
Small towns do not equal small mindedness

So.....Facebook did not let me down today.  There I was...minding my own business...looking at swap sites...sorting through boxes of stuff...seeing if anyone's junk was going to be my jewel today...when I accidentally clicked on one of my several law enforcement sites.  A few of you may even know what site I'm talking about but I'm not saying it here. 

On this particular site, they post the pictures of those they arrest.  No big deal.  It's public knowledge anyway.  What gets me are the comments that get made about these people. 

Now, being around law enforcement all my life, I will say this: No matter how many times someone gets arrested, I firmly believe that it is never really a "fun" experience and I also firmly believe that those people that do get arrested, aren't real proud of it.  I don't care what they say.  Nobody wants to list on a job app that they have a record.  Nobody wants to have to meet someone's parents for the first time and admit they have been in jail.  And I don't know, but I'm sure nobody really wants to tell their children that they were stupid about their decisions.  I mean, after all, parents are supposed to be role models, right?

Anyway..... it amazes me that on this one particular site, the "commenters" are so quick to judge their own town for why people get arrested.  It's not the town's fault that there was a drug bust and several people got arrested.  I have lived in this particular town...many times actually... and I had a great time there.  And have met a lot of wonderful people there.  I have family that lives there.  I get so sick of hearing "Well it's (insert your hometown here), of course they were arrested for drugs!"

Grow up people.  Hold people accountable for their actions and stop blaming the whole town for a few people's mistakes!  And here's something else for you to ponder while you are waiting for the next picture to be posted.  People make mistakes!!  It's called being human!!!

I work in a jail and I see people everyday that make mistakes.  So what?  I don't care and neither should you!!  They are human. Unless that particular person has done something directly to you, give them a damn break.  Growing up in a jailhouse, and now working in a jail facility, I have met my share of law-breakers in my lifetime.  And would you be surprised to know that out of EVERYONE I have met...I can only name ONE person that I will not speak to in public.  I'm no better than them so why do these people that comment, think they are?

Now...let me go on to say that when reading the comments about the people getting arrested, I sometimes see some of the nicest things about these people.  "What a good person he/she is, they just got caught up in something bad" OR "I will pray for you because I know you are better than this" OR "This is so sad, he/she really has fallen on bad times and made a bad choice." 

I'm glad there are people out there that truly believe there is good in everyone.   That stuff is sometimes true, ya know.  There are a lot of good people out there and those good people make some bad mistakes.  I am one of those good people.  I have made my share of bad mistakes.  I grew up and moved on and made my life better. 

BUT...here's the crap I'm talking about that really "gets my goat."  Picture it...Siciliy 2013... A picture of a male that got arrested is posted.  The ex-girlfriend, we'll call her Cruella, feels the need to comment on what a d-bag... and I clearly mean diaper bag here...he is because he isn't in their child's life.  Someone else comments and tells Cruella how childish and immature she is being because she is talking crap on someone... on a website... under a mugshot.  Now...hang on here, it may get dicey. Someone else jumps on and defends Cruella.  Whether it's because she's her best friend or her sister.  I don't know and I don't really care.

This third person goes on to say how Cruella has every right to call him a d-bag and what a deadbeat dad he is because she lives the nightmare of having to be both parents every day.  (I'm sorry that taking care of your child is so bad for you)  Someone else jumps in and politely suggests they take their drama elsewhere because it's starting to smell like a 9th grade health class in here.  I mean, after all, this IS a law enforcement site.  DUH!

And by the end of 167 comments (I can never keep up with the numbers, they are constantly climbing), you have forty people that have asked for the drama to stop, seventy people that can't understand those forty and keep going and going and going, and 57 people that absolutely made fun of those arguing about the whole stupid mess that has NOTHING to do with WHY this man got arrested!  AND Cruella forgets.....that man was a choice SHE made and vice versa.  Just like the saying goes, "Don't laugh at your wife's choices, you were one of them."

Damn, I gotta catch my breath here!! 

Don't let me forget to add the part where...at the end of the commenting (as if there's ever really an end), the whole world knows every single explicit detail about not only the arrested...but his family...the ex and his/her family...who they have slept with and who they haven't.  And their three dogs.  SHUT UP!!!  I wonder if these idiots ever go back and read what they have written and realized just how stupid they really sound??? 

So I guess here's my issue.  That site serves a purpose.  It's not put out there to make fun of people.  It's put out there to make people aware.  Keep your baby/mama drama off of it.  And for the love of everything sweet, don't blame your town because a few people do drugs...or robbed a bank...or stole a car...or wrote a bad check.  Get over it and move on.

I think it's time we all took a step back and took inventory on ourselves and what we have went through in our lives, that we aren't proud of.  It's time to start looking at people differently; like their human.  Give others a second chance.  A third chance.  And if they really need it, a fourth chance.  Think of all the chances you have been given. 

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. - King James Version
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. - English Standard Version
You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. - New Living Translation

These people...they may not live beside you...but they live around you.  They ARE your neighbors.  And remember...people who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.  Shit happens people.  And it could happen to you.

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