

Today's blog is dedicated to Willy and Bertha.  I think they will either WANT to come visit now or they will want to stay AWAY now.

On Tuesday morning of this week, when I left the house for work, I locked the doors.  Sometimes I will get to work and think "Did I lock the front door today?"  And the easiest way I can remember is that every single time I lock the doors, the same thought comes to mind.  "Can firefighters get to my Buddy?"  I am in such fear that something is going to happen to my little guy.

Not to worry.  Yes, I lock him in BUT he is close enough to a window that a firefighter would only have to break a window to get to him if need be.  I know.....I worry too much.  I need to get some of those fire stickers.  I wonder where I get those..............

Anyway, back to Tuesday.  I remembered locking the door. Or at least I thought I did.  When I got off of work on Tuesday and came home, the front door was unlocked.  I just assumed that I had overlooked locking it and didn't think too much of it.  After all, the house hadn't caught fire!  I looked around the house (me and my trusty sidekick handgun) and nothing else was out of the ordinary.  No big deal.

On Wednesday morning, I made sure to lock the door and I even checked it two times to make sure it was locked.  Locked up good and tight!!  When I got home on Wednesday afternoon, the front door was unlocked again.  Now THAT got my attention.  Again, I searched the home, finding nothing out of the ordinary and my Buddy sleeping peacefully in his pen.

When Gee got home on Wednesday, we were laying on the floor, playing with Buddy and I told him about the door incident.  He didn't seem the least bit worried not did he act like he cared a great deal about it.  I asked him if he has been home during the day and he said "No, we are working too far away to come home during the day."  Hmmmm curious.

Thursday was uneventful and I didn't really think too much about it.  So that brings us to today.  Friday.  My only day off this week.  Gee got up and went to work around 0545 hrs and I stayed on the mattress...on the livingroom floor...because it's WAY too hot upstairs to even consider sleeping up there.  I fell back asleep and so did Buddy (in his pen, mind you).  At one point I thought maybe he had gotten out of his pen because I felt him...or what I thought was him...walk past my head.  I could feel my hair move like someone rubbed up against it.

My first response...reach out and grab him...because I thought it was Buddy.  Nothing there.  I look up to see which way he went and I see he is still in his pen.  At the other side of the room.  Asleep.  How strange is that!?!  I guess our ghost is back!  I am so glad.  It has been lonely without it's usual creepiness.  Gee still doesn't care.  Nor does he act interested.  What a class act.  -_-

So before I stop for the night (thought you were gonna get lucky and have a short read tonight, didn't you?), I will update you on my cell phone situation.  My cell phone company sent me out a "replacement" phone because I am a premium customer.  I don't have to have insurance because I am allowed three free replacement phones per year.  Per person on my plan. Which is three now.  Yes.....my bill is stupid per month.  I don't care.  

I got the "replacement" phone two days later and opened it up all excited, like it was Christmas morning...and it was a little ole flip phone.  It was so generic.  I was sure it was some kind of joke!  I pay for media.  Lots and lots of media.  This phone had no access to media.  What the hell was my cell phone company trying to tell me???  

So I call them.  "Oh my!"  The lady on the other end says, "Those are nothing alike!"  You think???  I started out with a touchscreen android and they sent my "replacement" as a do-nothing flip phone.  I can't handle that.  Not after having the grand jury of phones.  So the lady tells me to send it back with the postage paid sticker in the same box and they would send mine our RIGHT AWAY.  That was last week.  It was supposed to arrive today.  Tomorrow at the latest but today should have been the day.

So I call them again.  I get this really cool gal named I-E-SHUH.  I don't know how to spell it, okay???  She immediately started laughing when she looked at my account and seen the contrast in phones.  She apologizes six thousand times over the course of our hour long phone call.  She was very cool.  Come to find out...there never was an order put in for my replacement "Hero."  Nothing.  I was getting pissed.  I-E-Shuh made me laugh though and then she says "There are no more Hero's."  Unless you want a refurbished/used one.  I don't.

She finds a "Mesmerize" and I look it up on the computer.  It'll do.  It's close to what I had.  Just no front camera on it.  I can live.  So she goes to get that squared away and guess what.........they sold out.  I'm not kidding you.  I can't make this crap up!!  I told her I just went through this with a car and I am NOT looking forward to doing it with a phone.  She could tell I was getting cranky and after the last time I get put on hold, she says "I have you set up to receive a "Galaxy" on Tuesday."  

Now I am so frustrated at this point, I think it's just easier to stick with my Blackberry (my back up phone) and say screw it.  I tell her I'm not interested and that I am going to stay with my BB and I could HEAR her face drop.  I'm not kidding.  She was like, "Are you kidding me?"  I told her I didn't want to take a phone that I couldn't hold and check out for myself.  Finally, I end up saying, "Just send me the Galaxy and if I don't like it, I will hook my BB back up for good."  I-E-Shuh could breathe again.  

We'll see if I have my phone by mid-week next or if I even like it.  I will let you know.  Until then.........peace out!!!

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