
Don't forget to.....what was I doing?

Last night it was slow at work so I thought I would get ahead of  

myself and start my next blog.  On paper.  What a concept huh?  

People using pen and paper to write their thoughts down!  Who 

woulda thunk it?!!??  

So I begin writing and this is what I ended up with:  Last night Gee 

and I were laying in bed talking and he told me a story.  His story 

became very animated and I got to laughing my ass off.  I 

remember telling him that I would have to include that story in my 

next blog.  AS I LIVE AND BREATHE, I can not remember what 

that story was.  So much for the effects of Gingko Biloba, huh?  It 

was a great story.  Just not a very memorable one.  Go figure!

And that my friends, is all I had written down on my piece of 

paper.  Well......that and an email address of a friend that I want to 

send an email to.  

All night at work I kicked myself and told myself that I really need 

to get myself back into shape.  When I got to work last night, I had 

a talk with my boss and we were discussing my diabetes and the 

fact that I had to go on insulin.  I was kinda joking around about 

it.....ok I was REALLY joking around about it and the look on his 

face mortified me.  I don't even know if I can explain it.  All I can 

say is that his look said to me "Do you really not give a shit about 

your life?"  Hence me kicking myself.  Why do I have to be such a 

damn pessimist all the time?  Why do I put myself last, health and 

all?  And more importantly, HOW THE HELL did that man 

become so important to me that his thoughts and feelings could 

motivate me???

So my plan was to come home and work out.  Even if it was only 

for 30 minutes.  I scolded myself all night and kinda kept to 

myself.  I am mad at myself.  Scratch that, I am furious!  I have 

gotten so damn lazy and I look and feel terrible!  Why, oh why do I 

do this to myself???

So I got off work at 0200 hrs and came home, changed clothes 

and began my workout.  And I am not going to lie; 30 minutes was 

all I could do last night.  I am very ashamed of myself right now.  It 

wasn't that long ago that I had started jogging.  A light jog but 

jogging all the same.  I hang my head in despair.

Anyway!!!  As I was working out, it hit me!  No, not the weights!!  

Although the one where I had to hold the weight between my 

ankles and do hamstring curls nearly injured myself.  The story!  

Gee's story!!  I remembered it.  The Ginkgo Biloba is working!!  

And here's how it goes.  

YOU ARE WARNED.  I will leave it at that.  Geezus H, I have no 


Since I am trying to incorporate healthy eating into my life more 

and more, the vegetables and salads give me awful gas.  Yes, I 

said it, GAS.  I had went to bed first and when Gee came in the 

bedroom, he made the statement that if he would need to light a 

match, we would surely blow up.  He is probably right but I'm not 

in the mood to let him know that.  -_-  Why ruin a good thing?

So he goes on to tell me that I may need to call his boss the next 

morning and tell him Gee can't make it to work.  He is having 

terrible respiratory problems.  He is on oxygen and maybe soon, 

life support.

I laughed.  I laughed a lot.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love my 

husband and I don't want him to get sick but the thought of my gas 

putting him on life support is just plain ass silly.  (Pardon the 

expression).  I wonder if life insurance would still pay out?  I may 

have to look into that.  After all, it's a natural cause, is it not??

Ok so now that I read it, it's not as funny as it was when he told it.  

I guess it's one of those "you had to be there" moments.  

Now...what made me think of it, you might ask?  Well, as I was 

laying on the floor exercising my poor glutes, I passed gas.  Oh 

hell, who are we kidding here?  I FARTED!  I stopped what I was 

doing for a second because I was afraid I woke Gee up.  (And he 

was all the way upstairs sleeping)  Nope, it's all good.  Well, 

except for that nasty stank that was still creeping around the 

livingroom when I went to bed.  So much for giving credit to good ole

Ginkgo Biloba!!

Hehehe I wonder if the fog was still there when Gee got up for 

work this morning.  I will just tell him it was his socks.  Trust me, 

they stink.  To the HIGH Heavens, they stink!!  Just ask Kate.  We 

were at her house the other night and she thought an animal had 

died.  I had warned her early on in the evening that she WOULD 

smell his nasty socks.  She will learn to believe me.  She made 

him take them off and put them outside on the back steps until we 

were ready to leave.  Huh..............why won't he do that for me 

when we're at home???

So anyway, I have started the ball rolling (pretty clever since I was 

actually kicking my exercise ball when I was doing my leg 

exercise) and am hopefully on my way to better health and better 

physical fitness.  Now...who wants to come to my house and walk 

with me on my day shift and off days?  Come on, don't be shy.  

You are ALL welcome.  And afterward, I will make you a salad.  

So you can go home and gas your spouse out.  It'll be like our 

own club.  Instead of "eat my dust," we can be "smell my gas."  I 

don't know.  I'm all out of clever things to say.  

Here's my big problem when it comes to food.  I love it.  And when 

I say I love it, I mean if there was a way to court, marry & live 

happily ever after with it and not be sick, I would have figured it 

out by now.  Some of you have seen me eat.  It's not a pretty sight 

and you know it.  I am a member of the clean plate club.  I was 

raised to "hurry up and eat before your brothers get down here 

and eat it all."  I'm not stupid.  (I don't care what the bathroom wall 

says)  I learned to EAT.  

What I need is someone that can sit down with me (whether or not 

it's on a computer or at a table) and plan out a healthy menu.  I 

need to know exactly what I need to buy at the store and exactly 

what I need to prepare for meals.  And it has to be portable too 

because my shifts rotate; which means I eat at not so attractive 

times some days. Where, oh where is my knight in shining 

armor.....armour?  Ummmm I don't know which is correct there!

*dramatic music starts*  Carbs hate me.  I have done everything in 

my power to make them love me.  Except set them free.  It tears 

me up inside to think about that.  I love you breads.  I love you 

pastas.  Forever my undying love has been professed and yet we 

can't be together.  The fates are against us.  *drawing the back of 

my hand against my forehead*  I can't do it.  You must be the 

strong one here.  Leave me.  Make me not love you.  Make me 

hate you and not need you.  

Geezus H, could someone PLEASE just put me out of my 

misery?  I don't know if I can do this.  Honestly.  I have been a 

diabetic for about six years now.  Medicine up until this point and 

now insulin plus the medicine?!?  How do people make this 

change in their life?  *sigh*

In other news, I have made two casseroles today for a group that 

is coming to our workplace for training tomorrow morning.  French 

toast casserole and Egg Sausage casserole.  Mmmmm I can't 

wait to have some of that Egg Sausage casserole.  I love that 

stuff.  The French toast casserole is outstanding but..............I am 

just going to have will power and STAY AWAY from that stuff!  

Poison to me!  Making two big casseroles made me realize a 

couple of things.

First, I need more pans.  Bigger pans.  *jumps up with feet kicking 

my own butt (in a good way this time)* I love to shop for kitchen 

gadgets, pans, utensils and things!  LOVE IT!!  Maybe I will look 

when I go away for my weekend in Kansas City......Kansas City 

here I come.....yeah, I'm shutting up now.  Well, I'll stop singing. 

Like I said.....for now!!!

The second realization I had....well I knew this about myself BUT 

today I realized how much it really pisses me off!!  Cupboard 

doors.  They should be closed unless you are using them.  

Nothing pisses me off more than when I go into my own kitchen 

and the cupboard doors are wide open.  I shut my cupboards 

each and EVERY time I am done with it.  My own Aunt Grace 

even makes sure whenever I come to her house, her cupboard 

doors are shut.  I'M A WICKED BEAST!!  -_-

I think I have run out of things to say.  Aren't you the lucky one???  

Don't worry.  I'll be back.  And I will have even more shit you  

didn't want to know then.  Have a fantastic Tuesday.  It's beautiful 

weather here.  Hope it's the same there.  

Talbas tu pienza que yo soy loca perro no.  Yo soy no.  Hahahaha 

if you can figure that one out, you have way too much time on 

your hands because I haven't spoke Spanish in YEARS and 

haven't ever written it!  

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