
Another day in the life............

Unless someone wants to come help me mow my yard, I am going to sit here and type.  And we all know that when I don't have a planned direction, the blogs get messy.  And sometimes mean.  Usually just downright confusing.  Still don't wanna come help me mow?  Hmph!  Well away we go then.

Some of you already know by my Facebook that I got stopped last night.  By none other than FNG.  THE Deputy that I seem to have problems with.  As I was driving through town about 2330 hours last night, coming home from the hundred dollar store, he was sitting in the grocery story parking lot talking to the city cop.  I pretty much had it in my head what was going to happen so I laid on the horn when I went by.  Didn't want them to think I didn't see them.  Out of town I went.  From the time I honked, to the time they caught up with me (yes they.  FNG and the city cop), I had only went about three and a half blocks. So that tells me that he was going a LITTLE faster than I was but he didn't turn his lights on yet.  

About half a mile later, here come the lights.  Pretty convenient that it was about at the city police's jurisdiction.  I SLOWED down while on the highway until I was at a crawl.  I wanted to be safe ya know, in case there was another car coming from the next town.  Then I pulled over.  My seat belt was on.  It always is when I'm in the front seat with anyone.  He takes his sweet ass time and finally gets to the car and says "License and registration ma'am."  My reply?  "I don't have it.  I stole this car."  He laughs and says, "Well then I should just take you on to jail now." 

So it seems they stopped me because they were bored.  Real nice assholes.  Looks like I will be making a surprise for these guys soon.  That will be fun.  

Today, I spent my morning cleaning for the dirty old man.  No, not Gee (as I've told many already).  The OTHER dirty old man.  You know, the one I do laundry for.  I got all his cupboards cleaned out, the fridge cleaned out, bathroom all cleaned, sheets changed, drawers re-arranged and the laundry done.  That is a nice feeling.  I still don't believe he's bathing although he did tell me that one day he sharted in his overalls and it was a mess.  I didn't have the heart to tell him that isn't a little accident, that's shitting his pants.  But he got in the shower and took his clothes off in there and washed the majority of it down the tub.  Good move slick.  That's why I use Clorox Clean-Up all the time!  I love it.

I met my Aunt Grace and cousin Beulah for lunch.  That was nice. Quiet but nice.  Maybe I just talked too much.  Maybe I didn't give them a chance.  Oh well.  It was nice anyway.  After lunch, I went to the nursing home and visited a couple of very special ladies in my life.  They were previous clients of mine when I was a home health aide.  I hate it that they had to go to the nursing home but they are so much better off now.  Makes me sad. 

So that's about all my day has consisted of.  And my yard hasn't gotten mowed yet.  Now I don't wanna do it.  Maybe Gee will help me when he gets home.  I just don't wanna get all grassy and then have to come back in and cook.  Hmmmmm I smell a deal in the making here tonight.  -_-

I think I will go see if my favorite couple is on tv.  I love them.  And I wish people would stop with the whole "baby" talk already.  Let shit happen on God's terms people.  Why does someone have to have a baby just because they are married?  If it was meant to be, it will happen.  She is absolutely my favorite person on tv and I don't have a lot of favorites.  Mainly I could care less about actors and actresses and what they do with their lives.  She is sooooo REAL to me though.  Her one sister absolutely makes me want to puke.  She's so fake.  Never liked her from the beginning.  Her other sister drives me crazy.  She acts so stupid and naive.  She's not but she acts like it.  I wanna slap her.  

More people need to be like Miss Khloe though.  She is outstanding.  She is real.  And her dreamy husband loves her so much!  She is a lucky girl that Khloe!!  They are going to put their show on hold so he can work on his basketball career.  People are throwing a fit about this.  I think it's awesome that they are willing to do that.  After all, life isn't JUST about what the woman wants.  Well..........in MY marriage it is but not in most.  I wish them the best.  They rock!

In other entertainment news, there's some people that obviously are pretty popular and neither Gee nor myself know who the hell they are or why they are so popular.  Have you ever heard of Ice and CoCo?  Because apparently he loves her enough to name their show that.  And there's a character named Snookie.  She had a birthday recently if I recall correctly.  Hell, I have to be honest.  I don't even know if a Snookie is a woman, a man or a pet!  And who cares!!

This is my blog.  Don't like it?  Tell the world.  Then everyone will want to read it!  Until next time my friends.  Have a great night!

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