
Giving Back in 2014

Well...2013 is about to come to a close and although it hasn't been a particularly bad year for me, with the exception of a few things, I am looking forward to 2014 with excitement and anticipation.  I feel great things coming along so the anticipation is really building inside of me.  And for Miss Julie I would just like to add that I am NOT wishing my life away.  I am enjoying my last days of 2013 to the fullest.  I had (maybe) the most wonderful nights of the year last night at work.  Nothing happened.  Nothing went on.  Nothing needed any immediate attention.  Nobody was pulling in two or more directions.  Nobody around to bother me about any thing at all.  Nobody was in need of my services.  I did little-to-nothing and it was nice for a change.  As a dispatcher/jailer/911 call taker, those days and nights are rare at best. 

Today is my day off after a six day stint.  I'm not planning on doing anything worth a grain of salt today either.  And I'm going to enjoy it.  Besides this blog, probably the biggest workout I'm going to give myself today is deciding what to make my husband for dinner tonight.  IF I even do that.  Maybe we will order out.  

I'm also trying to avoid the flu like it's.....well, the plague.  Because it sounds like it is.  Most that I have heard were back mobile again after 24 hours but several were not.  I don't want that.  I don't have time for that.  I have too much to do starting on Wednesday and I don't want anyone or anything getting in my way.  So staying in, keeping warm, keeping fluids moving in and out as much as possible and not breathing anything outside of this house.  

My husband is working for someone today though and that could pose a poblem.  For him.  I know he's not going to like walking into a Lysol-sterile environment any more than the dogs like it but he will and then he will have to go scrub his hands and face until....as he says...the top layer of skin comes off.  I am not a germophobe or whatever they're called.  I just don't want to get sick and am very willing to go out of my way to keep from it.  Zicam and Vitamin C are my true best friends this time of year (flu season, not winter).

Before I lose your attention I would like to know some things about you, my reader.  Do you usually make new year's resolutions?  Do you usually try to incorporate a new life style?  If so, what things do you do?  Andwhat is your track record for staying on point?  Do you usually achieve what you feel you need to do?  Do you give up?  Do you feel like you don't have enough encouragement?  Motivation?  Time?  Money?

Or are you one of those that are so comfortable with themselves and their lives that they don't feel the need to make any changes?  If you are one of these people, I am envious of you but someday I will be there right beside you.  

Remember, sitting there shaking your head or laughing or answering these questions aloud doesn't do me any good.  For sake of research, make a comment and tell me something about you.  About your new years resolutions.  Any life style changes.  Remember, something you do might give someone else an idea and who knows...it could save their life.  Could.  

I guarantee nothing here people.

So......before I close, there is something that some of you have been wanting to know.  So here goes.  This is blog #200.  And I want to celebrate it.  Here's what I have in mind.  

You...my reader...need to get ahold of me...I don't care how you do that...but I would like YOU to tell ME how I can help someone else this year.  I would like to do something nice...something fun...something thoughful (that depends on you)...for AT LEAST 12 people this year.  That's one time a month going out of my way to do something for the happiness of someone else.  

It can even be you.  Here's just one example of what I'm talking about.  I have already set up a few things for the year BUT I still want YOUR INPUT.  I want you to help me make someone happy.  I contacted someone that lives quite a ways away from their children and offered to drive them halfway so they can go spend some time with them...as long as their kids agree to meet halfway.  When their visit is done...whether it's a week, a month, 3 days or even just a few hours...I will bring them back home.  As you can imagine, this is going to take some planning on my end but I want to do it so bad.  I am so excited about it.  

Project "Giving Back."

People do so much for me just with their words.  They know and feel what is in my heart and they care about what I talk about; they care about what I do.  This is my way to give back to those that truly need a little lift.  I can't do much but I am willing to do whatever I can.  I have talked to a couple of people about doing this and they are supporting me 100%.  They have even offered to "pitch in" if I need them to, all in the name of helping others.  If you don't understand and have questions, ask.  I will do my best with further explanation if you need it.   This isn't to say that I will only drive people where they want to go.  Like I said, it's up to you to give me those ideas.  And then I'm going to pass all of them along to "my people" so THEY can decide how much we can do over the course of 2014.  

So we need to get started on this as soon as possible.  Which is why I am publishing this on the 30th and not the 31st, so you can have a few days to think about it.  About who you would like to reach out to and how. 

I know we can do this.  Come on. Just think about it!  There will be restrictions as you can imagine.  I can't afford to go to England to help someone.  BUT if you want to pay to send me there, I'm there.  Just saying.  ;-)  I could give you dozens of things off the top of my head but I don't want this to be about me and my ideas.  I want it to be about us and our ideas.  This is our little blog community project.  Whaddya think???  Yay or nay???

You can contact me by leaving your email address as a comment at the bottom of my blog and I will email you.....or you can send me an email at in_boos_world@hotmail.com OR simplyshellie1@gmail.com...or you can send me a private Facebook message...or you can call or text my phone...or you can come visit me at home.  (I don't recommend you visit me at work.  I don't want to confuse you with the ones I have to lock up).  Make sure you tell me WHY you think this person...or you...is deserving.  I don't need a long story.  Just a little background of why this person...or you...needs a little lift.    

I can't wait to hear from you!  Let's do this people!!!


It's not always in the presents, but in the presence

Merry Christmas to you and yours.  I got off work at midnight last night and couldn't wait to get home.  As you may or may not know, my husband has been telling me FOR DAYS now, that we aren't opening presents until the 25th!  Hmmph!

Well, when I got off work, it was the 25th technically.  Early 25th but the 25th, all the same.  As I ran through the front yard, I could hear a dog bark at me from inside the house which was very very unusual.  But of course, them seeing me run was probably very very unusual as well!  It must have scared my poor Buddy to death!

So I burst through the front door, expecting to see my lovable, huggable, husband passionately sleeping in his chair...totally brought on by experience alone.  But no, not this time!  There he sat...at my diningroom table...in front of a chainsaw carburetor...grease up to his elbows (literally)...working away as if it was 11 o'clock in the morning on a work day. 

And speaking of work days, he's looking for a job.  He will do just about any odd job/handy man job you can think of.  I did not say handsy man.  He reserves all that for those rare rare moments when I'm in the worst mood in the world or when I'm near death from exhaustion.  So don't be thinking you're gonna get some of that!  HA!  Sometimes I just want to slap myself.

Anyway, his last job was only seasonal and that has ended so anything that can be thrown his way, would be a Godsend to him.  And to us.  I will just thank you in advance right here and now. 

Thank you times sixteen trillion.

"It's the 25th!  It's the 25th!  What ARE you doing sitting at the  diningroom table in a pool of grease??  Wait...WHAT are you doing sitting at the diningroom table in a pool of grease?  WHY??"  You know I'm excited when I excuse my own last sentence.  He gets cleaned up and I go to the bathroom because I don't want to pee myself when I unwrap my goodies! 

Yes, I get that excited!!!

We get our presents out from under this year's "tree," which just so happens to be a turkey spray that is hanging from Q's memory shelf and set them out on the floor.  The dogs are as excited as I am.  They just don't understand this ritual of ripping into all this paper and not getting in trouble for it.  They don't even want to take the chance.  WE have to unwrap it enough for them to get their snouts in there and realize that it's for them and then they grab and go. 
Before we can change our minds!!!

So...the dogs got raccoon and skunk toys and they really do love them.  They got too many treats.  Watching Annie sniff the presents was so funny to see.  I almost videoed it but really just wanted to have this time with my little family. 

Keeping those memories inside my head and my heart.
We first opened our gifts from Kathy, Jackie and Zach.  Quintin had a huge box full of stuff that he was so surprised and so happy to get.  It seems I can't keep him in enough body wash/shampoo so that helped so much AND it was the exact kind he loves!!!  BONUS!  Good job you guys!  He also got a nice new jacket to wear.  He says he will use that as his "good" jacket but I know how this goes.  He already owns two of this exact jacket.  One navy blue that smells like fox piss (I wonder how THAT happened!) and the other, hunter orange that has blood spatter and God know what else on it.  Sometimes I wonder if he even wears shirts under these things.  He will literally wear them as far as the bedroom. 
He says it's because I keep the house cold but I don't.  Nothing wrong with a top temp of 69 degrees.  It's warmer than a lot of people I know!  Besides, we own somewhere around 78 blankets.  Is it too much to ask to get a damn blanket while you're slaving so hard at watching tv???  Anyway, he loves it all and says that jacket will be his good jacket.  Whatever he thinks he means by that!  I will let you know...possibly in my next blog...when he gets it dirty.
I got a nice kitchen oven glove, dish towel and dishrag set from Jackie Jean.  It's very cute and is already hanging in my kitchen.  I needed those bad so she did well.  The three of them went together and got me my FAVORITE body wash and lotion from B&BW.  Country Chic, oh how I love that!  I got a purple wet/dry vac that goes in my car and I can't wait to use it!  I still have some sugar on my back floorboard, left over from my last big shopping trip.  As soon as it's warm enough, I'm there!  And it's purple!!!  Did I mention that???  Love, love, love it!
Kathy always gives the best presents!
And then...wrapped up in the bottom of this bag...was a beautiful and soft book...a journal.  A leatherette journal.  I couldn't stop "petting" it.  I even made Quintin pet it!  It is amazing to touch.  And I will cherish it to the end of time.  And use it until it falls apart.  Thank you Kathy, Jackie and Zach!  We love our gifts and we love you very much.  I am so blessed to have my family in my life.
Now...now it was time for Quintin's and mine gift exchange.  Here's why I was so excited about this year's Christmas gifts.  First off, it isn't every year that we have the money to get each other something to open ON Christmas.  We always...no matter what...have a card for each other, but not always Christmas presents.  And that is of our choosing.  Because we WANT to do for everybody that we possibly can before thinking of ourselves. 
Another reason I was so excited is because Quintin didn't do any of my shopping himself.  Not an ounce of it.  I had told him what I wanted and he was smart enough to marry a woman that has such an amazing friend like Sheila, to accept his challenge of doing his chopping...I mean shopping...for him.  He told her what he wanted for me and gave me the money, and she did his shopping for me...and had it all wrapped before meeting me for lunch because she didn't think I would "not look".....and let me pass on the money to her...which ended up being cheaper than he thought...by a lot (I think she should do my shopping next year)...and I got to transport it home. 
Anyway, I about lost myself in that last paragraph, how 'bou chew???  The whole point of that sentence was just to say that I knew it was going to be fantastic because Sheila herself is fantastic!  And her gift buying is fantastic!  After all, her last gift to me was a treat to Orange Leaf and I have been steadily having an affair with them since!!!
Quintin opened his card first.  I like watching his face as he reads what I write to him because I can see how much the words mean to him.  The card I picked out was a sentimental, I-love-you kinda card but he still chuckled at the end.  I don't know why.  And I didn't ask.  Sometimes I'm afraid of what his answer will be. Ask me sometime about the "Aleve" conversation!!!
Now it was my turn.  Of course I picked out the card I wanted him to give me or I may not have even got one...and it's very important to me...but what he writes in it, means more to me than anything in the world.  So...as I get to the end of his love note, he kinda gives it away by saying how he looks forward to me making him "goodys" on my new present.  Hahaha I couldn't even hold it in.  But I was still excited!
He opens his gifts to see that he has a brand new pair of house shoes that he has needed for several months, his own blanket with a fox on it...that he wants to make a quilt rack for because this walmart blanket with the fox on it is too nice to use...seriously??? and the thing he has been waiting for for a long time.  A new sawza.  Is that how you spell it?  I know that's how you say it and it's good enough for me.  AND bonus...it was in Iowa Hawkeye colors so that made me perfectly happy buying it for him!  He also got a package of 10 flashlights for his trapping seasons.  He will never lose one again without having another for backup.  At least he shouldn't!!!  Maybe now he will leave mine be!
I wonder if there were any purple ones in that package...
I love love love all my gifts.  I got the "Pink" CD that I have been wanting so badly since it came out...many many months ago.  I almost bought that for myself the other day when I was shopping!  I also got three new stoneware cookie sheets that I am ecstatic about!  Now I can get rid of three crappy sheets and next year's baking will be a BREEZE!  I also got a Happy New Year's present, which is a treadmill.  A used treadmill but a very nice used treadmill.  It does everything except take the cookies out of the oven!  January 1st, I have a long date with this one.
The beginning of something very very beautiful!
So Christmas was wonderful in so many ways.  Not only because of the presents but because of the thoughts and actions that led up to this day.  The feelings from goodie platter delivery day that have stayed in and warmed my heart every day since.  The many more Merry Christmas's that have been spoken than usual.  The love in people's hearts and they give to those that have nothing to give back.  The deep feelings that I feel from my husband when he looks into my eyes for no reason at all, and smiles. 
One of my 2014 goals is to feel like Christmas as much as possible.  I hope you will join me!
Before closing, I would like to point out that this is blog #199 for me.  Blog #200 will be about my next "thing."  Something that is near and dear to my heart.  If you remember, blog #100 was when "The Gift" was born.  I have more in my heart to give so....well, you will just have to wait!
Until next time.....thanks for reading and many Christmas wishes for you and yours from me and mine.  <3


Merry Christmas 2013

Well...here it is.  Christmas Eve.  It seems like the year just started!  I remember as a young child, my grandmother would say "Enjoy life while you can because each year you get older, it goes faster."  Of course I knew it all back then and she was just a funny old woman. 

And so ,so wise!  About a week ago, I was thinking that maybe I needed a little break from watching so closely what I was eating and regular exercises but then I thought, "No way.  You gotta stay on track Shellie."  It was THEN I realized it was already Christmas time!  I mean, it was only days away and even though I had gotten all my shopping done, wrapped and distributed, it didn't really hit me until I was thinking about my exercising, how close we really are to the end of 2013!!

Holy calendar year, Batman!

The first quarter of 2013 was spent really pouring my heart into getting my health headed in the right direction.  I have lost 32 lbs and have continued to keep it off this entire year.  Huge achievement for me.  So huge I can't even put it into words.  I have never been able to keep weight off for very long so I made myself proud.

This year I have tried to mend some broken...and possibly burnt...bridges.  I have apologized for things that I have done.  I have apologized for things that I may have had a part in.  I have stuck my neck out and have offered my hand in friendship.  I have been hugged back.  I have been snubbed.  I have been laughed at.  I have been loved.  Either way, it's a win for me because I tried to make right when I didn't know what else to do.  I don't have to be forgiven and I don't have to be given any more chances.  And this isn't any kind of pat-on-the-back for myself either.  It's just me babbling.

This year has taught me so many things about the love of friends, the love of family, the love of strangers, and the love of my husband.  But most of all, this year I have learned so much about the love of God and how He lives in my heart and my soul and how he shines through others to get my attention.  I have learned that there are people in my life that I will never get the chance to see again, talk to again, or touch again.  I know and understand the love of what I once had.  And I am okay with it. 

There were many things that I have taken for granted over the years and I don't see that happening ever again.  But I'm human and I just might fall into that trap.  One never knows.  Through the worst times in the past year, I know who has been there to help me stand up, who has let me lean on them when I really needed it most, who has shown me laughter in situations where I couldn't even see that silver lining.  I want to thank you, my friends and family, for each and every little thing you have done this past year.  Good or bad, it has made my heart stronger and has shown me that loving is by far, easier than not.

Today I really want to talk to my mom and dad.  Just to tell them how much I miss them and love them.  That's all I need to say.  And to hear their voices one last time.  Until next Christmas.  When I'll need to hear it again.  Maybe it's time to get some old home videos out and just listen, huh?  Maybe.

It's a white Christmas and I am so thrilled about it.  A couple of years back I couldnt have cared less about Christmas, if it was white, green, purple, or yellow but that passed and PHEW am I glad it did!  My mom always wanted to own a home big enough to have a Christmas room in it year round.  She would always talk about that.  Maybe someday I can have that room for her and it will be our place to be together. 

I'm trying to be upbeat and humorous tonight but it just isn't happening!  No matter what I do.  I guess it's the Christmas spirit inside of me wanting to be sentimental and content.  That I am. 

I am going to close for now.  I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and I hope you all get everything you have ever dreamt about.  Love from me and mine, to you and yours.  <3

Until next time...thanks for reading...and don't forget, blog #200 is coming right up.  If you have read my blogs this year, you could be in the "know" and get to participate in my "celebrate 200."


It's a wonderful life

I don’t even know where to begin my story tonight.  I have experienced so many emotions this week that I feel like I have been on a roller coaster.  This has been delivery week for “The Gift” and it is one I will possibly never forget for the rest of my life. 

The sole purpose of “The Gift” was to make people smile.  To make them know that someone out there thinks about them and notices what they do and that they are loved.  But I must tell you, it has turned out to be so much more than that for me. 

I love the look of surprise that I get from people that don’t know anything about the blog; about “The Gift;” or even about my love for baking.  I have to admit though, “You didn’t have to do this” has always been the phrase that makes me cringe.  No, I didn’t have to do this.  I wanted to do this.  I still want to do this.  I am going to want to do this for the rest of my life. 

“And as long as you can remember me, I want you to smile.” - Shellie Weed.  I think I’ll have that put on my grave marker someday.  I kinda like it!

One gal…(and you know who you are!!!)…said to me when I handed her a platter of cookies, “Oh Shellie, are you sure?  Is there anyone else that you think would need these?”  Yes and no.  Yes there are thousands of others out there that I think would need platters of smiles.  But no.  Not this platter of smiles.  Because this one was made especially for you.  Because someone loves you.  And your dog.  Even though it wanted to eat me. 

I see tears in people’s eyes when they see that someone thought enough of them to do something like this.  Sometimes I see excitement in their actions.  A lot of the time I can see that they can’t wait until I’m gone so they can rip into the platter of goodies.

I get a lot of surprised reactions and that does nothing more than confuse me and that never makes for good blog fodder because you have too many surprised/confused people and it’s like the blind leading the blind to find that chicken with it‘s head cut off.  Okay, okay, maybe it IS good blog fodder after all!

I know I am just as much at fault as anyone else but what I think gets me is the confusion on their faces.  I mean the honest-to-God confusion of it all.  Like they didn’t think anyone really cared, or they didn’t think anyone really noticed.  Or they didn’t think they were worth the trouble.  More often I think people think that others don’t really and truly care.  And I’m here to prove them wrong because I know so many caring people. 

If you are one of those people that had a platter sent or received a platter, I want you to know that not only does someone love and care about you, but you are worth so much more than that platter of goodies that  was sent or received.  You are gold to me and to a lot of other people.

I have gotten to meet some people through “The Gift” project that I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise.  The other day, I went to a house I had never been to…asked for a person I had no knowledge of existing before this year‘s project…introduced myself…explained how “The Gift” came to and why I was at the door with this plate of goodies…and this person hugged me.  They were so grateful.  And my heart was singing the song of my people… ”Hallelujah!”

By the way, that is my most favoritest song on earth.  Just in case you were curious.  I have so many fond memories of  Mrs. Vogel working with us relentlessly on this in Chorus class every year; to get it perfect.  And then the day of our concert, she would invite anyone from the public to come up and join us in song.  It gives me the chills and sometimes even makes me cry.   And this time of year, I find myself singing it to myself a lot but it really brings it home for me when I catch myself singing it after doing something for someone else. 

So I have had teary eyed people, surprised people, confused people, gracious people, …and everyone of them…in their own way…gets to me.  They can turn that one emotion that I can trying my hardest to control, and twist it around until I think I am just going to lose it right there in front of God and everybody. 

I thought about this all the way home the other night, from Bedford.  The feeling in my heart was something so inexplicable.  It makes me want to get one of those megaphones and scream to the whole world how my heart is over-flowing with kindness, compassion, empathy, and with love; and if we all could just try a little bit harder…try to be a little bit more understanding…try to have a little bit more patience…the difference in our communities, our world, would be more than outstanding.

I delivered a platter to a business today for someone that didn’t necessarily ask for their name to be given, but I made an executive decision and told them anyway…and this man…as he took the plate from my hands…bowed his head and said “God bless her.”   I near fell to the floor and wept.  I mean that’s all he said “God bless her” and I almost lost control.  I never let myself cry until I was between towns but cry I did.  Many, many times. 

One platter that I delivered, I told the gal why her and her husband’s name got put on the list and how the community supported them and felt like they couldn’t do enough for them and she thanked me and hugged me.  She thanked me for the cookies; thanked me for my words.  She was completely taken by surprise and that surprised even me because in my heart of hearts, I thought I was probably one of many that have brought goodies to their door.

And that brings to mind yet another reason why I love this project.  Because when I tell them the “why’s,” they aren’t just words to me.  They are feelings.  Every cookie, every platter, that leaves my hands…is 100% full of love, kindness, care, compassion and I always try to put a pinch or two of strength in there…

Without others, we would sure get bored, wouldn’t we?  On my way home the other day, I stopped on a gravel road and let myself sob.  And it had nothing to do with the fact that I was completely exhausted.  And it wasn’t because I had just experienced almost every emotion imaginable within a few short hours.  It wasn’t even because I made someone smile that day. 

I sobbed because I felt affirmation that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.  I sobbed because what I had taken away from all of these people this week, has made me look at life in a whole new light.  I have a little bit of new direction.  I love a lot more people than I ever thought I would.  For no other reason than because I have so much more room in my heart.

I met babies this week.  Sweet, soft, cuddly babies that I wouldn’t have gotten to meet otherwise.  I found people.  I made friends.  I “re-introduced” myself to someone I hadn’t seen for years and years and as I left her home, watched her standing there with her platter, while her children were asking questions about who I was and why I brought them cookies…and more importantly, when could they have those cookies…Teary eyed, I said very loudly and directly to God, “There’s got to be more I can do.” 

It was then, I grabbed my phone from my bag to see I had a missed call.  Upon returning the phone call I realized that God was just waiting for me to ask because my next “thing” was already in the works.  I just needed to return that call.  God certainly works in the most mysterious ways.  And I am counting my blessings tonight and so thankful that He does.  In the words of one guy that received a platter, “This is a good day.”  For me, a good week.  A great week. 

Until next time…thanks for reading!!

Thank you God for allowing me the time and the energy to do this project.  Thank you for bringing those people in my life that help me accomplish this goal.  Thank you for holding my hand when I go to a door of a stranger, in hopes they don’t run me out of there for doing what some would never do.  Thank you for giving me the strength to face my fears each and every time I do this project, and all other projects too.  Most of all, thank you for giving me the heart to do this every day.  Without you God, I am nothing; but feeling you beside me makes me feel strong and confident and able to tackle whatever is put before me.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Monday morning fog

Good morning and happy Monday to you!  It’s about 6:15 in the morning and I don’t have a clue what I’m doing awake.  Wide awake at that.  It was hot this morning.  I noticed that all three of my blankets were still intact when I awoke.  That was something new.  And surprising.  Considering I slept so awful.  If I had a dollar for every time I tossed, or turned, or just woke up…..

I MIGHT be awake so early because at about 5:15am, my dear sweet husband says…very, very loudly…*insert belly laugh* “Did you just loose an electric can opener on the highway?”  Why wasn’t I expecting him to say that?  Right next to my ear?  In the middle of the morning??  WHY wasn’t I expecting that??  As I turned away from him, I said “What ARE you talking about?”  Yes…I used my “snotty, with-attitude, and extremely irritated” voice.  He laughed again.  Not a muffled laugh.  Not a ha-ha.  A low belly laugh like he was sitting around the truck with his friends, telling stories. 

“Quintin are you really dreaming about an electric can opener??”  I know that when I ask him things in the middle of the night, he will never have any recollection of it.  Well, not never.  But it’s rare.  I came home one night and there he lay with the lamp on and his glasses still in tact on his face.  But he was sound asleep.  He usually rolls over or something when I come in using the nightlight on my phone but this night he did not. 

Heck, I was even amazed he found his way to the bedroom.  Usually falling asleep in his chair is his first choice.  But anyway, I walked over to his side of the bed and grabbed the remote.  He broke the rule.  The rule clearly states that the remote stays in the middle of the bed because someone *cough him cough* always falls asleep with the tv on and someone *cough me cough* always wakes up in the middle of the night to have to turn the tv off because he is in such a deep sleep, he doesn’t have a clue what he did with the remote.  *sigh*

So, he broke the rule and I had to go retrieve the remote.  No big deal.  But I needed the lamp on because I had already plugged my phone into the charger.  I don’t want to walk around the bed in the dark.  I might stub my toe or something!

So anyway, I say to him, “Quintin, take your glasses off and put them on your table.”  Nothing.  It’s silence.  So a little bit louder I repeat myself.  I get “mmmph” and he takes his glasses off his face and holds them out in his hand, toward the night table but not really anywhere close to the night table.  “Put your glasses ON the table before you break them.”  I sound like a mother and he sounds like a stubborn little kid.  Hehehe don’t tell him that.  I have to repeat myself two more times after that because I get no response from him. 

I could have just as easily went to his side of the bed and grabbed them from his hand and done it myself but that would have entailed him waking up in a panic, thinking the world had stopped revolving around him, and then we would have had to stayed up and talked…or watched tv…ugh!  I wanted to go to sleep dangit!

So the third time I loudly yelled for him to put them on the table, he did.  And then I instructed him on where to move his hand so he could turn his lamp off.  And it worked. See…wasn’t that easier than waking him up with a jolt?  Besides, anytime I can do this while he is asleep is bound to be good fodder for me and you. 

And the very next morning, he said to me.....”Did you yell at me last night?”  Of course by this point, I have slept and completely forgotten about the events of the glasses and remote and lamp and so on and so forth.  “Why would I yell at you?”  I was hoping he had a dream he finally remembered, I'll be honest.  “I must have dreamed it.  You were yelling at me about a table.”  Oh!!!!!  That!!!!!  insert belly laugh

Well, I have clearly forgotten where I was going and why I went this far back.  Clearly I need sleep but clearly it’s not happening.  I hope I get a nap in before work today or someone might get their ass handed to them.  Good luck to you if it is you.

Oh yeah, I asked him if he was REALLY dreaming about an electric can opener.  Phew, I didn’t think I was going to be able to recover without going back up and re-reading but alas….and his answer was “yes.”  He was asleep by the end of the word.  He’s so lucky that way.  I think I would have to stay up for five consecutive days to be that tired.  And then, I would probably be so tired, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.  Ever again.  And eventually I would never blink.  And I would have chronic dry eye and have to put drops in.  People would think I was crying all the time.  Nope, I can be in a dead sleep and hear my dog…who is downstairs…where I can’t even hear the tv when it’s on…get up to stretch or get a drink or whatever, and her little name tag will rattle against her collar. 

THAT is all that is needed to wake me up.  Not sure if it’s a good thing or not but I assure you if someone comes into my house when we’re asleep, I WILL shoot first and ask questions later.  And whoever is getting the questions thrown at them probably isn’t going to be able to answer. 

Well, that is all I have for now.  I think I will go make some cookie dough.  What else is there to do at 6:30 in the morning?  Dishes are all put away and counters are all cleared.  Time to get dirty again!!

Until next time…thanks for reading!!

Food for disturbing thought

As I sit here and eat my cheesy eggs, I have a disturbing thought.  Not quite as disturbing as that dream I had a while back but in a way, just as disturbing and maybe even a little more disturbing. 

Experience has taught me that when you cook in our kitchen, especially something as simple as eggs, the smell wafts it’s way up to our bedroom and makes a putrid smell like the house is going up in flames.  Experience has made me get out of bed many, many times to go check and make sure I didn’t need to find my belongings and get the heck out of dodge!

Can’t you just see me?  In my red flannel nightgown (thank you aunt Ruth!), breaking the window in the room that I’m supposed to be sleeping in but aren’t because it’s not done yet, just so I can slide my happy ass out onto the roof of the porch and jump down into the yard.  In the snow.  Barefooted.  Great.  I will probably twist my ankle upon meeting up with Lady Earth or worse yet, land on some inanimate object in the yard that I thought we moved months ago. 

The front page news on the Fontanelle Observer will be me…in my nightgown…that has worked it’s way up around my waist…purple feet with only half my toes still intact…gravel has embedded into my hands and I no longer have any skin, or nerves, on the end of my fingers…and there will be my cool little planter that looks like a bench…and it will look like I am sitting on it…because the little birdhouses (I think they’re birdhouses.  I’m not going to check now) sticking out the top of it, are stuck up my rear end and have poked their way out the back of my spine and ruptured right through my skin…and I will have crawled my way to the roadside of my neighbors house across the street…only to have my legs ran over by one of those maniac kids that drive down this road at ninety miles an hour.  Oh and did I mention that my house will come out with only minor burns (the saving grace of the whole rotten scenario)?  And my husband won’t even have noticed that any of this happened because he’s making eggs and only when he comes upstairs to bed…which is on a rare occasion…will he notice that there is a cold brisk breeze…and that I’m not there   That will be my luck. 

 Sorry, I got a little off track there.  I was going to tell you something disturbing, wasn’t I?  Yeah……..let’s see…….what was that????

 So I’m making me some eggs tonight after work because I really just ate crap and am starving and I get this terrible, scary thought.  Yes…the disturbing one, that’s it. 

 My husband can sleep through the smell of a burning house.  I mean, obviously he can because I just made eggs and he didn’t come down once or even holler down to make sure I was okay or if I was burning anything.  Heck, I could have been burning the house down without telling him and he wouldn’t be any the wiser.  Foolish man.  Of course I would never do that.  I have way too many things that I would need to get out of this house before a match could even be thought of lighting.  No.  Just no.  It can't happen.  One house fire per lifetime is my limit. And should be more than enough for anybody else.

 Did I ever mention that this house we live in, has had two previous fires in them?  And I’m pretty sure they both started in the kitchen although I can’t remember for sure.  I have it written down on paper with our deed.  I assure you, we didn’t start them and we didn’t live here when they happened. 

 I suppose I will go to sleep.  Now that I’ve went on and on about house fires, the dreams should be wonderful tonight!  And cheesy eggs will have helped lead the way. 

 Until next time…thanks for reading!


Pictures are worth a thousand words

I have noticed that several people that started sharing my blogs on Facebook.  I'm not complaining about this, I just think it's funny because the reason they are sharing is because of the picture that I "had" on my profile.  Everytime I would post my blog to Facebook, the following picture came up:

I have wondered how long it was going to take before people started realized that I am posting this same picture over and over and over and over again.  It makes me laugh so much.  So now, I have the following picture as my profile picture.  I wonder how this is going to go over.

Anyway, I think it's funny.  It takes very little to amuse me but then again, if you have read more than three of my blogs, you alreadyd know this.  And if you know me personally, you knew it well before blogs became a part of my life. 
So...last night I got home and typed up a blog on my laptop with the intention of posting it this morning when I got up.  Well, that didn't happen.  For some reason, I woke up (again) before my alarm clock went off.  Lately I have found myself laying in bed just waiting for the alarm to go off.  Just get up already Shellie, geez!  This isn't rocket science!  And eventually I win the fight and get up.  Win the fight.....against myself!
So anyway, I was up and got the dogs out for their potty break and started in on making a batch of peanut butter oatmeal cookies.  Oh yeah...I did that last night after work as well.  So I got the cookies made and while they were cooling, took all my already made cookies out of the deep freeze and onto the diningroom table, onto a cardboard table, onto the kitchen counters...all of them...and onto the island in the kitchen.  I had cookies everywhere.
I got several platters made up and delivered today before work and was able to even get the house all cleaned up before I left and the dogs treated.  *happy face*  So there...on my diningroom chair, lays my laptop and my usb with my blog on either one.  Perfect!  Guess it will wait until tomorrow morning, huh?  HA! 
I guess you're stuck with this one.  And believe me, if I had to choose between reading this blog or that blog, I'd definitely pick THAT blog!  It's much more animated and well.....silly.  But I guess you will just have to take my word on that until I can prove it. 
So...comments are good.  It lets me know you're reading.  And I'd kinda like to know what you're thinking.  You know we are halfway through the month of December and I am so close to one of my goals, I can almost reach out touch it, taste it, and chew it up!  This is blog number 194.  My goal for 2013 is to reach 200.  March 8, 2012 is the first time I typed a blog on this site.  Or anywhere for that matter.  When I reached 100 blogs, I celebrated by announcing "The Gift."  So for 200 blogs, I will have to have something else to celebrate with.  Don't worry, you will know as soon as I do.....or will you!!  Maybe I already know what I'm going to do?  Maybe I don't. 
See, you are going to have to see me me post crap for the next two weeks!  Just because!!!
Until next time...thanks for reading!!


Jingle Jangle

Christmas is just around the corner.  Do you have all your Christmas shopping done?  Do you have all your gifts wrapped and ready to burst open on Christmas morning? 

I thought I had all mine done but alas...I have just a few more to get.  I thought I had purchased something in particular for my sisters but either I have hidden them way too good or I didn't really purchase them.  No worries.  I will finish those two up next week!  I haven't gotten my husband anything for Christmas yet.  Nothing at all.  At least with my sisters, I have part of theirs done!  I know exactly what I'm getting Quintin too.  All I need now is for him to tell me which one!

My side of the family draws names for the kids in the family.  If they are a senior in high school or younger, they are in the drawing.  Unless they don't want to be in the drawing.  It's always their choice.  I got a name even though I will be working the 4-midnight shift that night.  I will deliver to Cindy's next week so it is safe and sound.  So that gift is done and almost ready to go. 

I also have a women's gift ready for all the women in my family.  Something I don't always do or get to do but this year I did.  I made something for all the women in the family that are married or live out on their own.  Even though I can't be there, I hope they all can.  And I hope they all accept my gift.  I love to make gifts.  Now I just need to get all the guys' gifts done before Christmas.  Theirs is homemade as well! 

I have Miss Bella and baby Natie's gifts tucked away and almost ready to give to them, thanks to the awesome auction for Miss Connie last month.  

Quintin's dad's side of the family Christmas is next weekend.  I have to work that night but have made arrangements to slip away for an hour to give Grandma her gift.  And I can't wait to do that.  I think she's really going to like them!  (Thanks Morgan!)  Now...something special for Grandpa Wayne.  I may have to look into that.  I am still coming up with nothing.  But don't worry Wayne, I work well under pressure!!!

Quintin's mom's side of the family gets together in January, which helps me...and I know them...tremendously.  It will be on the 11th of January and just in case you are reading this (nosey family ;-)), I have already put in for a vacation day that day and have been approved!  HA!  We are having a soup & sandwich supper at Grandma's house that night.  I have volunteered to bring a soup that "none of them has ever had."  Of course I did.  And it's not going to be an easy feat since I have only known them a few years and haven't a clue what they have had or haven't had.  I guess I am going to have to get creative and make something up, huh?  Good luck to them!  The last soup I made was so thick, my dogs wouldn't even eat it.  How's that for depressing???

Something else I have been doing this year that I have never done before.....as most of you know, I love coffee.  There is no better way to start a day than a fresh cup of hot coffee.  With or without hazelnut creamer, I don't care.  But only one and only once (the creamer, not the coffee).  Since the beginning of the month, every single time I have purchased a cup of coffee for myself, I leave enough money to buy someone else a cup of coffee too.  And when I go to the grocery store, I try to buy a gift card and leave it with the cashier to give to someone who may need it.  No names, no addresses, no cares.  I can't do a whole lot for a lot of people but if I can help at least a little bit, I will. 

One thing I wanted to do this year was buy groceries for someone.  That was on my list for 2013.  I may not have paid for groceries for one family but I have helped several of them this month alone and the thought of it makes me smile.  I urge you to do it too.  Even if it's just once.  Go buy someone a cup of coffee anonymously.  Pay it forward people. 

And speaking of paying it forward, it was either the end of 2012 or the beginning of 2013, I posted a Facebook status that promised the first 5 people to comment, a gift.  I have delivered on 4 of those and the 5th one gets mailed out next week.  I can't wait.  I hope she loves it!  Lorena, if you're reading this.....I believe you KNOW what you are getting but I am enclosing a seperate gift so I can't wait to hear what you think!

I will definitely be doing the pay it forward again in 2014.  Maybe even more than once!

My co-workers' gifts are done.  They are too easy.  Don't tell them that though!  I'm sure I left someone out but don't worry, I will get it done!

So.....are you ready for Christmas???

The dump

So I came home from work.  It was a warm, pleasant night.  The car windows were down and as I neared my apartment, I heard the neighbor guy say, to nobody in particular, that he was out of cigarettes and was going to walk to the bar to get him some. 

I never particularly cared for that neighbor anyway so I got out of my car and walked to my doorway and stood there and smoked a cigarette.  I was just hoping that he would turn around and see smoking my own cigarettes so that I would have the satisfaction of telling him I wasn't going to give him any.  But he didn't turn around.  So as I stood there smoking, I watched him stumble down the street in his blue and black boxer shorts and nothing else. 

As he walked out of sight, a car pulled up to his house and it didn't take the five occupants...all girls.....long, to figure out that their friend was nowhere to be found.  No worries.  They make their way over to where I'm standing and join me for a smoke.  Me and five strange women standing outside my apartment smoking cigarettes.  I've done stranger things.

"It's getting cold outside.  Let's go in!"  And all five women heave through my door.  Two of the girls sat down on the couch and just started jabbering between themselves like I knew all the people they discussed; knew all the details of the events they were so excited about.  The other three gals disappeared into my bathroom.  That's weird behavior. 

I sat in my chair listening to the two girls talking to me like we had been friends all our lives and finally I couldn't take it anymore.  I was thinking in my head how proud my friend Beth was going to be, of me when she finds out I had the nerve to say, "How long are you girls planning on being here?"  This made the girls come to a screeching halt.  You could tell by the looks on their faces they didn't have a clue as to why I would say that.  One gal says, "Well, what do you mean?"

"Don't you find it odd that we haven't ever met each other but here you are sitting in my livingroom, uninvited, and acting as though we are lifelong friends?"  They looked at each other and said "No.  That's how you meet and get to know people."  I got up from the chair and headed for the bathroom.  I opened the door up and got a glimpse of....WHAT, I'm not sure!  As close as I am comfortable to putting in print is this...they were being very very naughty.  And gross.  And I wasn't expecting anything like that so I was totally shocked and immediately closed the door.

I walked over between the couch and kitchen and started separating my laundry.  For some reason these bright colors haven't been washed for ages.  Sorting out some towels and getting them in their proper hampers when out of the corner of my eye, I see one of the two girls from the livingroom, doing something.  As I turn my head toward her, she lifts her shirt and flashes me.  Well that was enough for me. 

"Get out.  I don't have any interest in your boobs or any other part of you.  You are rude and disgusting people and I want you out!"  I swung the bathroom door open just in time to see three scared women running out.  And they were gone.

Not sure what I ate before I went to bed that night but if I figure it out, I will remember not to eat it again.  I'm told this is called a "dump."  That my brain has taken some things from my past....before you get to jumping to conclusions, I don't have a history of doing anything with one or five or any other number of women...and has decided it doesn't have any use in my memory anymore.  So it has purged one last time on it's way out. 

Goodbye and good riddance.  Dreams are so scary!!! 

I had this dream a little less than a week ago and have been troubled by it since.  I hate that I even had it.  Purge, dump or whatever.  I hope it's gone for good.  And I would have loved to have seen the look on your face when you were thinking..."huh???"

Until next time...thanks for reading!!!


It's all adding up

Happy Thanksgiving 2013...a few days late.  We just had our celebration tonight at our home with Q's family.  It was so fun, I wish it didn't have to end.  We didn't celebrate Thanksgiving on the traditional day because it was my birthday and I wanted the day for ME...the bigger turkey.  Selfish?  Yes!  Rarely do I get the chance to think about me and nobody else. 

On the way home Thursday afternoon, I was thinking about my cookie orders, my goodie platters that I will soon be putting together, my work schedule, my days off...and that jumped over to how many miles from this point to home, how many stop signs I will have to encounter, etc., etc., etc. 

And it really did jump around just like that.

Isn't it funny how much "numbers" get in the way of life?  I have X amount of days to get X amount of cookies done.  I need to get X amount of platters still.  I have to plan a route of delivery of X amount of miles in X amount of days.  And that delivery is in X amount of days from now. 

I have X amount of days off until this X date.  I have X amount of hours in a day before having to get ready for work.  I have X amount of time to get my stuff from the store/convenience store on my way to work.  I have X amount of miles to drive so I should reach destination in X amount of time.  I have X amount of stop signs if I go one way and X amount of stop signs if I go another way. 

I can't make this stuff up folks.  It really does happen this way. 

I need X amount of sugar to get me through winter.  I need X amount of flour to get me through the baking season.  I have X amount of money to spend on ingredients for X amount of activities that we have in mind (like Thanksgiving & baking for starters).  I have X amount of time to spend with people.  I have X amount of time to exercise.  I have X amount of time to clean my house.  I have X amount of time to cook. 

I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes JUST to see what time it is.  Yes, JUST for that!!  It is usually only when I have to get up early for work.  Because I don't want to get up early for anything anymore.  I do it and I am a good sport about it.  I just don't want to do it.  This is not news to anybody that knows me even a little bit.

So, knowing I have to get up at 6:30am, I will wake up at 3:27am and automatically count how many hours and minutes I have until I HAVE to get up and get going.  BUT, I don't stop there.  I then SUBTRACT however many minutes I figure it will take me to get back to sleep!  Ughhhh!!!  Am I the ONLY ONE on earth that does this stupid stuff???

I am also a counter.  Sometimes really bad about it.  I mentally reprimand myself a lot of the time to NOT count.  As a passenger in a car, I have kept track of how many vehicles have passed us, how many we have passed.  When that wasn't enough, I would keep track of the cars, the pickups, the semi's.  Then it went to the colors.  Ughhhh!  Somebody stop me!!  Now you know why I mentally reprimand myself. 

I'm pretty sure I've told the story of my dad wanting me to "shut up for a while" so he told me to count the yellow dashes on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa Lock's house.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  The passing zone dashes.  And if you knew my dad at all, you knew he drove fast.  Very, very fast.  When we got back to Bedford, he asked me how many dashes I counted.  I just said "one," because when you're going 70-90 mph, all those lines seem to run into each other.  And I truly think that is why I am a counter to this day.  *sigh*  I guess it's better than being addicted to drugs or alcohol, right? 

Have you ever been so bored...or had such a "slow" day at work, that you count the minutes?  I mean literally count the minutes??  Yeah, I hate those days. 

So it should be no surprise that I am a little bit crazy.  Who else does this stuff constantly in their head?  Come on, raise your hand!  I think I'll start a group.  Kinda like Alcoholics Anonymous but I think I will call mine "Three, two, one, none." 

Short and sweet.  Just had to get it off my mind.  Hope you at least smiled and weren't too bored.  Until next time...and that won't be long because I have stuff to say.  Lots and lots of stuff to say...thanks for reading!