
Giving Back in 2014

Well...2013 is about to come to a close and although it hasn't been a particularly bad year for me, with the exception of a few things, I am looking forward to 2014 with excitement and anticipation.  I feel great things coming along so the anticipation is really building inside of me.  And for Miss Julie I would just like to add that I am NOT wishing my life away.  I am enjoying my last days of 2013 to the fullest.  I had (maybe) the most wonderful nights of the year last night at work.  Nothing happened.  Nothing went on.  Nothing needed any immediate attention.  Nobody was pulling in two or more directions.  Nobody around to bother me about any thing at all.  Nobody was in need of my services.  I did little-to-nothing and it was nice for a change.  As a dispatcher/jailer/911 call taker, those days and nights are rare at best. 

Today is my day off after a six day stint.  I'm not planning on doing anything worth a grain of salt today either.  And I'm going to enjoy it.  Besides this blog, probably the biggest workout I'm going to give myself today is deciding what to make my husband for dinner tonight.  IF I even do that.  Maybe we will order out.  

I'm also trying to avoid the flu like it's.....well, the plague.  Because it sounds like it is.  Most that I have heard were back mobile again after 24 hours but several were not.  I don't want that.  I don't have time for that.  I have too much to do starting on Wednesday and I don't want anyone or anything getting in my way.  So staying in, keeping warm, keeping fluids moving in and out as much as possible and not breathing anything outside of this house.  

My husband is working for someone today though and that could pose a poblem.  For him.  I know he's not going to like walking into a Lysol-sterile environment any more than the dogs like it but he will and then he will have to go scrub his hands and face until....as he says...the top layer of skin comes off.  I am not a germophobe or whatever they're called.  I just don't want to get sick and am very willing to go out of my way to keep from it.  Zicam and Vitamin C are my true best friends this time of year (flu season, not winter).

Before I lose your attention I would like to know some things about you, my reader.  Do you usually make new year's resolutions?  Do you usually try to incorporate a new life style?  If so, what things do you do?  Andwhat is your track record for staying on point?  Do you usually achieve what you feel you need to do?  Do you give up?  Do you feel like you don't have enough encouragement?  Motivation?  Time?  Money?

Or are you one of those that are so comfortable with themselves and their lives that they don't feel the need to make any changes?  If you are one of these people, I am envious of you but someday I will be there right beside you.  

Remember, sitting there shaking your head or laughing or answering these questions aloud doesn't do me any good.  For sake of research, make a comment and tell me something about you.  About your new years resolutions.  Any life style changes.  Remember, something you do might give someone else an idea and who knows...it could save their life.  Could.  

I guarantee nothing here people.

So......before I close, there is something that some of you have been wanting to know.  So here goes.  This is blog #200.  And I want to celebrate it.  Here's what I have in mind.  

You...my reader...need to get ahold of me...I don't care how you do that...but I would like YOU to tell ME how I can help someone else this year.  I would like to do something nice...something fun...something thoughful (that depends on you)...for AT LEAST 12 people this year.  That's one time a month going out of my way to do something for the happiness of someone else.  

It can even be you.  Here's just one example of what I'm talking about.  I have already set up a few things for the year BUT I still want YOUR INPUT.  I want you to help me make someone happy.  I contacted someone that lives quite a ways away from their children and offered to drive them halfway so they can go spend some time with them...as long as their kids agree to meet halfway.  When their visit is done...whether it's a week, a month, 3 days or even just a few hours...I will bring them back home.  As you can imagine, this is going to take some planning on my end but I want to do it so bad.  I am so excited about it.  

Project "Giving Back."

People do so much for me just with their words.  They know and feel what is in my heart and they care about what I talk about; they care about what I do.  This is my way to give back to those that truly need a little lift.  I can't do much but I am willing to do whatever I can.  I have talked to a couple of people about doing this and they are supporting me 100%.  They have even offered to "pitch in" if I need them to, all in the name of helping others.  If you don't understand and have questions, ask.  I will do my best with further explanation if you need it.   This isn't to say that I will only drive people where they want to go.  Like I said, it's up to you to give me those ideas.  And then I'm going to pass all of them along to "my people" so THEY can decide how much we can do over the course of 2014.  

So we need to get started on this as soon as possible.  Which is why I am publishing this on the 30th and not the 31st, so you can have a few days to think about it.  About who you would like to reach out to and how. 

I know we can do this.  Come on. Just think about it!  There will be restrictions as you can imagine.  I can't afford to go to England to help someone.  BUT if you want to pay to send me there, I'm there.  Just saying.  ;-)  I could give you dozens of things off the top of my head but I don't want this to be about me and my ideas.  I want it to be about us and our ideas.  This is our little blog community project.  Whaddya think???  Yay or nay???

You can contact me by leaving your email address as a comment at the bottom of my blog and I will email you.....or you can send me an email at in_boos_world@hotmail.com OR simplyshellie1@gmail.com...or you can send me a private Facebook message...or you can call or text my phone...or you can come visit me at home.  (I don't recommend you visit me at work.  I don't want to confuse you with the ones I have to lock up).  Make sure you tell me WHY you think this person...or you...is deserving.  I don't need a long story.  Just a little background of why this person...or you...needs a little lift.    

I can't wait to hear from you!  Let's do this people!!!

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