
15 minutes of tv today

This is the long way around.  I am just warning you.  I am just trying to get this straight in my head.  And try to make sense of it at the same time.  If there's any sense to be had from it.

So today I was watching a little tv before coming to work and this commercial for Publisher's Clearinghouse comes on.  "Register today to win $5000 a week for the rest of your life PLUS pick anybody else to receive $5000 a week for the rest of their life.  You could leave a family legacy!"

So many things for me to pick on here.  I am going to start with the first part, "Register today to win $5000 a week for the rest of your life PLUS pick anybody else to receive $5000 a week for the rest of their life."  

Let's just do some playing around with this.  If I would happen to win this thing tomorrow (no I don't play these things), I would get $5000 a week for the rest of my life.  Now...both my parents were aged 71 when they died so I will give myself life until the age of 71.  I would roughly win BEFORE taxes, $7,280,000 total. 

Now...let's say that the person I would choose is 10 years old now.  Disclaimer to my family:  I have NOT picked any certain child out so stop spending their winnings!!! HA!  That would mean if I died at 71 years old and that child is 10 years old now, they would be 38ish at the time of my death.  Now..... just for sake of example, let's say this person also dies at age 71.  That would make them earnings of $8,380,000 BEFORE taxes. 

Next...before I get to the last part of the first part (haha), I want to enlighten you people who are smart enough to not give a crap about sports and salaries; because it irritates me so bad, the money these people get paid. 

For this blog, I am going to pick on the NFL...simply because it's football season here and well.....most of the country thinks that football is one of the most important things in life.  Luckily, I am not one of these people.  Each year, I am more and more disgusted with it.

To continue...out of 30 NFL teams, their approximate salaries combined is.....you might want to sit down.....$3,213,000,000,000.  That's over 3 TRILLION dollars people!!!  To play football of all things.  Our President of the United States (and I don't care WHO you like or don't like, this is not a political platform) makes a measley $400,000.  And at most, he or she will be in office 8 years (more than likely).  That's a total of $1.6 million dollars over 4 years!

I don't care if you like our President, hate our President, or just plain don't care BUT the office of President of the United States of America is not an easy job and no matter who that person is, they are doing a job of more importance than ANY sports out there. 

I think it is INSANE that athletes get the money that do.  If there is so much of this money floating around, why can't THEY help get this country back in the financial shape it once was in?!?  Why do we have to worry about ANY tax bracket being OVER-TAXED when, in all honesty, these big businesses that can hold such lavish contests and the NFL, NBA, PGA, and whoever else is getting the big bucks to play with their balls, should be helping out the great country they live in. 

Now...for the last part of the first part.  "You could leave a family legacy!"  Are you freaking serious?????  What kind of legacy do you think you would leave by giving some money to our deficit...donating it??  Here's what I would do if it were me.  Somehow... someway... get that money to be put right smack dab on top of that National Deficit.  Wanna talk about being a hero???

Oh the whole Kansas City Chiefs team decided to donate up to 50% of their salaries over the course of 5 years, to the National deficit?  Yep, I'd be wearing Red in a heartbeat.  And if any of you know me, you know how much I despise the KC Chiefs.  But for someone to look past themselves, that HAS the capability to make a difference, and actually DO it?  Wow, now there's a person I want to know.  There's a group I want to be a part of.  There's a corporation I am going to invest in for the long term.  There's a legacy I'd like to leave.

So for all the big businesses out there that have this "insurance" to have these contests to lure suckers (like me) to buy a bunch of magazines that we really don't need...and to all you athletes who live high on the hog, driving your expensive cars, living in homes that are ridiculously over-priced...and to all you Hollywood-types that are the firsts to raise your fists at whatever the Government is spending our money on and going public with your views on guns, after you've just made a mob movie...I say it's time to MAN UP! 

Show us what you're really made of.  Show us just how much you love this country.  Get your pocketbooks out and help us.  Because the middle and lower class just can't get us out of this mess. 

It's time to wake up America.  Actually it's past time to wake up.  We have gotten ourselves in a hell of a hole...and it's time the muscles of the group started to help shovel our way out.

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