So today's blog is sponsored by "Kony 2012." Seriously, here's what I get from this thing.
This Joseph Kony guy is stealing children to turn them into sex slaves and army soldiers. Apparently he has about 300,000 kids plus. PLUS!!!
If I lived in a village and everybody's children started disappearing, I would:
#1) Never let my children out of my sight. Ever.
#2) Defend my home so that when someone decided to enter without permission, they wouldn't walk out. No matter where I lived.
#3) Stop the people that are doing this in my area. Are there really that many weak people that can't think for themselves?? Come on!!
Now, out of 300,000 PLUS children, wouldn't ONE of them get angry and shoot that A-hole? I mean come on, they have some technology. They have surely heard of all the crazy crap the American kids do. I mean, our kids take guns to school. Our kids will kill someone for a new pair of shoes. Our kids will steal a vehicle without regard to anyone else's feelings. That's not even the tip of the iceberg of what our kids will do in America. So stand up kids of Uganda! Make yourself known. Fight back.
I don't know if anyone has ever heard this but our country is in financial ruin. Well pretty dang close to it anyway. But what the hey, let's send some of our money over there to Uganda so they can teach these children to fight back. Sorry I don't think so. I don't buy it.
While I watched the almost 30 minute video of "Invisible Children" talk about how these kids have had their childhood taken from them, the narrator has a small child of his own that can speak almost as well as him. At the beginning of the film, the narrator says how he is glad his child has a childhood. Mind you, the child is about 4 years old. I don't know about you, but when I was 4 years old, I didn't talk about the stuff that went on in South Africa, or Kuwait, hell I didn't even talk about stuff that went on in California!! And you know why I didn't? I was too busy being a kid!! I was playing ball with the neighbors; or I was playing cars with my brother; or I was swimming at the lake or the pool; I WAS BEING A CHILD. That is what being a child means, being free in a sense; I'm sorry these Ugandans or whatever they're called, don't get that opportunity but Mister Narrator, yours does. Stop teaching him about people in other countries that hate and kill. This is why kids go off the deep end. They have too much pressure to understand adult issues.
*breath* My next point of this video that just burns my ass is this: "I have talked with people from Canada, from Mexico and many other states that want to help." Hello????? Canada and Mexico are countries dude! Countries, not states!! Do you see where I'm going with this?
When I woke up yesterday morning, I had heard nothing of this Kony dude. Nothing. By the time I got off work at midnight, I had read about it on (easily) a dozen Facebook pages. Did this dude abduct 300,000 PLUS kids in a days work? This is my next question. And did he do it all by himself? Nobody got concerned until this many children were gone & brainwashed. Beautiful. We are such a caring nation, the United States of America.
We want to bring peace and hope to every country but our own. I love my people. I can revel in the thought that in about 2 weeks, nobody will be talking about him anymore. That's a norm. Let's do our part and then move on.
Here's my conversation with my good friend about this.
ME: Am I a terrible person to think that this whole "Kony 2012" is another bullshit thing for people to throw their money at?
Am I a terrible person because I work hard for my money and by God I'm not sending it out of this country?
Am I a terrible person because I believe there are millions of children in our own country getting treated like shit and being abused and neglected and we can't even put them first?
This whole Kony thing is pissing me the fuck OFF!! I may have to take a Facebook break. I am starting to really hate most people!!
HER: LOL!! I honestly haven't even watched that video so I don't even know what it's all about, but I'm guessing it's maybe some pervert or something?? I agree w/ya though... my money goes to OUR people first before any other country gets it....
But NO, you're not a terrible person AT're one of the most kind-hearted people I know!
ME: Well these poor kids are getting abducted in Uganda. Fucking Uganda!! Really??? And I don't think this thing started this morning because this dude has over 300,000 kids in his "Army." Is it really that easy to brainwash those little shits because if so, I want one for my damn self!!
There's 30 minutes of video summed up for ya! Hahahaha
HER: LMAO!!!! well thanks for saving me 29 min. of my life b/c i don't have time to watch it! that's really sad and it breaks my heart...but, we have that shit happening HERE in the U.S. all the freaking time...why isn't there a video plastered all over FB for THAT? i swear everyone on my FB has posted that video or something about that guy on FB today....I've just kinda ignored it.... i usually DO ignore all the political stuff too.... in fact, yesterday, i typed up a huge long ranting FB post to put on there about the Kirk Cameron crap he was spewing about gays, etc., which is totally offensive to me b/c i have gay friends and relatives, so i hate people who are so anti-gay, etc.... but, then i erased it before i posted it....b/c i DO believe everyone has a right to their opinion...EVEN IF IT'S WRONG....LOL... but, i may get a wild angry hair tomorrow and post it anyway...which will throw my homophobic family into a complete crazy religious rant and they will all have me committed or they will think that means I AM GAY or something just b/c i don't believe they should be treated differently.... ANYWAY.... that's MY rant of the day!!!!
wow....that was totally off topic, huh? i just get a wild hair sometimes, ya know...and my ADHD kicks in and i start babbling and spouting off about all kinds of crap......
See why I love this gal? She totally rocks. That's my first rant........errrrr blog. Hope you enjoyed it and it made you smile even a little bit. It was either blog or beat the shit out of most everyone on my Facebook friends list. I warned you. It was a bit messy and probably not anything close to what you WANTED to know but......................
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