
Sleepy Long Day

I think it's going to be a long day.  Don't ask me why.  I was lying in bed this morning at 0100 hrs and could not go back to sleep.  I thought I better get a blog out today so my head wasn't so busy and maybe I would sleep better tonight. 

Yesterday was a normal "slow" day at the office.  Nothing too strenuous really but for some reason I felt tired all day.  At one point, I was sure I was going to catch a few "winx."  I didn't though.  I kept blaming my tiredness on the fact that I hadn't taken my meds yet.  I don't have any certain time I need to take them.  I just need to TAKE them.  It's been evenings before I get to this the past week or so, so I didn't know why I was SO tired at this point.  Still.....that's all I had to go on for being so tired.

Or was it because my dear husband came home from fishing somewhere between 0330 and 0400 hrs and the dogs went crazy.....which in turn woke my happy ass up??  That surely can't be it. 

Moving on...........got lots to cover here.  I have lots and lots of notes.  I hope I know what they mean.  I am thinking I may need to stop at the good ole Dollar General today and get me a notebook.  And a little book light.  My phone is way too bright to be taking notes on in the middle of the night.  When I couldn't go back to sleep so early this morning, I had a million things to talk to you about.  This morning, I am down to about seven things.  I seem to have lost a few. 

After work yesterday, I attended a family meeting "of the minds" to talk about the upcoming family reunion and it was a fun time.  I have decided that this family reunion is my first step in facing my fear of public speaking.  I plan to write a blog about last year's reunion and read it to them.  They were all there.  They know what happened.  They can listen or they can go across the room and do something else.  I will post that blog after it has been read to them.  You're welcome.

Dinner with hubby and Aunt Grace then onto my least favorite thing to do in the world.  This time at Hy-Vee .  This time it was painless though.  Gee helped get stuff down other aisles (mainly his own stuff) and it was quick.  He even helped pay half of the bill.  Kudos hubby.  I got some fresh peaches.  I'm going to make my very first peach pie this week.  The Hot Shot deputy is going to get the pie though.  He's pretty convinced I can't make one myself.  I'll show him huh?  I won't mention to him the part in the store where I picked up a peach and turned to my husband and said "This IS a peach, right?"  This should be good.

We made it home and I was BEAT.  Not in the literal sense.  Don't be sending the cops to my house.  I was emotionally, physically and mentally wiped out!  Gee was rubbing my feet and it was too much for me.  Too much work that is.  AND I had a spider almost directly over my head the whole time and all I could do was lay there and wonder how I would ever move should that little asshole decide to take the ole "leapa faith."  I was barely able to get up off the floor to get to my bed.  It was awful.  And I still don't know why...........hmmmmmm.

And I was so tired that when I headed upstairs, I told Gee he was welcome to come to bed and watch tv in the bedroom.  NOTHING was going to bother me tonight!  Trust me, that is a rare thing for me to say.  So he did.  He came to bed and watched tv.  I put on my earplugs that just happened to be connected to my mp3 player and off to sleep I went. 

Until 0100 hrs.  All I know is my dog was downstairs barking.  I was immediately wide awake.  Not wide awake like you're "startled awake."  Wide awake like you've had "enough sleep."  Ugh!  This can't be happening!!!  I must have slept VERY HARD to be that well rested in about three hours time.  So I had a talk with my bladder and we both compromised.  I would get my happy ass up and walk down the thirteen steps to my bathroom if my bladder would go ahead and release what was in there.  Because at this point, what the hell else am I going to do so early in the morning? 

Took my cell phone with me to have a "night light" along the way.  So I checked my facebook.  Yes.....whilst I peed.  Isn't THAT nice to know???  I had about eight comments.......... I don't know, it was early.  People were commenting on my spider picture and saying they didn't even see a spider.  Bite me people.  All of you.  Just bite my ass.  It was on the ceiling.  I was on the floor.  It's not going to look huge to YOU in a photograph!!

Anyway, back to bed I go.  As I'm lying there wondering why the hell I can't go back to sleep, I hear a vehicle.  I don't know WHY I looked out the window but I did.  Just in time to see one of the town "boys" driving off through the tall grass across from our property.  Of course it was wet from the rain yesterday and he tore the shit out of it.  Too bad he can't get a life.  I don't know if he saw me looking out of the window or not but as soon as he messed up that property, he went home and got his motorcycle out.  Who knows what trouble he got into after that.  I was determined to go to sleep!

And I layed there.  My mind just swirling with thoughts.  I started thinking about the dogs which led to the puppies and that led me straight to thinking about my precious Bear.  And my eyes started tearing up.  Why the hell can't I think about this dog without crying??  It has been nine months since his death and I STILL can't get over this hurdle!  Kate says that he was in my heart just like a child is in their parents' hearts.  Maybe she's right.  I don't know.  I know I still can't read the blog I wrote about him.  *sigh*

When I was in the hometown on Friday, I stopped in and saw Bear's brother, Harley.  He's an amazingly beautiful dog and I fell in love with him all over again.  Good dog too.  He's not Bear though. 

I still have a lot of notes in my phone.  Not all from last night.  I got to see my precious little Batman on Friday as well.  It was so good to see him again.  Oh yeah.....and his mom and dad!  He's almost a month old and this is the first time I've seen him since the day he was born.  He sure has changed but he sure is a little tiny baby.  I don't think he likes his cool aunt so much though.  He fussed a lot while I was holding him.  And he cried once.  But he was hungry.  All the same, I think he's just as creeped out by me and my personality as I am by his!  We should get along famously then, right??   It is yet to be determined.  Only time will tell on that one.

I think I will stop for now.  I have more...like I said...but it would be way too much.  I don't need you overloading your brain so early in the week!  Have a beautiful day folks!!

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