
Happy Friday!

Before I get started on this blog, I have two things to say.  First.....in my last blog, I said that things could go in the crapper FAST.  I was talking about work.  But I was right.  They went in the crapper.  They've stayed in the crapper.  And I'm not so sure the crapper didn't sneak home and eat up my morning.  Second.....I have been asking you to do rain dances because it has been so dry here.  For those of you that have been dancing the dance...THANK YOU!!!  It rained yesterday and rained and rained and rained.  A nice gentle rain...but it was consistent and solid.  Ahhhh finally!!

Now...let me tell you about my day today.  It's not even 1100 hrs yet!  How cruddy is that!!!!  My alarm clock went off at 0630 hrs and I hit snooze.  I don't know why I hit snooze because I was in bed around 2145 hrs last night.  (that's 9:45pm for you civilians)   -_-

Anyway, I hit the snooze button and tossed and turned.  I asked myself about twenty three...nope, twenty four times, WHY I pushed the snooze button.  When the alarm goes off, I am awake.  Unless I am exhausted.  This morning I wasn't exhausted though.  And it's a surprise I'm not.  I dreamt the WHOLE night long.  I can't tell you what I dreamt about but I remember just going from one dream to another to another to another. 

Until 0200 hrs.  That's when I woke up the first time.  And wondered WHY it was still dark.  And WHY my alarm hadn't went off.  Because it HAD to be time to wake up.  Nope.  *sigh* Go back to sleep Amelia.  And when I did finally get back to sleep, I still dreamt.  Like I said, the whole night my REM sleep was crazy.

I finally got myself out of bed about 0645 hrs and went down to play with the pup before getting ready for work.  Pup didn't want to play this morning.  Pup had nothing but Cesar's on his mind.  So I got myself around, got the pup fed and got out the door.

I opened up the back door of my car to put my bag in and there was a puddle of water on the floor board.  I am going to assume my sunroof leaks.  Fabulous.  I get in the car and see that a little tiny bit of that water in back has made it's way up the side in the front.  Fabulous.  Good thing we didn't have a downpour.  I would have had to swim to work. 

I get to town and stop at my favorite coffee place (to get my morning coffee and lunch, as usual) and there are only two cars in the parking lot.  One of them being mine.  The rest of the parking lot is filled with fire trucks.  My first thought was, "I wonder if I can run in and fill my coffee cup before this thing blows up."  That was seriously my first thought.  My second thought was, "Watch this place blow to smithereens.  That is going to SUCK!"  Put the car in park and went in to fill my coffee cup. 

I figure if I'm going to be blown up, I want some coffee in me first.  The clerk is happily wiping windows (like anyone can be happy doing that job) and I said, "Is the coffee in danger of burning up?"  She informs me that every once in a while, the fire dept comes and cleans the top and sides of their canopy.  Phew.  Had me worried. 

Before I got in the car, I laid my phone..... my brand new very expensive phone...on the dash.  And that's something I NEVER do!  For some reason I thought I shouldn't sit down with it in my back pocket, although I do it all the time. Anyway, as I pulled out of the parking lot, the phone slid down and landed right on the wet spot on my front floor board.  I grabbed it as fast as I could and pulled the battery out. 

When I got to the parking lot at work, I checked everything out and there were only a couple of drops that got on the front.  Nothing on the back or inside got wet.  PHEW!!!  I won't do that ever again!!  I put the phone back together, put it safely inside my bag, gether my things and head inside. 

I bring my cereal with me to work so as I sat down to eat my morning cereal and I realize I don't have my coffee with me.  Anywhere.  UGH!!!!  Seriously I remembered putting it on top of my car when I was leaving the coffee shop.  Wouldn't I have heard a heavy metal coffee cup hit my sunroof when I pulled out?  Maybe not because I was preoccupied with my phone!  OMG are you kidding me???

When my co-worker went out to smoke, I asked her to check and see if it was on my car.  The day is looking brighter.....the coffee was still safely inside my console.  *big smile*

NOW...the day has been fine, from that point to this point.  We have visiting hours coming up at work.  It's going to be a mad house.  Pray for me.  I may not come out unscathed. 

1 comment:

  1. My alarm went off at 0630, not 0645 and I played with the pup before going to work, not bed........What a long "fun" day today! NOT!! Let's take 5 and start over. *sigh*
