I wrote this for my nephew that is running for Sheriff. Of course I used the real names in the real thing. -_- Happy Primary Election (It's June 5th, for those that don't know)! Let's get out there, spread the word and VOTE!!
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that this is the last email that I will be sending out.....before the Primary Election. I am not trying to “bug” anyone by sending these so if you would prefer to not get them, let me know. We have to go until November...the General Election and that’s why I try not to send too much out. I know how rough and irritating elections can be. Let’s get this letter started.
My dad, Marven, was the Sheriff for 14 years. A Deputy before that. He was the father of seven children whom he loved dearly; he loved to spend time with his parents and siblings; he tried to get together with his friends as much as possible, playing cards or doing family things with them; he loved to garden; and he loved sports. Whether he was watching it on the television or in person. He was very passionate about everything he loved. That passion started with his family and followed through to his career in law enforcement.
My dad believed in working for what you want. He taught his children that honest, hard work was one of the most valuable “tricks of the trade.” He believed that nothing great came without hard work and sometimes extreme measures and eventually you will be rewarded. He also taught his children that good people make wrong, often bad, choices. But that didn’t make them bad people. To his dying day, my dad instilled strong values, morals, hard working ethics and loyalty into his children. I have no doubt that these values will follow in our family for many generations to come.
As you may know, my siblings and I were raised in the County. You may also know that the County is the only place we have ever truly called “home” as most of the family still lives there. And you already know, growing up, the elections were very important to us. It literally determined where we would live. Therefore, you can imagine how stressful elections were to us . Not just on the person running for office but on each and every member of their family. Although some of those circumstances have changed, nothing about running for office is any less stressful and the same goes for the job at hand.
My brotherPerry grew into dad’s shoes in 1986 when he was hired as a Deputy and then took office of Sheriff in 1987. He held the tradition strong. Like my dad, Perry saw a lot of things during his law enforcement career. He saw good and bad things. He saw things that he will talk about forever and things he may never mention again in his life. One thing’s for sure though. He loved his career. Just like his dad. There is no denying his love and passion when it comes to his family. And kids of all ages love him. He has an unmatched spirit when it comes to kids. Lonnie also loves sports. Basketball was his favorite but he got into most sports.
His whole life, Perry has shown the same structure that dad did. The same morals, values and ethics. And it didn’t matter what he was doing. I have always looked up to him and have never once doubted his honesty or sincerity in any aspect of his life. He has done a great job for his family and for the people of the County.
And now I bring you to my nephew, Freddy. Not only did he grow into the shoes of his father but also the shoes of his grandfather. He has those same morals and values I have mentioned above. Freddy works hard for everything he has and has never accepted anything less of those he loves. Freddy is a family man that feels the importance of making our world a safe and enjoyable place to live, and Freddy is always willing to help anyone out when the chips are down.
In 2010, Freddy won the General Election by the voters of the county. In the past two years Freddy has proven to be a genuine leader. There is no other candidate that is more rooted to this community or has a bigger vested interest in the upholding of the laws and keeping of the peace. I have always been proud of my family and I am especially proud that my nephew can represent a whole county...just like those wonderful men before him.
I urge you to get out and vote. Tuesday, June 5th is the Primary Election. Take your spouse, your partner, your significant other. Take your best friend. Voting is our privilege and our civil duty. It’s important not only to us...but to you. Thank you for your time and for reading. ~Amelia B.~
I love it and with the pictures makes it more special, great job!!!