I have finally figured out the balance between blogging and baking. My last batch of chocolate chip cookies were flatter than Hilary Clinton's chest but I got it worked out. Now my cookies will have that almost-Pamela Anderson look to them. OK maybe not but a girl can dream, right?
Today's 2nd post is brought to you by Sandra Fluke. If she only knew she was my sponsor. I am going to try to make this post shorter than the last. My sole reason: I have to go to work today and they probably would like me to shower first.
So this is how I get it: Sandra Fluke is going to Law School and needs health insurance and about $3,000 for birth control and she believes she is entitled to the Government paying for it BECAUSE she is in law school. OK. I had to re-read that one twice. I can't even believe what I just typed.
I have a job working for the county. I think it should be the responsibility of my county Government to not only provide me with a laptop, I Pad or Kindle Fire BUT they should also let me use it for my own personal use, take it home with me and abuse it all I like. And if I mistreat it, they will agree to replace it. Right? Aren't I entitled?
It is my personal opinion that Sandra CHOSE to go to Law School. Nobody forced her and it isn't life threatening that she does this for a living. (On the contrary, I don't think this country needs another lawyer but hey, maybe she'll do something positive with her education. Like maybe, work for it.) Anyway...... Sandra also wants to have sex. Again, nobody is forcing her to have sex. If they do, she can prosecute them. DUH! Why do we have to pay for this again?????
I do believe this woman (I refuse to call her a lady) needs health insurance. We're all entitled, right? I don't know about the state you live in but here, it's called Title 19. That's our state insurance. Why should she get anything different than those than can't find a job & have families to support?
If my child were going to law school or any other school for that matter, I would tell them: "I will make sure you have health insurance if you cannot afford it. If you want to have sex, that's on you. Planned Parenthood baby. I will happily make an appointment for you." Hasn't Sandra heard of the pill? The shot? God only knows what else she can do but the one thing that God and I will agree on is this: ABSTINENCE IS THE ONLY 100% FOOL PROOF WAY OF NOT GETTING DISEASED OR PREGNANT.
So another friend of mine suggested this: We all send a condom to Sandra. I can afford that. I don't owe her anything but would love to send her one and I may still. Hell I will send her a whole box just because I don't know what I would do with the rest after opening and sending her one Trojan.
Facebook comment #1) Ms Fluke cant afford to pay for her birth control and wants the government to pay for it for her. She needs $3,000 while she is in law school to pay for this.
Facebook comment #2) Because keeping her legs closed costs too much money??? What??? (OK I admit, that one was MY comment!)
Facebook comment #3) Oh. The govt already will pay for bc (birth control), just go to the health dept., & ask for a "brown bag special".
Facebook comment #4) I suppose it would be politically incorrect to suggest that the government pay for her birth control in the form of sterilization ... (I'm all for this one)
Facebook comment #5) I read her statement. Not only is she asking that insurance cover contraceptives for birth control, also for the coverage for medical conditions. Some women are prescribed cont. for cysts, etc. Not all areas have brown bag specials. How many people passing judgement read her statement? Rush's comments calling her a slut, whore, asking her to tape her sex act so all could watch was way out of line...even for him. (I will go on to agree that Rush was totally out of line calling her a slut..........in public. Shit, I call bitches sluts all the time lol. Probably why they won't give me a radio show, huh?)
Facebook comment #6) I read it. I get her point. I believe that while the school has the right to choose the insurance plan they offer, there should be exceptions made. And Rush is obviously not aware of all the uses for birth control.....aka "Hormone Therapy" as it was made known for one of my daughters with a problem with cysts. His rant was embarrassing. But I have to wonder where was the outrage when other female public figures (or their daughters, or their downs syndrome children) are attacked and called horrible disgusting names. I'm guessing no apologies were handed out at those times.(He apologized. Did anyone on this planet really think it was going to be sincere? I'm not defending the guy but hey, why would he be sincere about an apology he made about how he perceives it?)
Facebook comment #7) I agree that Rush took this too far. I don't believe this woman is a slut. She's lucky there was an apology at all and she was treated harshly by him. Here's what I don't understand. Because she is going to law school, she should have her insurance & birth control paid for? It's called responsibility and she should know how to avoid this. Abstinence is the best policy, is it not? (Again, this is one of mine)
Now I will close with this: I tried, really really hard, to NOT get involved in this conversation. When I did, I kicked myself. And hard. For hours. Then I decided that before I went postal on my Facebook friends, I would vent.........errrr rant..............errrr blog dammit, on here. If I piss myself off, I can go postal on myself. But I'm waiting for me to snap. I have a plan to stop me. Yeah............ what a damn mess!!!
Sandra, you ARE the biggest fool. Maybe someone should introduce her to Joseph Koney.
I'm out. Macadamia Nut/White Chocolate Chip cookies are done and they are beautiful!
the 1/2 a cookie i got today was fabulous! you inspire me. i heart you