Here I am. I bet you thought I got lost, huh? No worries. I left a trail of macadamia nuts to find my way back. I am always guaranteed a good time at the end of a nut line. So....I really don't have anything in particular to talk about tonight. I just felt like it had been a while. And it has. Four days. It's a lifetime to some. For example...butterflies. Well that's not completely true. I be honest...I really don't have a clue what the lifespan of a butterfly is. And don't rightly care either. -_-
Got some AC/DC banging through my head currently. That should scare away any and all thoughts that are lurking in the deep dark corners. Beware. I can't possibly be held responsible for what is about to follow.
I had an interesting email today. From my boss. I guess he didn't like it that I made a post on Facebook that said work was a circus the other night. What would he like me to say? That it was a fucking-soup-hole-of-a-nightmare? Because to be honest, that's what it was. I dealt with some pretty stoopid people that night. Oh and all those stoopid people let the rest of their stoopid relatives out on the Fourth of July. Who allows this shit? Who makes these decisions? If I had a dime for every phone call I received on the Fourth of July where someone was stating, "There are fireworks going off near my house," I probably would have made an extra sixteen dollars on top of my holiday pay. I'd take that.
Just for the record, in case you didn't get the memo by now.................for next year's Fourth of July.......... no matter what day of the week the Fourth of July falls on......THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS LET OFF. Legal AND illegal. The police can only do so much. I think the ones that I really want to just bitch slap are the ones that call every thirty minutes because their neighbor............or someone up the street keeps lighting one off every thirty minutes. Cripes people, that's a power nap between each pop! Enjoy that shit. There are a lot of countries out there that don't have the freedoms we have so take the cobs out of your asses and enjoy that shit while it lasts.
People get too old way too young. I must admit, I don't do the same things I did five years ago. And I don't think some of the same things are funny. This isn't always a good thing. It's growing up but sometimes I think it's growing old. Five years ago, if someone would have pushed me into a lake fully clothed, I would have chased them down and threw them in as well. If someone did that today, I would go to my car, get my pistol and see how fast they really can run. That's me getting too old way too young. We tend to outgrow the things we enjoy simply because we have "responsibilities."
So you have to get up at five a.m.. Who made that rule where you have to be in and relaxing and going to bed by ten? Your head or your body? I think my body has made way too many decisions for me over the course of my young life already. My mind is breaking free and taking it's freedom back. Yep, I'm fighting back from getting old. I am going to stay up late every night for a week and be a real rebel. I may even hand-scrub the bathroom floor. There's no end to my madness, I tell you.
Jon Bon Jovi screaming "Bad Medicine" in my ear currently. I wish I had some of that. Maybe not the bad stuff but the medicine stuff. My stomach is killing me. It won't go away. Maybe I just need to poop. I will stay up late just to see if I can make myself feel better. I bet you will sleep better knowing that, huh?
So tonight Gee and I made pies. Well to be honest, I made PIES. He made A PIE. Singular. I would have made all of them but by the time I cleaned, peeled, cut, mixed, rolled, cussed, rinsed and repeated....I was exhausted from the shoulders down. I made peach and apple. He made apple. They look pretty damned tasty too! What fun! When we were done, he was covered in flour and I was not.
"Do you know why I am clean Gee and you are not?"
"Because the messier baker makes the better pie?"
"No silly! Because I work ABOVE my product and you work at the same level."
I'm pretty sure he thinks I am an idiot. So be it. I won't have to change my clothes for three days if I don't want to. I bet he's glad he came home from work early today. He got to help clean the floors and make an apple pie. What a man.
Does anyone know how to turn the volume down on these IPod things? I have Bowling for Soup screaming at me. Literally. There isn't a volume button on here anywhere. I could be deaf for life after this. It's a good thing it doesn't affect my typing ability, huh?!? Rest assured, you will hear from me forever.....and one day.
So we had something odd happen at work last night. This is the second weird thing that I have seen happen with my own eyes. Did I tell you about the "shadow?" NO? Oh you're gonna love this! One Saturday afternoon, I was working with Vivian and we were closed up in the office watching Cupcake Wars. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something on the monitor moving. I looked over and it showed the booking room and there was this shadow.....that's the only way I can explain it. It moved it's way from the west end to the east end. I said "Viv, look at that!" She looked and she said "What is that?" She thought it was from when the sun goes down and it makes shadows on the walls and stuff. That would have been a great explanation except for the fact that there are absolutely NO windows to the outside in that room. NONE.
As we watched it move, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something go right across the front of the door of the office. "It's outside the door. Open it!" I run out there and I see.....................nothing. I felt nothing. I was creeped out, excited and bummed all at the same time.
Well last night, two phone lines lit up like someone was in the front office and they were making an outgoing call. The only problem with that was that that particular office was closed...locked tight. Nobody had been in there since 1600 hrs the previous day. And I had video to prove that nobody else was in the building with us. Me and the jailer. That was it. That's creepy and fun all at the same time too. This morning I texted the gal in that office and told her what we had seen and she said that her message light was on this morning and it said there was a message left at the same time I said this happened BUT it was an empty message!! How creepy is that!!??!!
One last thing. Gee got into some poison ivy. From his feet to know.........he is all broken out and itchy. I went to the store and got two different poison ivy "itch relief" medicines. One was a buck ninety nine. One was three dollars and nineteen cents. He put the cheap one on his right leg today and the brand name on the left. I wanted to see just how well the brand name worked in comparison to the cheapy. Come to find out, the cheapy seems to last longer. The brand name leg was itching a lot sooner than the other. Pretty cool, huh? I did my own test. I am patting myself on the back. My arm is getting tired. Okay okay. The brand name was Gold Bond. The cheapy brand was just something off the shelf at Fareway.
Now you know.
I guess that's all I got for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I will have more news. Going to have a great time with a great person tomorrow evening in the city. Can't wait. Will keep you posted..............if there's anything to keep you posted on, that is. -_- Until then........keep cool. Dammit it's hot out there!!
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