
Short and sweet

Well the weekend will be coming to a close soon and I hate to say it but I am ready.  I don't know why.  I haven't done anything stressful this week.  Even school wasn't stressful.  I only  missed three on my test so I was pretty happy about that.  I guess I am just ready for a new week.

I just lightened my facebook friends load a little.  That made me smile.  I love it when I unfriend dickheads.  -_-  We slept in today.  Right up until noon.  Dammit that felt nice.  I rarely get to do that.  Of course, I didn't go to bed until 0245 hrs. either.  Either way, it felt good.

I think I am going to talk about socks for a bit.  I'm feeling rather frisky.  Is it just me or are socks SO much more comfortable when they are brand spanking new??  I bet I have sixty PAIRS of socks in my drawer.  I will wear them for a season.  That's it.  A season.  Then I buy more.  I don't know why I do this and it's not something I have ever done before but don't you think after a while, socks become "uncomfortable?"  

Nothing makes me feel better when getting dressed than the feel of nice new socks.  I wish I could just have one new pair every day and the Good Sock Fairy would take them away and leave me a brand new pair.  *sigh*  

The bad part is at the end of the season, what am I supposed to do with all these socks??  A person can only have so many dust rags. Hmmmmm.  Someone is going to have a lot of socks at the end of summer, I know that.  I just had three brand new packages given to me.  *sigh*

At school this week, one of our instructors used the word "hoo-ha" or "who-ha" or however you wanna spell it.  I love that word.  I can't think, for the life of me, what she used that word for but I remember thinking it was an odd thing to say.  HA!  I don't know about you but when I think of "hoo-ha," I think of coochie. Yikes.  I can't believe I'm talking about coochie now.  I think I just made myself blush!!

Oh oh oh!  Speaking of coochie!!  Friday night Gee and I went back to the city (ya know, because I didn't get enough of it the whole week) for dinner with friends.  I took him up by the military base and the academy and then we took a drive around the lake.  I almost wrecked the car at one point as I looked over and there was a guy sitting down in the middle of all this tall grass and he was bent over BUT a gal was standing right in front of him!  The grass was tall but it wasn't THAT tall!  

She had her hands on his head and had the biggest grin on her face.  Eeks!  I couldn't tell if she had her pants on or not and I certainly wasn't hanging around to find out.  Amazing what people will do when they think they're hidden.  Sick puppies.  

I am going to cut this short for today and will try to put some stuff together at work tonight.  Until then, thanks for reading 


  1. What is it they was doing, I've not had it in so long, dammm it where is all the good men at...oh yeah gay or taken, lol.

  2. For anybody that gives a crap, my next posting (which should be tomorrow) will be about my sisters. Maybe I will even throw some of the good stuff I know about them, in there. If I can think of any. It's going to take me all night just to think of enough things about them to say.
