
Is my heart in this?

So today has been one of the laziest days I have had in...................years maybe.  I got to bed a little after 0200 hrs.  I remember (vaguely) Gee getting up and going to work.  Don't know what time it was but I know he did.  I woke up at 0804 hrs. and thought to myself, "I am going to sleep a little longer and then get up and head to Matilda's house."  Next thing I know, my phone is vibrating and I answer it and it's Gee.  And it's noon.  Holy shit.  I guess I did sleep a little longer!


Of course I had a text message from Matilda around 1000 hrs. asking me what time I was coming down.  Oops, sorry sis!!  I sent her a text and asked her if she still wanted company and then ran downstairs and got in the shower.  I was pretty sure by the time I got out, there would be a text waiting for me, saying "sure, come on down."  

WRONG!  No text.  Nothing.  I knew she was meeting with a realtor today so I figured she would be busy by now anyway.  So I laid around the house............in my bra and underwear.............with my hair done. I texted Kate to see if she wanted company and she was going to some home party and invited me to come with.  No thanks! I finished the book on my Kindle and had some "breakfast" and started to get tired again!  What the hell?? 

Yep, I fell back asleep.  At this point, I had been awake maybe three hours.  Maybe.  I woke up and it was 1800 hrs.  Dammit.  I shouldn't be tired tonight.  And that will start the whole fucking process all over again.  Shit, I can't seem to get straightened out lately!  Anyway,  I guess it was me VS. this nasty, ugly house that we call home.  Ugggghhhh!!

Next I need to add that YOU JUST DODGED A BULLET!  You seriously did!  I had a whole big rant on here about my husband.  No, not his driving again.  Just him.  But I'm better now.  He had the balls to come talk to me and hopefully things are worked out.  For the week.  Because I know it won't last longer than that.  I'm a realist.  Is it me or does it seem that women care a lot more than men do?  Maybe we just show it better. Or maybe we wear our hearts on our sleeves.  I don't know.  I need to buy more sleeveless tops I think.

Enough of that.  Moving on.  Have you seen that new tic tac commercial?  They show a package of tic tacs and then start making pictures with the tic tacs.  Then they say "People spend as much time in the bathroom per year as they do on vacation.  Enjoy yourself.  Have a tic tac.  WHAT THE FUCK??  How does our vacation time, bathroom time and tac tics have ANYTHING to do with each other??  Maybe I should go into advertising.  I could surely do better than THAT!

When I started blogging, I just made mental notes as to what I wanted to blog about.  Then I kept forgetting.  So I moved on to a notepad.  Carried it with me.  Until I forgot it.  Then I started keeping notes in my phone and on my Kindle.  Then I would forget to either look at both of them or just blew them off.  So now I have decided to dig out my old journal.  This is "the book" that I wrote out all my feelings about cancer and my mom and my niece and my ex-husband and my former dog.  Lots of feelings in that book.  I will do my best to refrain from reading what is already written in the book but I can't promise anything.  You never know what you're gonna read here.  

Dick Clark has died.  I don't know anybody that didn't know Dick Clark.  I loved that man.  Handsome every day of his life and down to earth.  He was awesome.  The world truly will be a sadder place without him.  I saw a picture on Facebook last night and it said "Dick Clark has died.  We can no longer ring in the New Year.  Well played Mayans.  Well played."  I thought about his for a second.  Shit, maybe the Mayans really do know what the hell they're talking about.  I mean, come on!  We can't ring in a New Year without Dick Clark!  I know some people did (ok lots of them) but I never have!  NEVER!!  This is downright scary.  

I have several topics to blog about.  I won't bring them ALL to the table tonight.  You're welcome.  I had a crappy night at work last night if anyone was wondering.  I forgot my phone at home.  I forgot my insulin at home.  I forgot my journal at home.  Well played dufus, well played.  I would probably forget my name if it wasn't on my work shirts.  Then my husband wouldn't answer HIS phone.  THEN the 911 system goes haywire and we have to call another employee in who is a walking zombie at this point because he is ALWAYS at the office.  *sigh*  He yelled at me.  That's all the further I'm going with that.  Frank yelled at me.  B00 :(

Other than the crappy part, it was uneventful.  Ok well, except for sitting in and bullshitting with FNG.  It was nice to just sit back and shoot the shit with him after all the tension we've had up to this point.  He really is a nice guy.  (He just likes to show his ass once in a while)  And he liked my new work shoes.  But hey, who wouldn't, right??  Another highlight of my night was listening to my co-worker yell at the radios,  the telephones and hell even the tv for all I know!  People are sure entertaining.

The thing that really sucks at work now is that we don't get to see the Deputies as much.  I HATE that.  I truly hate that.  The Deputies are so fun to talk to.  Usually.  They have their moments.  As do I.  Rarely but I do.  If they bring me a prisoner, they just drop them off and leave.  B00!  *sigh* Oh well, life must go on.  Sometimes though, I run into my fave Deputy and we give each other a mountain of shit.  He has recently started asking me "work questions."  He's trying to catch me at a dumb moment, I just know it. Oh well!  So far, so good.

I made the mistake of reading the internet news last night at work too.  And I know I may be a little bias here BUT I want to get out there that I know there are a lot of bad cops in this world.  I'm not naive.  Much.  But why is it so easy to blame the cops for any and every thing?  If a cop doesn't show up in a minute, people think they don't give a shit.  If a cop has something that is extremely important to tend to, the lesser of the two evils will have to wait.  It's only right.  The bad cops out there make it really bad for the good cops out there and trust me, there are A LOT more good cops out there than bad.  People are too quick to judge anyone these days.  

Well enough of this.  I'm boring myself to tears.  And it's late.  I have to work in the morning.  B00!  I hope your weekend is full of happiness, sunshine and bliss.


  1. Another good one Shelly. You suppose that being so tired just might have something to do with you forgetting your insulin? Huh? Yeah that is what I thought. Take care of your self Gal, cause you know that no one else will. So no more forgetting your meds. :)

    1. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it although I've only forgotten it once. Been late a lot but only forgotten it once lol. Thanks Kay, I love you so much!! Thanks for being in my life! I wouldn't and couldn't have it any other way.

  2. I wish everyone would see it the way you do....there ARE good cops out there...but there are a lot of people that can't see with their blinders on which is sad! Another good one :) I check this blog everyday to see what you are going to come up with :)
