The end to our fun day was looking to be even more fun as we hadn't been to the races in a couple of years. Actually, the last time we went was on our second date. Our first date was also to the races. Seems like forever ago. There are a lot of drivers that are from my hometown so it's almost like going back TO my hometown with all the people that we see there. Lots of fun. AND I got to wear one of those awesome yellow bracelets that says I'm old enough to have a drink. HA!
The weather was pretty perfect for the races. Not too hot and not too cold. Now, I should say that it wasn't too hot for me. I saw a gal there with a tank top on and she was RED. So maybe it WAS hotter than I think. I don't know. Maybe she has been out fishing before she came to the races. That could be why she didn't have a bra on. Maybe she needed it to carry all the fish she caught. It would have held a lot too. Those babies were almost to her knees. Not such a good experience for the lookers but all the same, it was an experience.
Let me rewind a bit here. This may be one of the oddest things I've ever heard. As we were going down the road, to enjoy the last half of our fun day, I smelled something and it wasn't very pleasant. It kinda smelled like over-processed fish. I looked at Gee and said, "Did you burp???" I"m sure I had THAT LOOK on my face too. He says to me, "I don't know. I don't keep track of that stuff." Sometimes people say shit to me and I don't even know how to respond. This was definitely one of those times. How does a person NOT know that gas is escaping their body in one of it's many crevices? I mean, I KNOW that he knows when air passes out of his ASS! How does he not "keep track" of it coming out of his mouth??? Wouldn't he TASTE IT??? What an odd duck. I'm pretty sure he burped. And it was gross.
Okay I will continue on with the races now. Had to get that off my chest. As I have said before, I like to people watch. Something my dad taught me to do early and sometimes I let my mind take me away with what someone's story is. For instance, Matilda and I went with Jeannie to the bathroom and stopped off for something to drink. There in front of us was this chic (yes, I'm one of THOSE people),wearing just enough makeup to make you think she thought she was heading out to the clubs and she had on this cute little black top (very dressy), black & white striped mini skirt with HIGH heels. Cripes, I just stared at her.
Why the HELL would someone wear THAT to the car races?? She must have a head injury. Then I look over and see the man that she's hanging off of. He was probably fifteen years older than her, which means nothing to me because you know, I'm a cougar to my own husband. Except for that whole money issue. I don't have it; neither does he. Anyway, this gal is talking to someone at the food stand and she's giggling and this guy is standing there SO PROUD of his gal. And then their eyes meet and they smile at each other. And his teeth are ALL OUT OF WHACK!! I don't mean that he has any missing. I mean they are ALL crooked and spaced and just NOT NICE to look at. I don't know why this couple is together and I don't care but here is my story.
She is with this man for the booze and the sex. What else could it be? He couldn't POSSIBLY have a personality could he?? With teeth like THOSE? Now, I don't have the best teeth in the world but dammit, if those were mine, they'd be pulled outta my head and fast! I damn sure wouldn't be smiling a "tooth smile." Now, for all you people that have it in your heads that this girl is nice (me, not the mini skirt chic), I am here to tell you that you are WRONG. I'm not nice. Not really. I just can't tolerate a lot of bullshit so I end up "helping" people. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The National Anthem was nice at the races. Matilda and I sang it. Well they played a recording of a couple of girls or something but Matilda and I are pretty sure we could do just as well. We even know all the words. Not like that girl that sang for the Superbowl. That was a flop. I don't care what anyone says. If you don't know ALL the words to the National Anthem, you don't need to be singing in public. Geezus H Christ, I knew that song when I was in Kindergarten. Every word of it. Anyway, Matilda and I rock at that song. Even those little high notes they slipped in. Yeah, I can do that.
We sat at one of the ends so there wouldn't be so many people sitting in front of us. Right after the first or second race, a couple sits down in front of us. That immediately put a damper on my fun. I mean, there were AT LEAST a dozen rows in front of us. I don't know how many were behind us; I never really looked back. The fact of the matter is, they sat two rows in front of us and from that point on, I could see NOTHING but them. No, they weren't big by any means. They were just IN FRONT of us. And they sat right on the row that my friends kid was using to race his little match box cars.
And Matilda knows when things like this annoy me because she looked at me and I mustv'e had THAT look on my face because we both giggled. It wasn't about a minute though before someone behind us yelled at them and they moved. Good. Get out of here. Phew, I could breathe. I could put in print the team they were cheering for but no, I could be related to some of those people and I am just NOT going there. I'm just glad they took my distraction away. I don't know HOW I would have enjoyed the rest of the races.
All in all, the races were a lot of fun. Something we need to do more often. The sweat and the dirt mix make you feel almost child-like (and the beer helps) and the camaraderie is great. A whole group of people that like different drivers and we're all co-existing together. Without killing each other. The competition of muscles, tans, girlfriends, self-inflated egos and ripped shirts and we all got along fine. And I didn't knock out one single motherly type that was dressed as the daughter type. Although I thought about it. What a great night.
Even the young nerdy kid that sat down from us in the other section that had the really cute girlfriend. Well, I assume it was his girlfriend. He literally had his arms around her the WHOLE night. Even if they got up and walked somewhere. His arms were around her. Hell, as far as I know, he kidnapped her and she just happened to be enjoying where she was being held. I don't know. This kid though, he had the weirdest hairdo. You know those braided rugs? The ones that go in a circle? His hair reminded me of that. Like someone just took a whole bunch of black netting and started to make a rug. They got bored with it after about four rounds and glued it to his head. Another distraction for me.
I think he wanted EVERYONE at the races to see that he had a girlfriend and dammit she was cute. And she was. I won't dispute that. But the fact that she let him literally HANG on her ALL night, made her (and him) look pathetic and immature. But they probably were high school age so I guess immaturity would be right. My point is, I didn't hurt them either.
All-in-all, I had a perfect fun day with my husband and I was exhausted when my head hit the pillow. I don't even think I had time to dream. Or turn over. Or drool. It was great. At one point in the night, it rained in on us and Gee shut the window. Dammit that was cold but I didn't move. I was TOO tired! If he hadn't shut the window, I'd probably have thought my drooling got really out of hand! Anyway,I will be at the races next week. Hope to see you there but if not, see ya back here before that. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week.
You forgot to mention that Justin Beiber was there and that 80's looking kid (hair dudes)