I really think he did it so he wouldn't have to answer me when I called him.
Anyway, guess what was in my phone.....that went in the crapper.....yep, my list of blog topics. C-R-A-P!!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! I had some good ones in there too, I tell ya! Like the notes about Gee and I going to C-town and he pulls into Oh-Oh-Oh-O'Reilleyyyyyyys.....Auto Parts! He told me he would be right back. I guess that meant he didn't want me to go in with him. Nevermind that it's six hundred and thirty seven degrees outside and at the time, we didn't have any air conditioning in the Cadillac nut-dragger. *sigh*
I remember seeing a family...I suppose it was a family...come out of Oh-Oh-Oh O'Reilleyyyyyy.....Auto Parts! that I didn't think looked like your typical mechanical family. The woman whom I assume to be the woman did not like dirt or to be dirty. I will tell you why in a moment. The woman I assume to be her daughter was dressed in too-short-too-tight-shorts. She wasn't overweight by any means but I think it was then I learned that even skinny people can wear stuff that they shouldn't.
The "daughter" had a small child and it was a boy. Well, what do boys like to do when they are outside? Play in the dirt!! And this little boy was no different. He headed right for a pile of dirt while the two women were standing next to the car trying to convince some guy in a muscle shirt that they knew what they were talking about when they mentioned some car parts.
In the end, the "mother" did say she didn't really understand, she just ordered the stuff they said she needed. I bet Oh-Oh-Oh-O'Reilleyyyyyyy's......Auto Parts! loves mechanically impaired/challenged women. I shouldn't say women. I should say people. Because there are some men out there that just don't know what the "fun" they are talking about. (Fun is my new "F" word) I know. I was married to a couple of them.
Anyway, let me back up a bit here. Before they headed out, the "mother" needed to go back inside and so while I was sitting there sweating my "fun" ass off, I watched closely. Because we both know how entertaining people are to me. All of them. The "daughter" was not watching her little boy very good because she was too intent on talking to the bigger boy and well, eventually that little boy moved from a pile of dirt to an oil stain in the parking lot.
I thought maybe I should tell her. The little boy kept looking at me like "you aren't going to tell, are you?" I just smiled at him like "stick yer face in it, kid." So the kid is getting dirtier by the second and I am starting to get a good giggle worked up. If anything, it took my mind off of the temperatures and how miserable I was sitting in the vehicle while my husband was standing in the air conditioning, enjoying himself.
Yes, so I was trying not to make a sound because I truly wanted to see just how dirty this kid could get. And then the "mother" walks out of the building and says "Do you see what your son is doing??" The "daughter" then turns around and scolds her son...and I just watch. I have my sunglasses on so she doesn't really know where I'm looking. But I was looking right at her and her dirty kid. Enjoying myself immensely.
She reaches down to pick him up and O-H E-M G-E-E.....that woman had probably never once shaved her armpits. It was disgusting! I've never seen hair on a woman's pits like I saw that day. And yes, she had on a sleeveless top!! WHY??? wHy?? Can anyone help me out with this one?
At least it stopped my laughter at her son. Yep, perdy much stopped it dead in it's tracks. Turned it from laughter into vomit. Vomit that I had to swallow back down because it was WAY TOO HOT to be vomiting all over myself or in my car where I would have to clean it up!!
I don't think I lasted too long after that though. I think I ended up going in and pressing my head on the concrete floor and making my dear (cool) husband realize that it was too "fun-ing" hot to be out in that car that long so maybe we should go home now.
That's about all I can remember from my phone. I doubt my notes from the other phone will be in the new phone...that comes either today or tomorrow...I am excited...I can't wait...can you tell??? I will have to get new notes I suppose.
I promise my new notes will be kept somewhere besides my phone. I have a plan. Yeah, a plan. Until next time..........we still need rain, badly. I think it's too late for our crops but the rain is so welcome. I rolled my windows up today because Gee said it was going ot rain. He shouldn't tease. Or come home if it doesn't rain. Jus sayin.
Rain dances everyone, please!
On second thought, why don't you just let ME do the mind speaking, okay??? There's no sense in ALL of us getting the hell beat out of us!!!
So some of you know that I dropped my phone in the crapper last week. Happy Friday to me!! It was kinda fun not having a phone. Now I know how Bertha feels when she turns her off. Gee told me once that he put his in the refrigerator. What the hell??? He says it got too hot but I really think he did it so he wouldn't have to answer me when I called him.
Anyway, guess what was in my phone.....that went in the crapper.....yep, my list of blog topics. C-R-A-P!!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! I had some good ones in there too, I tell ya! Like the notes about Gee and I going to C-town and he pulls into Oh-Oh-Oh-O'Reilleyyyyyyys.....Auto Parts! He told me he would be right back. I guess that meant he didn't want me to go in with him. Nevermind that it's six hundred and thirty seven degrees outside and at the time, we didn't have any air conditioning in the Cadillac nut-dragger. *sigh*
I remember seeing a family...I suppose it was a family...come out of Oh-Oh-Oh O'Reilleyyyyyy.....Auto Parts! that I didn't think looked like your typical mechanical family. The woman whom I assume to be the woman did not like dirt or to be dirty. I will tell you why in a moment. The woman I assume to be her daughter was dressed in too-short-too-tight-shorts. She wasn't overweight by any means but I think it was then I learned that even skinny people can wear stuff that they shouldn't.
The "daughter" had a small child and it was a boy. Well, what do boys like to do when they are outside? Play in the dirt!! And this little boy was no different. He headed right for a pile of dirt while the two women were standing next to the car trying to convince some guy in a muscle shirt that they knew what they were talking about when they mentioned some car parts.
In the end, the "mother" did say she didn't really understand, she just ordered the stuff they said she needed. I bet Oh-Oh-Oh-O'Reilleyyyyyyy's......Auto Parts! loves mechanically impaired/challenged women. I shouldn't say women. I should say people. Because there are some men out there that just don't know what the "fun" they are talking about. (Fun is my new "F" word) I know. I was married to a couple of them.
Anyway, let me back up a bit here. Before they headed out, the "mother" needed to go back inside and so while I was sitting there sweating my "fun" ass off, I watched closely. Because we both know how entertaining people are to me. All of them. The "daughter" was not watching her little boy very good because she was too intent on talking to the bigger boy and well, eventually that little boy moved from a pile of dirt to an oil stain in the parking lot.
I thought maybe I should tell her. The little boy kept looking at me like "you aren't going to tell, are you?" I just smiled at him like "stick yer face in it, kid." So the kid is getting dirtier by the second and I am starting to get a good giggle worked up. If anything, it took my mind off of the temperatures and how miserable I was sitting in the vehicle while my husband was standing in the air conditioning, enjoying himself.
Yes, so I was trying not to make a sound because I truly wanted to see just how dirty this kid could get. And then the "mother" walks out of the building and says "Do you see what your son is doing??" The "daughter" then turns around and scolds her son...and I just watch. I have my sunglasses on so she doesn't really know where I'm looking. But I was looking right at her and her dirty kid. Enjoying myself immensely.
She reaches down to pick him up and O-H E-M G-E-E.....that woman had probably never once shaved her armpits. It was disgusting! I've never seen hair on a woman's pits like I saw that day. And yes, she had on a sleeveless top!! WHY??? wHy?? Can anyone help me out with this one?
At least it stopped my laughter at her son. Yep, perdy much stopped it dead in it's tracks. Turned it from laughter into vomit. Vomit that I had to swallow back down because it was WAY TOO HOT to be vomiting all over myself or in my car where I would have to clean it up!!
I don't think I lasted too long after that though. I think I ended up going in and pressing my head on the concrete floor and making my dear (cool) husband realize that it was too "fun-ing" hot to be out in that car that long so maybe we should go home now.
That's about all I can remember from my phone. I doubt my notes from the other phone will be in the new phone...that comes either today or tomorrow...I am excited...I can't wait...can you tell??? I will have to get new notes I suppose.
I promise my new notes will be kept somewhere besides my phone. I have a plan. Yeah, a plan. Until next time..........we still need rain, badly. I think it's too late for our crops but the rain is so welcome. I rolled my windows up today because Gee said it was going ot rain. He shouldn't tease. Or come home if it doesn't rain. Jus sayin.
Rain dances everyone, please!
I am a mandatory reporter
I am a mandatory reporter. For children and adult dependents. I have been a mandatory reporter for many years. Mandatory reporters that are required to report abuse or neglect are:
Health practitioners, Social workers or psychologists, School employees, certified paraeducators, coaches, or instructors employed by community colleges, Employees or operators of health-care facilities, child care centers, Head Start programs, family development and self-sufficiency grant programs, substance abuse programs or facilities, juvenile detention or juvenile shelter care facilities, foster care facilities, or mental health centers, Employees of Department of Human Services institutions, Peace officers, counselors, or mental health professionals, Commercial film and photographic print processors.
The job of these mandatory reporters is to report any and all suspicious behaviors of someone abusing or neglecting their child or adult dependent. Whether it is in their home or in public. There is nothing glamorous about having this title. Matter of fact, MOST people that ARE mandatory reporters have learned to "turn the other cheek."
Trust me, that is the easier way. It's not the right way but by far, it is the easier way. So what do you do when it is someone you are related to? Someone you care about? What about when the mandatory reporter is the person in question? How do you react to that situation? Do you just "do it?" Do you look the other way and never look back? There is nothing easy about what you HAVE to do.
For three years I have been pondering this in my head. So for three years, I was not doing my job. I was not living up to the promise that I made when I became a mandatory reporter. And it has eaten at me all of these three years. There were so many consequences to weigh. When I asked those around me what they would do, they couldn't come up with an answer. All agreed that it needs to be addressed but when it came down to brass tacks, nobody wanted to be in that situation; nobody wanted to be "the one."
So I stepped up. I reported some behavior that is offensive to me and to some kids. And the sad thing is, this is such a way of life for the kids, they probably don't even know it's offensive to them. It's offensive to many others but not enough that anyone wanted to "get involved." Like I said, it took me three years of "pondering, wondering and weighing" and a giant push of "anger," to do it. I have struggled with this decision for THREE YEARS. Sometimes we just get angry enough to do what is right and put aside what hurts. It's not a decision I am proud of but I guaran-damn-tee that if I had children and I couldn't provide for them, somebody I love would have been there to do the same for me.
Looking back now, I don't know why I didn't just do this three years ago. Maybe because I love these people. All of them involved. Whether they want to believe it or not. I would have done anything for them and have gone out of my way many times for them. I didn't want anything for my time. I didn't want paid for my deeds. And I still don't. But what I wanted was some respect and for some responsibility on the part of the adults in the home.
I could go on all day long about how these people disrespect me but it isn't about me. It's about the kid that tells me they can't walk down the steps without having to walk all over clothes, toys, books and god knows what else. It's about the kid that tells me that mice run across their counter tops routinely. It's solely about the kids. And they have been told they are not to speak to me under any circumstances, which I knew would happen.
Hell, I'm used to that. I get it about once a year (just as a refresher I think). My family tells me that I am just like one of these people. Headstrong, independent and likes to be right. And they would be right. I am all of that. The difference is though, that I am NOT always right and am big enough to admit it when I'm not. I don't get mad at someone because they pointed out my faults. Christ, I have had my faults pointed out all my life. By everyone around me. Maybe that's the result of being the baby of the family or the result of "not measuring up."
I have seen this person not speak to people (me included) for months, simply because they disagreed with them. Last I checked, God is still up in Heaven and this person is NOT Him. Even God gives people the right to think different and still loves them. Yes, you are a far cry from God.
As you can imagine, there are several "loved ones" around that are furious at what I have done. Maybe the reason "outsiders" or "those related" get angry at the situation is because they know the situation is real and they should have stepped up and helped out before the situation got to this point. Maybe they should have said "I see a problem here." Yet nobody did. Or maybe it's fear. Fear that they have some of the same bad habits and they can't quite get over theirs. And I'm used to being the "bad one" though so I just "did it." Sometimes enough is enough.
My worst fear would be a house fire. How the hell is everyone supposed to get out in time? In the middle of the night when everything is dark, how does one negotiate themselves around the mess?
The failure on the part of a person responsible for the care of a child to provide adequate food, shelter, clothing, or other care necessary for the child's health and welfare when financially able to do so or when offered financial or other reasonable means to do so.
If you can't provide your family with the things you need, you need to get them to a place where it can be furnished; until you can bring them back home. Even if that means you can't have your beer or poker or internet or outings with your friends. Maybe the vacation money should be put toward a bill. Running water and electricity should be an important thing to have in your home. To anyone. There are more than enough people in this world that would gladly take someone in to help them. I would do it in a heartbeat. If you need help, ask. If I can help you, I will. If I can't, I will help you find the help you need.
Mind you, you can not stay. You must go home eventually.
And isn't it some law (or maybe it's coming in the Obamacare mess) that parents have to have insurance on all their children? Doesn't that mean ANY child living under your care has to be able to have health insurance?
How would you feel if your child thought they had a seizure and you didn't take them to the doctor because you didn't have insurance for them? Pretty sad situation if you ask me. I don't know why any parent would chance that.
But then again, I'm not a parent. I couldn't possibly know anything. I know that my husband lost his children for letting animals crap in their house; I know that my husband lost his children for not keeping their home safe for their children. That's what it's all about.
And I don't want these kids taken out of their home. I don't want these kids separated from their parents. That is not my goal at all. That's just not a good situation for anyone. It tears families apart in more ways than you can imagine. Now you see why it took me so long to call.
Please don't take my words and turn them around. Because I am a mandatory reporter for child and adult dependent abuse, that doesn't mean anybody got abused. Because they didn't. And I have never said they have. That is one thing I guarantee will never happen.
Some of you may know what I am talking about and some may not. This is just getting my side "out there" because there has already been enough mud-slinging. I will be the "bad guy" for years to come and so be it. As long as the situation gets fixed. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. I can't hide what I did. But please don't assume you know what's going on if you don't.
Health practitioners, Social workers or psychologists, School employees, certified paraeducators, coaches, or instructors employed by community colleges, Employees or operators of health-care facilities, child care centers, Head Start programs, family development and self-sufficiency grant programs, substance abuse programs or facilities, juvenile detention or juvenile shelter care facilities, foster care facilities, or mental health centers, Employees of Department of Human Services institutions, Peace officers, counselors, or mental health professionals, Commercial film and photographic print processors.
The job of these mandatory reporters is to report any and all suspicious behaviors of someone abusing or neglecting their child or adult dependent. Whether it is in their home or in public. There is nothing glamorous about having this title. Matter of fact, MOST people that ARE mandatory reporters have learned to "turn the other cheek."
Trust me, that is the easier way. It's not the right way but by far, it is the easier way. So what do you do when it is someone you are related to? Someone you care about? What about when the mandatory reporter is the person in question? How do you react to that situation? Do you just "do it?" Do you look the other way and never look back? There is nothing easy about what you HAVE to do.
For three years I have been pondering this in my head. So for three years, I was not doing my job. I was not living up to the promise that I made when I became a mandatory reporter. And it has eaten at me all of these three years. There were so many consequences to weigh. When I asked those around me what they would do, they couldn't come up with an answer. All agreed that it needs to be addressed but when it came down to brass tacks, nobody wanted to be in that situation; nobody wanted to be "the one."
So I stepped up. I reported some behavior that is offensive to me and to some kids. And the sad thing is, this is such a way of life for the kids, they probably don't even know it's offensive to them. It's offensive to many others but not enough that anyone wanted to "get involved." Like I said, it took me three years of "pondering, wondering and weighing" and a giant push of "anger," to do it. I have struggled with this decision for THREE YEARS. Sometimes we just get angry enough to do what is right and put aside what hurts. It's not a decision I am proud of but I guaran-damn-tee that if I had children and I couldn't provide for them, somebody I love would have been there to do the same for me.
Looking back now, I don't know why I didn't just do this three years ago. Maybe because I love these people. All of them involved. Whether they want to believe it or not. I would have done anything for them and have gone out of my way many times for them. I didn't want anything for my time. I didn't want paid for my deeds. And I still don't. But what I wanted was some respect and for some responsibility on the part of the adults in the home.
I could go on all day long about how these people disrespect me but it isn't about me. It's about the kid that tells me they can't walk down the steps without having to walk all over clothes, toys, books and god knows what else. It's about the kid that tells me that mice run across their counter tops routinely. It's solely about the kids. And they have been told they are not to speak to me under any circumstances, which I knew would happen.
Hell, I'm used to that. I get it about once a year (just as a refresher I think). My family tells me that I am just like one of these people. Headstrong, independent and likes to be right. And they would be right. I am all of that. The difference is though, that I am NOT always right and am big enough to admit it when I'm not. I don't get mad at someone because they pointed out my faults. Christ, I have had my faults pointed out all my life. By everyone around me. Maybe that's the result of being the baby of the family or the result of "not measuring up."
I have seen this person not speak to people (me included) for months, simply because they disagreed with them. Last I checked, God is still up in Heaven and this person is NOT Him. Even God gives people the right to think different and still loves them. Yes, you are a far cry from God.
As you can imagine, there are several "loved ones" around that are furious at what I have done. Maybe the reason "outsiders" or "those related" get angry at the situation is because they know the situation is real and they should have stepped up and helped out before the situation got to this point. Maybe they should have said "I see a problem here." Yet nobody did. Or maybe it's fear. Fear that they have some of the same bad habits and they can't quite get over theirs. And I'm used to being the "bad one" though so I just "did it." Sometimes enough is enough.
My worst fear would be a house fire. How the hell is everyone supposed to get out in time? In the middle of the night when everything is dark, how does one negotiate themselves around the mess?
The failure on the part of a person responsible for the care of a child to provide adequate food, shelter, clothing, or other care necessary for the child's health and welfare when financially able to do so or when offered financial or other reasonable means to do so.
If you can't provide your family with the things you need, you need to get them to a place where it can be furnished; until you can bring them back home. Even if that means you can't have your beer or poker or internet or outings with your friends. Maybe the vacation money should be put toward a bill. Running water and electricity should be an important thing to have in your home. To anyone. There are more than enough people in this world that would gladly take someone in to help them. I would do it in a heartbeat. If you need help, ask. If I can help you, I will. If I can't, I will help you find the help you need.
Mind you, you can not stay. You must go home eventually.
And isn't it some law (or maybe it's coming in the Obamacare mess) that parents have to have insurance on all their children? Doesn't that mean ANY child living under your care has to be able to have health insurance?
How would you feel if your child thought they had a seizure and you didn't take them to the doctor because you didn't have insurance for them? Pretty sad situation if you ask me. I don't know why any parent would chance that.
But then again, I'm not a parent. I couldn't possibly know anything. I know that my husband lost his children for letting animals crap in their house; I know that my husband lost his children for not keeping their home safe for their children. That's what it's all about.
And I don't want these kids taken out of their home. I don't want these kids separated from their parents. That is not my goal at all. That's just not a good situation for anyone. It tears families apart in more ways than you can imagine. Now you see why it took me so long to call.
Please don't take my words and turn them around. Because I am a mandatory reporter for child and adult dependent abuse, that doesn't mean anybody got abused. Because they didn't. And I have never said they have. That is one thing I guarantee will never happen.
Some of you may know what I am talking about and some may not. This is just getting my side "out there" because there has already been enough mud-slinging. I will be the "bad guy" for years to come and so be it. As long as the situation gets fixed. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. I can't hide what I did. But please don't assume you know what's going on if you don't.
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