Alrighty then!! Do you think you're ready for this one? Hell I don't even know if I'm ready for this one but I am going to push through it and put it in writing now because I have a feeling I will need to rant...........errr vent.........I MEAN BLOG about it AT LEAST one more time this year! My God, what a mess!!
WARNING: There is no way this is going to be short. You were warned!
I grew up in a household where my dad's career and our childhood home depended on Elections and how they turned out. I believe my dad was very good at his job. He loved it and he loved people. Even when he pissed people off or they pissed him off, he still loved them. He could "shake it off" and move along. I try hard to be like that. It's very difficult to do but I try. My dad also had strong beliefs. His whole family did. I remember when I turned 18 years old and my dad's dad gave me fifty bucks to register under a certain party. I was 18. It was fifty bucks! Of course I did!!
Now, just because I did that doesn't mean that I haven't ever supported the other party; or the other party. I have always researched my politicians and made MY choice based on that research. Then I go and marry some man that is so involved in this party (that I am registered as), it was sickening. I loved it at first. I always thought my dad would've like him. My mom thought he was pretty cool about politics too. That is, until the day after we were actually married. Then he turned into some kind of psycho politician stalker. What. The. Hell. Was. I. Thinking???
This man and I were only married for about two and a half years. During this two and a half year stint, he became so obsessed with politics that he DVR'd every show on any channel that supported his party. I won't even go into the sports because this is going to be long enough. If I wanted to come home and watch something that wasn't related to politics, I had to go to the basement and watch it on the extra tv. What a great husband. Now, I must say that he didn't REALLY turn into Mr. Wonderful the day after we got married (because he spent THAT whole day with his mother) but it didn't take long. His obsession took him to the point of crying if the opposing party got credit for things he didn't like. Seriously. He. Cried.
I didn't understand it. I kept asking him, "Do you get paid from these people? Is there something I'm missing because why does that stuff make you cry? I mean, if you have no stock in it and no control, what are the tears about?" He assured me that he wasn't receiving money from them but that he is just "that passionate." Oh for fuck's sake!.....I only wished he was a quarter as passionate when we hit the bedroom but he wasn't. Matter of fact, I was mostly in bed first because he was watching all his taped programs. A wonderful trait he grew up doing because his mother told him his odd behaviors were normal. Yeah......... right lady!! NOW I know there's not a whole lot normal about that family!! Another example of how far he went. We couldn't have car insurance with certain companies because they supported the opposing political party. I can't make this shit up. Did I mention the fact that he cried every time the KC Chiefs lost? Again, the sports issue was a huge issue for the divorce as well. LMAO I can't even believe he married a Raiders fan. He wasn't thinking anymore clearly than I was! The sex must've been great at that point!!!
And this brings me to why I have such a problem with Facebook right now. I understand the whole "right to free speech" jazz and sure, everyone deserves their own opinion but what I don't understand is this: All we see on TV and all we hear on the radio is "vote for this person because the other is a scumbag" or "vote for me because I am so much more handsome" but nobody stops to think that MOST people turn to their Facebooks to E-N-J-O-Y it. I cannot enjoy it when someone is trying to shove their reasons why I should vote for their candidate, down my throat. And the sucky thing is ..... I can't divorce those dick heads!!!
ME: When I was married to the worthless one, he literally pushed politics down my throat. Now, as you know, being raised as I was and with my dad's job, my home depended on elections and politics so it's in my blood. He was so "into" politics though that we couldn't have insurance through any company that (and he investigated these things) had anything to do with the other parties. If they weren't 100% on the same side as him, they weren't worth his time or money.
That doesn't mean I don't agree with other parties' decisions. I have voted for other parties. Anyway, politics were a huge reason for our divorce. Because of him, I am so against anyone (and I mean anyone) outwardly bragging about who their choice of politicians are. I don't care what side. I have already deleted people on Facebook because they do this and they just don't understand it. I put a status up a while back about how I didn't like the political talk on status' and that I was going to start hiding & deleting.
But nobody should have to change their status' because I don't like them, right? (Who am I to demand that?) We all have that right. I don't know if I'm making any sense or not.
Here's another way to say it:
I hid a few people already. I just deleted someone that has been like family to me all her life and someone else that I looked up to as a child. The person that is like family was very upset with me over it but what's the purpose of having someone on my friends list if I can't enjoy what they post?
Now, a certain "spoon" is next (and has been deleted since this conversation went on) and my childhood neighbor is a close runner up. It's going to piss a lot of people off but I can't do it. I get too angry about politics. I do my own homework and I don't push issues down anyone's throats. My dad raised us to be proud about our research and that our political views and decisions were our own, (unless we are running for office ourselves). Excuse me but I'd rather have a hot poker stuck up my ass and plugged in for the rest of my life. So any suggestions on how to proceed with my next Facebook status telling people why I am deleting without sounding like a bitch???
I hid a few people already. I just deleted someone that has been like family to me all her life and someone else that I looked up to as a child. The person that is like family was very upset with me over it but what's the purpose of having someone on my friends list if I can't enjoy what they post?
Now, a certain "spoon" is next (and has been deleted since this conversation went on) and my childhood neighbor is a close runner up. It's going to piss a lot of people off but I can't do it. I get too angry about politics. I do my own homework and I don't push issues down anyone's throats. My dad raised us to be proud about our research and that our political views and decisions were our own, (unless we are running for office ourselves). Excuse me but I'd rather have a hot poker stuck up my ass and plugged in for the rest of my life. So any suggestions on how to proceed with my next Facebook status telling people why I am deleting without sounding like a bitch???
HER: i think you should totally say what you just said to me -- b/c it makes perfect sense to me!! just say that just b/c you're deleting them, doesn't mean you're not friends w/them or dislike them in any way, etc., but it's b/c you have your own political views that you don't like shoving down other people's throats and that you would prefer that people did that as well -- everyone has a right to their own political views and opinions, but that you just don't agree w/it being posted on here... and for anyone who continues to post their political views after you post that "warning"...then delete them...or hide them or whatever... do they even know if you hide them anyway? i think it's YOUR right to say're not saying anything bad about that're just saying that you don't like reading that stuff on here, and if someone continues to post it and it annoys you, then just delete or hide them....
ME: This is exactly why I have you up on that pedestal!! You tell me what I need to hear. I love that about you, I truly do!
HER: lol!! well, i certainly don't belong on any pedestal...unless it's at the awards ceremony for "road rage queen".....or something else psychotic like that!! Take Priscilla, for example.... she drives me fucking nuts w/her "mitt er done" crap.... and i don't care at ALL who people vote for or not...that's everyone's own personal right as an American to choose that...but i get sick of reading her daily crap about it....i don't even remember her speaking in high school anyway and now all of a sudden she's a fucking campaigner or something?? annoys me.
ME: Priscilla made it off my friends list when her mother told me that she had to stop posting political views on Facebook because it made her daughter look bad at her job (which is going around giving convenience stores cigarette advertising & mark downs)!! WTF??? Really??? They must have got it worked out because they both are doing it all the time I hear. The mother is next on my delete list. If I don't want to read their status', I may as well take them off! My list has been started lol. This will give me something to do tonight at work.
HER: there's a girl on my page that i think about deleting every day. but it's mostly b/c all she does is brag about how fabulous she is and she tells everyone every time she's going to the gym and working out and perfecting her perfect fucking self...and THEN...the most annoying part of all about her is that she's SOOOOO FUCKING PERKY. every day she puts a post on there about a gazillion times about how happy she is and how great life is and how everyone should always be happy blah blah blah ohhhh fuck it.... i hope that sunshine burns her ass! i KNOW that it would be nice to be happy 100% of the time...but that's not it bugs me that she's fucking perky all the fucking time...i bet she fucking SKIPS every where she goes. I HATE FUCKING PERKY PEOPLE.
k...there's MY rant for the day. lol! now.... go speak your mind girl!! everyone that knows you, knows you speak your mind...and that's one of the reasons why we all love you....if people can't accept that, then who cares... but i'd just post something that says how you truly feel...and just say something about how just b/c you block or delete them isn't anything personal towards them -- it's just b/c you don't want to read the political stuff... there's nothing wrong w/that!!! maybe some day i'll get the balls to post the same thing about RELIGIOUS views....but that's practically my entire family...and i'm pretty sure they would all know it was directed towards them!!! lol! and Betty Homemaker. you go girl.... delete away! i should go through and do some deleting myself... it's pretty bad when i get so annoyed by posts on my wall every day when all i have to do to solve that is DELETE those mo fo's!!! problem solved.
ME: Thanks for everything. I love you sista [:)]
(Again, don't get me started on another subject such as religion. I'm not quite as harsh until it's forced upon me.)
FRIEND: why are we not friends :(
ME: We are friends. I love you, you know that. One of the reasons the worthless one and I divorced was because of his passion of politics. I don't care WHAT
someones political stance is, I just don't want it shoved down my
throat. I feel that if I have to hide most every status someone posts,
what's the use? I have taken many off my list for the same reason.
Please don't take it personally.
:( Sorry

FRIEND: I love you I guess I didn't realize I was shoving it down anyone's throat
I'm sorry if you felt that way... I don't agree with a lot of my
friends views but I don't think they are wrong for any of them... I'm
young and passionate... the first time I ever got to vote I was totally
excited... I've been through a lot lately and its made me kind of a
fireball... I am my mothers child lol but I'm sorry if I made you feel
that way I can tone down my beliefs and even hide political statuses
from you if I ever post them... politics don't run my life love does and I
don't want politics to ruin any of my friendships
I had to just leave it at that because you know as well as I know, it would've went poorly. Right down that Avenue I try to avoid with people. Especially young and passionate fireballs. -_-
So, if you'd like to sit down at a table with just me, you and our drink of choice (whether that be coffee, tea or dacquiri), and you want to quietly discuss the options of candidates for anything related to our country's elected Officials, I'm all for it. Right up to that point where you start telling me WHY I should like your candidate better. I don't care what side you're coming from. It is at that point I will quietly and calmly look you in the eye and let you know that you can "Kiss. My. Ass."
F-U-C-K-I-N-G love love love it! You gooooo girl!! I think if you just post something on FB that says you're deleting certain people b/c you don't agree w/some of their posts, but that it's not PERSONAL and it doesn't change how you feel about that person -- it's just that you don't like/agree what they're posting, then surely they'll understand. If not, then who cares. Life is too short to not be happy with the people that surround you. If you're not happy w/them or what they have to say or if they annoy the shit out of you, give 'em the boot!!
ReplyDeleteAnd new profile pic? OMG love it! Couldn't be more perfect! I swear that has to be your real baby pic!!!
What do you mean? What makes you think it isn't my baby picture? LOL