

So I have good news and I have bad news.  Which would you like to hear first?  The bad news?  Okay well the bad news is that I think I will do one more blog about this just to get my point across as to why I'm doing this.  Don't worry, it shouldn't be near as long as these have been so far.....but then again, I can't promise you anything.  We all know how I like to ramble on and on and on and on.......

And now for the good news.  This is the last Deputy blog that I will be writing anytime in the near future.  Of course I can't completely promise you that either but the odds of me writing another Deputy blog are slim-to-none.

I have blogged about this Deputy before but I have to be fair and tell you that I didn't really give him a full fair shake last time.  I'm not going to lie to you.  I was PISSED OFF at him.  He took something I said and turned it into this "thing."  Made me dislike that man for a long time.  In case you don't remember which blog was about him, let me refresh your memory.  He was called "IT" through the whole blog.  Now that I read back at that blog, it makes me laugh out loud. I was pretty mean to him.  Oops -_- 

I have since, sat and talked with this man who I am going to call FNG.  FNG is something we use around the office for "fucking new guy."  No disrespect should be taken by this because being the FNG means that nobody has had to join the ranks since him.  He is the second man that I have known to be called FNG since I have worked there and I haven't even been there a year.  When the next man comes along to work in our office, he will be the FNG.  

In the other blog.....you know, the one where I said all those not-so-nice things about him and his branch of service, I was really upset.  I just want that to be clear because I think now that I'm getting to know FNG, I think he's actually a really nice guy.  When he wants to be.  I'm not saying I want him to stop me on the road (because honestly, that's just going to stir up a whole bunch more shit between us) but I guess it's better than a complete stranger cop stopping me.  I mean, how would a complete stranger understand that I am a complete and utter sarcastic bitch and that I don't mean to hurt a fly. And I don't mean to make it sound like I will be inviting him over for a bar-be-cue anytime soon either.  This shit is gonna take time.

So I guess I owe him an apology of sorts.  I don't have a problem being the one to step up and say it.  I am sorry FNG for being so honest with you.  I will try never to do that again. -_-  Okay, okay, now I'm just being full of myself.  We all know I will do it again.  Whether he wants me to or not.  That's just me.  But this blog isn't about me.  It's about him.

I believe because he is new to this field, he is trying to make a name for himself.  I just wish the name wasn't asshole.  And I'll be honest with you again.  I don't know that I wouldn't be doing the same thing if I was in his shoes.  I would go about it another way but I would probably be an asshole cop.  Yes, now that I think about that, I would be. (Shit!  Again, it came back to me!  I gotta stop that!)  I hope that he slows down soon and takes time to get to KNOW the people of this county on a different level before pissing off the whole county but hey, he's the one that has to deal with them, right?

I was afraid to ask many people how they feel about him because I was afraid of what I would hear.  I mean, this shit has GOT to be printable, right?  And Lord knows MY stuff is censored to the gills!!  I got "I'm glad he lives in a different town as me" which didn't surprise me.  Made me giggle but didn't surprise me.  "He can be really really funny sometimes and then just ruin it by being a pompous jerk."  Apparently they don't know ME very well, huh?  He has been characterized as a "brilliant, self-absorbed brown recluse spider."  This one just made me laugh when I heard it.  "He comes out, attacks and then leaves."  

His attitude, that one he tells me is the "service" attitude, has given him quite the ego.  I wonder if they REALLY believe they are as good as they think they are because quite honestly, the more I hear about this branch of the Military, the happier I am that my family is Navy and Army.  "He has that 20-something, I'm better than you attitude" says another.  Does anyone else feel a chill in here???  Dammit!

I think we all just need to chill out and let him do his thing.  I am willing to give him another chance.  And another.  And another.  If he so needs it.  I want this "team" to work together.  Not against each other.  And the only way we are going to be able to do this is by getting past the ego trips and accepting each other for who we really are and showing RESPECT for each other.  He's the new guy.  We have to "learn" him.  It takes time.  And we need to keep in mind that we only have ONE new person to learn right now.  He has SEVERAL.

I have no problem being the first to admit that I made a mistake by judging him the way I did that day but I had to vent, right?  And it wasn't fair of me to judge all the other service people out there because of what he said to me.  And for all of you good people out in "reader-land," this is me saying I was wrong and you were right.  You all owe me a nickle.  

We used to have a certain State Patrolman in the area and it seemed NOBODY liked him.  And here's a shocker, I was one of those people.  The first two times I had to deal with him, I would've liked to have smacked him rather than looked at him.  I did actually get to the point where I wanted NOTHING to do with this man because of his attitude and the way he thought he was better.  Well, time passed and this man and I "bonded," (oh shit, he'd die to hear me say THAT) over a magazine.  He was actually giving me tips and hints on different places to buy some of the stuff I wanted to get and where I could get better deals and prices.  

AHA!  He turned human to me.  In that instant.  Hmmmm not only did he have a brain but he may even have a heart.  A teeny tiny heart but a heart all the same.  This man is no longer working in our area much and I hate it.  I was really starting to like him and then he goes away.  So now I think FNG has taken the place of this trooper.  In my head and in my heart.  Or that's where he's headed.  

I think he's going to be okay and I think he could change a lot of minds if he really wanted to.  FNG, I'm looking forward to the coming years working with you.  Even on the days you will piss me off.  

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