Today's blog............yes blog, is brought to you by Words with Friends. Have you played this game? If not, I think you need to give it a chance. You will love it.
I will make this short and sweet because I want the post about it to match my scores on it. Make sense? Haha well let me tell you something. I play this game with several people. Hell, 2 people have 2 games each with me. I haven't figured out why we keep doing that but we do. I think they all like to see me struggle. I always think I will just pop in and play a few words and relax my mind but these women I play against................ AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH I just want to slap them sometimes! They use words like "AA!" Seriously, abbreviations are NOT legal in the game you A-holes! We ALL know that stands for Alcoholics Anonymous.
Now I am not sure, without going in and looking, which gal played this "AA word" but what a coincidence that BOTH of them I am referring tonight are wine-O's. Bahahahahahaha that is a good one there. I don't care who you are! Just kidding girls, don't spew any venom just yet; I still need readers.
Anyway one of these gals, well she talks like she wipes her ass with hundred dollar bills. Seriously. Maybe she does. I don't care. I heart her so much. She is so beautiful inside and out and makes me smile. :) I think she actually LET me win the last game so I wouldn't go out and throw myself in front of a truck or something. I thank you for that dollface. The thing is, she USES these words on a daily basis. These big words that make you think she just spoke Latin and you are in a black hole. I have literally looked around a few times to make sure she was talking to me because I was SHOCKED she thought I knew what the word meant that she used! True story Dory!!
The other gal, she's my sista from another mista. We say we're twins but in actuality...................she's damn cool, she's kind, she's beautiful and if I could have her figure instead of the one I have, well I would be in heaven. But then I'd want her coolness, her kindness and her beauty. Dammit why did I get all the brains and she get all the looks??? This one, she has a cool ass job where she gets to look at different people and make up her own assumptions about them (good OR bad) while doing her job AND gets to know their story! How cool to know someone's story, get to stare at them AND make assumptions, right??? Wait.....I have a job like that!!! The people she works with, they are smart ass......errrr smart AS whips and there's no doubt in my mind that she hears these words at work.
I still say they are cheaters. Why do they always hafta pick on the slow ones that didn't even get to RIDE the short bus but got pulled behind it and had to have new loafers and helmets by the week!!!???!!! Anyway, I'm no dummy. Truly I'm not. I just don't put 100% effort in everything. BUT DAMMIT I WANT TO! Shouldn't people get smarter by association?? When does this happen because I wanna be prepared. I have velcro shoes now and they last longer.
I heart my Words with Friends games, players and these two I especially heart simply because they abuse me in the most loving and caring way. Thanks girls for everything you do! You rock my heart! <3
I will sign off by saying this: Be careful the games you play and with whom you play them because when you're not looking, they are planning their next move! See ya on the board girls!
i heart you <3 or in that black hole..... "i amare"