
My Disclaimer

Before I get started, I would like to say Merry Christmas to you and your family.  And my New Year's wish for each and every one of you is good health, happiness and unconditional love. 

HAPPY TIME IS NOW OVER. I have thought about it for several hours now and haven't quite decided which way I want to go with it.  So I will just start here and let it take me where it takes me.

If you feel that you want or need to question what I think or what I do, I would prefer that you come talk to me.  Whether it be face-to-face, phone call, text message, email, private message, whatever.  Just come to me.  If I don't want to tell you or don't want to talk about it, I will tell you.  And I won't even be mean about it.  But if you're sincere, I will usually tell you MY SIDE.  But I don't speak for anybody but me

You see, I have some "creepers."  You know the kind I'm talking about.  I have them on my Facebook page, on my Twitter page and yes, even here.  And you know as well as I do, you have those creepers too.  And I don't care really.  Hell, if I didn't want to share my feelings, I never would have started blogging now, would I? 

Here's what really bites my ass about my creepers though.  They don't want to open their own Facebook account.  They don't want to open their own Twitter account.  They wait until their kids, or their spouse, or their grandkids, or their co-workers, or whoever the hell they can get to open it up, and then they pry.  They sneak.  They stick their noses into things that they would have free access to if they would just open their own stupid account.  And then they jump.  On every letter of every word of every sentence of every post.  And they rip it up and laugh at it; because it's about something they don't like or written by someone they think is "stoopid."

In the words of one of my creepers, "I'm not opening a Facebook!  Then all those losers and people I don't give a sh^t about would want to be my friend and I would either have to hurt everyone's feelings or not have any friends."  Oh contrare my little creeper!  You can open your own account and be friends with whomever you please.  And nobody is really going to go over the edge simply because YOU wouldn't be their Facebook friend.  It's true.   You're not anymore special that those "losers" of whom you speak.

As of right now, I am putting you creepers on notice.  I WILL post whatever I want on MY Facebook, on MY Twitter, whenever I want.  I don't post bad things about any person and if I do feel the need to pick someone out, I do NOT use anyone's names.  IF I use someone's name, I do NOT say awful things about them.  I say what I have seen and known to be true. And no matter how you read it, it isn't always "said" in the manner that you "took" it.  B-I-G mistake there.

When I have a question about someone or something they have done, I ask them.  Face-to-face, by phone call, through text message, or by writing an email or private message to them.  Most of you reading this will know this to be true.  If you feel that I have talked about about you or have picked you out for my simple pleasure, feel free to give me a call.  I can't lie about something I have said about someone or about something I did, right?  I think all of us here know I am a little blunt-and-to-the-point.

If you don't like that, don't be my friend.  Don't be on my Facebook.  Don't follow me on Twitter.  Don't read my blogs.  And don't look me in the eye, smile and say "hi."  If there's something I can't stand, it's fake people. 

I would further like to say that I have made A LOT of mistakes in my life.  I feel like the Queen of them sometimes.  But you tell me one person out there that hasn't.  I feel like I shouldn't always have to be the "better" person.  And by not being the better person, that doesn't make me the bad one either. 

There are two sides to EVERY story.  At least two.  If you want to know what I did, why I did it, how I did it, who did it with me.....ASK ME.  And don't go speaking for me either.  I don't care if you're married to me or have been related to me since the day I was born. 

Being a relative, by blood or not, does not give you parenting permissions for me.  It does not give you controlling access over my life.  You go live your life the way you want and I will live mine the way I want.  If you don't like the way I live mine, turn around and don't look at me.  But don't you dare ASSUME you know what I did, why I did it and who I did it with.  Ten bucks says you don't know me half as much as you think you do.

Anything that I have done in 2012 that was so "bad," to anybody has long been planned out.  It was told to my closest friend and confidant four years ago.  ALL OF IT.  She took it to her grave.  She didn't want to be involved and she didn't want to see any of it happen.  And so she didn't.  The timing wasn't quite where I thought it was supposed to be but right or wrong, I made some choices that changed my WHOLE world and I will live with them. 

When it all comes down to it, there is nobody that is going to look out for me except me. 
Not my parents.  Not my siblings.  Not my nieces.  Not my nephews.  Not my friends.  Not my aunts.  Not my uncles.  That's just how life is.  And that's how it is for you too.  Whether you want to admit it or not.

So I will close with this.  Merry Christmas my creepers.  I hope someday you realize how pathetic you are.  That you are so starved for attention, you have to get it through the grapevine; and then wonder WHY people talk???  And as a bonus.....be careful what you wish for.  You just might get it.

PS-To my sister Kathy (OMG I used a name!!!), I would like to say thank you for always being supportive of me.  I hope you feel the same way.  Thank you for asking me "why" even when you think you know why.  It's you and me kid, against the world.  This is gonna be fun!!!  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I will always support everything you do (good or bad), b/c you know i'm the bad person right now not you...lol. I'm ready to go face to face against the world with you i hope they are prepared for us. Were going to have the best life from here on out, weather its you me, Q and the kids and our friends, if the rest of them dont want us in their life well so be it that is their loss not ours, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL!!!
