
The grass is always greener

You know that phrase "The grass is always greener on the other side?"  Thinking about that, how many times have you heard "The grass ISN'T always greener on the other side?"  I bet I have heard the latter more times than the actual phrase.  Hell, maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe the phrase I keep hearing is the real phrase.  You tell me!  I think I got it right though.

I have picked a couple of areas in my life that I think the grass has died.  I see greener grasses in the field across the street and I like it better.  I think it's time to cross the street and check that field out.  I wanna know if it's bumpier than my own yard.  I wanna know if it's getting the nourishment it "looks" like it's getting.  And I wanna know if the roots are as healthy as I am led to believe they are.  

I will keep you posted on my findings.  Don't hold your breath.  This could take months.  Maybe a year.

So, as much as I didn't want to............and because I feel so guilty about what has happened in our household, I have decided that this puppy, "Buddy," we are keeping.  I bought him his first collar today and his first leash.  We have started on the potty training.  Just as I typed that last sentence, he started looking for a place to poop.  I just followed him around my dining room for ten minutes with a training pad in my hands just waiting for that turd to fall out.  And it did.  Success!  

Rule #1 no shitting in my house.....or peeing....unless you can do it in the toilet.  
Rule #2 no animal of ours will EVER be allowed outside ALONE unless on a lead.
     This includes the rule that when outside with someone, there HAS to be a leash on them.  
     A leash on the animal, not the person.  Depending on who it is.

He's a fun little guy, Buddy.  He growls at us when he wants to play.  He loves to lay in my hair when we're relaxing on the couch.  I think he thinks he'll find a tit in there to suck on.  Surprise!  No titties for you anymore!  FROM ANYWHERE!!!  Just making that clear.  But he always falls asleep when he gets a chance to lay in my hair so it all works out.  Up to this point, he hasn't ever pooped or peed on our futon.  He will always make a point to let us know he needs down or he will jump down.  I don't like it that he's jumping off of there yet.  He's only five weeks old.

But just as he won't poop or pee there, he WILL poop and pee on my floor.  Started out in the living room.  The room where we have HALF carpet and HALF bare flooring.  Because someone had the brilliant idea to start pulling the carpet up!!  What a dim whit!!  Anyway, since we have started using the shampooer on the carpet, he doesn't like to poop in there.  Just pee.  Geez!!  His pee spots are about the size of a dime.  I know, I know.....that's not the point.  So anyway, he likes to go out onto my hard wood floors and poop now.  We can't really figure out why this started.  

He's actually the first dog that could tackle the hard wood floor.  All the others have hated it.  Maybe that's a good sign.  I certainly hope so.  And while we're on the subject of dogs.  I have an awesome announcement to make.  I just hope I don't jinx us by blurting it.  But here goes.  We have had a young boy stop by our house almost every day for the past few weeks and he always asks if he can pet the dogs.  Of course we tell him yes.  It seems he has fallen.............and fallen hard.............for our dear little Tucker boy.  We told him that if he could convince his momma, he could have him AND we'd throw in his dog house and pay for his shots to get updated.  

So yesterday the boy and his dad came and got Tucker and took him to their house to see how the other dog did around him and I suppose to see what momma thought of him as well. I think all the members of the household loved him.  It's the other dog that didn't take very well to him.  But that's to be expected.  The dad brought Tucker back last night and said that they would be back today to take him back over and give him a bath and let him "get the feel for the place" but they never showed today.  That made me sad.  I hope they come back and get him.  My guilt for him losing his sister would be a lot less.  

There I go again...........thinking of ME!  -_-

Well, that's it for now.  Got a lot on my mind but nothing to talk about yet.  I hope your dreams are wet and your weather is restful.  Wait...........I think I got that..............naw, it's right.  Until next time, just remember, save our farms, build in the city!  -_- 


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