
It's all fun and games till the cops show up

Today's mess is brought to you by the wind.  Yes the wind.  For a couple of reasons.  First because I come upon a new subject to blog about every time the wind blows & secondly because well................ because it can be dangerous.

CAUTION:  The thoughts that are about to roll out of my head and onto this screen are not only messy and unorganized but not really thought out.  Forgive me, I have had an exhausting week.  You. Were. Warned.

So today at my job, I called out four different fire departments and had six fires.  Three were on bordering county lines.  I think someone is trying to make it known my county is the hottest county around.  Like I don't know this already?  Come on!!  I LIVE HERE!!  Anyway..... it's windy out people.  We have no snow on the ground and haven't had much snow this winter.  It's D-R-Y!  Think about it!!

From the moment I walked into work today, I said that I would have grass fires.  Now don't go telling me that I brought that upon myself.  I did not.  And we all know that just because I can throw fire from my eyes when needed, I can not and would not start fires in the fields.  Or the grass.  Or around trees.  Or anywhere someone could get hurt.  Mind you, that didn't happen Thank God!  That's a whole new blog right there, trust me!  I have the DOD nickname and it isn't because I worked at that either.

Anyway..............why can't people think before they burn shit?  I mean, our ground is dry and I don't know..... let's burn some shit in the field.  Really people???  Really? Or there's those people that like to throw their cigarettes out the car window.  I used to smoke and I hated doing that.  I was always worried about my cigarette butt getting stuck in someone's exhaust pipe and them blowing to smithereens.  I was that one courteous smoker that liked her butt put out before throwing it out hehe.  And besides, that's littering.  I've never done that before!  :-O

So yeah, I have had this on my mind all day.  About why people do stupid stuff.  Then I get on Facebook and low and behold, there's a post.  A great one.  With a video.  A girl calls 911 and nobody picks up when she thinks it's appropriate, because 911 operators don't have a damn thing to do except wait for a real piece of work to call in.  Ya know, screw the other calls, let's start putting people on hold just in case this next call is someone that is going to overreact.

Anyway............ so this girl hangs up and calls 911 back again.  As the dispatcher picks up, this girl is already in the process of saying "What the fuck?" when the dispatcher asks her what's her emergency.  She yells that she needs an ambulance at such-and-such address.  Instead of asking what her emergency is, this douche of a dispatcher, tells her that she needs to watch her language.  Remember I said the day was full of fires?  Yeah well he just added fuel to hers and she exploded!!  She starts chewing his ass telling him to send a fucking ambulance now and on and on while this dispatcher tells her he isn't going to send an ambulance now because she can't watch her language and hangs up on her.  First off:  WHAT THE HELL???  Secondly:  DUDE YOU HUNG UP ON HER???

So this was such an emergency (her dad was having a seizure) that she put her younger brother in charge and takes off down the street for the law center.  Her concern for her father about brings me to tears.  Yes bitch, leave your father.  This issue can't wait!  She walks in just handing out the F bomb like it's Halloween candy and the dispatcher (who is an officer) asks her if she's the foul mouthed young girl from the 911 call.  She said she was and he comes out and arrests her!  YES, ARRESTS HER!!!  Again, I say WHAT THE HELL???  How many times does this shit have to go bad before it's just stupid?

In case you haven't seen this already (and I'm shocked if you haven't because it's like a damn virus...it's spreading.......speaking of, have you heard anything on Joseph Kony?  No, me either!  Laugh My Ass Off!!) the dispatcher did call the EMS service and tell them about the call but said he couldn't get any information from the caller because she was so foul mouthed.  He forgot to add:  "AND I was a stupid douche to her and hung up."

It is fucking assholes, yes fucking assholes like him that make it bad for the people that really do give a shit!  I give a shit!  My co-workers give a shit and I will damn straight up tell you that my bosses, ALL of my bosses (who are the Sheriff & Deputies) give a shit too!  I should get this dude's address and send him a copy of Ms. Manners for Douche Bags.  Really!

Two of my friends posted that video and of course, I had to jump into those comments but here's another thing that really "gets me."  Both of those friends have history with police.  Not good history either.  I know, hard to believe, huh?  They are all for this girl and her attitude and how that scumbag should lose his job.  To them, it's ok if somebody abuses the people that protect and serve.  I hope those women have children that grow up to be officers and somebody kicks them in the balls.  Yep, I truly do.  Fucking women and their stupid opinions anyway.

Comment #1) That is apalling and only 2 weeks without pay, I hope the girl and Dad do file suit,,,and win!
(Of course you do!)
Comment #2)  People curse when they r panic stricken...we all know that ! He should have been fired on the spot !(Not everybody curses lady.)
Comment #3)   I just keep thinkging "What if that guy would of died, because they didn't get to him in time?" (My comment to her was this: Agreed and on my end I keep thinking "What if both of them wouldve acted like adults and she wouldve taken her dad's seizure seriously." Sorry, it's in my blood.)
Comment #4)  That officer should be reprimanded big time. That's chicken shit and stupid. On the other hand, that girl should have just given the information & hung up. Without swearing. It's a matter of respect. If you want me to give it to you, give it to me. It's not a hard concept. Yes, I answer 911 calls for a living. (yes, that's me)
Comment #2)  I totally understand that....but she's a scared teenager & she was cussing as the phone was ringing cause she was worried about her dad.....i can understand.(Don't get me started on how many rights teenagers should lose!)

My dad would have had my ass in a sling if I spoke to an elder like that!  
Fucking women and their children!!

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