Hello hello and welcome back to the Circus of the Sarcastic! Today's blog is brought to you by "absolutely anyone and everyone that you have ever encountered who is too big for their britches!" I bet you could make a list right now, huh? Well make your list, check it twice..............oh shit that's Santa Claus.
Moving on........... We all know someone, or fifty, who is too damn big for their own britches. I remember my parents telling me that when I was growing up. I think that's why I was overweight as a teenager. I thought they were laying down a challenge for me. At least I won! Today I came across a person that is.....how do I say it.....not a permanent fixture in my life because I could change that, but someone who is just "in" my life. Professionally only. I would knock the living daylights out of this someone were they in my personal life. For the rest of this blog, I am going to refer to this person as "IT." As far as I know, IT is not related to the Adaams Family though there is a strong resemblance. *snap snap*
IT informed me that not only could IT do things IT'S way, but will do things IT'S way. Even though IT'S way is going to cause them a lot of grief and a lot of turmoil for those around IT. I am one of "those." Dear Jesus I hope this makes a minimal amount of sense because IT, and this,is starting to freaking confuse me. OK so this precious IT is a former Marine. Now, I am going to admit this but my father will probably roll over in his grave. And don't be blabbing this to my brothers either. We are a Navy/Army family. As long as I can possibly remember, I have always thought the Marines were the cream of the crop; the creme DE LA creme, so to speak. Always. I remember as a little girl, the commercials to be a Marine always had some man on there that was hotter than a witch's-tit-in-a-brass-bra and the posters! OH the posters! I wanted one on the back of my bedroom door, above my bed............yeah you get the picture.
Someone else that I have always kinda put in that category but in a different classification were State Patrolmen. My God they are HOT.....usually. So growing up with Sheriff's and Deputies and Policemen in my family, one would think State Patrolmen were pretty much not in the line-up. Nu-uh! HOT. I tell you, I would bet money that as a young girl, I wanted to marry either a Marine or a State Patrolmen. No joke. Dear God if anyone that I ever have to work with (meaning the Marines or the ISP) ever get a hold of this, I will crawl under the parking lot and just die.
Now that the humiliation is out and over...............I have an announcement to make. I think Marines and State Troopers alike are just overrated, ego stricken doody heads. Yep. It took all of one IT, to completely burst the childhood bubble that I had so carefully put those two types of people in.
Why do these people get too big for their britches?? Why do they think just because they have that certain training, they are so much better than your average Josephine? Why can't I kick them all in the balls? I have it in confidence (if you can call it that) that when a Trooper goes to the Academy, they have it drilled into them that they are top of the totem pole. Laugh my ass off people! Do they realize totem poles are made out of wood? WOOD!! Senseless piece of tree. Not even the most beautiful part of the tree in my opinion; albeit an important part; just not the pretty part.
Whoa! Kinda got off the bush on that one. Yeah that was lame, I know. Like I said, I come from a Navy/Army family. I had a grandfather & uncle that was Army and grandfather, father, 3 uncles & 2 brothers that were Navy. Here's what I saw THEM bring back from their time away. They respect people. They don't act like they are better or have anything over them. They don't look down on people. They try to work WITH people; not try to make people do their work for them.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that the Marines or the State Patrol are lazy. What I will say is this: They want things done their way and only their way. If it isn't done their way, it's stupid, ignorant, out-dated and just plain selfish. That's my take on them. How sad it is that my whole perception of two classifications of honorable careers got diminished into a tiny ashtray of "fuck you" by one simple minded asshole.
Every time I think of IT now, I see vinegar and water. Maybe lavender. No, vinegar and water. Douche.
I hope some part of this mess made you smile. I know it did me. Thanks for reading. In closing, I will add that today's baking ended up with 6 dozen orange slice cookies. Mmmmmmmm policies and procedures just might go a little smoother now! Remember, tomorrow is Monday and Monday is MY FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK! Enjoy everyone! -_-
P.S.- Feel free to share my blog with someone who may enjoy it!
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