
Ten different directions to Monday

Tonight I am going to try something new and so I titled my blog BEFORE writing it.  I have never done that before.  It kinda scares me because who knows how I'm going to get to the point that the title makes.  Oh hell, here we go!  Fasten your seatbelts.

In my last blog, I forgot to mention that I got to ride in a..............well it wasn't a pace car but it WAS the vehicle that LED the final feature at the races last night.  That was pretty cool.  I even got a picture of it.  Wanna see it?  Here it is!
Yep, that's what the stands looked like as we went whizzing by.  Very fun and very cool to get to ride on the track.  I was in a nice new Chevy Tahoe (I think) and it had all kinds of pretty blue and red lights (just like I like) and it had WHELEN written all over it.   Next goal, around the track in a race car.  

I got a very funny text message today.  It simply stated, "That's awesome!"  It was from a phone number that I don't know.  Instead of being rude and asking who it was, I sent "What's awesome?"  They still didn't answer me though.  I can tell you it was a Missouri number but that's all I know.  I wonder what I did that was so awesome.  I mean, I could give you many examples of my awesomeness but that wouldn't be right, would it?  It's not like me to boast my own ego, is it???  That's alright, you don't have to answer that question!!

The other day I was making some cakes and had to use a recipe because I haven't made it for a long time and it made me wonder HOW people's shit gets published without SOMEONE proofreading each and every recipe.  This recipe started out listing all the ingredients and then it went into the actual instruction of making the cake.  The recipe reads "add oil, sugar and egg and then all other ingredients."   Why did they have to even say add oil, sugar and egg?  Why didn't they just say "add all ingredients together, mix well."  It's not rocket science here people.  Then after it's all mixed together it says to "bake at 325 or until well done."  Now, just to be clear here, does that mean I should bake it at 325 degrees until it's done (and how freaking long would that be?) or is it saying that I should bake it for 325 minutes?  

I am not sure how long it took for the cakes to bake but it was more than twenty minutes.  Way more.  And isn't that USUALLY how long a cake is supposed to bake?  Oh well, doesn't matter.  I should have timed it though because I won't know for next time either.  Of course, I will probably use a different recipe next time.  I'm not real keen on using the same recipe twice.  Unless it's my mom's recipes.  Even then, I have to do something a little different.  I love my momma more than life itself but I gotta do my own thing and that's JUST how she would like it. 

Saving my work as I go.  It's raining cats and dogs outside.  I already have three damned dogs. I hope it doesn't leave many more.  And cats, ugh!  I'm so allergic, it's not funny!  Enough rain already!!  My husband, the good man that he is, has made a little tent of plastic and padding so he can finish putting the muffler on my little Yota Cadillac (that's my old Toyota that I love more than anything edible, for those that aren't in the know). It's just pouring out there and he's in a plastic tent!  Lightning and thunder.  Hell, it has even stopped raining cats and dogs and is just straight pissing down now.  What a silly man.  He'll be sick and think he's dying and I'll have to nurse him back to life and health.  Geez, I need a raise.  

Moving on.  I think I lost my best friend. She's not lost.  That  I know of.  I mean, I think she doesn't really have time for me anymore or doesn't want to do things with me anymore.  I wish she would tell me instead of making me sit here and second-guess anything and everything I have said to her in the past couple of months.  Which isn't much because either she's too sick to talk, text or email or she's broke and doesn't feel like doing anything with me or she's doing family things.  I'm all for the family things though.  Don't get me wrong.  It just seems that if I don't do things on HER schedule, then we don't do them at all.  

When I started this job at the jail, they told me that my group of friends would change and those that didn't really understand this way of life or the schedules or the "on-calls," would be the ones I would lose touch with.  You'd think I would know this already but I guess I am learning the hard way.  Kate, who was once my best friend in life, has been demoted to friend.  And that's ok too because we all need friends, right?  I guess that's what I think of when I say "leftover" friends and family.  Those who seem to go out of their way to NOT be in your life.  That's ok too.  I like leftovers once in a while.  

And speaking of people.  Do you have a Facebook account?  Yes?  Well, have you ever noticed that when most people get "in a relationship," they don't tell WHO they are in a relationship with for a long time.  I know the high schoolers do.  Hell, they change and exhange boyfriends and girlfriends every week but I'm talking about the older people.  The ones that maybe have been divorced or widowed or just haven't ever really HAD a serious relationship and then they find someone that they love to be around and boom....."in a relationship."  "With who?"  Usually I get the answer when I ask but sometimes I get this, "I really don't want to say right now.  It's a new relationship and I don't want to jinx it."  Are you kidding me you moron?  You just put out there in the big ole WWW.COM that you are in a relationship.  Grow the hell up.  

I always think the same things when I get a sneaky, sly answer like that too.  Either one party is already married, dating multiple people or they are just flat out ashamed and embarrassed of that person.  OR, they just "really like" this certain person but that person doesn't even have a clue and you can't tag them in the relationship change because they aren't even your Facebook friend!!  *phew!  breathe!!*  If you can tell the world that you are in a relationship, I would sure as shit hope you could tell the world who the hell it is you are so crazy about.  What is the big damned deal???  I have had three husbands.  What's the secret???

In an attempt to keep the house cool tonight while I'm catching up with about a week's worth of  laundry and cooking dinner, I have had the back door open.  I don't have a screen on it.  It's just wide open for anyone or anything to come in.  I have not had a bird fly in.  I have not had a plane fly in.  I did however, JUST have Superman come through my door!  In the form of my very own husband!  He got the muffler on and he barely even got wet.  Now I can't even complain about his muddy feet.  Thanks honey.  Like I said before, you're the best husband I have!!

So I suppose I should get this blog to a stopping point and get a plate ready for the man of the hour.  Baked chicken breast with mashed potatoes and french style green beans.  Can't wait.  And by the way, I told you my title and my blog would probably not end up anything alike.  And they didn't.  Until next time.  Stay dry my friends!!  

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