
Is this a cruel world...or isn't it?

I know I'm not the only one in this world that shakes their head and wonders just exactly what the hell was going on in Newtown, CT last Friday.  I can't make sense of it.  I can't wrap my head around it.  How does someone justify something so sick, so..........cruel. 

Cruel seems to be the only fitting word I can come up with.  Why anyone would want to hurt children, I can't fathom.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  It makes me glad I'm not a parent and it makes me wish I didn't have children to think and worry about. 

I have a nephew that has never been a fan of scary movies.  I have ALWAYS thought that was too bad.  I have learned a lot from scary movies.  You never go upstairs if someone if chasing you.  If someone is trying to run you down in their vehicle and you are on foot, don't run down the middle of the lane.  And the ONLY TIME you should ever make eye contact with your killer...is right before you pull that trigger. 

I will always be armed now.  It's obvious and sad that we have to live our lives with weapons attached to us.  How else are we supposed to protect our children?  Protect our elderly?  Although, I have to add that I saw a YouTube video where an older gent pulled out a gun and started shooting the two guys that were robbing the place.  Well done, sir.

I think a lot now about how the schools are implementing "stranger danger" and just basic "safety" in their classes now.  The fact that this is a necessity, again, makes me sick.  I have family members that are teachers and I pray that in the face of danger, they are quick to think and quick on their feet.  I don't know if there could be a 100% way to be 100% safe, but if there is, let's do what we need to do to get them there. 

We need to think of the best ways possible to keep our teachers and our children safe.  Metal detectors in all schools?  What is your opinion on that?  Costly yes, but can we really put a price on our future generations and our teachers that teach them?  Hire guards to stand at every entrance every day of school?  Maybe that's not such a bad idea.  It would be creating stable jobs all in the name of safety.  What is your idea?  What would you like to see implemented in your (child's, grandchild's, niece's & nephew's, sibling's, neighbor's) school? 

When this happened last Friday in Newtown, CT., Facebook became alive with shock, anger, sadness, and even remorse... for the teachers, principal, students, families as well as the shooter and his family.  And we should have sympathy for that shooter to some degree.  Whether he was sick in his head or just plain angry, imagine whatever it was that drove him to that level.  He wasn't thinking clearly.  I think we all can agree on that one.  How could someone clearly think he was doing the right thing? 

Personally, I don't buy the "insanity" plea.  Even when I should.  I have a hard time understanding it maybe.  I don't believe this guy did this because he was "not right in the head."  That is one excuse that has been used once too many times.  This guy...this man...thought this out.  He clearly made horrible choices long before he ever left his home that day. 

I believe this guy was angry.  Anger does some pretty stupid things, I will grant you that.  But never...and I mean NEVER...is it an excuse to hurt ANYBODY physically.  ESPECIALLY A CHILD.  Millions of people saw, heard and read what went on that day.  And it made us ANGRY. But we didn't go out and kill anybody because of it. 

The "bad guy" had already off-ed himself but I am willing to bet there would have been a LONG line of people that would have wanted to put a bullet in him.  Or make him suffer a long, agonizing death.  Or at least that is what we like to think we would do.  When it comes down to it, the majority of us probably wouldn't be able to do that.  But I could be wrong about that.  

I guess the point I am trying to make is that we...the general population...get angry.  But we don't go out and kill everyone that makes us angry.  We manage it.  Some better than others.  Clearly this guy couldn't do that.  I don't believe this is the first time he has just "went off the hook" about something.  

If you have, or someone you love, has issues with anger, get them help.  And do it now.  Because if we don't get a handle on our emotions, this is going to keep getting closer and closer to home.  Eventually it's going to be right in our back yards.  And don't think that because you live in a "safe" place, that it can't happen.  I always used to think car wrecks happened to someone else; until I lost one niece and then almost lost another 6 years later.

I can't tell you WHAT to do and I can't tell you HOW to do it but I can tell you this.  The longer we wait to take control of our emotions and our decisions, the worse this world is going to get.

On a positive note, there is something I'd like to point out about this awful tragedy.  More people are praying for people they don't know.  More people are caring for people they don't know.  More people are standing up, day to day, in protest of terrible things that have happened to people they don't know.  Maybe that's what we are supposed to take from this big mess.  Maybe this is what is going to bring us closer together as a nation.  As a whole.  Maybe it's time we let God back in our schools. 

Before I close this out, I want to urge you to get out there and learn how to protect yourself and those you love.  Do whatever it takes to saves lives, rather than take lives.  Hold your kids close when you hug them.  Tell them in no uncertain terms that you love them.  You don't have to be sappy or crappy about it.  Don't be afraid to kiss your kids.  Even if it embarrasses them.  At least they will know and feel your love.  If you don't have kids, love those around you. 

And I will close with this:  Please tell the teachers that you know, THANK YOU.  They spend the majority of their time with our children; our future.  If you're a teacher and you are reading this.....I want you to know that I appreciate you.  For every single thing you do, to protect and teach our children.   

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