Monday Monday.....can't trust that day
Happy Monday! I hope yours has been as good as mine. I love Mondays but I REALLY love Mondays that are good days. Hate it when I start the week bad. I think we all do though.
We got rid of an eye sore out of our yard today. I am SOOOOO relieved!! Gee has had this old truck sitting behind our house for two years. It was worse than just your ordinary rust bucket. It was awful. I hated looking at it. Now that it's gone, the back yard looks weird. Better.....just weird. He was kinda sad to get rid of it. She made him a lot of money over the years when he was scrapping but she was just plain worn out. He actually made more money selling her to a scrap yard than he paid for her so hey, it's a win-win for him right? AND I get that piece of yard back! -_-
As we were heading home today I told Gee that I want to work in the yard and get the rocks and bricks moved. As I was telling him this, I could hear this teeny tiny voice W-A-Y back in the back of my mind saying "THIS IS BULLSHIT!! DON'T DO IT!" I pretended I couldn't hear it. As much as it pains me, I am trying to tell myself that I have to "keep pushing through" this. I have GOT to get my body back in shape. If it kills me.
And it just MAY kill me. I did some yard work and moved some rocks around. I'm one of those weird people that like rocks. The bigger the better. I like to hunt in fields for them. As I was loading up the wheelbarrow and transporting them from one place to another, I had this mental image of the neighborhood kids walking by my house at night whispering to each other that the "rock lady" lives there. What a legacy! Oh well, at least my yard will look cute!!
We went to grandma's and grandpa's place today and did some target practice. I hadn't done that for a LONG time and quickly forgot ........ twice............. that I am supposed to hold my shotgun CLOSE to my shoulder so the kick doesn't hurt. I forgot this TWICE. Duh!! Of course I really wanted to go out and do that (even though that little teeny tiny voice was screaming at me again) but once I got there and realized I didn't have a jacket, I didn't really want to be there. It's freaking cold today people!! Where did summer go???
After target practice, we went and picked some rhubarb behind the house. The first stalk Gee handed me, I cleaned off with my hands and took a huge bite. Oh. Em. Gee. It was heaven. Grandpa had never seen anyone do that before so he thought I had flipped my lid. I thought Gee was going to puke. HA!
I think our fun for the evening will be to pick ticks off ourselves. We're a wild couple. Sometimes I think we should call the cops on ourselves for being so wild. I think I am going to take a jacuzzi and soak away and read but not until my head is checked. Ticks gross me out and they are THICK this year. Can't hardly walk under a tree without getting one on ya. YUCKO!!
In four days I leave for my girls weekend. I am extremely excited! I love girls weekend. We usually end up finding something out about each other that we didn't know. It's not always good things either!! I have some scary friends and family dammit! Anyway, I am looking forward to visiting some thrift shops aka Goodwill and Salvation Army. I love used treasure!! Planning on getting me a new pair of shoes too! Very excited about that!!
Right about now I feel like I'm starving! I could eat the ass end out of a baracuda!! Ughhhhh could someone bring me a hamburger? With cheese? And bacon? That sounds so yummy but I am waaaay to lazy to go make it. Maybe I can "con" Gee into making them when he gets back. After all, I DO tell him all the time how RIGHT he is and how good of a driver he is! Yeah right! I can't even type that with a straight face!! -_-
And to change the subject, here's something that just drives me NUTSO! I just got an alert to view a guest book from a friend's funeral. (No, that's not the part that drives me crazy) As I'm reading this poem somebody wrote, "you was..............." PEOPLE STOP THE MADNESS! Don't say "you was!" Say "you were!" Come on! Whenever I hear someone say "you was............," I just want to stop them in mid-sentence and say "Did you mean to say it like that or did you just make a MISTAKE? 'Cause you KNOW it's supposed to be "you were."" I doubt anyone would love if I would do that though.
Okay well I've had a bath and a cheeseburger. MmMmMm it was outstanding!! I's gots me a one o them goooood hubands!! I just came from Facebook and here's what I see. A few people that OVER AND OVER keep posting the same shit. One guy is posting and re-posting pictures of dogs and how we are their voice. Yes dude, we ARE their voice and MY dogs voice is telling you to STOP THE FUCKING MADNESS! Shut the hell up already!
This same guy will have ninety seven posts tomorrow about God. Don't get me wrong. I love God. I pray to God. I fear God. But I don't SHOVE God down anyone's throats. He's going to be going bye bye real soon! His stories are now on "hide." That's code for "stand-by." Dick.
I love animals as much as the next guy but Geezus H, are you serious??? This is what he has posted in the last hour............
"In a relationship with Dog" (Isn't that against the law??)
"Dog Lessons for People" (Stupid humans 101?)
"We are their voice" (You already know what my dogs voice says)
A picture of a dog with a funny look on his face (That is MOST dogs)
A picture of a squirrel that is tiny and has a wrap on it's "arm" (Seriously?)
A picture of some animal climbing a rope that is drawn from one end of the street to the other (Oh yeah, I see that EVERY day!)
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language" (And an animal's teeth have the power to make you scream like a little bitch)
A picture of a baby lamb (Yes dude,yesterday was Easter)
"Go orange to support animal cruelty month" (Go away to support my sanity)
"I gave a dog my heart. It's yet to be broken" (How about your neck? Is that available to be broken?!?)
That is more shit than I post in a day dude! GET A LIFE!!
Okay before I have to get mean, I will just stop! I'm trying to give mean a rest. Goodness needs a workout in this house. Have a fantastic evening and I hope your tomorrow is full of piles and worms...........I mean smiles and love.
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Is the offending poster Mark M? I got rid of that putz a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteThat was going to be my guess....lol
ReplyDeleteHe and another got hid.